THE CABOUNIAN RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1966 14 GABBING About 'Town f|f J-£?m 3Y MRS A. H. THORPE KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS As now we celebrate his birth, The corning of the Christ tc earth, May we amid out joy ous mirth, Keep Jesus first in Christmas. Lets sing of Him in carols sweet, Lets lay our gifts at His feet, and make the sea son’s joy complete with Je sus first in Christmas. —Selected. PATIENT AT WAKE MEMORIAL Mrs. Annie West of E. South St. is a patient at Wake Mem orial Hospital. Her many friends and especially the mem bers of the Rush Metropolitan AME Zion Church of which she is a member hopes for her a speedy recovery. ALLIANCE CHRISTMAS PARTY The beautiful and spacious home of Rev. and Mrs. B. W.' Foust, was the scene of merry making last Monday, as the Min isters Wives Alliance gathered for their annual Christmas Par ty. Mrs. H. D. Henry presid ed. Among the guests were, the husbands of the Women Alliance. Entertaining the par ty were: Mesdames Edgerton, Sherrills, Lewis and Epps. They all joined in singing carols and playing games. Mrs. L. P. Perry was at the piano. The repast was enjoyed by all. Those in attendance were: Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Edgerton, Rev. and Mrs. Henry Clanton, Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Davis, Rev. and Mrs. George Robinson, Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Lewis, Rev. and Mrs. J. Epps, Rev. and Mrs. B. W. Closs, Rev. and Mrs. L. Debnam, Rev. and Mrs. B. W, Foust, Mesdames: M. McCiam, M. Moore, J. Terrell, O. L. Sherrill, J, H. Bryant, M. B. Sapp, Mae Delaney, C. W. W'ard and V. L. Sanders. Mrs. C. W. Ward is president of the Min isters Wives Alliance. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Happy birthday greetings ar,e extended to Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Hall, Jr. of 22 Lincoln Terrace, who celebrated birthdays in De cember respectively. Mi s. Ed. Hall’s birthday was Dec. 2nd. Mr. Ed Hall, Jr.’s birthday will be Dec. 23rd. A double birth day party is being planned. We again say, “Happy birthday,” and wish you many more to come. HOME FROM HOSPITAL We say, “Welcome Home,” to Mrs. Ed Hall, Jr., who was a patient at Wake Memorial Hospital for a few days. Our prayer is, that she will continue to improve and will be out again soon with her friends. TOWN NEWS AND OBSERVER PLANT The Young Citizens Civics Club of St. Monica, recently toured the News and Observ er News Building. The guided tour was very interesting and most enjoyable. Much infor mation was obtained by every one. The trip was supervised by Sister McCallister I. H. M. Moritze Hicks is reporter. ENTERTAINS AT DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. James Ander son of 106 N. Tarboro St., en tertained their 2 year old son, Eyeglasses CONTACT LENSES SUNGLASSES HEARING AIDS MAGNIFIERS OPERA GLASSES bring your prescriptin to: Ifldjiuiaji’i OPTICIAN! U«. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING Dm m Ortowbon o rw»iu>-cinn«w« NOW OPEN BCDWN’I Property Management & Investment Company Call To ay For RI NTAt S. 11FAI l ‘ >■* > K INVESTMENTS KIT'A IKS AND IIKVOOII NO OFFICE Homs 9.00 A M. - 5.00 P.M. Monday through Friday Saturday - 9:00 A M - 12:00 P.M. J. HENRY BROWN DIAL 832-1814 229 S. Ea»t Street ■— inrun i ... -.-■mmmmmmmmmßmmm Alford Karl at a dinner party on Monday Dec. 19, in celebra tion of his 3rd birthday. A few of his playmates and mem bers of his family were on hand to wish him a happy, happy birthday. NOTE: • Thanks' for your calls and letters and we wish for all of you, A Merry, Mer ry Christmas.” Club News ROSEBUD GARDEN CLUB HOLDS MEETING At a recent meeting of the Rosebud Garden Club, Mrs. M. M. Cartel served as hostess. Mrs. Lex Colsen conducted the devotion which consisted of Christmas Carols and “The Christmas Story.” The club president, Mrs. A. A. Cook presided at the busi ness session. The Rosebud Garden Club made contributions to the following charitable groups and organizations: Op eration Santa Claus, The Wake County Mental Health Associa tion, The United Fund and to needy families for Christmas, A main feature, at the meet