8 - -:■..■*• ‘x^sßSHS3BSi^j^^emi»SSaS^^B!ss^semnKm^S^^e^SS^oiv.j&mßSßbmßSßmm(mSmmomaSMTs 1 ~ • -:t “ iffi iniiniiiy tPr Mfif ■ .^>«%^lmSßS|^ks®K: v - III* .- . •-™i p^pj^ppfMl KfiES-SggJEPL ■*.- . . -7 & - -1 llaBBrai& • ♦ swSHip^^l I : 'm £"... "/••.' v- ,> JBPi 9 •-,. ' .BL | %■ f Tg|i^ 1 -f; ,^ t -vffip ■•■•-"■ ~ v — > |V;'., 11 HBH H •'*’ i . - FAYETTEVILLE STREET CHURCH PRESENTS "CELESTIAL WEDDING’ ray etteville Street Baptist Church, 751 Fayetteville St., presented, for the second time, its version of she “Celestial Wedding.” In the background is the group that won the rites of the ceremony. Left, h }. Dudley Hinton, Sr., group leader; center, Miss Phyllis Marshall and James D. Hinton, Jr., the bridal party; end on the right is the preacher, Lorenza Hilliard, who performed the ‘‘Celestial Wedding.” The total amount reported for this occasion was $4,201.85, with many persons yet to make their reports. When the Rally is complete, it is expected to bring the total to $6,000.00. CLINTON NEWS CLAYTON An impressive set ting for a birthday dinner was seen recently at the home of Miss Eliza Sanders, Route 1, Clayton. The dinner was served in order to honor Miss Sanders’ father, Mr. Monroe Sanders, and her brother, Mr. Ransome Sanders. The father, Mr. Monroe Sanders, was 90 years old Friday, April 2nd. He reads the daily paper without glasses. He eats heartily with no restricted diet, and gets around like a man much younger than his age. Hi* dinner guest included the following! BAIT & TACKLE SPORTING GOODS Red Wiggler Tackle & Bait Shop Minnows Crickets - Worms ED HARRIS 1400 New Bern Ave. Phone 833-0245 Raleigh, N. C. WELCOME NCTA To Raleigh And To Our Store OPEN FRIDAY ’TIL 9 P. M. i JEWELERS 137 Fayetteville St. White Label DEWAR’S SCOTCH WHISKY *KJ*fc f SO&fc jg SWisMetefti RtitcMttati «j| I “White Label" I Dewars nt Blended scotch Whisky I JOOX SCOTCH WHISKIES SE 9* Wo duct of scot law® m ~ BLE.KOSD *.NC! lomte EV HE eolin Dewar & Sons L-■ f DISTILLERS. ®. 11 *««:»r»oof. E SCofIOT). If |||§ m icon*** |p| |K i* r , „ OisttibaJow in, USA w fgpi Import Corporation. New | i H 31KB SCOTCH WHISKY • 86.3 PROOF * ©SWIEY IMPORTS CO., K.Y„ B.Y, me mmimim n. N. C., SATURDAY, APRIL IS, 1365 Mr. Curtis and Mrs. Della Archi- I bald, Mrs. Cornelia Grice, his sis ! ter, from Wilson Mills, who cele brated her 84th birthday last July; ■ Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Whitley, of ; Wilson Mills. Mr. Whitley is 84. | Mrs. Grace W. Kennedy, Mr. and ; Mrs. Sylvester Sanders, of Dur- I ham; Mr. and Mrs. James Sanders, I his son and daughter-in-law, of ■ Fayetteville; and Bruce Sanders, of j Raleigh. The following dropped in with | some gifts to say, “happy birth ; day"; Mrs. Mable Barbour and j daughter, Edith Ann, and Miss Ma tilda Ormond, of Cooper Elemen tary School. A very delicious dinner was serv ed and a pleasant afternoon was en- joyed by all. 1 Mojy" PjU Couple!® Satisfaction on all Colonial leal Purchases or Bonisle Your Mane? Back! SHBHHB BSSA |f|| MAtint-YEN "snnjn li.!i!jji!ill!ljl1 C Ah WRMf ★ sirloin imWBaBB r- pm p . BB ★T-bone nroSK M¥E& M E —>■■ rnTm * TOP round ’- v * beef n. 3Se m —I MFWk IWm wmm * IU.WW * calf &t* " ' mtmll *wwm» * mm Ih. 29c NATUR-TENDER J » SwffPs PrMBhiTM » Winner Qtislitr SWIFT'S PREMIUM L_._ * SHUCK BOASTS n». 39«| 59c bol ogms raV^c NATUR-TENDER NATUR TENDER PLATE rHnw(r . « , rpn M ..l MMHHBRM m mu. ’ - CnUNK. I SLICED SHOULDER TIP «r RUMP ★CKUCti, sTt,»S,S n».4fc| J i t STSW...ib.i9c ib.33dib.3fc skS9e a.99< PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY, APML SS-OUANTTIY BIGHTS RESERVED * !_____ Taste the sweet fresh flavor SWiTOIIMB ..« ®S BRAND OR WAGNER ORANGE IgL JE WV EL ™ J®JE C s £ E 4«^sp — ■— _ KJhk. LUOfN BANTAM EGGS .., Xk I SAWW, STte m■ » 14-or. BRACK jaiY 8188 EGGS .. 29c MORTON DINNERS -39« BRACK Malted tm c S^lc^Sfc TiOIXFTY IMU.W.iSlfkmwn //T ill ,J5~ _! BBWB9«ST*«n I L-Jlw SAVE «C ON CORONET SAVE 45c ON VAHLSING FROZEN b 1 miLT-M c& TISSinS 2rl«. French Fries - ii ~ZT ® MB® mWTSmii Me C 8 »««■ > ™™<=- »»9-nsollll "'I TfWIS S? 49e| I rt\ H - ® MIiAOE M1... /i i\ 7TV/IM sSrj^.r*’li SAVE SSo ©M ®S brand • « • SSBBiSM^Bsig) pOa MAYONNAISE «™» 39*1 ““°™ j M^r;' jJbSEa 't'’ ■- 16-o/~ now oven mpf JlfP' flrdil /fllf ! JUICY, SWEET, -ALL HJSPOBE” FRESH, SUGARLOAF LARGE, LUSCIOUS :'. r&i-iaigaSjg^aaJi ?,/ RED ROME “ItfIMJY-TO-EAT” FRESH B //1 16 ftTbeam APPI.ES SmVBEIBIES I nunnnuin| IfJj /rS extension 41 **• *“ if' f-- |" S _ i^sobb—» |j#bQe ftES L®S£“J ■ /rs%isits 1 tsKijj sMiJs;| it ■» .. **•”- rSSfSS'j 'J • | m|U “ W 2808 S. WILMINGON ST, • Northsida Center • GLENWOOD VILLAGE * CAMERON VELLACS A TRIBUTE TO DSL MARTEN LUTHER KING In its weekly assembly program held last Friday, Cooper High School's body was entertained and enlightened with a program pre sented by the eight-Y grade, cen tered around Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Montgomery story. The various skits presented by the class helped the audience to re call some of the achievements made in Montgomery, Alabama because of Ilr. Kings help and guidance, such as the Montgomery bus boy cott, when Negroes agreed to walk until they received equal rights on buses. The skits showed that, even though it took hard work and staunch determination, the Negroes in Montgomery made the boycott convincing enough that it brought to them success. In spite of bombings and other foul play, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. inspired the people by stress ing Christian love. One student, portraying Rev. Ro bert Graltz, a Montgomery minis ter whose house was bombed, stat ed “I am planting a tree in this bomb crater to remind us that in the midst of death there is life also.” In such an appropriate time for a program of this nature, the class conveyed many good points fer everyone as the fight for freedom still persists. The skits also encom passed Rev. Kings’ life as he work ed for his fellow men and worked for his education in his home town of Montgomery, Alabama. Miss S. Heath was the teacher in charge of the program. SIGN in a New York bar; “New Y'ear's Resolutions Notarized Here.” Catholic Digest —March. Rhankatte News BY MRS. LUCILLE CHAVIS - 1 .- ,t .V- yft^Vp^ MKb. !. HA\ SS RHAMKATTE Church School began at 9:45 a.m. at the St. John AME Church with the superintend ent, Mr. George Tucker, presiding. Rev. E E, Worthy, pastor, deliver ed a wonderful sermon at the 11:00 a.m. worship service. He spoke from Solomon, 5:6; subject, “I did not, ask the other fellow what he was doing.” The Pastor’s Aids group met at 6:30 p.m. Evening worship service was conducted by the pastor. The Missionary Club of Watts Chapel Church will sponsored a barbecue Friday, April 9. at the home of Mrs. Ballentine. A drive will begin at St. John Pleasant Grove School BY DIANA ANDERSON AND LUSTER PARKER BURLINGTON Regular PTA meeting will be held in the school auditorium on April 13 at 7:30 p.m. All parents are expected to be pres ent. Marcene Miles of Grade 7A was declared champion of the Spelling Bee Contest held recently with the boys and girls of grades 4-8. Mar cer.e will compete in a Spelling Bee with boys and girls from the county on April 28. On Monday, April 5. Herbert M. Heughan, professor of mathematics at A&T College, spoke to the teach ers of Pleasant Grove Union School Church Monday evening, April 26- JO, Various speakers will conduct ervice each evening for the bene r.t of the Pastor's Aid. Sunrise ser vice will begin at St. John AME Church, Easter Sunday morning at ."•:O0 a.m. The youth choir will cel obi ate its anniversary on the third Sunday in May. THOUGHT OF THE DAY: “Cast thy bread upon the waters for thou shalt find it after many days.” (Ec clesiastes, 11:1.) PRESIDENT BRAWLEY TO UNIVERSITY IN JUNE RETIRE FROM CI.ARK ATLANTA (NPI) Dr. James P, Brawley, whose ad ministration is said to be the mn < fruitful in the 96-year -1 of Clark University, v. ■ !his coming June aft; •• ir -’ service as teach er. dr:,- and president. 1 and to teachers of affiliated schools. Mr. Heughan’s discourse was cen tered on Modern Math in the ele mentary school. The consultant’s appearance at this meeting was the result of an invitation extended to him by the Professional Service Committee of the school. LONDON OIL Burns To Serve You ;\fi;\i7fiC Call TE 2-200-I—George London and always wake up warm. | Insurance Anil Bonds INSURANCE- Wc write F,re ’ Automobile, W!nd „ Xi. \ * torm and Homeowners Policies. Fisre, | i heft, Collision and Liability Fidelity and Surety. Do yon need a band to qualify as Administrator, Executor or Trua | tee of an Estate, or,Guardian of a Minor. f CALL US FOR INFORMATION AND SERVICE | ACME REALTY CO. 129 E. HARGETT ST„ RALEIGH, N. C. PHONE TE 2-095# FORMER TULSA NEWSMAN GETS COMMERCE DEPARTMENT POST WASHINGTON (NPl)—Ed die L. Madison, Jr., 34-yeor old former editor-in-chief of the weekly Oklahoma Ragle, Tulsa, Okla., is now working as a public information spec ialist with the IJ. S. Depart ment of Commerce in Wash ington. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE