l ' 11 L -!- ' ,1 A.'-",'..,". Lr" m «- . ■- r ' / ' '' ' ' r /<.■ i_* ‘v? v '; rY?’*- •. Y Y 1 v f ■). < + . k \ J _V * ' - ■ ' ; : . : ~ * - '■ ■ ' _ '.. : /fV ■ • -■ • - ■ ■ : ' ’ “ , L '; r . -• y. ; . v; ; . ; , ■/:• ' ■■ L V', ' v ! yV Come worship with m in the Nome of the Lord ... spsswr ctmamtsaanmam, cksestms c-sfoscsl e@sswi Maas? asrf Wm StesOs Sat, TSse «**w?*»a Wawmxtl CmsaiHusSiajß.. Visas*. mg3r.sss sssa© sjuneasT ghdscs, ©serae w-wus. y&* stroj**sa a. MET «CVAf »6i.T cnr*CH Career «srti» ami swe Bt. BS Stope. Stootor •wjssiu- msfsist cacecar. t« Eze s&btsss se, «* *?««« c. w MS. PAIS. AWE CSR-'RCH «R WnJ l&imUfn Street, TtM* Se-vem* & & ftesa.. jfwfw. MUTBi' si-rgry JAPrjr CMSTH W« Eas* »*«l® St-. Utf S*w <r.?*9E# S* a Jetae**® Esttof msxiHWis «?»v*y raunwss cmacm. w* »*«ssi y*?v-ttevjsfe at, SW’ StevwresMi W. ML L<ew4f. Pari®*. ®nraser cswasrutK cmmar. cm wm*s? st •ns* ss-wEnaws ®. C. aE*aw*i. rsater imws Tfa®".# ssEreoJSfSE 5 cwobcb. ac»«. •**»? btwsmwws wmaanut cmmcw rmm rsa«7*c« m mautvm&secs* «m »w --sm»»# «r*rj- S*a*S»» usasnjz -wpanz cmvs&rwss asvscn. *a*» w*its» S4re*s. ***- CBVBE& fBI- SfttfflMJL sntas ® *m?a ewmca. &*ash «h«m» sumbs., tiv; *w e-~w« 8 a s*es»«- t*»«taS- __ SB.IWS- «*«b* Artl»*J 3. ©aSesira* Wa&m. w&cx r sno Mifwr cancacj* ss»siSMsew street. *&* B«w*twa si©iTßfcSo& y!y<h«» ffi&ACe A. SSL. E. *369S t.mWCiS. Corutr MMS SUM 83*., lbit Ste»*»*sse {_ V Pnr». ptrsmc«se*m, Kotr&mm cwcans t. s. wb**. vtstm. m&m mmser mrestgrremm cmmeM. sott strm. I'wwaJ p-raea. WtHtetOmaML IftssScr. ysaa-EBeosrrAE, Emm®, wm v cmmcm, -m %vest ntatr m~ ts» *e»- eresS ISsssfc CaMS*«IL PMtot. raw csvren or cob rm tm wteoum states, saw swtwi A. r*rt Bsafaw. srrae srpfswET oran sa e»« cahns at. *&*■ S*ws«a<B S. ML rustoi mxm- MAmm ABDE CSltmm. Int erne Street, •«** SeweraaS j. r Ksaratt.. IKm r —'Sis* above art cf e»am*s« «h emtrteer interfießaMnS stfiimii SOcWteHcO AJl!ara,se SwsSsr toe fits Hit Has No Man But To Lay Down His life For A Friend Tfee story of Oirist tes teeefi told and rottAd. JksosfSs&hms, tt css firmer hc-cotrje mcrstxsvKs. to tfcoss at m> who are consekwss of aooiher gsersoe also wossld be a frtessd. Every day see meet people vhi- are called frleods, those we call loved ones, iSwse vdso are oor relatives, hot aerer &as the world wttjsivssed suets a symbol of love as Jeses Christ, who Himself for «J« rettenijstkK of mats. Poss&Sy: t would be easy for masy of as to aaderstand the love of Jfeses Christ should we Sitess It to a frksad wfco petled a tatHy e£* oar hack, while he was besttag the dayliglss ow erf ns. We may more easily caderstaxtd the ’rfsStation of Christ to tfess earth should ve become stricScejs 'with TB, caiaoer. etc., and some medic was able to effect a cure. While it is reported Shat Be never went to dtereh, one at His disciples was instructed to loonti tbs church. A church is Oetto&i as a called out assemhiy whose motimion ttei from, “Greater tove has no mas that be fives tip Ms life tor a friend.** Raleigh Ministerial Asso. Featuring Good Friday faster H» aaspiees o#tbeßa leifeti Ministerial kssodbt&oa asd t&e Raleigh Council of Churches, composed of ters of bote races, **Tfc® Se re® Lmsf Words of CfcrSst” wSK be spnte-, at First 'gbpteft Om-e&i, Friday, beaming at 12 neon. The Rev, 3aek L. Bullard, MslJfeinook Baptist church sssd of teeMtotexiaJ *j>- smcMS® e wiE speak me •'First Wsh-sL* 4 The Rev. Dr. jdfaß Lewis, First (white) Baptist, wiH meditate. Josegsis Bou ehard will deliver a spseljj so lo. Bev. Dr. O, L. StenrM, Ger,- «2ssl Baptist Cmtm&km, will **T Use "SecoK! Word’" goad the »®v. Dr. Howard Edwfc Pie fated, White Memorial Presby fterSssE Ossreit wCS med Kate. Mrs. Oorft Parry will stag the solo. The I ‘Third Worxi” will be spehea by Bee. Frank Hatctei sass, Dark- Street Dotted Pres bfterlan Otanh. The Ear. life Col*, My TrtaSty L?ste *rtm Ctarate wffi meditate. The «8» will be by jtobnay P. Wffl- Four Days Left To Join Worship Os 7 Last Words Thus M# Mteiffiterlai AS- Mmm, csxaprwKiaf mtodster* «ff Jatosd tea «®y «Me of fMy VMi^. befitffl Messsttey tti&st. The fltoßt nssrvfee was fe*s at ©r9« AME Ste Ci®:ri& e f®» lw. Frssatfe 'Taassßtey .e5©K ms at Drvk :3t.. pog*aM MfeStefJ tMßwweitf-ttte IRM. The Res. P. B, asm Ss€ m&ak&r &uy mm », y»- Invite A Friend To Go With You To Church Easier Sunday Bams. The Ba*. CflUies Kiitesma, U afted Cteireb, will bsing the "Fwsrtte Word/* vtte Rev, Dr. P. H. Johnson bringing tee ro«d~ itattet. Sirs. Margaret Loefe asiy will resAw the solo. Be*. G. Paul Philips will apeak at ft vt "Fifth Word." He is the paster of Leyden Mem orial MieftwxSSst Cterefe. A duet will be scstg in' Mrs. E. U. M„ Kelt} and Ladttfe TP. mu. Ear. Dr. j. L Warn®, St, Jaussas Mt4fcodlss Church wiH meditate. The 4 «Sfa*b Word" will he <*®se by Her. T. J. Yooiflbtocwt, Hiliyer Memorial Christ lasi Chords. 'Else Res; B. S. Foaat St. Basil AME Church win bring the meditatloß and Mr*. Bea trice WUsiss win atog. The final and "Seventh Word" «ffl be brought by Mm. G. W. Larkin, presiding elder, North CaHtte Conference r«f the AME Chorctu, The Rev. Jaase* Redfc witls, St. MlduMls Episcopal Chardfe win bring the filmed itatlm. Mr. Bell will sis* the last solo and Rev. Jag*. Bullard viD offer the eiovtog prayer. byfterhm. The s»rsdoes wiK be held at Msustto Street. Baptist CbarA s*&& pert. W.B. Lewis I* sebtd v&ssij to do tee prwfSstog. The Friday night eerelts ss will I* held at First OUBed m Cteris®, Be*. *1 Cmwits&Mxn.-, the jns i« s be to e%£rge. Tfe® ftoal. aertiee w® be * *l9#®- rlsa Serebse,” SBMtoer Bm&Z&y mxeaiag « a. m» Rev, €. W„ Ward ttoDuar mrmem., *irs». Pasfi AME CtomCfcfc. THE QUESTION ?S - - Are We htersstei Or Are We Hot &as®E«jd! as there seems to be :tnle toterea bv tsds year’s ciry coonci: race possibly several Negrt- eaadMates siiossld crfSer. Os Ifae tea candidates ofleritsg for rise eoßneil, too are Segrces. This seems a gooc prcportlan. There have beefi many flee sad aMe professional and business <n«i and womea, who bare offered te the pasr. If ttmir interest cosid be re kindled, Raleigh would have more persons to choose from and shottle git* os tbe seeded number of fourteen, for a primary. Other boertis arsd councils are ku out of reacl for more than one Vegrc to serve on. Surely if there is a dearth of U'bfie persons interest-ec in these p-L«kion?, Kegrc cairtfidares shtKdd be sought, In greater numbers than the tsusl one to a body of 5,7 or whatever the msaber may be. Possftiy new the people erf ibe commnidty are aware cf the maav JGegroes who ate capable off miiuj; tscskiocs of trust The Carolinian VOL 26. NO 18 Carmichael DEFINES BUCK POWER Jf-jj-tj-si- JIM GARDNER FLAYS POWELL ■T > a « tßadwrm:.., sj£ * k jwsßp^»as^SL i pn rsa. - •• TOTS SAVED IK BRONX FITIE - Hew Yarfc James Lee, 3, and his staler, JmssSßer, 2, lie m kftchefs taMe of their apart meat as fireman Edward BMrfe aj tpUes resusdfato: to Jenni fer. Tbe children were mesnsome wbess fhre broke out in the apssriroent at 40M 3rd Are., the Bpwbx, early March I2ih. Fireman said ibe childrer. bad stopped breathing feet were revived by- resuscitation. They were taken to Marrisania Hospital where fiw?> were reported to fair coodMon. Tbeir raerffcer, Jbanlts. Lee, was treated at hospital and released. (DPI PHOTO), ImAms DURHAM - Tbe Sdife session of the tforth Carolina Teach ers AasoeSattoa, befei In Bar feam, wlifc hesikpsarters at ibe JAefc Tar Hotel, March 16-17 promt spite taxtog on the hotel Use Central Civic Center and Howard U.Stideats Jeer Hershey WASHISGTQK, 0. C. -Lewis B. Hwstoey, director of tee Se lective Draft Service w* vft ttsalSy throws ctß of a meeting, edisedsOed to be held or. the Pfetett ’ Wttlfans a#Hci: b@r hair totrnimt fesbfm asste tal&s to aetma: Mardb IStfc after she was sasn-d by EeptMi ®s®s to rm stg&fcsS deposed rserrsocratto Congressman 4 darn Cla«€as Powell men month. Mrs. williams* SO aod a grand mother, said she wants to ,< iiemaas*T%ie tot!* people of Amerl « tot not *H Negroes endorse the antics** oj Ml (upi PHOTO), Off icia! Fdfce Filesj | m cam mat j EDITOR 1 ® NOTE: We tSx&sfe 1* fit .and proper that we msaomee to the render* of this eobnm that there was ao sews to pot ta thdte part oftbeeoStßnstiile'week. For toe past two weeks crime tem sat Obama Ms sgSy fw» span the pdfee blotter as rough ».* fc Imsfe {test weeks. We are happy over Hals tad sasS hope tW crtes* wm oostface to tall oft. We are- fcapfoas; Rat toe etttetm* trill mnemher what the secant means, and revereoGi wSrimto & ifj refraiaSMg toon vMsfcisg any of toe laws <f toe cfty asto. root fesfirSagte® cfwm the rSjgtete «sf Risers, Ftese torsi to wage 3 tor this wee®?* Crime Bank. Carolina ’# Leading Weekly RALEIGH. N. C . SATURDAY MARCH 25, 1967 HiEsfefe Bfgh Sdioo!, stole to She large faunber of delegates at tending. Tbe business sessions and the genera! asaexWbe* were held st. the throe places. Dr. Harry E, Groves, presi- OSee TE4CKKBS. S>. 2) campus of Howard University, Tuesday, when 5C screaming Steaks** msrraaafed him, wav tag posters and demonstrating their resentment *& his pre as well as others. There are also Hugroes who v.<ojild carry dhow a dedicated torerest to serving tbe people off Raleigh. Surely there iraa be snore Interested persons ttsa* 10, a* this petal, to rm our dy’s tesstoess and more than those who have expressed interest, tg» to aos,. to determine oar imel’ectoal piauutog and promotton. Raleigh has grown and is stfH growing, fes citizens, at M: races, are required to meet the challenge that they now face. 1: caiasoc be met unless we get tbe best among ns to chart the course of our fovertumeut. Oar political mores are not sufficiem and -we mast realize this. We must toe* up to tia- fact that dictated politics are not is the best iatere-st of oar society. We most also fine out that individual politics -sill not pat aoe in office. We must learn to join our forces with oilier forties, if we are gotof to make any beastoa: to politics. N. C. Solon Proposes Jail For C. Powell In a Monday nsorntog news conference Jls: Gardner, ec«- gressniaii from the 44fc district, to a question, posed by The C AROLIKIAN, threw a bread side at Adair. Clayton Powell. When asked whether be-would vote again not to seat Mr. Pow ell If he came back, his answer was a definite YES. The rest question was whether he felt that Mr. Powell deserved the role ot martyrdom that con gress had bestowed upon him by not seating him. His reply, 1 T think Mr. Powell should fee to jail, doe to the fact he lias violated every moral and ethic right that is incumbent upon a congressman. He has misused tbe public's foods, he has forg ed checks and has falsified a toosfi eapease foods.” The 4th district representa tive went cm to say that he coaid not see ho* the Justice Department could get around in - vest igat tog the conduct of form er congressman Powell and lie did not see how he could es cape a jail sentence, for fete esca lades. He was asked about the in vest igatloo of Senator Dodd of Conn., and whether he though: tbe Investigation had been as vigorous as Stoat of Congress man Powell. Bis reply was that he was not as familiar with (See SOIWW p. T) sence. The T3-yr.-o*d general was rescued by school officials and led from tee auditorium. He left in a htrff, after saying "I am insulted and will few speak. The students said that tee draft was unfair to tee blade mac and tee tensers carried sash words as "draft beer,” not college students.” Hersbey has been tee t »"t of st rodent protest fron t&e pacifist element m toy cam pus he visits, is naming into more general and hostile re sentment at Kegro colleges. The day before, Morgan State College, in Baltimore, received a less nade, b» da te** nmiFAim, y. ty Sweepstofees Participant Wins $45.00 There are two persons teaud around HafeSgfe who could teve had $23 and $lO respectively if ted they gsae tato aim of the stores that have Sweepstakes tickets. Ticket *1 was not pSdtoed np and ticket *B«2S was also left te the store. #1 was worth $25 and 6625 would have brought ftft.OO. This means that $35 Is added this week. 5842 is worth $50.00; SBTI will get you $15.00 and 3070 wOl pay oft $20.00. Tare to c*s* «w«K3meMB > .s. ». *y WEATHEt T«s@*M-netSßr*« fw «fee m-xt Stv* «W, ’SteuwSar Wesitfi,» sseair »v jerffiy w«S*w mwxni «e*y «s**e *;** **SKwJteE« s» s!?-*ifr4e *r»u»a SS wtsfc* <fea» 'sitA «*» *ww»aw te tee ate. Ito kwaiwwaaae: «*.■? *» *gy teaM hs A 5®J? wsunwsr afe-ws* ttMMtr wb« S’l'Wiaj'. ,fe Urfite ember itwr &s «re«««u»a ses * sS«Cfe *bw« teatetep. KBSsrfatij -s«3 tei »wS*tsite fertsMw* S-‘B «r «K few*. teMtei maw Htety «w PRICE 15 CENTS Jmswm w. CARMICHAEL SNCC Mead Predicts Acceptance By Whites BV GROVER BAIL El' DUHHAM - Stokely Carmi chael, black power advocator, spoke before an overflow audi ence to the Page Auditorium ai Duke University Friday. His previous speech before the law staetents was cloned to the pub lic and press. However, af terwards, outside the meeting room, opinions varied among the students concerning young Carmichael and the(SNCC)Sta dpm Nonviolent Coordinating Commute*- Philosophy. Many of tee Duke students found Carmichael "impres sive” and ‘ profound," and oth ers added teat tee was ‘‘eva sive,” and “shallow.” That was before his address at the #** S3«C€ ! SWEEPSTAKES HURIBtS i ! 6842 5871 3970 i ; msrasso wosrosa moo > g Anyone Savin* current FOTK ticket*. dated March Ml, Mfff, with proper mmimn-pMmmtt mem „ to The C/JOU»UK oflSc- and receive amounts ttsied above from tfte SWE3PaIi«B 8 Amawaw sw aa«MiMigß»<B«»a*:g»«BaffliiißaMg«w«»Aißßai» «a JWJSg-l8»« « I EDITORIAL FEATURE i The Thought Exchange By Gordon B. Hancock, DR. KING’S SECOND GREAT PLUMPER The cun of Napoleon's military glory thet rose so respecden:iy at Au&tariite and Jena, was destined to set dismally zt Waterloo by a series. of great blunders among the great est of which was tits U;~fats«i expedition into Russia in 1812. Military his orians with the know-how declare that the Russian expe dition and its baleful of consequences broke the back of Napoleon* amating military power and sent him reeling to Waterloo when h® awoke to the tragic fast that at last the end of his gilded dream toad wme. He died, a tragic figure! There are indica tion that a parallel