ing, was the presentation of Robert Carr, a representative of the Transcontinental Gas Company, who showed a mov ie on “The March of Progress” by Natural Gas. Mrs. Zana Haywood report ed on a Conference she had attended at the YWCA concern ing flower arrangements. At its first meeting in the New Year, Mrs. Lex Colsen will serve as hostess. The Rosebud Garden Club wishes the Raleigh Community the happiest of holiday greet ings. Members present at this meeting were: Mrs. K.N. Cum bo, Mrs. Nora Sanders, Mrs. P. 1.. Higgs, Mrs. Ethel Wal lace, Mrs. O. L. Sherrill, Mrs. M. M. Carter, Mrs. Zana Hay wood, Mrs. A. A. Cooke, and Mrs. Lex Colsen. COSMETOLOGIST CLUB - Chapter 35 met at the home of Mrs. Rosetta Rand, with the president Mrs. Iris Crum pre siding. Tlie club held its business session with the election of officers for the coming year. Mrs. Crum was reelected as president. Each member brought arti cles of clothing to be donated to Oxford Ophrange. After the meeting, the hostess served a delightful repass that was enjoyed by all. The members present were: Miss Vivian Burt, Mesdames, Carrie Bur gess, Mattie Hawes, Dorothy Perry, Alzonia Roberts, Lena Tucker and Estelle Bryce. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Alzonia Roberts on January 3. THE DUNBAR SOCIAL CLUB The Dunbar Social Club met Friday night in preparation for Christmas. With all the new members, everything is going very successful. The last member to join was Mr. Alex Goode of Method. He entertained the club members and their wives, at his home, the first Friday night, in No venber. Good foodandrefresh ments were served, after which a ■ meeting took place. There were also games played. Every one enjoyed. The first Friday in Decem ber, the club had a dance at the Y-Extension, on Blount St. It was very successful, well at tended, and enjoyed by all who attended. Mr. Fuller and his band furnished the music. Last but not least, the club /WAITING • Commercial • Social Consult Us for Reasonable Estimates Prompt * Service Phone 834-5558 The CAROUNIAN Publishing Co. 518 E. Martin Street Raleigh, N. C. 27602 BY MRS. M4Y L. BROAOIE We pary, O Father, that we shall think at all times of the brotherhood of man. Help us this day to think beyond our own country, and love beyond the circle of our own loved ones and friends. May w-e live so close to Thee, our heavenly Father, that we may feel Thy heart beat of love for Thy children everywhere. O God we thank Thee for our Saviour born in Bethlehem and laid in a manger. On this Christmas Day, may our homes be a Be thlehem, a glow with radiant light and warm joy to welcome the Christ Child. Then may we share His glorious spirit with all the world in the blessed Saviour’s name we pray. Amen. **** ST. ANNAH FREEWILL BAPTIST - Church school began at 10 a.m. with the superinten dent, Deacon W. K. Lyon, Sr. presiding. Morning worship be gan at 11:30 a.m. with the call to worship by the pastor, Rev. L. T. Ford and the coral res ponse by choir #2. They were in charge of music under the direction of Mrs. Elizabeth Partin, pianist, Mrs. Topsy Mc- Cullers. The morning lesson was read by the pastor, Rev. L. T. Ford, from St. Matthew 26:1-24. The morning prayer was led by Deacon W. H. Lyon, Sr. A very encouraging sermon was delivered by the pastor, from the book of Revelations 10:20. His subject was, "Be Faithful”. Everyone enjoyed it very much. ***** ST. MATTHEW A.M.E -Sun day School began at 9:30 a.m. with the associate superinten dent, Mr. V. R. Leach in charge. Robert Lesane, Jr. Is the general Supt. Morning worship began at 11:00 with the call to worship by the pastor, Rev. J. F. Epps. The coral response was given by choir #2, which was in charge of the music, under the direc tion of Mrs. Marie Riddick. Organist is Miss Darleen An derson. The morning lesson was read by the pastor, Rev. J. F. Epps; prayer was led by Bro. V. R. Leach. A very in spiring sermon was delivered by the pastor which everyone enjoyed. ***** WILSON TEMPLE METHO DIST - Church school opened at 9:30 a.m. with the general superintendent, Miss Nannie Morgan presiding. Morning worship began at 11 a.m. with the senior choir in charge of music, under the direction of Miss Nanie Morgan. Organist is Mrs. M. M. Kelly. The mor ning lesson and prayer were led by the pastor, Rev. Ken neth McNeil. A very rich ser mon was delivered by the as sistant pastor, Rev. J. c. Crum. Everyone enjoyed the has chosen two families to which it will give some cheer for Christmas. A committee of four went to visit the families and decided to give checks, this year, instead of the usual bas kets. The members are pleased with this and wdsh everyone could be given some assistance, by them. