2 THE CASOLJMJ4M RALEIGH, N, C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE l) NAACP Prexy Bypassed owned, operated or managed. Too long have we wasted our franchise Too long have we been hopeful and not factual. Too long have we believed that because a man is a Negro that we automatically have all things in common. Too long have we overlooked respect for our fel lowman. It is worth pointing out here that there are only a reputed 11 million Jewish people in the whole world. There are some Sy 2 million or half the entire Jew ish population of the world in Ameirca. And believe it or not this 5 X / S million of 185 million Americans control 38 percent of the entire we4lth of this country. This is proof partial of what a religious be lief can do for a people who are fiercely competitive, even among themselves. Vet they are just as ardent in the one thing which is their salvation: regards for a fellow Jew. We may never, as a race, accomplish Politics And You outnumbered. We think the time has come that Negroes pick their candidates and not pick one. but pick several. Negroes would do well to study the political structure of big business. We happen to know many of them whose president is a Republican and the chair man of the board is a Democrat. That makes political sense. It does not matter what party is in office, these companies have a friend at court. Certainly Ne groes should take the second look at all the candidates who will be offered in the corning campaigns. If the sheriff has acclaimed Jim Clark as a symbol of good law enforcement, whether he is run ning on the Democratic or Republican Teen-Dems (Continued from Page 1) ing at 12:00 noon. Each Teen- Deni will he given a number on a card. This card will ad mit tiie Teen-Pern to the "Vic tory Party" on March 19 from 8:00 p. m. to 11;00 p, m. Wiley Latham, precinct chairman, was received by the Teen- Dems with great enthysiam. He presented an outline for the work to he done in precinct 35 on March 19. The doorbells of registered, unregistered and transfer vot ers will be rung by the Teen- Dems, who hope to complete ' precinct 35 on this date, if the precinct is not completed the "Victory Party" will be postponed until victory is won in precinct 35. All Teen-Denis are urged to join chairmen Williams and Quick’s commit tee Include: Diane Haith, San dra Gill, Claudia Reid, Cheryl Hickerson, Maria Hickerson, Ester Boyer, Clinnls Noble, | firmly R I /II W/T >\ ms- $| i Y9u 1 J GET 1— 1 MORE —i IK A Model ERG-1352 || ] (f«. I N*» MQRSE Not just 5 or 7, but unlimited heat selections on ail v lour high-speed cooking units, Self cleaning elements. Wk mi IS® Range BIG "BLENDED-HEAT" OVEN S WITH REMOVABLE DOOR M j\j ever hefOrß Extra-large 24V? inch oven keeps m heat even ti. jughout-for perfect M §UCfI ifBfUXS baking, broiling, Quick-cleaning re movable door, chrome shelves, 1| f6citin'BS reflector. 1 at such a “CHAR-COIL" SPEED BROILER B Waist-high broiler in oven has com- H S'SC Trfiat plnte adjustable broiling pan and 9 £.l 1 TODAY a One-Year Warranty on m «. Entire Range || AT * Removable Surface Elements || -m ■ Oven Indicator Light B • Oven Doer Seat lu / ' " A Tire Sales & Service §Ol HHkbero St. TWO LOCATIONS 1819 Poole Rd. Ph. 833-2571 Ph. 828-9396 Years horn now, you!I he gfad ft's e MORSEI many of the things other races have a chieved. But we can begin to believe in each other as a race more than we pres ently do. This may launch ua at least in the right direction. Twenty-one million people or about an eleventh of the entire American population is a tremendous bloc of sameness. In the American cul ture it’s about time this bloc became more solid in behalf of its own preserva tion and progress through the democrat ic process. People like Mrs. Veasey help build this great potential into a reality. All of us should stand behind the office an-"* the person of NAACP president here, We owe her this gratitude for her cour ageous stand against the evils from with out and when they arise from within her own organization. She needs our help. NAACP needs your aid and support of its cause through such dedicated people. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 voted against. If the sheriff has condon ed the beating and mauling of a Negro by two of his deputies and given them a vote of confidence by not even sus pending them while the matter was be ing investigated, he certainly should be voted against. The Negro's economic future lies in the proper use of the ballot, not for par ty bosses and political machines. His influence and affluence in politics will not be determined by the power-struc ture of any given party. These dements will be determined by his participation as it affects his constitutional rights as a citizen and not as a pawn of any party. Pauline Goza, Deb Lightner, Charles Brown, Pat Lewis, Y vonne Lewis, Jimmy Mitchell and Mrs. Frank Turner. Any and all parents will be welcome to join in this im portant project, including the "Victory Party." Teen-Dem Augusta B. Turn er is reporter. Witnesses (Continued from Page 1) Sessions will begin Friday, March 4, at 6:15 p. m. and con tinue through Sunday, March 6, until 6 p. m. The convention's theme: "Make Disciples of People of All Nations," is centered a round Jesus’ words at Mat thew 28;19, 20, "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all nations, baptizing them.." The program will include talks, demonstrations and round-table discussions on how this discipling work may be more efficiently done. During the past fiscal year Jehovah’s Witnesses world-wide carried on this discipling work in 19? different lands and 164 differ ent languages. The circuit’s progress over the past 4 months will be re viewed, and Saturday’s program will include baptismal arrange ments for new witnesses. The featured event of this Tarboro conference will be a public discourse Sunday, March 6 at 3 p. m, by the district supervisor, C. G. Thompson, on the subject: "Does God Have Influence in This Twent ie t h Century?’’ Ail sessions will be open to the public, Taylor said. Hospila! Suits (Continued from Page 1) filed last Friday against ail white Rex Hospital, in which she was also a plaintiff. Attorney Samuel S. Mitchell, through the Legal Defense and Educational Fund of the Nation al NAACP, filed the first suit last Wednesday in Federal Dis trict Court, seeking to perma nently enjoin Wake County Memorial Hospital from dis criminating against Negroes. This suit was filed in behalf of eight. Raleigh citizens, in cluding two CauscasiAn minis ters, the Revs, Collins Kilburn of the United Church, and Frank Hutchinson, pastor of the all- Negro congregation of Davie Street United Presbyterian Church. Rex Hospital was charged with racial discrimination in a suit filed in the same court Friday by five Negroes. The court was asked to en join the hospital from continuing a policy of, "excluding, deny ing or discouraging the admis sion of the plaintiffs and others of their class." Attorney Mitchell filed this suit on behalf of the Rev, Sam uel E. NeSmith, his wife, Mrs. Betty White NeSmith, who is expecting a child; Mrs. M. D. Veasey, the Rev. Willie B. Lew is, and Junious N„ Sorrell. The Rex suit contends that Mrs, NeSmith is in immediate need of medical care and hos pital treatment and desires to obtain these services at Rex without racial distinction or discrimination. Rev. and Mrs. NeSmith and family reside on Oberlin Rd., which is far closer to Rex than to Wake Memorial. NC Teachers (Continued from Page 1) Responsibilities Commission sessions. Mr. William E. Stiles,. Jr., assistant executive secre tary, Department of Classroom Teachers, NEA, will serve as speaker and consultant for the Legislative Committee ses sion. The workshop will consist of two general sessions, ques tion and answer periods and group sessions. There is no limit to the number of rep resentatives that may be sent by locals of NCTA and NCACT units. The following group session will be held from 11:20 a. m, to 12:30 p. m. Topics: 1. "De segregation In Public Schools," 2. "Professional, Civil and Hu man Rights of Educators," 3. "Unethical Practices and Per sonnel Policies," 4. "Tenure Laws and Court Cases." j Mrs. Henrietta Hatton, chair man, NCTA PR and R Com mission will preside over the first General Session. Dr, F. G. Shipman, chairman of the Legislative Committee of NCTA will preside over the second General Session. Greetings and remarks will be brought by Dr. s, E, Dun can, president of the NCTA. -...y.- lu-.p I - ' " ' . ' ' frlf : I'' -- —,A*'f i\ v . *V'i rIV. flfi '■ LTGON ART STUDENTS PRESENT MURAL TO MIGRANT PROJECT EXECUTIVE - The three students shown above, along with their art teacher, Monday presented the mural shown in the background, to the Rev. Charles L. Herron, director of the migrant project, sponsored by the North Carolina Council of Churches. Seated, from left to right are: Paul R. Jervay, Jr., James Rivers, Leonard McClain, Miss Mable Bullock, instructor; and the Rev, Herrcrn. f bjPPSJ ALL SMILES, and Omicron Zeta’s pride was personified in the seven new neophytes of the Chapter. Seated left of Basileus Hazel L. Sorrell are Sorors Doris Best, Janie Anderson, Margaret Anderson, Amelia Peebles; right of the Basileus are Sorors Lillian McMillan, Tocelyn Archer and Bertha Wilson. Standing, left to right are: Sorors Elsie Howell, Jestine Davis, Ida Wash ington, Waverlene Edwards, Barbara Ligon, Wanda Poole, Maye E. Ligon, Emily Kelly, Blanche Rivers, Louisg Flagg and Nora E. Lockhart. Back row, left to right are: Sorors Dorothy lane, Vivian Brown, Mildred James, Almeda Glascoe, Mary Carnage, Mary Barber, Anti-Basileus and Naomi Sanders. Ligon Art Students Give Mural The Rev. Charles L. Herron, in gratefully accepting a murai from three students of the J. W. Ligon High School Monday said that it was placed on the wall In the Education Coordinator’s of fice because one of the objec tives of the North Carolina Council of Churches Migrant Project is to help implement the educative process by instill ing, within the migrants, a de sire to improve their lowly status. Another goal, declared the Project Director, is to encour age among the migrant people themselves responsible and democratic organization for self-help In economic and civic pursuits. Mr, Herron said that another objective is to en courage social acceptance and participation in all of the com munity activities, thus helping to break the continually of liv ing as individuals less than hu man, in the sub-standard socie ty. It is becoming moreapparent, observed the director that at titudes are changing toward the migrant, varying from hostility and fear to mild acceptance be cause of great concern in their behalf. "This gift," he told his young friends, "is encouraging in that it is tangible evidence of your interest in our program and is typical of many of the communi ties throughout the state where we have been privileged to work. ’’ Choice Plans (Continued from Face 1) out of every 13 in the Deep South actually attends school with white children." "The slow pace of Integra tion in the Southern and bor der States is in large measure attributable to the manner in which free choice plans - the principal method of desegre gation adopted by school dis tricts in the South- have op erated, *’ said the Commission report. Kiwanians Hear (Continued from Page i) to raise and maintain before our people regardless to ethnic identification, the ideals of law and order, or a just society where there Is a real sense of commitment to the moral, legal and religious aspects of the brotherhood of man. Dean Robinson pointed out that much to the apparent mis understanding of some seg ments of the community, there is no such person as "the Ne gro leader." He indicated for example, that one might be con sidered a leader in some par ticular situation but in others, flatly no. He commented, "I think Negro leadership today is like leadership among other ethnic groups, that is, it is di verse, in' other . words, there is no such person as 'the Ne gro leader,’ ’’ . . Buy from Coroiinian Advertisers someone should’ve thought of it a long time ago! NEW BOOKCASE BUNK BED AND CHEST* ...ALL IN ONE! IMk Into two twin size beds TERMS Cramped for storage space? Cramped for sleeping space? Solve them both with this great new idea—a combination, bunk bed and dresser chest. Both are mindly constructed to stand all the abuse that youngsters can give—and both are finished in handsome saiem maple. What's more, the deep drawer chest has a stain-resistant, mar-resistant top! Here’s a value you can’t afford to miss—limited quantity, so hurry! * Patent Fending |i| W ,n giißiM in in— i— innriii ■ mnuiT Many More Bargains Throughout Our Entire Store Look For Special Tags " OPwJ AMY MOM? i EASTERN CAROUNAFOR OVER 80 YEARS" F£3E ,v~ / 112 E. HARGETT ST. MAIN ST. TARKfNOi / RALEIGH, W. C. CLAYTON, N. C. / wom rea-3563 m walnut t.-iui e Dr. Robinson observed that brotherhood has not been re alized ipse facto, by the pass age of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, nor the Voting Rights Law of 1965. "I think we would generally agree that legisla tion is very, very important, but that brotherhood will not be attained by legislation a lone.” He pointed to the fact that each one of us needs to be an ambassador of good will. Dean Robinson pointed out that in our attempts to fos ter brotherhood in this state, it should be kept in mind that about 24 per cent or 1,200,000 of the persons in North Car olina are Negroes. Brotherhood in this country has tremendous implication for America all over the world. He stated, "During the past sum mer, I had the opportunity of serving as a U. S. Fulbright Fellow in India and also had the opportunity of traveling in Thailand, Hong Kong, and Ja pan. I found myself constant ly on the defensive, and I think rightly so, under the circum stances, in trying to clarify America's Ideals as well as her practices as they related to brotherhood.” He continued by saying, "Believe me when I say, not only does brotherhood require an effective working to gether of all ethnic groups in this country, but from the stand point of national survival it is a must,” Mrs. Debnam (Continued from Page I) by Gmicron Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority during Its Annual Finer Womanhood SISTER BETTY ARE YOU SUFFERING--* gICK NEED ADVICE? Bring Your Problems to Her. Let Her Help You! Open Bally and Sunday From 7 A M. ’TO 10 P.M. 330 E. Hargett St Comer Bloodworth St. RALEIGH, N. C. Look For the Name Sign Ali Donation* Ar* Appreciated! NEW BOOKCASE BUNK BED AND DESK* ...ALL IN ONE! Mtke. Mo tin Mi it.ted. HSV TERWS Here’s the answer to your space problem-for study and for sleeping! ft's a practical bookcase bunk bed with a built in kneehole desk. The bed is of sturdy post construc tion, built to take it and finished in rich, salem maple. The desk, in the same elegant maple finish has a mar proof, stainproof, plastic top so that It will always have that "just bought” look. The value! Beyond belief! And only a very special purchase made it possibie! See it now * and save at our store! * Patent Pending Week Celebration. Zetas will worship at the First Baptist Crunch on Sunday morning, Feb. 27, during the regular church service. Rev. Charles W. Ward, pastor of the church will de liver the message. Following this, a luncheon will be held at the North Hills Steak House, Past Women of the Year reci pients will be guests. All Zetas are to participate in the week end of activities, the Rededica tion Services will be held on St, Augustine’s College campus at 6 p. m., on Saturday, Feb. 26. Soror Blanche Rivers is chairman of the Finer Woman hood Week program, Soror Mil dred James, the Rededication Services, and Soror Millie Vea sey, Woman of the Year Pro ject. Soror Hazel Sorrell is Baslleus of the chapter. A native of Morristown, Tenn., Mrs. Debnam is an honor graduate of Fisk University with a major in sociology. She has lived in Raleigh for the past 14 years, and is mar ried to Dr. George C. Debnam, physician and surgeon. They are the parents of three daugh ters. ft Pays To Advertise IJNCCLN HJULOG& M. C. STARTS SUNDAY FEBRUARY 27TK “E EGA W Starring ARCH HALL, JR. --Pliua— 2ND FEATURE “T. N, T. Show” STARTS THURSDAY MARCH 3RD “Six Black Horses” Starring AUDSE MURPHY -Plus 2ND FEATURE “Young Dillinger” Starring .NICK ADAMS

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