Three Women Tell Detective HH ‘Jf Jill If i§ il ll® lir ii Ps% if t&mssm "m” Mk mHWkH Is if Sn® mr™m m iHI m" arm Ht® fJr ill jtm psyK #P» lefts ?jg •“« Wstmi m «i Wh> JfclUPi I4H M mm **? fl £ui sZL € m m & §H® '%h. I®L ;«.«• <■& s■’ 51, $1 H MJi Mmsf ' H ,|i wSwf ■HH $S If' Iml a ' li I @| P MM- il pfilnJs gj HII HI shF Ip ii '¥• IP If JJt p bFH lIF |t*B' '5: 11 i ii i bi &wwimsb i ri * 1 " ■ ■ 'V-V- 1 ly.y ' . "" V • ! .■''■'i.. a».m n ■.— — ... — ■■■■ .■ ■■ ■— ... < — --— — l ——*—•-——^- i ——*** VOL. 25, NO. 43 RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1966 PRICE 15 CENTS National Urban League Blasts Kennedy’s Proposal On Labor -Legal Whiskey Costs Wake iion $125 Pint «s*B®vSW'' ""«** v**%m **" BOY ON ROOF TOP "St. Louis? A IS-ywr-oM bOjr I*9* »«#* looks over the top of the roof he climbed onto here to avoid capture by police for a juvenile violation. The boy •was on the roof about three hours before climbing down to a waiting juven ile officer. The steepness of the roof prevented police and fire men from climbing after him. (UPI PHOTO). Negroes Are Jobless, NUL Tells Sen. lei Kennedy WASHINGTON (NPI) Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D.- Mass.) has come under the fire of the National Urban League for his proposal, that the United States allow' more workers to come here from abroad "It Is uneconomical and im moral to keep Negro and oth er minority workers unem ployed or pushing brooms while making a strong re cruitment effort 5,000 miles away.” Adolph Holmes, Lea gue associate director of eco nomic development, asserted in a letter to Sen. Kennedy. In his letter. Holmes said Kv KATII i; h| Temperatures for the next five days, Thursday through Monday, will average two to •lx degrees below normal. Normal high and low tem peratures will be 83 and 62 de grees. It will be rather cool luring the first part of the period, but warmer weather will prevail about Sunday and Monday. Precipitation will to tal one-half to three-fourths of one Inch or more, occurring •• rain early In the period, and as showers at the end of It From Raleigh’s Official Police Files THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES 'Vows To Kill?/ Family Is Afraid Mrs. Mary Spivey, of 1209 E. Edenton Street, signed a warrant Monday at 9:17 a.m. against Raymond Williams, of St. Augus‘lnue’6 Ave., charg ing damage to property. The complainant told “the law" that at about 6 p.m. last Friday, Williams came to her house with a gun and tried to gain entrance, “intending to kill her and her family,” accordding to a neighbor a cross the, street. Mrs. Spivey said she was "afraid of him and did believe he would kill me and my family if he got the chance.” Williams is said to have pulled the screen off outside the front door and broke the lock on the door. No arrest information was available at CAROLINIAN mm time. North Carolina’s Leading Weekly "We (presumably the Urban League) are seriously con cerned with your proposal . . , which will ease the Immigra tion and Nationality Act and make it possible for persons from abroad to come into the country for Jobs such as park ing lot attendants, clerks, waiters, sales clerks, typists, truck drivers, housekeepers, and launderers . . . "We can’t understand why those companies are willing to spend the money and the effort to bring a man 5,000 miles to this country for a Job, while there is a source of willing labor right in their own back yard. "The labor market may be a tight one for white workers, but Negro unemployment is still around the 8 per cent mark and shows no sign of declining.” “The money and energies used to attract frelgn workers should go into training pro grams for unemployed and under-employed Negro work ers!” Holmes said. “Business must start at home and open Its doors to (See SEN. KENNEDY, P. 2) Loses A Tooth, Won’t Prosecute Miss Mary Ellen Farrow, 34, of 612 Poole Road, informed officers at 11:03 p.m. Monday, that Melvin Webster, cf 207 Maple Street, struck her in the mouth with his hands and fists, knocking her to the ground. Miss Farrow admitt-d that she “goes with this ir?n.” Bhe said the reason behind the attack was that she “went to a grill near Maple S reet and it made him She refused to sign an assault end battery warrant against Mr. Webster, nor did the cops sign dhe. The victim has one tooth missing from the upper mouth, as a result of the at tack, and suffered a bruise on the left comer of her mouth. (See CHIME BEAT, P. 3) Garner’s Zanzibar Club Hit BY ROY LEE COLLINS GARNER —■ J. D. Bridge®, owner o" the Zanzibar Club (alleged Hole in the Wall) ap pealed his case to the Wa&e Superior Court Thursday af ter Judge R. W, Brooks found him guilty, in Garner Record er's Court, or having beer and whiskey on the premises of the club for the purpose cf sale. Mr. Bridges was repre sented by Attorney R. L. Mc- Millan. Gamer Police Officer Jackie Waters appeared as the wit ness for the state. Offierr Waters testified that on Fri day, August 19, about 10:30 pan., he entered the Zanz - ibar Club and noticed Bridges with a cup in his hand and a can of beer, pouring the beer into the cup, and at that time sitting it on the counter before a young man. Mr. Waters stated that as he approached the young man, the cup was turned over. Attorney McMillan then ask ed Mr. Waters if he smelled the cup to see whether it was beer? The officr replied ’No’. Then the attorney asked him how did he know that the cup had beer in it? Mr. Waters stated it came out of a beer can, and that Mr. Bridges put the can under the counter when he saw him approaching the bar. Waters also testified that at that time he asked the operator to search the prem ises for more alcoholic bev erages and he hesitated for a while before he would allow him to search the premises. The officer stated further (See ZANZIBAR CLUB, P. 2) Black Power’ Conemned By U. S. Baptists DALLAS, Texas - The Na tional Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., headed by Dr. J. H. Jack son, Chicago pastor and widely known Negro leader, last Sat urday condemned the term “black power” as a civil rights weapon, and called upon all Americans to seek redress for grievances “through the courts of the land.” The 5 1/2 million member organization, largest Negro group in America, adopted a resolution at its 86th annual session in Dallas, Texas, re newing its support of the su preme law, that is, the Federal Constitution. “In civil order..civil disob edience is not required, and therefore is not a virtue,” the resolution stated. “Historical ly, civil disobedience has never been used as a means of cor recting unjust laws of a social order, but to overthrow that order.” The resolution criticised groups that are advocatlnf “black power” with these words: We condemn the term 'black power' for the following rea (Be* U. §. BAPTISTS, P. 2) Jews Will Continue CR Work NEW YORK, N. Y. The Union of American Hebrew Con gregations Sunday called upon Reform Jews and others not to allow the cont rover sy over “black power” to deter them from continued active partici pation in the civil rights strug grj0 # An editorial in the UAHC's official publication, AMERICAN (*•• JEW® wax, F. 2) ’’ MRS. BERTHA SMITH %:3 j, ■\ m > l, \, / 11' w ' AIDE TO DR. KING ARRESTED - ATLANTA: Hosea Wil liams, an aide to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., angrily shouts at policeman from paddy wagon after he was arrested during riot here late Sunday. The riot was set off when whites shot and killed a Negro youth and then sped off In a car. (UPI PHOTO) SWEEPSTAKES HUMSiRS : f-' '* 1 Worth $25 Worth sls Wet* $lO • Anyone having current BLIR TICKETS, dated Sept, 10, 196£, with above numbers, present name | to The CAROLINIAN office and receive amounts listed above from the SWEEPSTAKES FEATcRE. S «* t> tm H$4M ««» ***. mm, m CHt HR SSS MS 282*3 ?<3@ 8S& SBR *®S 3M# W®. KBR EDITORIAL FEATURE I Guest Editorial BY GORDON B. HANCOCK The violent Negro’s appeal to fire is one of the ugliest and most dangerous symptoms of the current interracial dis orders. The arson-minded Negro must be crushed and curbed in the interest of the national safety and Negro sur vival It is high time for leaders of the race to rise up against arson-minded Ne groes and condemrl them in no uncer tain terms. Arson is a threat to every body, friends as well as enemies, whites as well as Negroes, the “haves” as well as the “havenots.” Arsonists have no friends anywhere: and if there is a cer tain means of driving away every last friend of the Negro everywhere, arson is that means. If there is a sure way to consolidate the white race against the Negro race, arson is that way. Arson is dangerous and so is the arsonist and the sooner arsonism as an ideology is stamp ed out among rioting Negroes, the better for Negroes and everybody. The Negro who thinks that by applying the torch the twenty million Negroes can bring nearly 200,000,000 whites to their knees is a fool! And the Negro leaders who in culcate such notion in the unthinking Negro masses are knaves, and as such should