EDITORIAL FEATURE NAACP Prexy Bypassed According to Mrs. Millie Veasey, president of the Raleigh Branch of the NAACP, the story published in last Thursday’s News and Observer of a suit filed against Wake Memorial Hospital for discriminatory practices was not au thorized by her office at that time. Mrs. Veasey said the suit was discussed, plans made to file same and Attorney Mitchell was to be advised when to file the suit. Nonetheless, she says the suit was filed by Atty. Mitchell without her knowledge or authority, at the time. For some years, Raleigh Negroes have been represented in public affairs by a few people who have been loyal to each other. This has had its advantages and its disadvantages. No doubt, being ac customed to operating within such a framework things were done: and possi bly discussed later, and accepted. Now, under the leadership of Mrs. Veasey, NAACP Branch here will, according to her, experience some discipline as she intends to function according to the rules and not individuals. This new concept here is like a fresh spring breeze blowing in healthful breaths of pure air to win ter-weary lungs after a long hard freez ing season. The Carolinian, like Mrs. Veasey, sees a new day for Raleigh when its civic and political organizations begin to function with freedom and without self-styled leaders who use organizations for their advancement and then let them decay. Through the years, Raleigh has had to continually re-activate its Citizens Asso ciation and NAACP. Who Is N ext? Mrs. Julia Brown’s one-hour speech over WRNC last Thursday evening rais ed the eyebrows of many local citizens. Mrs. Brown and the sponsors certainly believe in free speech for themselves. That is their constitutional and God given right. It is also the right of every other American citizen. From her own expereince, she admitted when she real ized she had been duped by the Com munist Party she quit after 9 months. There is no doubt that there are others who quit after finding the course of the Fellow Traveler unwanted and un- American. This is also true with Ameri cans who have denounced the Ku Klux Klan publicly, in recent hearings in Washington, as unlike what they ex pected. In fact, there are many differing views about the complex American so ciety by individuals and organizations. This would hardly be a democracy if this circumstance did not exist. There are those who may have been too small in the past and are still nar rowed in their views about their fellow man. However, America is growing in its world concept, different ideologies are becoming more understood; cultures Politics And You We have studied the Negro’s political approach throughout the state and throughout the nation and we have reached the conclusion that everywhere one party has had the unwavering sup port of the Negro, that party has lost respect for the political savvy of the Negro. The Frederick Douglas theory of "The Republican Party is the ship and all else is the sea” militated to the extent that many states, controlled by the Democrats, disfranchised the Negro. The Democratic politicians in many of the northern states used this as a weapon and lured Negroes into the fold, to the extent they took over the counties, state houses and even the presidency with the Negro vote. The Negro gave the Demo cratic Party his vote and the party lead ers gave him high rent, in rat infested slums, inferio: jobs and second-class ed ucation in many instances. A Negro ward healer in Durham, when asked by a Negro Republican can didate, in the presence of a Democratic political leader, if he were going to sup port him, had the following to say: ‘‘lf a Democrat dog was running against you, I would vote for the dog ’ This proves conclusively that Negroes must seek values from elected officials and not doles. Another Democratic leader is known to have said that he had to feed his grandchildren and the money was Did You Know . . . Did you know that, according to regu lations of the Federal Housing Author ity, whenever there is a vacancy at eith er Chavis Heights, Halifax Courts or Walnut Terrace, the administrator is re quired to place same on the bulletin board? When vacancy is posted, any one without regard to color, may apply for housing in any of the public housing facilities here and anywhere in America. Did you know that the Raleigh Citi zens Association has been more or less inactive for two years? Presently there is machinery hi motion to re-activate this vital organization here. Did you know that two Negroes who were thought to be white upon entry at Wake Memprial Hospital