EDITORIAL FEATURE 1 Go d Is Dead Theories Called Heresy The new emergence of the “God is Dead” preachments has caused no little controversy. Theologians themselves have crossed their weapons and swords. It seems like it will he a verbal affray to the finish. Many Christians feel that “the God is Dead concept” is heresy, because they are defenseless before their superior ra tional powers, Let us consider the Chris tian’s charge of heresy in this theory. If God is dead, then He must have lived to die; if He lived and died and lives no more, then who is God but death? This being so, from whence comes life —that God should have lived? The many diversities of opinion have become confusing and have led many astray. The “God is dead” theory” is merely some men’s opinion. Therefore, the strong Christians in their faith have urg ed mankind to beseech God in prayer, to agument their persuasiveness so as to bring light to the inconsistencies of this new controversy. It seems that what men cannot under stand by intellect they ought to accept by faith., and as they meditate on truth there comes to light the very truth that free will can never be compelled. There - By James A, Shepard Last year, the local White Citizens Council invited the race baiting sheriff of Selma County, Alabama to speak at an advertised public meeting here in the publicly-owned city auditorium. Despite these facts, Negroes were not allowed inside the auditorium during this meeting. However, the sheriff of Wake County, Mr. Robert Pleasants, not only accepted the “honor” of intro ducing Sheriff Clark of Selma, Alabama, the notorious enemy of Negro freedom, to the segregationists assembled at this meeting, Sheriff Pleasants is quoted as saying in his introductory speech if there were 2,000 more sheriffs in America like Mr. Clark this would be a much better country to live in, or words to that ef fect. The only possible interpretation that can be placed upon Mr. Pleasants’ words of praise for Mr. Clark is that he fully and completely endorsed Sheriff Clark’s actions in trying to prevent Negroes from exercising their constitutional rights to register and vote and moreover, he was in full accord with the brutal methods employed by Sheriff Clark and his cohorts in enforcing this illegal de nial. The deeds of violence, brutality and indignities instigated and inflicted upon the poor defenseless Negroes of Selma by Sheriff Clark and Company is a mat ter of record. They were a matter of rec ord when Sheriff Pleasants covered him with praise here in Raleigh. All the world knows about them. Many of those who suffered these indignities wish they could forget. The list of barbaric and inhuman acts perpetrated upon innocent Negroes dur ing their peaceful and legal protest dem onstrations during the recent years of Civil Rights turmoil in the South, per petuated and in many instances led by men sworn to protect the rights and lib erties of all people is too well known to repeat. However, if it were possible that the sufferings, denials and illegal pun ishment instigated by Sheriff Clark upon the brave Negro and yes. white, protes tors in Selma, Alabama, would head this list. At least we know of no other in stance when the U. S. Justice Depart ment had to use troops to enforce the SHORT, SHORT SERMONETTES Did you know that bits of humility dashed into a successful life will enlarge its image? Did you know that fear of one’s job or position in America is one of the greatest contributors to dishonesty? Did you know that the reason inter grated Negro athletes play more than they sit on the bench is because their output in effort has had to be greater than their white counterpart? Did you know that the image of inte gration in Raleigh and Wake County would be better served if Negro and white patrolmen were paired by their superiors instead of an all-Negro or all white detail? FACTS Did you know that Tokyo, Japan is the world’s largest city with popula tion of over \0y 2 million, with New York. City second having a population of over eight million people? Did you know that Asia has a total population of more people than all the other continents combined? Asia’s pop ulation is 1.783,000,000, while Africa has 304,000,000; North and South Ame rica combined have some 448,000,000; Europe, 440,000,000 and Oceania 7- 100,000? Did you know that Shaw University’s student body numbers 661 with 40 tea chers: Saint Augustine’s has 740 with SI teachers or both between 13 and 3 4 students per teacher; N. C, State Uni versity has 695 teachers, 8.329 students fore, neither God (because He wills not), nor Mammon (because he cannot), com pel man to Faith. One’s concept of God depends upon language, both oral and written. Man may believe the word or reject it. This is a personal choice, and only by physi cal death will he come to see the folly or wisdom of his choice. Scholars are not being facetious when they ask the question: “Did God create man. or did man create God?” Many people have misunderstood the meaning of this statement. It does not, in any way, question the Almighty as the Cre ator of all things. So far as man is con cerned, there would be no God without language or words and the concepts they visualize. By the use of language man is able to describe for others what God means to him on the basis of his faith. Because man is finite and has percep tive limitations he has no way of know ing everything about God, the Creator His five senses —hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting and smelling—-cannot tell him all that there is to know about the uni verse and its Creator. What we don't know and what we cannot explain we must accept by faith. rights of Negroes to peacefully assem ble, march and protest their grievances. This of course, means that these troops were used to protect the demonstrators from the brutality of Sheriff Clark and Co. But our Sheriff, Mr. Robert Pleas ants, says that this country needs thous ands more like Sheriff Clark. Thousands more who will use their badge of au thority to maim, shoot and imprison all Negroes who dare to stand up and de mand the same rights accorded to Sher iffs Clark and Pleasants, the right to perform and act like American citizens. Sheriff Pleasants has held his present position now for some 20 years. There may be some Negroes who have long be fore felt that he was not in accord with their aspirations. But not until publicly he showered such lavish praise upon a fellow sheriff who has proven his ani mosity towards these aspirations, have these Negroes and for that matter all persons been given the opportunity of really knowing just how* Sheriff Pleas ants feels about the rights of Negroes. It is not likely that Sheriff Pleasants recent appointment of 2 Negro deputies will change the image he has himself projected should he decide that he wants to be the sheriff in Wake County for another four-year term. His image is now too much the Clark image. “Vengence is mine” saith the Lord. “I will repay.” We believe in that doctrine. There is no malice or any attempt for vengence implied in this article. On the other hand, “A word to the wise is suf ficient.” In all fairness to Sheriff Pleas ants, we ask, can an officer of the law who believes in the tactics, actions and the philosophy of Sheriff Clark of Sel ma, Alabama be again trusted to uphold and to protect the rights of ail of our citizens? To us the question boils down to whether the law abiding people of Wake County, regardless of race, endorse the lawless tactics of Sheriff Clark of Selma, Alabama as Sheriff Pleasant has publicly done, or do they believe that the time has come for the principle of democracy, freedom, liberty', justice and equality be extended to all people re gardless of race, a eed or orgin, without intimidation and reprisals and for a per son who believes in and accepts that principle to be a sheriff. and 1 1 students per teacher; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 11,300 students and 800 teachers, 14 students per teacher; Howard University, 7,164 students, 739 teachers, nine plus stu dents per teacher; Fayetteville State Teachers, 1229 students, 65 teachers, 19 plus students per teacher; NCC at Dur ham, 2,414 students, 190 teachers, about 13 students to each teacher; A&T, Greensboro, 3,319 students, 241 teachers, 13 plus students per teacher; and con trasting the above. Harvard, 11,939 stu dents to 5,679 teachers, 2 students per teacher. Columbia University, 16,723 students to 3,430 teachers, some 5 stu dents per teacher; Tulane University, New Orleans, La., 4,710 students, 1647 teachers, 3 minus students per teacher; Princeton, 8,614 students, 2,506 teach ers, 3 plus teachers? Did you know that almost one-third of the Negro population (6,025 173) of the United States is concentrated in the five largest cities? Did you know that the region known as the Southeast U. S. has the lowest per capita income of all other .regions, such as New England, Midwest Great Lakes, Plains, Southwest, Rocky Mountain, Far West: and that only Virginia. West Virginia, Georgia and Florida have greater per ce hta incomes than North Carolina’s $1,913? Did you know that the area known as east Raleigh, predominantly occupied by Negroes is one of the most choice as far as proximity to donwtown’s busi ness, municipal and