be denounced; for they are in viting social and economic damnation upon the heads of the Negro millions. There is an overt anti-Negro element among whites who are abetted by mil lions of covert anti-Negro elements who are seeking and searching for an excuse to destroy the Negro for his very at tempt to pull into the mainstream of American citizenship. We have made startling advances since 1954 and the sentiment of the world has been going for us, but it is quite conceivable that the Negro arsonist can turn the stream of world sentiment against us in our just struggle for full citizenship. The Negro arsonist must be crushed or by his sense less appeal to fire he will crush the as pirations of a struggling people. The Negro leaders who are inclined to go slow on the denunciation of the arson minded Negro may live to regret it. The violence that has been injected into a non-violent adventure is unfortunate Soy Nude Men On Boulevard BY CHARLES R, JONES Three Negro female employ ees of the College lan, Western Boulevard, walking home after work Monday afternoon, almost became the unfortunate vic tims of two naked'men, appar ent sex fiends, who were In the company of a third Caucasian, fully dressed, according to re ports. Miss Jo Ann Burnett, of 823 S. Bloodworth Street, told De tective E. D. Whitley at 2;30 p.m,, that she, Miss Eleanor Blalock, 206 Bledsoe Avenue, and Miss Janie Wilson, 906 Mark Street, were “on our way home from work” when the fol lowing incident took place: As they reached the point where Western Boulevard In tersects with Kirby Street, they saw three white men, two of whom were standing at the edge of woods. Miss Burnett stated two of the men did not have on any clothes, and said when they (the three (See NAKED WHITE, P. 2) REELECTED DALLAS - (NPI) -The Rev. J, H, Jackson, pastor of Chi cago’s Olivet Baptist church, last week was re-elected to an other term as president of the National Baptist Convention, U. S. A., Inc., at the denomina tion’s 86th annual session. Since he was first elected many years ago, Rev. Jackson has qutematlcally been returned to office each year. The denom ination claims over five mil lion members. The convention's theme was "United We Stand,” to empha size what Rev, Jackson claims should be the condition among all Americans, Negroes and whites. However, the minister's philosophy against demonstra tions and militancy In civil fights places him at odds with (See RE-ELECTED, P. 2) enough, but for this violence to take the form of arson is a form of racial suicide. There are many anti-Negro organiza tions in this country founded by the an ti-Negro whites, covert and overt. It hardly takes a prophet to see what is possible when these organizations con solidate and integrate. There is no surer means of hastening this consolidation and integration of the anti-Negro ele ments than the arsonist so evident in the current interracial disurbances. There can be but little doubt that someone in the role of leadership is putting arson in the minds of these crude arsonists who appear too invariably in the riot zones'. The leader or would-be-leader planting the arson suggestion is doing a damnable thing. It is high time that our pulpit and press cry out with a loud voice against the would-be Negro arson ist. People with homes and possessions are against arson and only the shiftless and irresponsible would resort to such specious means of trying to outsmart the white man. It cannot be done and the sooner the word is passed along that it cannot be done the sooner will our ar son-minded Negroes be checked. Arson is dangerous for everybody everywhere and all the time! Arson-mindedness must be stamped out and the sooner the better! The toe-hold that Virginia gave the Nazis a few years ago has become a foot-hold already; and already the Nazis though weak in numbers to date, are crying for Negro extermination; and nothing could give their anti-Negro bat tle-cry force and power more effectively than the arson-minded Negro. Quite as alarming as the adventure into arsonism and the appeal to fire is the silence of the Negro leaders on the horrible impli cations of arson. What the young Negro would-be arsonist is doing is explained by his leaderlessness. And although des perate now in his plight, he needs leaders who are courageous enough to disabuse his mind of the futility of an appeal to fire and flame. In a fight with fire, the odds are against the Negro and over whelmingly with the dominant white man. The arson-minded Negro is dan gerous!