css fee outlined between Napoleon and Dr. Martin Luther King,and it t» greatly to be feared that the mn of Dr. King's weS-eeneeSrod and well-wen glo ry that roes at Montgomery mad its watSttog protest Is now sorting at Beverly HR. Calls. Dr. King's adventore into CSdago halfway pleading asn-viatowse and halfway thtmt* etiing vfolenee could tseslly pemltei W&p&- Jeon's espsdi! less into Russia because it wws the Chicago edven'acre with its tasste and. its failure that jftict mused Dr. BaD tac tics f® be a matter of q&setfeu. SSo popular was Dr. King Ghat people test that he could do no wrong. Bat when Ire iisgiorioasly fail ed to bring about She great Chicago lsoustag DOWN WITH THE math m&m mo xor esaanr ray the supbeme penalty fob mr. During the lister sessou men’s minds sad hearts axe pretii* to accept Or* wbc lived and “sacrificed $e a* cross, befeid? a tfcieff, sa that the baffix® race fee rodteetned. Unde.- ibe law, Christ was ptMAcly ssardered Ttoder idhc’s law, today- bnK-;asj beings are fcs4g eaeeuted to toetr destis for crimes they etnnmftfed, or of crisj-ses ; . to mans’ tostaaceSs they did not com in ft. This eras*iL-£ of life, fey man, wfeiefe cannot he rararreeted, as did Christ, should be lotted vpan by soetety, wtth maOsJz, The ptMic sh<*uld be aroused to fee point of vatihrig wrUSag, viri-jg amt Wre possfMe, msktog a persona! ecmiast with legislators, usMag thcar. to tend &E possible tefhseuce against the death penalty. Jesepfc B. Qtdßan, Georgia Justice- erf tbe Supreme Court, Isad the fcSjowing to say about ca&ital pcctefeaießi, "To tetme thar wpcc an error cf my owe a men derives! of Ms legal rights is going to ite H a horrsirff; scoter that bsante me day and night.” The following letters are from the colfeetlor of Paul Gretas Chapel mn. Dear children; 'Tour daddy died in the gs K ebamber. 1 want to say to you that I love yon all and v»a»e to port from you but the life I led stoning against 3ems he took me from you, your mother aad grandmother. “So, children, please remember this .-fee good and think about the way your daddy died for being disobedfeai to God's tows. Please go to church and take Jesus ter your savior, read your Bifete and Jesus will mate you happy and bless you the longer .you live. Please mind your mother. “If you live for Jesus you will -see yoar daxfe}-*- again, "Daddj- loves you hut God loves him better , ‘"Daddy won’t saj anymore txm or&y take Jeans for your friend. 5 " Dearest Mother; "1 am writing ibis letter from the very depths of my heart. There have teen times I know dear 34ether, whim, because- off my actions, you often wondered did I really km* you. But. this night as I lotft forward to being with my Loving Sartor, 1 wan? tc< say, life 1 sever said before, I love you, and my only regret is that I did not tell you long ago of my great devotion for you. “I will be going to be with God, bat I shaO be -miitmg for you and our other loved ones, to come up there to be together forever more. Our parting will sot be long, so don’t cry or grieve for me. Just think we wfß be together with our Lord for eternity. "I »*n never forget the day I got to trouble, because you told me that if I didn't stop and ltsten to you, I would get into trouble. But l didn't listen to you, and lam very sorry for not heeding your sotasd words of adhice. And 1 remember very well how you, the good mother you are, stuck with me thrmgh everything, even after some others turned tiserfr hacks on me. I foigj-e Father for what be said shoot me at the time 1 got into trouble. And I have beer, praying