were later re moved to the ‘'Negro wings?” One was discovered to be a Negro when he was visited by a tan friend. The other was removed -when he was visited by his own Wife, She was brown-skinned. Did you know that the Civil Liberties Apparently, the public has not been aware of what its responsibility is now, and to posterity, or it just does not give a rap. To remain silent or refuse to chal lenge different points of view which re quire taking a stand, only says to those who are volatile in their persuasiveness, go ahead you have my support and vote. This is well and good when it represents an organization’s purpose and is done within the ethics of its framework. How ever, it is thoughtless, to say the least, to disregard an office because of whom the office holder may be or. on the other hand, cater to the person and not the office. Unless Raleigh citizens are willing to support Mrs. Veasey in her duly elected office as president of the local branch of the NAACP it need not look to much in the future. There will be no leader ship in behalf of the people should in dividuals be catered to, but instead there will be only a herding of humans by re mote direction under the guise of Negro representation. In order for Raleigh to present its tru est and most wholesome image, its peo ple must show the courage of their con victions by speaking out and not waiting for someone to speak for them. Too long has the Race been afraid to individually say its piece. Too long, have we been economic victims with the price of a muzzled mouth and brainwashed mind. Too long have we lived under the shad ow of conceit and meanness. Too long have we looked down on things Negro (Continued On Page 2) studied and people of all hues and col ors, representing them are becoming more knowledgeable about each other, In time, results from such extensive world affiliation and contact by many more people, below 7 the level of diplo mats. will swing the pendulum towards understanding, compassion, brotherly love and a hoped-for world calmness. It may be more healthy than many may believe, to listen to those who take the rostrum and the air. Many times they make the listener more certain that he believes in free speech. Because he will find, through it, if you let a person talk enough, that you will have a better opportunity to determine whether that person is the proverbial empty -wagon with a loud rattle. It would be difficult to imagine Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. saying to his people: “Stay in the slums, be slovenly, don’t go to school, rob and kill those who would suppress you, etc." And it would be equally laborious to understand a speaker delivering a speech to friends with the v.ewpoint of the enemy as a theme. coming from the Democrats in North . Carolina. We have no quarrel with anyone about the selection of a mate, a church, or a political party. We do say that the time has come when the Negro must decide his own political future and certainly it is not safe if all of them swear their alle giance to one party. It is our opinion that God planned the world on the assump tion that there must be at least two of every productive agency in the world. He divided the earth into land and wa ter. He divided the day into day and night. He contrasted the beauty of the sky with the sun in the day and the moon in the night. There is another element of the Negro’s participation in politics in North Carolina that has militated against his getting into the full stream of politics. He feels that he has won a victory if he gets one Negro on the election ticket. There is an old saying that if you put an avowed Methodist in a room with 10 Baptists he has to come out dripping wet. One Negro anywhere is just a pawn in the hands of his contemporaries, To reverse the thinking, we call your atten tion to the fact that the recent verdict of a Georgia jury, composed of 11 Ne goes and one white, found a Negro guil ty of killing a white man. It did not mat ter what the white man thought, he was (Continued On Page 2) Department, State Association, Improv ed Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World, headed by Alexander Barnes, invited Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Robert Jones to participate on a panel with representatives of the NAA CP and CORE, at its annual meeting to be held here in May? DiJ you know that E. M. Butler, State Secretary, is leading the opposition to bring Jones to Raleigh for the meeting and even suggested, (in a letter to Barn es) that the meeting take on a pacifist attitude and discuss the recently passsed voting laws, N. C.’s redistricting plan, instead of having Jones explain the Klan to the Elks and then answering some questions about it? Did you know that Durham County Republicans are going to be asked to support a Negro for sheriff of Durham County, who has an enviable record as a graduate of Hillside High School, a veteran of World War 11, and a very successful beer salesman? GUN BLAST RIPS THRU CHEST Os RALEIGH MAN ***** * * * * * * * * *** * * Local Zetas X«me*Wonin ii Os Yr.’ CLASSIFIED ADS North Carolina '$ Leading Weekly VOL. 25, NO. 14 RALEIGH. N. C, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1966 PRICE 15 CENTS "Suits Long Overdue”-Mrs. Veasey * 4" * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * Kiwanians Hear St. Aug. Dean 'Mo Negro Leaders- Robinson Dr. P. R. Robinson, execu tive dean and professor of so ciology at St. Augustine’s Col lege, spoke to the Capital City Kiwanis Club at Ballentlne’s Restaurant, Monday afternoon, Feb. 21, in ttie observance of Brotherhood Week. “The word brotherhood is an all encompassing term which means many and different things to different people," according to Dr. Robinson. He indicated that brotherhood should repre sent an individual moral com mitment to respect human per sonality and judge people as in dividuals—not by race, creed or color. He stated that we need 1 (See KIWANIANS HEAR, P. 2) a DR. V. R. ROBINSON Teen-Dems To Canvass For Voters On Saturday, Feb. 19, the Capital City Teen-Dems com pleted their plans for the com ing election of officers for 1965- 66. Chairman Thomas Williams and co-chairman Skip Quick completed their plans for the “Seeding and Weeding" project in precinct 35. The Teen-Dems will meet at their headquarters at 11 a, m, on March 19 and will group in teams and begin doorbell ring (See TEEN-DEMS. P. *> \ v m / A “FIRST” FOR GEORGIA *> Ellaville, Ga,: The first almost completely Negro trial jury, IS Negroes and one white man, leave court during recess here last Thursday. This jury, the first of its kind since Reconstruction, was chosen on Wednesday to try a 14-year-old youth, charged with killing a white policeman, who was allegedly beating his brother. The youth receiv ed six years in prison after being found guilty. (UP! PHOTO). TEACHERS STRIKE, STUDENTS DON’T - Newark: Despite the picket sign carried by a striking school teacher, students at Central High School in Newark enter the building for classes last week. The Teachers Union of the city defied a court order by staging a strike that could disrupt the largest school system in New Jersey. (UPI PHOTO), Mm Hides Saspki&m P@wder Iti B&bf Diaper CHICAGO (NPI) - It has been said there’s nothing really new under the sun, but a 55-year old mother came up with, a unique hiding place for what was suspected to be narcotics. Charged with the sale and possession of narcotics, the woman was said to have been caught stashing a white sub stance in the plactic bag in a baby’s diaper. The white sub stance was believed to be hero in. When vice detectives raided the woman’s apartment, they al NC Teachers Set Workshop A Joint State Workshop on “Professional Rights and Re sponsibilities” and “Profes sional Practices Act,” spon sored by the Prof ess i o nal Rights and Responsible ties Commission and the Legislative Committee, of the North Car olina Teacher Association, will be held Saturday, Feb. 26, from so uncovered 1,200 pills, eight handguns, more white powder (worth $5,000 if heroin) and an estimated $15,000 in office supplies, watches, cameras, jewelry equipment and hospital supplies. Police theorize the goods may have been exchanged for nar cotics. The tip which sent police to the woman’s apartment came from a dope peddler who said he received his supplies from the woman. 10 a. m. until 4 p, m. at the Ligon High School Auditorium, Raleigh, Dr. Owen Love, Legal coun sel, Professional Rights and Responsibilities Commission, NEA, will serve as the fea tured speaker and consultant for the Professional Rights and (See NC TEACHERS, P. 2) Head Os NAACP Comments BY STAFF WRITER Mrs. Millie Dunn Veasey, president of the Raleigh branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, told a CAROLINIAN newsman early Wednesday, “These hospital suits are long overdue and we intend to fol low through." She also stated, “Mr. (Wil liam F.) Andrews, the admin istrator, has never denied the fact that the hospital is segre gated. We have read the notes in the newspaper which he made, and we are not satisfied with anything less than complete e quality and find segregated fa cilities, as currently existing