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. CECELIA FIDELITY CLASS GIVES TEA The Cecelia Fidelity Class at St. Paul AMS Church held a Christmas Tea Party in honor of the senior members of the Sunday School. Christmas Carols were sung and two delightful films were shown. One of the films was produced by the late Walt Dis ney and was shown in his hon or. To add to the joy of the entertainment Rev. B. S. Foust, pastor of the church, sang a lovely solo, accompanied by Miss Cecelia J. Wortham. A delightful Christmas repast was served and enjoyed by all who attended. We are very proud to say that the Cecelia Fidelity Sunday School Class is named in honor of Miss Cecelia J. Wortham. Bxm SHOE REPAIRS MFVS Ne w and Used Shoes New and Used Oil Roots Shoe Repair Work Repair fadies' Handbags luggage Repair M .S Used Work Chocs and Boots ECONOMY SHOE SHOP 111 E. Hnrgett St. RALEIGH N. C message. ***** YOUNGS C.M.E. - Sunday school opened at 9:30 a.m. with the general superintendent, Mrs. Myrtle Rhodes presiding. Morning worship began at 11 a. m. with the.senior choir in charge of music, under the di rection of Mr. Wilbert Thorpe. The morning lesson and pray er were led by the pastor, Rev. J. L, Durden, who also delivered a great sermon. His subject was “A Child Is Born.” Everyone enjoyed it. ***** TUPPER MEMORIAL BAP TIST - Church school opened at 9;30 a.m. with Deacon Robert Miller acting superintendent, in the absence of the general superintendent, Mrs. Dorothy Allen. Morning worship began at 11 a.m, with the senoir choir in charge of music, under the direction of Miss Valjean Miles. The morning lesson was read by the pastor, Rev. R. W. Styles from St. Matthew, chap ter 2. The morning prayer was led by Deacon N. W. Sanders. A very powerful sermon was delivered by the pastor. His theme “The Shepherd and Kings Kneel Together.” Everyone en joyed the sermon very much. ***** FIRST CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST- Sunday school presented a Christmas program under the direction of Mrs. Vera Murphy. Morning worship began at 11 a.m. with the junior choir in charge of music, under the di rection of Mrs. Nancy Wall. The prayer and scripture were led by the pastor, Rev. Howard Cunningham. "No Room In The Inn,” was the subject of the sermon. It was enjoyed by all. ***** OBERLIN BAPTIST - Church school opened at 9:30 a.m. with the superintendent, Mr. Walter Curtis in charge. Morning wor ship began at 11 a.m. with the junior choir in charge of the music under the direction of Mr. Gaston Pulley. The morning prayer was led by Rev. Pulley. The scripture was read by the pastor, Rev. J, P. Dempsey. He also brought an inspiring sermon. His subject was, “The Sign of the Time.” It was en joyed by all. ***** UNION BAPTIST - Sunday school opened at 9:30 a.m. with the superintendent, Mr. James Campbell. Morning worship be gan at 11:30 a. m. with the junior choir in charge of the music, under the direction of Mrs. Rachel Sander. Pianist is Mrs. Vlrgie Beckwith. The morning lesson was read by the pastor, Rev. E. Mason from St. Luke 2:7-10. The prayer was led by Deacon Willie Hill. A wonderful message was deli vered by the pastor, Rev. E. Mason. His subject was, “Be hold I Bring You Good Tidings Os Great Joy.” ***** LINDOLN PARK HOLINESS CHURCH - Sunday school be gan at 10 a.m. with the super intendent, Mr. Arthur Williams in charge. Morning worship fol lowed immediately. The Rev. William S. Tolbert was guest speaker for the morning. He chose for a subject “Abraham Answers the Call.” Music was rendered by the senior choir accompanied by Master William Ratcliff at the organ. Rev. Thornton from Pilgrim Baptist Church in Durham was guest