that to nay accept God and spoad the rest of Ms life serving tte- L-u s d. "I hog- anc pray t}|at you will be able to make arrange— ?u<*nts with,..to have..,, my darling daughter, to visit and sto ocra>i rally with you at your home. Because I know v-ijr 1;to fc. good advice will be a great help to her as she grows older. “As to my trial L promised to tell you the truth. Os course the evidence was against me, but I did not kSM the man. I believe that my lawyer could have done more if he had dug irao the sects of the case, instead of talking so much about my “so called confession” and disc rite fetation. ‘*l forgive., for what she did to me. 1 beitere no other 4S« mum nße«&snr. a>. *♦ thc v(Ct »«ic*>c-e«<’ . •»< •.. ..s.i.ilTCa sraTswsr m isasoH&aii' tssmnr s. watnmss ~~ ricce msssßg op rm mnnz sitits cm umu u. tmtmtmcx or tser?.cmz mono mmnnr. tasx rnKSi 13 - 29, 1967 Par tbe post ltd ysmru. t»» «qp>o pr*«* a»s Dm. the BiHWnt, fr*e *nd ywßposi»i»S« vats* of the taerlesss SSegit in hie relent lees etmggle Ter frvedoe sod Justice. She flret ittgre nsnapeper, rvsmOsm’t Journal. pobiieSWK! *j John B. tsuewni lu Itereh if °nir * a organ of protest which Jarre* tt» nation's cooscienoe ortr the icwue el Kegrt etevery; It gsv* iapetua and valuable leadership to the Abolitionist novawmt. * Storowgh She years. In the ions sting*!* for every fora of equality sne justice, the hs»i-o press R»s continued to be in tbe vshgasrS. It has fulfilled on Indispeateble ml® ijj the civil right* ■aveawnt. On its lAOtii maxlrsrsrry, l solute the hnero press Tor its service t© the net lew, for its eeongww bottle® sod its e.isnifleant victories. I eaesmni it» editors, pstfii vases**, staffs sad exporters for stMtelnlhg hope sad fsitii in Ararrlee'e iimUs of freedoa end heaer. dignity. Tl*» fulflliaent of thia premise is the heart end sow! cf oar Oaaoerette systew. mis F*sr, ISB very plssssd that is etc setiew'e Sepxtei, the Specie! Cemsittee on Oasorw—etsl Affaire of the ifetloaal Hewepsper Publishers iseocistiae will participate la a series of hriefiaga and dlseaeslans with tap federal officials on the greet issues f*cln* our people, These asetiM will be one of mnssj ways by which w* will *iw fullest serening to the 1967 observance of Betiosas; Besrc Press week. P®r this Is a tins for pride end for progress. revolution, It was like Napoleon's retreat from Russia, I was to Chicago a few woitos ago and there was no great tomtom tion nod quite noticeably Dr. King tense teem since unduly quiet. Almost suddenly he .drop ped from the hedalinea, Mm eemm Dr. King from Beverly MHa. CWff. with wtmi asneußto to an attack cm his country and its adstis&fi* tmtlon. He is asking for our paU-out of Viet Ham to. the interest of mr poverty program. He is advocating oar rmttoa’s surrender to communism and Russia. He often not a word of aatumnec for cur country to mvb stojeet; sanender. Hg ffeSs to teH the aatto that an uncoodittocml pOQ-ost means a srtm the freer, light to nms&t and its cwaimssaSsm, to take of the TwaiSSeSs OmW wmdCL Dr. King Sails to tell toe rotmSay flat If Cte world is tamed «wr so Rtaste tmill tSss poverty and Regro men sssfctted to thi»" sorastry !t mean* a&Bvssty tor i® »1L Poverty ahmM tee 'mnkhsA ‘Mm iteei land and so ateuks the idmraeM sssragatfeKt smd sahits®»ti<m of the Bs«ro, But If m sws’. ffl» schtttow s*f ttone tw evH» tw,? agSMtewt Dwt security and sarrtwid of mt •mi&m, m we VOttt# swMssd U we teller mmQmS w? 32 be left with Rsaala In ctejst of war ft spw m m

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