STAFF PHOTO BY LLOYD H. JEFFRIES) MTS. JEN VIE LIPSCOMB 102-Yr. -Old Woman Tells Christmas Story Very to •. ;•< onle can remem ber their firs* Christmases, due to tin fact they were too youtv ami -rtamly Mrs. Jen nie I ipscoaih, who will be 102 year old or. Inc next birth day, cannot he . Xpert ed to remembt ; too many either. She, however, told an enchant ing s‘oi alxmt some of the Christman, s she has witness ed as she waits for the coming Christmas. Mrs. Lipscomb was very co herent about having been bom the year of the Emancipation Proclamation, in Durham Coun ty, near the Wake line. She attempted to picture one of the many and once she got started she went, dong good. When asked how she had spent past Trio Charged In Hoke Axe-Handle Murder RAEFOKI - Law enforce ment officers of Hoke County, led by Sl.ei iff Dave Harrington are continuing the investigation of the death of Neill Archie McCormick, 7" r.-old, whose body was found in a four-room house Monn lived alone in the l'liiP Station Community and the officers leel that some time 1 during the night that one Sweepstakes Winner Eyes Gifts For Christmas Dennis Sanders,a Shaw Uni versity junior , who comes from Smithfield, might be too old to believe there is a Santa Claus, but was as much surprised as any child will be Sunday morn ing when he finds some of the things that he told St. Nick SANDERS MRS. MCNEIL he wanted, when he walked out of The CAROLINIAN office with $20.00 this week, the price that ' Man Burned To Death The arrival of a neighbor at the home of Tom Griffith, 71, on Nazareth St., about 7:30 a. m. Tuesday was too late, for when the neighbor gained admit tance to the house he found that Griffith had burned to death. Griffith was reported as hav ing been alone in the house and when the neighbor saw the smoke he went over to investi gate and found Griffith near the door of the one-room ce ment-block house. The death was somewhat a mystery to Coroner M.W. Ben nett, due to tiie fact the house has a cement floor and there was no indication that anything else was consumed. The coro ner was of tiie opinion that Griffith was sitting beside the stove and his clothing caught fire, while he slept. 4M All lrvi ih nrni, r. o) s S WIEPSTAIIS lyilEßS’l S 350 2342 6270 | WORTH $l5O WORTH sls WORTH $lO ; Anyone havinc current BI.UE TICKETS date* Dec. IT, 19M. with proper numbers, present same § to The CAROLINIAN office and receive amounts listed above from the SWEEPSTAKES FEATURE, Christmases, she said, “Oh, there is one I remember.” She related how she was in Raleigh, and like this year, Christmas eve was on Saturday. She came to Raleigh to shop for Christmas and after arriv ing here it began to snow and she had to walk nine miles, out the Old Stage Road. Accord ing to the information, pieced together by her, this must to have been about the turn of the century. She said it snowed the rest of that day, all night that night and all day Christmas Day. She pictured the snow as being waist deep. “I remember we turned the horse out and the snow was so deep we could only see his head as he walk (See CHBJ9TMAS STORY. I*. I) or more persons stole into the house and without warning pounced upon McCormick, us ing an axe handle that they found in a straw field some 300 yards from the victim’s house. The office s tied the axe handle into the case when they found blood on it. Charged today and held in county jail without bond are Malcolm McCoy, 17, Robert Lee Hollingsworth, 23, King David Purcell, 22, and Landon John son 16, all of Duffys Station. ticket #2IOO was worth. Dennis is the son of Mrs. Rosa Sanders of Smithfield and a member of St. Peters’ Church of Christ, located in the capi tal of Johnston County. He said "I am happy and surprised." He knew the money would be used to buy Christmas presents. Mrs. Mary McNeil, 1204 S. East St., was also a winner. She had ticket #I9OO, which brought her $30.00. Ticket #540, worth $125.00 was not brought in and that means that whoever has #350, blue, and dat ed December 17, can collect the money at the CAROLINIAN office, 518 E. Martin St., upon (fee SWEEPBTAKSB, P. 2) From Raleigh’s Official Police Files THE CRIME BEAT Caught In Act Robert Elton Jackson, Mana ger, McLellan Store, Fayette ville Street, told police that he watched Maxine Alston, 810 Coleman St., pick up a pair of stockings and make her way out of the door. He further says that he followed her and invit ed her back into the store. A policeman is said to have en tered about this time and Max ine was taken to a Justice of Peace to face a charge of lar cency and receiving. * * * Battery Stolen James Jasper Scarborough reported that on Dec. 19, about 9;50 a. m. some one removed a battery from his car, while it was parked on E. Davie St. I AAii Arrirmr riTr &la sos LOCAL OFFICERS SEIZE $64,585 LAW ACTION STIRS NATION THE CAROLINIAN VOL. 26, NO. 5 Ex-Sheriff,A ides Sued For Beating Women ‘mi'"Mi lltlf I Wk \ BAD DREAM BEAMED - “DIFFICULT DAYS A HEAD” —Washington; Pres. .TohnsOß greats a group of wounded Vietnam war veterans who were touring the White House Dec,. 15 at the invita tion of Mrs. Johnson. The Presidjn solemnly told the mump that it would be “some time” be fore there is peace. He said the U. can expect “difficult days ahead.”