fc - p ' life ''\ Wm "jjEBHr -"UK ! s'* jg»k V~ wsasßgw, ■ .m 41 MSlffiaS ■ vl' lW' « . : "TW Juvenile Decencv Duo —lack of shoes fails to Ham* per lad at left and his friend as they prepare for anti-litter campaign in “Keep America Beautiful program, tvpical of community service activities of thousands of Boys' Clubs of America members. I Sell Your Cotton I And Tobacco | Products In | Bum, N. C. J | Bonk In Dunn | Trade In Dunn | Bin Market ( Promoters Shop With With The TRADING POST For Your Bock To School Needs Just Across The Street From Mattox Department Store Dunn, N. C. Welcome To Dunn, Mr. Tobacco Grower a*®***®*'**##**#®®®**®**I**®®***®®®*®*® 1 **®®***®®®*®*® ® | SAVE 01 BUILDING COSTS ; DURING OUR 13TH ANNUAL Clean Sweep Sale j Doors $ 2,88 1 Range Hoods 19,88 j Carton 6 Lt Bulbs 99c j 3 Tubes Caulking 1,09 j Paint gal. 2.00 i j 25% OFF TOOLS Storm Doors 19.88 : Many More Building Bargains! ; Buy Now And Save * w \ NuHum Wholesale \ \ Builders Supply QUALITY BUILDING MATEttJkL” ! Ideal 892-?i9i--892-7i»* ms n. elms avenue < i P. O. BOX SS® DOW. N. c.; (*«@#®#«***««****»**»«**®*«*#*»®»«®*®»**®i Visit Your Friendly CADiLLAC-OLDSMOBILE DEALER Dennis Codiiloc-Olds & dlnton Avenue 892-774? DUNN, N. C. Magic Formula For Juvenile Decency Includes Patience, Skill, Experience In the sometimes wild, usu ally puzzling, often aggravat ing world of today’s teen agers, it’s difficult to establish many basic, normal, continuing be havior patterns. Understanding their mercu rial changes in thought and ac tion, discovering their moti vations, learning to harness their super-abundance of en ergy, takes time, patience and skill. One organization, which has learned much about youth during 105 years of working with them, is the Boys'* Clubs of America. Today, in some 650 Boys’ Usind your JTeadjff^ by Sylvia Schaefer , Jjj S AT. CONSULTANT TO FASHION TRESS, INC, | % . minute in »<■ j fte, spection prs W around the -« house to be sure she hadn’t forgotten any thing...“ Cosmetic case, tickets, motion sickness pills, book, raincoat, wig...” Yes, wig! More and more wigs and hairpieces are becoming stand ard equipment for vacation fashion. After a day of sight seeing or a dip ir. the pool, that lovely coiffeur she started out with is a thing of the past. With a wig, however, after a refreshing dip, she can appear at a hotel cocktail party look ing like she’d spent the after noon in the beauty parlor. The convenience afforded by wigs goes far beyond travel. Two "heads are better than one for every woman from secre taries to society figures —in every walk of life. “Why me?”, you may ask ... Well, if you’re a young, un married girl, I’ll wager that you have a big interest in glamour. No fashion asset passes you by. With a wig, you have the top fashion accessory. And it enables you to spend your precious Saturday after noon somewhere other than a beauty parlor under a hair dryer. For the young married, wigs are the greatest things since frozen food! In an instant, you can transform yourself from a harried housewife to the al ways beautiful wife. Life as a young married is likely to be a busy one complete with social emergencies when you need to look your best on a moment’s notice. Many a woman has made the switch to wigs be cause she’s had this situation happen just one too many times “Honey, I know this is short notice, but I must bring so-and so for dinner tonight. If you’re an older woman, whose hair may have thinned or lacks body, today's wig is a blessing. The woman whose hair has been damaged by too much dyeing and continual set ting is able to sport a vibrant, coiffeur for the first time in years. Moreover, it gives her own hair a chance to rest. Whatever age group a wom an belongs to, she should own a wig. 1) For one thing every wom an wants to own a luxury item. She just plain likes the idea. A wig is a status symbol. Movie stars and public figures wear them. Why shouldn’t she? 2) Wigs have tremendous psy chological value. For a woman, everything can be coming up roses but if her hair looks bad, she feels depressed. Says one new wig devotee, “Instead of going out and buying myself a new dress for a pick-me-up, I put on my wig!” This is all part of the feminine mystique of being unpredictable, mood shifting, fascinating. 3) Wigs just plain make woman look better. Evers the most experienced hair setting doesn’t stay that way all week long. Women, whose hair lacks body or is too thin, have found that extra oomph their set needs in wigs or hairpieces. With a Fashion Tress wig, you can do as much as with your own hair and more. 4) But perhaps the most im portant reason to buy a wig is its practicality. When time is of the essence, wigs are most valuable. They arc the answer when a woman feels the need Clubs, well over 600,000 de serving boys offer dramatic proof of what the vast majority of our nation’s youngsters can achieve under profes sional leadership. In San An tonio, a group of Club members operates a free moving van service for old or sick people. In Dayton, 0., another group paints the homes of old, sick, or poverty-stricken neighbors. San Diego Boys’ Club members work with mentally retarded children and make