State facilities is concerned? Cards, Knife Trigger Violence As TWO MEN SLAIN IN *** * * * * * * * *** * * lll*.King l§ Sinn! For lllrgisl Rent Seizure CLASSIFIED ADS VOL. 25, NO. 16 • < m Hamhail Jill! %! PW il# %»* iWlldlillf \-Jluf 1v t 111 &M ********* * * * if 4 Jf Plot To Kill All Negroes Told PRINCIPALS AT CARNAGE SCHOOL DEDICATION - Shown following the main address here Sunday are the principals who took part in the dedication of tin new Fred Jonathan Carnage Junior High School. Dr. John Hope Franklin, noted historian, mil professor of American History at the University of Chicago, left, receives congratulations on his dedicatory address from school principal George F. Foxwell, as attorney Fred J. Carnagt, for whom the school is named, looks on at right. Carnage is the only Negro member of the Raleigh Board of Education. Radio Will Broadcast Religious Service Worldwide From Wilson WILSON - The North Caroli na State Revival of the Church ol the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith will con vene throughout the State be ginning Tuesday, March 15, and will conclude Sunday, March /Hiss Lathm T§ Preside Over Deans DURHAM - Miss Louise M. Latham, dean of women at North Carolina College, and president of the North Carolina Asso ciation of Women Deans and Counselors, will preside at the business session of the Asso ciation’s March 17 meeting at Pfeiffer College, Mtsenheimer. Dr. Martha Elizabeth Peter (6*e sei*B LATHAM. P. 8) HAIR STORY IS GOING TO STATE BOARD - Madison, N. J,; Thomas Sellars (left) glumly examines the uneven haircut given his son Thomas, HI, at Triola’s Barber Shop here last week, Sellars himself received a good haircut at Gatti’s Barber Shop after the State Division of Civil Rights ordered Gattl to cut the Negro’s hair in the face of a comternpt of the State Supreme Court which ruled that barbers cannot refuse to cut the hair of Negroes, Sellars said he will file a complaint with the State Board of Barber Examiners, (UPI PHOTO), North Carolina s Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY M ARCH \? 1066 20, in Wilson .it 515 I- ast Wal nut Street. Many familiar with Bishop S. McDowel I Shelton an d 11 1 e Church of the Lord Jesus Christ through the worldwide radio coverage. Bishop Shelton is heard worldwide every Sun day at Noon through the short wave facilities ofWRUI. World wide. Bishop Shelton is also heard loc-alh in Charlotte over WRPL, 1540 kc., 9-10 a. m. Sunday; in Durham over WSRC, 1410 kc. 3-4 p, m. Sunday; in Greenville over WOOW, 1340 kc., 10-11 a. rn. and 10-11 p. m. Sunday; In Tarboro over WCPS, 760 kc.. 9-10 a. m, Sunday; in Winston-Salem over WAAA, 980 kc., 2:30-3:30 p. m. Sunday. The main highlight of this revival will be a live world wide boradcast on Sunday, March 20, at noon from the Wilson Church auditorium, 51” l ast Walnut St. Sl’.elton will be accompanied on Sunday, March 20, by his world famous Radio Senior Choir. Local choirs, soloists, etc, will be heard throughout the revival. Tune in to our local radio stations for the date Bishop S. McDowell Shelton will be conducting special Devine Healing Service. All who be lieve in the power of prayer are invited to attend this and all other services throughout the revival. We are expect ing good representation each night from the members in the State of North Carolina as well as members and friends from other states. It is significant to note that Bishop Shelton is believed to be the first Negro minister to have ever conducted religious ser vice's at the World’s Fair where he was received bv overwhelm (Sep RELIGIOUS SERVICE. P. 2) Negro Newspaper Week To Be Observed March 13-19 BIRMINGHAM (NPI) - "The Negro Press: The Light of Freedom” is the theme of the 1966 National Negro Newspaper Week observance, which will be celebrated simultaneously by some 133 Negro newspapers throughout the country during the period March 13-19, accord ing to Emory O. Jackson, chair man, National Negro Newspaper Week committee, and editor, Birmingham World. The observance Is annually sponsored by the National 661 Witnesses Tern Out For Tarboro Most "Very interesting! Highly educational! A great spiritual blessing!” These were some of the expressions of joyandgrat titude heard from the hundreds of delegates who attended the circuit convention of Jehovah's Witnesses held in Tarboro at the W, a. Pattillo High School last weekend. There were 343 in attendance (See fWI HEAR, V 2) PRICE 15 CENTS Envisioned Wholesale Poisonings LOS ANGELES (NPI) - A diabolical plot to kill Negroes wholesale was brought to light last week when a 43-year-old Sun Valley welder was arraign ed in Superior court on charg es of