speaker during the afternoon. The pastor, Bishop Eli Rat cliff was in Durham during morning service. * * * SPRINGFIELD BAPTIST - Church school opened at 9:30 a.m. with the general superin tendent, Mr. T. B. Jiles and the junior choir in charge of music, under the direction of Mrs. Christa Deaver. The mor ning lesson was read by the pas tor, Rev. W. E. Edgerton. The prayer was by Deacon H. C. Williams. A very rich sermon was delivered by the pastor. His subject was “A Great Re port.” Everyone enjoyed the message. ***** MANLY STREET UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - Sunday school began at 9:30 with the general superintendent, Mr. Walter Jones and the adult su perintendent, Mrs. Lula D. Cheatham presiding. Morning services began at 11 a.m. with the Luclous Menter choir in charge of music with the or ganist Mr. O. L. Taylor, ac companied by Mr. Clarence Da vidson at the piano. The morn ing lesson and prayer were led by the pastor, Rev. T. C. Ha mans who also brought a very rich Christmas message. Ev eryone enjoyed the sermon. At 7:30 p.m. the Raleigh Civic Association presented a Christ mas concert under the direction of Mr. William Vandergrift; soloist, Mrs. Alores Chalmers, organist, Mrs. Glendora Tho mas; president, Mr. Alfred Newkirk. It was very inspiring. ***** FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - Church school opened at 9.-30 a. m. with the general superin- tendent, Mr. D. R. Ingram along with the eight department su perintendents. Everyone as sembled in the Bullock build ing for a very timely religious film entitled, "Christmas Stories for Children.” Remarks were made by Deacon Ellis Jones, Mrs. M. T. James and Mrs, P. G. Smith. The closing remarks were given by the pas tor, Rev. C. W. Ward. Morning worship began at 11 a.m. with the senior choir in charge of music under the direction of Mrs. M. T. James. Assistant director is Mr. Bell, minister of music, Mrs. E. M. M. Kel ly, accompanied by Miss Carol Taylor. The call to worship was offered by the pastor, Rev. C. W. Ward with pastorial prayer fol lowed by the choral response. The responsive reading was led by Rev. J. A. Lister. The morn ing lesson was read by Rev. Joel Ladomore. The prayer was led by the pastor. A beauti ful sermon was delivered by the pastor, Rev. Ward. His subject, "In the Long Run,” Mrs. Dorothy Allen, supt. of the Tupper Memorial Baptist Church school brought some inspiring remarks from the Wake Opportunity Program. B.T.U. was held at 6:30 p.m. with the leaders Mr. Frank Hi nton and Mrs. L. H. Shaw. At 7:30 p.m., the Sunday sctool department presented the an nual Christmas program. ***** MORNING STAR BAPTIST - Church School opened at 11a.m. with the superintendent, Mr. J. L. Weldon in charge. The lesson was "Preparing the Way.” At 12 a.m., worship ser vice began -with the senior choir in charge under the direction of Mrs. Deloth at the piano. The scripture lesson was from I saiah, chapter 1. Our pastor delivered a powerful sermon. At 6:30, BTU began with Mr. Marks in charge. At 7;30 pm the pastor brought another mes sage from the book of Ezekiel. His subject was, "Son of Man, Stand Up and I Will Speak to You.” A Christmas program will be held Sunday night at 6:30. All are invited to come out. ***** ST MARY’S AME CHURCH The junior choir was in charge of the 11 a.m. devotion. Our pastor, Rev. Isaiah Andrews brought the message from the 4th chapter of Malachi. His text was taken from the second verse. The Christmas program got off to a wonderful start. Mrs. Gilbert would like to thank all the children who participated in it. Many thanks go out to the parents. At the end of the pro gram, the congregation was in vited to the Annex for a so cial hour. St. Mary’s A.M.E. Church is now having service on the first and third Sunday. Our pastor is Rev. Isaiah Andrews ***** SMITH TEMPLE FREEWILL BAPTIST - Sunday school be gan at 10 a. m. with the Supt., Mr. Elbert Sanders in charge. At 11 a. m., Rev. Alford made the call to worship. The senior choir was in charge of the mu sic, under the direction of Mrs. C. Williams and Mrs. L. Holden, The scripture lesson was read from Zachariah 3;1-10 verses. Invocation was led by Deacon