at Wake Memorial Hospital, un acceptable and offensive." The militant civil rights lead er had no comment on a suit (See HOSPITAL SUITS, P. 2) Choice Plans Not Working - Commission WASHINGTON, D. C. - Free dom of choice plans have re sulted In very limited Integra tion of public schools in the Southern States, the U. S. Com mission on Civil Rights said in a report released last Wed nesday. Acknowledging that imple mentation of Title VT of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has resulted in “significant pro gress in securing the agreement of school districts to desegre gate their schools," the Com mission report pointed out that highest estimates indicate that “not more than one Negro child (See CHOICE PLANS, P. 2) W EATH KU Temperaures tot the next five days, Thursday through Monday, will average 2 to 1 degrees below normal. Nor ma* high and low tempera tures for the period will be f'3 and 32 degrees. Some modera tion In temperatures !s expect ed over the weekend, other wise rather cold weather Is expected to prevail through out the period. Precipitation will total one-half to three fourths of an inch or more, occurlng early In the period and asaln early next week. From Raleigh s Official Police Files THE CHIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. TONES BreaksThruDoor ‘Drink’ Buddies To Get Clothes? Beaten By His Miss A nr. Howard, of 313 E. Cabarrus St., Apt, 7, told “the law*' at 1:59 p. m. Sat urday, she received a call from a neighbor who lives in the apartment next to her’s, that her front door had been brok en down. Miss Howard then went to police headquarters and was accompanied to her house by two officers. She admitted that her boyfriend, Herbert Miles, 27, had been staying there, add ing, “1 ran him away about four days ago.” Miles had some clothes at the apartment, but they were gone when officers and Miss Howard arrived. Damage to the door was set at SB3. Miles is reported to be a. part-time employee of Acme Cab Company, Says in Wilted I© Fight Him A 56-year-old man told two Raleigh policemen last Friday night that the reason he shot a 32-year-old man was report edly to keep from fighting him. Willie Russell Johnson, the younger man, reported to Of ficers Otis Hinton and E. Cur tis at 7;35 p. m. Wednesday, that he had an argument with James Thomas, 117 1/2 Lee St., outside Mr. Thomas’ home. Johnson declared Thomas went into his house, returned with a .22 calibre rifle, and shot. him. The bullet entered his chest and emerged under his right armpit. When arrested, Thomas told the Officers that Johnson came to his house and tried to get him to fight. Fie admitted the shooting. The gun was confiscated. Thomas was released from the Wake County Jail, under bond, sometime during the weekend. A check at Wake Memorial Hospital late Tuesday after noon, revealed that Johnson’s condition was "good,” Thomas, who was charged with assault with a deadly wea pon with intent to kill, will receive a hearing before City- Court Judge S. Pretlowe Win borne as soon as Johnson is able to testify in court. Jffrs. Bebnm Honored By Sorority Mrs. Marjorie Boyd Debnam was selected as the 1965 Ra leigh “Woman of the Year” from nominees submitted to a non-partison committee chosen by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, spon sor oi the Woman of the V ear Project here Monday night. Mrs. Debnam will be honored MRS. B&RMA9S, F. 2) MRS, MAHJOHiE a DEBNAM Witnesses Ready For 3-Day Meet About 100 delegates from the south unit congregation of Je hovah’s Witnesses here in Ra leigh will attend the three-day circuit convention in Tarboro, March 4-6, according to a state ment made here this week by Joseph Taylor, local presid ing minister. The meeting will be held at the Patillo High School in Tar boro, where an estimated 600 delegates from 15 other congre gations are expected. (See WITNESSES, F. 2) Robert Junior Haywood, of Route 7, Raleigh (Neuse), told “the law" at 9 a. m. Satur day, he had been drinking with a group of boys in the 200 block of W. South Street and left going to the bus station, when two of the boys jumped him and asked for money. Haywood said he was knock ed to the sidewalk and “out cold** for a few minutes. He was- taken to the hospital and treated for an abrasion of the right cheek. He later Identified Harold Bailey, 19, of Rt, 6, Raleigh, as being one of his attackers, but couldn’t identify the other. Bailey was arrest ed and held under a SIOO bond. The incident took place in front of 516 Fayetteville Street. (»«• CMS SEAT, V. S)

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