soliciting for the purpose of murder. Herman Henry, who was ar rested by three undercover a gents, is accused of conceiv ing an elaborate scheme to send free food samples--laden with poison—to almost every Negro in the country. He proposed to establish four central na tional distributions points, manned by aides, to obtain ef fective saturation. The samples would have con sisted of easily alterable foods powdered gelatine desserts each containing an unspecified poison and a dose of chloral hydrate (knockout drops). The latter was included so that the victims would not be conscious long enough to take an anti dote. Originally, Henry allegedly sought the assistance of the (See PLOT TO Kill, P. 2) Temperatures for the next five days. Thursday through Monday, will average near norma!. Normal high and Sow temperatures for the pertod will be 60 and 37 degrees. A slow warming trend is expect ed to eontinne through Fri day. It will turn colder again about Sunday and Monday. Precipitation Is expected to total up to three-fourths of an inch, occurring as showers to ward the end of the week. New Bern Site Os Bias Charge NEW BERN - NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund attorneys today filed suit in Federal District Court here seeking to prohibit New Bern public housing officials from arbitrarily denying housing to (See BIASED HOUSING, P. 2) Newspaper Publishers asso ciation which commemorates (See NEWSPAPER. WK. P. 2) From Raleigh s Official Police Files. THE CHIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. TONES Wine Bottle Is Face Cut in Broken, Thrown Poker Fight Henry Junior Weldon, 34, of 556 E. Davie Street, told Of ficer B, W. Peoples at 1:08 p. m. Saturday, that during an argument with Miss Mary Es~ sidelle McDougal, a fight de veloped and the woman struck him with a. broken wine bottle at his home. He received a one-inch la ceration on an ear and a one irsch cut on the left side of his head. Both were arrested and charged with engaging in an affray with a deadly weapon. Weldon was treated at Wake Memorial Hospital before being locked up. Air©st Mm And W oman When the smoke had cleared early Sunday evening, Raleigh counted two men dead by vio lent means, and arrested two persons. One man is being held without bond in Wake Coun ty Jail, and the other accused, a woman, will face a Coroner’s Jury Hearing Wednesday after noon of the week. The dead men are Sam McCoy, 50, and Willie Hayes, 60. The first slaying took place Friday night at 1129 Gregg (formerly S. Haywood) Street, and allegedly resulted over who had won the “pot’ in a card game. Eddie Jiles, who lives at 1129 Gregg, reported to officers at 7;54 p. m. Friday, that while playing cards with Otha James Bell, 45, of 532 Bragg Street, and McCoy, of 1441 Sawyer’s Lane, both Bell and McCoy got into an argument over who had won the money in the “pot,” Both men jumped up and drew their knives. Bell reportedly closed his knife first and Mc- Coy followed suit. Bell went outside to his car and returned in a few minutes with a shot gun. He is then believed to have shot McCoy without another word being spoken, Jiles said he (Jiles)then sug gested that they take the mor tally wounded McCoy to Wake {See TWO MEN SLAIN. P. 2) Landlord Asks King To Cease CHICAGO (NPlf - Charging “illegal seizure of private pro perty,” a suit filed in chan cery division last week against Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., seeks to prevent him from col lecting rents in the Westside building in which he resides. The suit also asks for a court-appointed receiver for the three-story structure. While the plaint iff-owner of the building, 81-year-old John B. Bender, agrees with Dr, (Re, ;? MRS, ERNEST E, RUCKER Miss Rucker To Speak At St, Aug. Sun. Mrs. Millie D. Veasey, pres ident of Episcopal Churchwo men of St. Augustine’s College Chapel, announces that the an nual Woman’s Day is set for Sunday, March 13, The ser vice will be held at 11:30 a. m. in the College Chapel, Mrs. Ernest E. Rucker, As sociate Secretary of General Division of Women’s Work will be the keynote speaker. The former Miss Aileen Stokes, (See CHtfRCHWOMEN TO, P. 2) Robert. Lee Duckett, 19, of 207 Hogan Lane (Method) in formed "the law” at 10:55 p. m. Saturday, that Cleveland A brams, 24, of 203 Hogan Lane, cut him during a. fight over a. poker game. Duckett signed a warrant, charging a. sault with a deadly weapon, while Abram signed one charging the same. The victim of the knife was treated at Wake Memorial Hos pital for a five-Inch cut on the jav, then both were jailed un der'bonds of SIOO each. The incident occurred at 207 Hogan Lane. (See Cftms BEAT, p. s>