progress previously considered impossible. At Macon, Ga., the Club mem bers "de-fuse” abandoned re frigerators rendering them for changing her hair style, in stead of sitting in the beauty parlor, she simply sends her wig! More and more wigs and hairpieces are becoming basic MISS DEB . . . answers questions » about Junior Miss Fs » ill i etiquette, grooming k 111 and interests. ’ n i \ Q. I'm not overweight, but my waist is too big. S keep intending to do something about it hut I keep putting it off because I don’t know what to do. Can you suggest any waist slimming exercises? A. Summer vacation is a perfect time to begin exercising. Follow this simple routine every day and your waist will be noticeably slimmer long be fore you go back to school. Stand with feet together, stomach pulled in, and seat tucked under. Raise arms over head and reach for the ceiling. Now, alternately reach with left and right fingertips, stretching higher than you thought pos sible. Feel a pull in your sides? Good! After eight stretches with each arm, keeping legs straight, bend over and relax the top of your body complete ly, limply dangling your head between your legs Repeat. Each day, try to reach higher, stretching with your whole body. You’ll be pleased with the inches-lost results. Q. This may not sound very important, hut I always have trouble eating spaghetti. It falls between the fork prongs and I end up slurping if up strand by strand. Is there a proper way to eat spaghetti? A. Spaghetti can be messy. But that’s no reason for it to be embarrassing People with experience eat it with a large soup spoon and a fork. They hold the spoon in their left hand, upright on the piate, as a back stop for the fork. Holding the fork in their right hand, they separate five or six strands C?/ . . . answers questions about Junior Miss etiquette, grooming and interests. Q. I'm not overweight, but my waist is too big. I keep intending to do something about it but 1 keep putting it off because S don’t know what to do. Can you suggest any waist slimming exercises? A. Summer vacation is a perfect time to begin exercising. Follow this simple routine every day and your waist will be noticeably slimmer long be fore you go back to school. Stand with feet together, stomach pulled in, and seat tucked under. Raise arms over head and reach for the ceiling. Now, alternately reach with left and right fingertips, stretching higher Shan you thought pos sible Fee! a pull in your sides? Good! After eight stretches with each arm, keeping legs straight, bend over and relax the top of your body complete ly, limply dangling your head between your legs. Repeat. Each day. try to reach higher, stretching with your whole body. You’ll be pleased with the inches-iost results. Q. This may not sound very important, but i always have trouble eating spaghetti. St falls between the fork, prongs and I end up slurping it up strand by strand. Is there a proper way to eat spaghetti? A. Spaghetti cun be messy. But that’s no reason for it to be embarrassing. People with experience eat it with a large soup spoon and a fork. They hold the spoort in their left hand, upright on the plate, as a back stop for the fork. Holding the fork in their right hand, they separate five or six strands harmless as traps for playing children. Newark, N. J,, boys are enlisted in a “Junior Crime Fighters" program which is credited with playing a major role in reducing both juvenile and adult crime. In scores of other cities, thousands of Boys’ Club mem bers are enrolled in similar pro grams, all designed to combat juvenile delinquency by encour aging Juvenile Decency. Running these Clubs, which are privately supported, costs money. In fact, a great deal of money or some $20,000,000 an nually for the more than 650 individual Clubs. Funds are provided through Community Chest, United Fund, civic, serv ice, labor, veterans’ and frater nal organizations and through many other private sources. Responsible citizens in about 450 communities, supervise the staffing and operation of each Boys’ Club, which is part of the overall Boys’ Clubs of America. Heading the national organization is Richard M. Nixon, elected board chairman succeeding the late Herbert Hoover, who served in the post for 28 years. of spaghetti, press the tips of the prongs against the spoon, wind the spaghetti, around the fork and eat. Don’t worry if you can’t master this method! It is just as acceptable and equally good manners to cut the spaghetti into small pieces with your fork and eat it that way. Q. Npw that I have stopped biting my nails, they won’t grow without splitting and breaking off. It makes me won der if it was really worth it to stop. What can I do to have nice nails? A. Get the manicure habit! First, soak your fingertips in warm water for five minutes to make nails flexible and cuticles soft. File all of your nails into tapering ovals of the same length with an emery board or nail file Then push back the cuticle with the flat end of an orange stick wrapped in cotton soaked with cuticle remover. Polish your nails with opaque pastel polish using a base coat, two or three coats of polish for extra strength, and a top coat to