Freeman. Rev. Alford brought us a wonderful message from the above chapter and verses. His theme was "Visions of the Coming Messiah.” * * * -RUSH METROPOLITAN AME ZION - Church School began at 9:45 a. m., with the Supt., Mr. Leslie Campbell presiding. The Junior church services were conducted by the junior church leader, Mrs. Alda McCullers and the teachers of the Primary Department. The regular morn ing worship service was rend ered by the senior choir. Rev. Harris brought a heart warm ing and soul stirring message. His text was taken from St. Matthews Gospel 10:2 verse. His subject was "Looking and Searching for Christ the New - born King.” At 7 p. m., the Church School presented its Christmas pro gram candlelight service and distribution of gifts and bags. Each of the children participat ing in the program did a re markable job as speakers, and fine singers. The Junior choir also played a fine part in help ing to furnish carols for the program. Mrs. Annie H. Thorpe is the church reporter. Obituaries MR. GANADAS Funeral services forMr.Ga nadas Jones of Garner were held Monday at 12:00 noon from the Good Samaritan Church of Garner with Rev. Mr. Edgerton pastor, officiating. Burial fol lowed in the National Cemetery in Raleigh. He is surbived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Lois Jones; four daughters, Misses Delores, Virginia Lee, Linda Sue and Marilyn Marie Jones, all of the home; mother, Mrs. Minnie Vincent of Baltimore, Md.; one sister, Mrs. Virginia Smith of JACK AND JILL MEMBERS attend Installation - First row - left to right; LaVerne Goins, Lillian Abron, Louise Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson (newly installed) Ruby Stroud, chapter president, Mr. and Mrs. George Greene (newly installed) a Hie Peebles, Irene Lane) Ophelia Irving, Second row; J, J. Sansom, Vivian Sansom, J. W. Eaton, Minetta Eaton, Eugene Logan, Viv ian Logan, Marguerite Lightner, Ruth Davenport, Ermine Bates, Norman Haywood, June Camp bell, Elnora Kee, Bessie Lewis, Harriett Webster, Gladys Hunt, Elsie Perry, Mertie Batey, Marjorie Debnam, George Debnam, Third row; Bernice Rainbow, w. Rainbow, Ralph Campbell) Lorenzo Haywood, W. C. Davenport, Milard Peebles, Margaret Ilayes, 1., Haves, Thomas Kee, Felts Lewis, D. Webster, Cecil Goins, C. L. Hunt, William Perry and M. H. Batey. BETROTHED - Miss Joyce Ann Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cooper of 123 Lincoln Ct., Raleigh, is en gaged to Arthur C. Cook HI, son of Rev. and Mrs. Arthur C. Cook, II of Richmond, Va. The wedding is planned for Jan uary 28. Baltimore, Md.; one brother, Charles Jones of Orange, N. J. * * * MISS RUBY MAE O’NEAL Miss Ruby Mae O’Neal of 309 S. Swain St., died last Friday. Funeral services were conducted from the Raleigh Funeral Home chapel last Sat urday afternoon at 2 p. m. by the Rev. C. P. Meadows. Burial was in Woodard’s Cross Roads cemetery in Johnston County. She is survived by her father, Herbert O’Neal of the home; two sisters, Misses Katherine and Ella Lee O’Neal, Raleigh; and one brother, John ny Council, Fayetteville. * * * MR. JAMES ERVIN WILLIAMS Funeral services for Mr. James Ervin Williams of Wil low Springs were held Sunday at 4 p. m. from the Juniper Level Church with the Rev. Mr. Jones pastor, officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. He is survived by four daugh ters, Mrs. Elouise Gulley and Misses Lottie Louise, Geneva and Lovely Lee Williams of the home; three sons, Preston Wil liams of Raleigh, and James Er vin and Bobby Eugene Williams of the home; one brother, Ver non Williams of Elizabeth, N. J.; six grandchildren. Jock And Jill Installs Two The Raleigh Chapter of the Jack and Jill Club of America, Inc,, installed two new members recently at Peebles Hotel. Everything For- BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • LUMBER • MILLWORK • ATHEY’S PAINTS • BUILDING MATERIALS • RUSSWIN HARDWARE CAROLINA Builders Corp. 217-218 N. Dawson St. RALEIGH, N. C. rftPsZjpLA Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh 2838 WAKE FOREST ROAD, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Zeta Phi Beta Sororify Holds Christmas Meet, Party The Zeta Phi Beta Sorority held its