the CAftoumAK M&tJBTOW. sr. c.. SATURDAY, BRPTEMRER 4. IMS 20 t - ;-| ; 2mm SAMMY DAVIS, JR. SETS SPECIAL SHOW - Youngsters tn a variety of sizes and from a variety of cities will appear with Mr. Show Business In a special Thanksgiving Day television show, "Sammy Davis and the Wonderful W rid of Children.” He appears as the only adult In an hour long color program which features original music and lyrics in an Imaginative story. With Sammy Davis are four young performers from the New York area: left to right, Susan Alpern, 10; Jewel Hoston, 8; Steve’ Taylor 9, and Dennis Scott. 12. NCTA’s E. B. Palmer Writes On State’s Teacher Dismissals BY E. B. PALMER •X herewith submit my per sonal views In response to the hypothetical case which was posed during the Morganton- HendersonvGle trials which was as follows: "Given two teachers both of whom finished the same school with very identical records, and who basically have very simi lar other qualifications and ex perience backgrounds, and; giv en one is White and the other Negro, and; given the Super intendent is Negro, which teach er is likely to get the position?’* Given two teachers of oppo site races, and given equal qualifications and experience rating*, the selective criteria may be on a basis of some other factor such as personali ty, appearance, etc., but never "RACE." We do not need to probe the minds of men, their ac tion be-ape&ks their thinking. Yes, current legal laws exists which provide an opportunity for certain rights and responsibi lities to be guaranteed free men. However, the very reason for which we have been in court session evidences the fact that there are men of niave charac ter who would circumvent the in tent of existing laws and foster pr&ctoces contrary to those laws. Such is the case of those who are following the pattern of arbitralrly displacing Negro teachers under the guise of selecting teachers on the basis of competency and qualifica tions, Since some men of unethical character would not practice the good intent of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Negro is placed in & position to call upon the just and humane think ing of the Judges who preside and rule to these cases and the courts in which they are held. The consistent pattern of Ne gro teachers being dismissed in North Carolina as a result of student re-assignment and the abolition of the dual school system seems to suggest th® premise that there are no In competent white teachers and that all Negro teachers are less competent than any white teach er. The question of the op portunity of Negroes to receive a comparable education In Ne gro schools and colleges to that of whites in the past assumes the allegation that ail schools and colleges are inferior to any whit* school. Although public facilities and equipment for the educational training of Negro pupil® have been inferior In most iastaaces to that of th® Ttimm You Should Ksow wms H OPh„, . . Son QF A SCOTTISH IMMIGRANT AND A NEGRO WOMAN, HE GRADUATED FROM BROWN UN tV, IN 1094; l ATER BECAME A PRO” " FESSOR OF LATIN & GREEK AT ATLANTA BAPTIST UNjV. / IN iUiy, 1905/ 29 NEGRO EDITORS,TEACHER.% ETC. FROM 14 STATES MET AT FORT ERIE TO UPHOLD CIVIL RIGHTS a OPPOS| COMPROMISE IN BOOKERT PROGRAM; SYTHEN, hope was president of the school,later to become jMMBHIB white pupils in our State, the dedication and performance of m any of the Negro tea cher s have been outstanding. The results of which have produced Rhode Scholars and men like Ralph Bunch, Asa Spaulding, John H. Wheeler, Dr. S. E. Duncan, George Washington Carver, Thurgood Marshall and many, many others. There further seems to exist an opinion that even though many Negroes have received a degree(s) from na tionally outstanding Integrated colleges and universities, they are still less competent when pitted against a white teacher of similar degree ratings, even If the white teacher graduated from a less renown institution (other criteria is then suggest ed for discriminating). The experience of a teacher Is of prime Importance in think ing of the development of a sound educational program. Every administrator should endeavor to recruit potentially outstand ing beginning teachers. Every administrator Is therefore hopeful, that they will be able to develop the beginning teach er Into a competent experienced teacher and retain their ser vices as long as they continue to show growth. Under present certificate requirements in GET TIPS ON DISHWASHING - Amanda Ambrose, billed as the shapllest mother in show business gives a few pointers on the womanly art of washing dishes last week to Maurice McAllister and Wallace Sampson, two members of the popular Radiants who are learning every conceivable thing they might be asked to do by the lucky fan who wins them for a day in current “Win A Recording Artist” contest being conducted by Startime Features. North Carolina, with the In creased supervisory services provided, the growth of profes sional teachers is greatly en hanced. The notion advanced, "that when a school year ends no teacher has a job; and that when a promising beginning teacher applies, an administrator is acting In good faith to dismiss a teacher with many years of service and hire the promising beginner' is a notion of un ethical essence. When socety reaches the point - that when an Individual Is elected to any professional position and Is dis missed at the very introduction of a promising beginner, -then no man, judge, teacher,preach er, etc., Is safe to commit himself to any financial Involve ment or feel any degree of security In his employment. Whether tenure laws exist or not, social and morale laws have long established the bind which should avail men to con tinuous employment to the age of retirement as long as their services are satisfactory. If our educational system is to practice anything to the con trary, then our society will develop a new and gigantic prob lem of unemployment, shortage of teachers and employment Insecurity. * * * * * * * * *+* ♦ Sudden weather changes can cause sudden chemical chang es in your body. Give your heart a helping hand by taking It easy when the temperature soars or plunges, advises the North Carolina Heart Associa tion. Nuclear Generating Plant Bids Invited For Proposed Specifications Tiave been sub m tiled to manufacturers and bids Invited for a nuclear e lectric generating plant under consideration by Carolina Pow er & Light Company. CP&L is studying the eco nomics of using nuclear fuel In its next generating unit, which will be needed in 1970 to help the expected growth of the re gion. Shearon Harris, CP&L presi dent, said a decision is expect ed to be reached this fall on whether It will be more eco nomical to use nuclear energy or coal for the new facility. Meanwhile, four companies have been invited to submit bids for a* nuclear plant to deter mine If nuclear energy will be more economical, and prelimi nary meetings looking toward the use of this type of energy have been held Atomic Energy Commission,; If a nuclear .pisrit Js huQt f it would be st:-.. . .'4;^rg