discourage chipping. Opaque pastel polish does not attract a great deal of attention, but eliminates the temptation to peel nails where they split. A once-a-week manicure will soon have your nails looking lovely. (For answers to other ques tions on grooming, beauty and babysitting write for your two in-one guidebook "Sitting Beauty." Send 55 cents to: "Sitting Beauty,” Box 55 l-P, Kimberly-Clark Corp., Neenah, H "is.) fl? of spaghetti, .press the tips of the prongs against the spoon, wind the spaghetti, around the fork and eat. Don’t worry if you can’t master this method! It is just as acceptable and equally good manners to cut the spaghetti into small pieces with your fork and eat it that way. Q. Now that I have stopped biting my nails, they won’t grow without splitting and breaking off. it makes me won der if it was really worth it to stop. What can I do to have nice nails? A. Get the manicure habit! First, soak your fingertips in warm water for five minutes to make nails flexible and cuticles soft. File all of your nails into tapering ovals of Ihe same length with an emery hoard or nail file. Thbn push back the cuticle with the flat end of an orange stick wrapped in cotton soaked with cuticle remover. Polish your nails with opaque pastel polish using a base coat, two or three coats of polish for extra strength, and a top coat to discourage chipping. Opaque pastel polish does not attract a great deal of attention, hut eliminates the temptation to peel nails where they split. A once-a-wcek manicure will soon have your nails looking lovely. (For answers to other ques tions on grooming, beauty and babysitting write for your two in-one guidebook "Silting Beauty." Send If cents to: "Sitting Beauty," Box 551-P, Kimberly-Clark Corp., Neenah, W'it.) THE VETERANS CORNER EDITOR’S NOTE: Below are authoritative answers by the Veterans Admins t rat ion to seme of the many questions from former servicemen and their families. Further Infor mation on veterans benefits may be obtained at any VA office. Q My son Is leaving for military service and there is the possibility he might be sent where there is actual fighting. Can he purchase a Government Life Insurance Policy? A— No. No Government Life Insurance is available as such. However, In the event of his death, his survivors have the protection of the Depen dency and Indemnity Compensa tion program. Should he live, if he establishes after sepera tlon from service that he has by Claire Parks Keep Your Summer Tan from Fading Women who tan e.isily. usually love wearing the sun on their skins. If not taken to extremes, to the point where it seems leathery rather than gilded, the golden look of a sun-touched skin is youthfully at tractive . . . especially when it contrasts with light-col- f ~\ ored summer clothes. i If getting a tan doesn't V-fili present a problem J'-'l’ holding on lo it often / \ does. When sunbath- /. ing is limited to /'/' \\J I weekends at the // \ \ beach, or has to (/ be condensed I, into a two- „ week vaca- * lion period, you won't want to witness its fading—you'd like to keep it as long as you can. Don't worry about it T here is something you can do to hold the golden tones in your skin, even if your sunbaths are few and far between. This year, you can count on Pond's new improved Dry Skin Cream to help prevent your tan from fading and linking. The cream is as rich as it always was. but now has a new lightness of texture and deeper penetration that leaves your skin feeling freshly moisturized, almost "bathed." Smooth it into your face, shoulders, arms and legs when you come in from the sun . . . and your tan will stay freshly sun-toned, glowingly gold en much longer than it ever did before. When you think of it . . . it’s fun to he a woman in this day and age. Every year we’re presented with something new and something better. And this summer, you can count on a tan that lasts and Lists and lasts. SERVING FINE NORTH CAROLINA COMMUNITIES WITH FULL BANKING OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU! A MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Serving The Tamers Since If IS Cotton Sinners Warehousemen, Groin Aid Feed Denier General Utility Company f Inc. Dunn, N. C. 892-2187 THE CAHOIINIAM RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 1863 a disability incurred In or ag gravated by military service, he may be lelgible to apply for an Insurance policy which Is available to certain disabled veterans. ************** Q I am a World War n Finest Food For Less musT SUPER MARKET 1 Dunn, N, C [•••••••••••••••••« Welcome Mr. Tobacco Grower Os 1965 For Yos&f Back Sclool Htids Sk@p m um sTom Clothing For Ladies & Young Mer DUNN, N. C Shop, Bay It Save H«r§ Visit Johnson Furniture Co. For Complete Home Furnishing MELVIN JOHNSON, Owner Ask For One Os Our Courteous Salesmen James or Charlie veteran with no service-con nected disabilities. Would I be lelgible for the new “J” insurance? A— You would not be eli gible unless you have a non service - connected disability which Is unlnsurable by com mercial companies at their highest rates; also you’must show that <mch disability nxist 17

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