Christmas meeting and party at the home of Soror Bertha Wilson on Delany Di. Saturday, Dec. 17. Sorors present were as fol lows: Sorors E. M. M. Kelly, Marvelene Edwards, Nancy M. Ferrel, Janice Anderson, Eve lyn B. Pope, Almeda B. Glas coe, Naomi L. Sanders, Amelia S. Peebles, Lillian McMillan, Pauline W. Young, Mildred L. Chavis, Kathleen L. Thomas, Anne S. Hawkins, Addle G. Stroud, Millie D. Veasey, Bar bara W'. Ligon, Elsie L. Howell, Hazel Sorrell, Mae Ligon, Ber tha Wilson, Mary Barber, Doris W. Best, Mildred T. James, Dorothy Love and Ida Wash ington. A short business meeting was held, Soror Millie Veasey gave a splendid report concerning the new chapter at Barbor Scotia. Last minute details were giv en to Sorors who will attend the Boule at Baton Rouge, La. Dec. 27-31 are Sorors Mae Ligon and Mildred James. Sor ora Nora Lockhart, National Tamias and Soror Millie Vea sey, social director of Eas lert Region will also attend the Boule. The Christmas party was en joyed by all. Famous Christ mas Carols were sung and nar rated. Basileus Hazel Sorrell Those welcomed into the chap ter were Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. George Greene. The annual Season’s Party followed the installation. A beautiful service was enjoyed by all present. Jt m ** K ™.. JHHI Naturally Healthy . Normal Hair GROWS from the HAIR ROOTS In YOUR SCALP. The condition of your hair often depend! heavily on the natural heilth of your acalp. Years *,o DOCTOR CAR NOT Invante t a medicated tar foftnula called CARBONOBU which la mixed with many prov on beneficial Ingredient!. CAR* BONOEt Ii !uch a .trong, power ful antiieptlc and doei lurh flna work In helpinc an ITCHY. BUMPY DANDRUFF icalp that many DOCTORS regard it highly and PRESCRIBE it for many icalp trouble!. Many annoying externally cauied icalp condi tion* are greatly relieved by th* ua* Os thii Triple itrength tar formula. Write tor thti DOCTOR'S GENUINE SCALP FORMULA now. It will be lent to you all mixed and ready to uie. USE IT FOR T DAYS, and If you ar* not ■atlafied. your money back. Pay only sl9g on delivery. ThU In clude! everything. Don't pay a penny more You ,et it with full direction* Uie the fineit MEDI CATED SCALP FORMULA your money c*n buy. Your hair and acalp deierve fine care. Juit lend your name and addreii to—COLD MEDAL HAIR PRODUCTS INC. U«Pt at 2 Sheepiheid Biy. Brooklyn 33. N Y. NOTE; THIS FORMULA carriei a 1007, writ tan money bac* guarante*. gave to all an educational ex perience with the beautiful Christmas Literature, art, and music. Beautiful gifts were exchang ed. With the untiring leader ship of Soror Mae Ligon and other sorors, a very lovely par - ty followed. The menu consist ed of plenty of wonderful, ap petizing delacacies and treats. THIS WEEK AT THE W The Bloodworth Street YMCA will sponsor a Christmas Party for members and friends at the "Y” on Thursday, Dec. 22 at 7:30 p. m. Special features of the program will include a spe cial Christmas Movie, "The Babe of Bethlehem,’’Christmas Carols, a worship service, gift exchange and refreshments. A full schedule of activities has been arranged at the "Y” during the Christmas season as follows: Tuesday, Dec. 20 - Teenage Party sponsored by Miss Gloria Lunsford; Wednes day, Dec. 21 - Woman’s Club No. 3 Christmas Party; Thurs day, Dec. 22 - YMCA Member ship Christmas Family Party; Friday, Dec. 23 - Manly Street Christian Church Young Wo man’s League Yule Tide Par ty. Go To Church Sunday the SHORTY-$35. MEDALO STYLE #OM For complete Illuitraled Catalog Os Meda!o Hair Style*, Wl|., Half C *P*| and attachment! Send nam# *n*f addreii. It’* youft FREE tw*«t reauett. Jutt write. Cold Madol Hoit Prod. Ine. Dapt. St 5, Bklyn 35, N.Y. Ju»t comb and brush to Add coin torfe. Washes out. Will not rub off, NOTA DYE. Easlsst, quickstt war to add color gradually AVOID! THAT SUDDEN DYED LOOK. Brush attached for removing axcaftft. coloring. Prevents soiling, rubbing off. Comes in Plastic Casa. C«l be carried in pocket or pura#*i Comes in all shades: Black la Platinum Blue. Juit write, state shade. Pay only* J 1.98 on delivery plus poetofa* Munev back if not delighted. Gold Medol Hair Products, Idc.* Dept. S«-l, Brooklyn 35, New Y*H