% mm n&M&msms RALEIGH. N. SATURDAY. JUNE 18, IBM 12 GABBING jjgfy About Town BY MRS. AH. THORPE f|ftp *4|f||| NOTICE “Gabbing About Town,” a weekly column written by Mrs, A. H. Thorpe, will not be published this week due to the death of her husband, Mr. Otis Lee Thorpe, on Saturday, June 11. Both “Gabbing" and news of Rush Metropolitan AMEZ Church will appear In next week s CAROLINIAN. Mrs. Thorpe has the profound sympathy of everyone on our staff. iFnV TAKE VOWS - Lt. and Mrs. John Metz, Jr., leave the. Little 1 Chapel at A&T College following their marriage on Sunday afternoon, June 5. The ceremony took place on the same dav of their graduation from A&T. The bride, the former Miss Esther Bowden, of Great Falls, S. C., received her degree in social science. The groom, a native of Denver, Ohio, Colorado, was a warded the B. S. degree in biology and as a ‘ Distinguish ed Military Graduate ,” was commissioned as,a second lieu tenant in the Regular Army. He reported immediately for active duty with the 101st Airborne Infantry at Fort Campbell, Ky., where the couple will reside. PERSONALS MRS. DANIELS, GRAND DAUGHTER IN NORTH Mrs. Victoria Daniels and granddaughter are visiting rel atives and friends in New York and other points North. They will also attend the United Free will Baptist General Conference at Mt. Calvary Baptist Church in Baltimore, Md. * * * MRS. KELLY IN CITY Mrs. Estelle Jones Kelly, formerly of 808 Cotton Place, now living in New York City, is in Raleigh, visiting her moth er, Mrs. Rosa L. Jones, who is a patient at Wake Memorial Hospital, and other members of her family here, including her father, Mr. W. Henry Jones, Sr., Mesdames Dora Edwards, and Rosa Jane Baldwin, sisters. BIG FATHER’S DAY MUSICAL HERE SUNDAY A Father’s Day Musical pro gram will be held at the Lily of the Valley Freewill Baptist Church on Sunday, June 19, at 8 p. m. Featured on this gigantic pro gram will be Ed Hall and the “Sensational’’ Evening Five Quintet; the Rev. Mrs. Lizzie Flowers and her guitar-playing daughter and son, and many others. Prizes will be awarded to the oldest, youngest fathers, and to the father present with the most children. * * * P. R. JERVAYS HOST FAMILY Dr. Asa G. Yancey, noted