|(UPl PHOTO), Law School Action Stirs Editors BY ALEXANDER BARNES DURHAM - Proponents, who 1 have fought and worked for in tegration on the basis that it was the one factor that could enable the South tp T%come recognized on the ZiorizoSk of tomorrow’s hope ind to Ase from both economfc and* socfel bottomness, got a lift from tie Duke University Raw' \Schcl>l H. M. MTCH AUX, JR. *■ Youths Damage Machine Gordon Lee Jewries and Lon nie Davis, Jr. both 15, are charged with using a tiie tool to pry open the door of a ma chine, at 228 E. Cabarrus St., causing $5.00 damage. * * * Beats Wife With Stick Delores Jane Watson, "22 E, Hargett, complained that as the result of an argument with her husband, Eddie Watson, this week, she had to be treated at Wake Memorial so- Injury to her left arm, which was in flicted by her husband, with a stick. (Set* CRIME BEAT, P 3) North Carolina ’« Leading Weekly RALEIGH. N C„ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1966 tiln < practices as thpy reltte tothlgsocial aspects ERjc .MIwHAUX EDITORIAL FEATURE The Thought Exchange By Gordon B. Hancock THE SAME SAD STORY' Says Luke 2:7: “And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn Thus it was at our dear Saviour’s birth 2000 years ago, and thus it is in 1966. No room for Jesus! No hard thoughts, no base intentions, no lack of sympathy, no meanness at heart, no lack of deep concern—just no room! But this is Christmas and the very word implies Christ and how can we have Christmas without its Christ? But the world of 1966 is going to put on its Christmas party with Christmas carols, and sing “Silent Night.” and “Holy Night.” and from all around will sound songs of rejoicing and vested choirs will sing lustily, and thousands of ministers will proclaim the coming of Tcsus called thr Christ, who in words, at least, is wor shipped bv earth’s poor mortal millions. Thf vi ry thoughts thereof are sobering and do something to our weary jaded spirits, even as we nretend to be of good heir, observing a Christmas without the Ca-i -t in whose name we attempt to cel brate In spite of our bold pretensions, generally, it is ns true in 1966 as it was * ..u.. ■ . . ■ .. Os lie i feint'ors. ErJcMichaux, a graduate of the Duke Univer sity Law School, and his broth er,*H. M. Vflchaux, Jr., a grad uate of the North Carolina Col lje£e|Law School, have met all the requirements of the legal profession, in the state, and aver that they have a right to all the appurtenances thereto. The fact that the action of the Duke University Law School has brought comment from through out the illation and the world, argues jtfell for a new day in Dixie. f Many of the state’s leading newspaper editors have pointed that if the North Car olina Bar Association isgoingto be ah agency of law and order it must clean up its own house. National newspaper editors have hailed the move as one In the right direction to bring North Carolina, and the rest of the South, to the realiza tion that color is no deterrent to efficiency, no barrier to In telligence and certainly no blot on character. The two Durham lawyers were interviewed by the writer and showed no remorse for the North Carolina Bar Association and had no regrets for the action taken by the Duke University Law School. They were modest (See NATION'S EDITORS, P 2) that sombre night in lowly Bethlehem, and it may be as truly said now as it was said of him that memorable night when he was born, “And there was no room in the inn.” Os course, the world is going to put on a great Christmas narty: and Jesus will be here for the party, given in His name, but just whether or not he “can get in” is anoth er question —a searching question, a se rious question, a question with eternal 'implications- Jesus will have to face up to the ugly fact that the world of 1966 is a color-struck world, and race preju dices in the driver’s seat, and next to him sits the mighty dollar; so, if he would ride, he must ride in the rumble reat. Then he must be prepared to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that he has net a drop of Negro blood in his veins, although we are told that Simon of Cy rcnc, who helped him along his weary way up Golgotha, and who helped hftn bear his cross, was a descendant of Af rica ! But today, just one drop of Simon’s blood in the veins of men will damn them in the sight of millions who live in a world created and dominated by the white race, that did not anpear until the (See EDITORIAL FEATURE. P. 2) PRICE 15 CENTS 900 G’s Asked For Brutality NEW BERN - Three women, Mrs. Bertha Wright, Sarah Mid gett and Madeline Pearsall, through their attorneys Regi nald Frazier and J. L. Cham bers, went into Federal District Court here Monday and asked a total of $900,000.00 for cruel treatment on the part of Pamlico County officers to their bodies, their minds and their spirits. The three plaintiffs charge that R. H. Whorton, acting; in the capacity as sheriff of Pim- Ilcd County, and twoother mem bers of his staff, L. T. W'ize and Troy Miller, did on the 2®th of November, willfully and wan - tonly, .eaier the home of Mrs. Bertha Mae Wright and did inflict bodily damage# to the three Women and an unidenti fied minor, without regard to life or limb. The complaint charges that the then officers of the law of Pamlico County heaped punish ment upon the bodies of the women with blackjacks, rifles and pistols. Due to this in human treatment on the part of the three w'hite law enforce ment officers, Mrs. Pearsall is saying that she lost an eye. Whorton is said to have gone out as sheriff on Dec. 5, due to the fact he did not choose to run for the office in the last election. His alleged head busting deputies went out'with him. This means that when the (8m m O* ASKED. P. *) Chowan Co. Bd. Succumbs To Integration EDENTON - Five Negro stu dents who have been going toD. F. Walker High School have been accepted at the all-white high school and are expected to en ter after the Christmas holi days. Chowan County has posed a problem for the U. S. Office of Education, due to its failure to show any information to follow the guide lines for school de segregation. The city and county school boards are exchanging the stu dents under the freedom of choice plan. The hoard said the students earlier said they wanted to go to the all-Negro school but 3 Held For Forgery Attempt At Two Banks Greed marked th- lo ball of three Baltimer. 1 m. a here Tuesday afternoon who h >-i col lected th< sun I First Citizens Bulk and Trust Company depositories located in the Raleigh area, through bank money orders drawn on First Citizens Bank and Trust Company and bearing the signa- JAMES WILLIAM PLUMP JOHN ELLIS BE LI Impersonator jailed After 1 typing’ Driver WHITEVILLE - I omd Lot Brown, 32, perhaps has i: