aa. 3mS Jim' ffijSSotflQSnw __ Jjfti, jjc*y'-~«. *■'oftScafe^-y^l^Ss !: sS£g&&'l-- m" Sj 0K /!r - *~j&- PBOTESTISSG IB JCOCY *• OHSCAGQ: Marchers paraae down "unteagD’s Base street, Mart&. £5, protesting -the CB policy to Vietnam. L*r. Benjamin Sjpscfc sad Rev. 33r. Majrtte Matter King, .Jr. are leading the march. fjUPSO. i SWGEPSIAHS NUMBOS 1 : i !WH SIS WOftIH SIS WOMM S2O > ( Anyone iufvmj currem ’WKTIE tldteetj.. dwtejJ Apr- 1, 3563, -y/jtk prupsr meters prestar, same _ tt. The CABCCLJ3KI6J; fiJSioe and receive arromui listed fttosoae iron, the tAVYaTPTPSTAKJES fatw 1 SiaafiiHßaHiaiHiawKHwaiasaiaHsniatNniißiKßiiiKSßM shush hi mB A. Clayton Powell Decision Due Friday Court’s A id Sought ■WASHISIGTOK - ILawjters for Adam Cfe; 4 :® PowaD told a federal judge Monday rdght that the flsr'ieiti Democrat’s flight to ragain iris congressional seal touched -’Thf wary heartbeat otf A-mericaJi Democracy-the right of the people to be represent ed fey tfhoni they freely chaose.” The cisdrri -was contained to a brief submitted to tJ. S. Dietrich Count .Judge George Hart, who has been asked by Pcnveli to have the court* overturn hi* March 1, exclusion by ihe'Houee. Hsut said earlier is the day that 4 «God -willing, ’ he would hand down a decisior. Friday. On Tuesday he heard oral argument* from PoweLl”* law yer* and the private attorneys hired by the House to represent Speaker John w. McCormack, D-Mass., and other house of ficials named to Powell’s suit. On the eve of that hearing, Powell’s lawyers submitted written responses to briefs filed last Friday by the House at torneys. if diffieult to conceive otf any more serious and substan tial constitutional question than th& on®/; they told Hart, “At state is tne very heart beat of American Democrsy-the right. ri - people to be represented by Whom they freely choose " their brtef, fee Powell lawyer* ttftd Hart feat contrary to the arguments of fee Homs? bfc could and should empanel a kpeeiai-three judge court to hear the owe. The Poweli brief -was detiv sred to Hart’s home late Monday Bight, Fayetteville Organizes Credit Union FAYETTEVILLE - The eco nomics otf Fayetteville and Cumberland County are certain to get a boost, tee to fee fact a group of interested eitteau*, of bath races, towe set fee ma efcta&ry in modsaiifeat will bring together fee aeswte of people, to all ws3fcs if Life., for con certed ferastiea. A rejsreseatsgtive raf a* Fed eral CrteUt iLiian met wife « £iwg> to saner «se rae organ isasttag of stsefc as institution, in comtoette wife fjhe Cmhter land OBMawwHy Action 'Pro gram. mM. fee IMBwwtef per sons —wf ag&«mr wiiSia&mmmk; WkumSmm Mae Sssfcronfc, Ma te C. Hfflflfe, BSdte Douglas, Wm&KM Vkkm j', aloijg wife Umbbik iUMjss, l»R.'Ssmndersasd fteswteraoß Unßßias, 0m mmSmmm. v. *5 WEEKLY LEGISLATIVE REPORT XOTE- Tbli is fee seventh of a series- erf weekly snm maries prepared by the legislative Stas' oi the 'tosttoute off Government cm the work of fee Korth Cta - oltoa General. Assemblyeff 1967. It is confined to discussions of matters of general interest and mayor importanoe. The General Assembly ush ered out March like a lieu to another week exf heavy intro duction and full calendars. Tids was the second consecutive week of 100-pius tortroductions, and fee new bills intruded a bumper crap of lengthy, cam ple?; and controversial mea sures. Two of them the proposed rules of civil proce dures and “technical changes*’ in the revenue laws had a combined length at 26S pages. Another feree—air and water program acim.mist.ratiasi, liquor by fee drink and untoorm jury selection - totalled 306 pages. The gross weight of these le giathans tipped the scales at 62 ounces. Higt: Point of the week was Gover r Iff oor e’* special trie s sage on higher education Thursday, to whit* he made plain his tstrong tipposibot; to independent university status for East -CardliTja Collegt:. ajtci asdsed tiie Assembly to defer until 1969 the recommendations of the Hodges Com mission for reorraju'zation of thelCXCirus ts«e aagsesLamwiE, v, sy EDITORIAL FEATURE The 1 bought Exchange By Gokbok B. Hawcock. SENATOR ISBOOSSIi VS. MESSRS. KISS® AS® SONS* Senator Brooke from Massachusetts is Hatking just that cautious arid sensible be ginning in Site senatorial career that befits the situation. Being tremendously concern ed with the grim situation, as we ail are, in Vietnam, he betook himsell to the bat tle front to get a clossrup md first,-hand in spection of the grswe station. Be returns with praise for our brave defenses and our brave defend®rs and above ah he returns with highest prate far President Johnson and has heroic stand in Vietnam;. Senator Brcbfce appreciates fee fact that our great Unwed States of America is the gaortSEten ®- flrttsdom in the world stud that oar brave •nates are the safiy power standing between the freedom of the world and the slavery that is fecssEsactxdsni. In other wards, our SKsastisr Bracfee returns from. Vietnam «3»jsureh’ hehfesS pit Flwa&Sem Jfofeaißm the titanic ts«k at. hand. So ohlitytas Wf jsappsrt, as ammi with. *ahOe hsdctotg aafi n& underhand hsbfelittg eff ®ur f&ncssss end their leaderahip. Senator Bronte re~ tanied frsasi Vtoismas to help «®e thte «®sm try Iran?, mssssmimm send not to p&y cheap pslitiss with, a «nwt destiny as a political pram. &t rs ttop tdsea wetel tteasg mUmm are ®ateig- oat of toafhtan, this witt Minister Interred FAYETTET33LI. E- The Story at the life erf Charles £. Fer ry, weS-toown church builder, sebori atotoistratar. piPUacian bug etv ic worker, was told here M oafey afternoon, as fee Rev. C. R. Edwards conducted final rites for him, at Second Bap tist Otiurch, Wiimtogtor Road, 4 p.m. The life of Eev. Perry «ac best be seer to fee organi zing and fee of Second Baptist. He sei’ved as pastor for 32 years and built the sta ture of fee chvtrcb into a com mandtog inflttence to the religi ous life of fee city. He also left Ills epitaph m the Roseboro Kigt- StfeotL, where he served for 34 years. The sebob; had an enviable growth under his leader shfe> and because of fee esteem toi whitAi fef' was held, to. 1960, fee Bcatrd of Education changed fee name tc Perry High. School. His thriftnesss and busint-ss acumen pot him to good stead anti he amassed considerable holdings, both here and to Samp san County , He was considered a good politician and plaved a big role to peltries in liofe coun ties. His support was highlv sougiit by candidates of batfi parties, to Sampson Cotmtv. He is survived bv four daugji-* ter, Mrs. Bessie P. Tylet off Fawsttev-iile, Mrs. Carol P. Rodgers at Raleigh, Mrs. nta P, Heron of Jamaica, K. Y and Miss Emma Perry at Phila f®OT W*@3tA3K. !P. «1 er is tempted to say bravo Senator Brooke, "SSegro Senator" from Massachusetts! Sena tor Brooke's posi ion is so different from that of our great Martin L. King who re cently blasted his country in his Beverly Hills speech, lamenting the fact that the war in Vietnam was holding up our poverty program here in America Hera was a man supposed to k mw better, jnxiapasiny a pov erty program with the nekton's safety. A man of Dr. King’s influence and intelligence ought to are hew useless will fc? a poverty program, if Russia takes over a* she most certainly wih do, if we can be pushed out of Vietnam. Great Dr. Kng ought to know that the inevitstert mighty fflonfetaatatioaa of American freedom and Russian emußfefetom is. at hand; and woe is an © tas if we allow ourselves to he tote ® program off appeaaaMMfl with Russia. The Irassorts ©f World. War 21 .are too Srenfc in word'd m«m oay to even Mist at appeasement and «ar~ resMfcr m Br. Kin* so tassMSp wcsssmsrA ed at Hitfe. Brash surrender dte btsaliSes Dr, 20 a® *ar. a safe msseß aattetito the .leader we have prewamtsi Mm ‘® he.. The King. off berate fasne m Mtentgaßwar ®.tid the Kin®, pie®s#tas Soar sanmSer at Beverly Hill#,, can harffiy be the rubs Kicg. ®r perhaps he hat?, a day" a:: the totter place and twta. *■*"* s'teaaessor* s*. s& (S# WfH®f J§f&§f! PROMISES PATROL ACTION j>xs-J3-JP JMS-S-S- U-S5-H-J5- Brick Strike Crucial The Carolinian _ 1 ._... . £2&j£,-i2£x--;‘,j;~: •• .tvy-L -..,, y-.. • : . ■ .;■ v-v-v: ;v,.. : :-;v North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL. 26 NO. 20 LED IN RALEIGH s? «- ?J- sj- ?3- rf> ty X> r» Z* S-tj jytJ-s3-?3- In Favetteville REV. C. E. PERRY MOURNED ROBERT LEE KETTEBS fetters Uses Metal Itl Sleets Slaw Last weekend proved tjatoe eventful to Raleigh and as a re sult twopeoplemettor-r deaths, 3j? means off t ioteaoe CorKae Lee Spellings, 2% was kUted early Saturday m orring tofrasf ©f 216 S. East St., and Syl vester Shaw, known as * 'Shaggy 'Wolf** was killed about 8 p. m. Saturday, Sty IL L. scatters. Odell Coofce, reported to be ar eye witness to live East SL u sis ting. Is, said to have told J police feat four men engaged In ar affray at Staten’s Restac rant, 316 East St., and were ordered out at fee p&aee. It is alleged feat fee guartet went o® the front ttacar and coniinu ed the argument. if was reported that Ke'tors, who Maes at SSI Seawall Awe., Johnston Ham& Egg Show Next Week SMITHFIELD - The Twen tieth Annual Johnston Count-. Ham and Egg Show and Sale wilj be staged April 12 and 13 at fee- Jotanstor; County Agri cultural Building to Smifefield. JohnstSKi Cciutoy farm e r s, ho me makers and organteed youth members are etspected to eater 150 haras and ISO dozens of eggs. The fancy hams and the ten top ranking dozens off eggs will be sold at public auct tion Thursday, April 13 at 2;9D p. m. The .Awards Bangoet will be held Wednesday evening, April 12 at 7;00 p. m. Efeibitors will bring tite hams ahd eggs RALEIGH- N C SATURDAY.. :\FRIL 8. 196” '’V. WILL BASS SYLVESTER SHAW was not in the argument whan it started and was a mere on looker, when fee tjuartet reen gaged in an affray. Polks* re pan that Sr jelling was doing combat with SneHiogs’ friend, mine oat given, and that Set ters pitied up a metal ttooi st op and hit Snell ir.g side the head. He is reported as hav f»w moor*, v n it® the exhibit to&E Wednesday mor nine from 9*oo a. m. to 1: '»C p.. m, The Show and Sale is spon sored jointly by the Smifefield Chamber as Commerce and the AgrtouStam! Extern tot! Service. The sponsor* feel that the ac tivity serves many desirable purposes. Chiefly among those are: to encourage producers of hams and egg* to produce and sell top quality products; to provide training and exjperieooe for producers which could lead to commercial usuage; to es tablish and maintain a vital and desirable relationship be tween agricultural producers, thie business comm unity and consumer*. Leaders of the business com munity and outstanding private citizens have traditionally look ed forward to the keen and lively experience ctf participate: to the auction sale. This friendly but competitive engagement provides a sens'* ctf pride and satisfaction for fee success ful buyer, a grateful and joy ful feeling tor the producer tffee JOdfSTOW. *» t) Raleigh Native In New Post HAMTOX BOTmTTE, Va. - Dr. Jerome E. Holland, PresS daat of Hampton tosttofi®, has aauaonced fee appotemen: otf Dr. Sfaacy R McGhee as the A vs im Fossdasies, Protoseoref Srasuauitlsss and Chairman rafthe IJap&itoeta ctf Hugiisfe. 'Thetp jwSßtsneitt wCI become effective Segtecter I, ©®T, “fee Amtan FoandMtok pro- Jtew«nftdg» Is fee firm m&mmi ■diatmum fee fee ©9 ymr Ms tf ®»s ■A3JMGHK, V.. m Agreement Reported Slim In Guilford CffiEESSBORO - W4ft charg es and Gomtoer charges betrs' fcroaglH against principals in the ssrUse thaf has almost closed •&&sm Bcren Clay Products, lo cated in Pleasaxs: Gar.detj, ahcns elgSd mass from Gr««s®>cmC' anc miles from High, PoitK. It is apgaaress <±se the oam parry has aitempeed to wcdc the m2titei oot ter using fes public program. asSb relates <*** incmEgmsirz. r. zj P*mkslrm I Wed ir Seldier FAYETTEVILLE - Police !teve charged C&aates Edward > r tw’i, HRB, 82nd Airborne 3?i wisian Artillery., of Ft. Bragg, wStfc ths* SdEisg of Fred Fowler, fto3 Jtsls.* St., Sjy the use of ar* a3t.mn o4>lle and whisfeey. Officers fenes-Hgatteg the fa t-alfey off Fowler allege that he was walking aloiig Frc- pliea.tr s are gives, various a®d suE»dry reasons why tsag.-. tr-eeit fee -gßaUfjcarksss. ft is alleged fe*s Xegrc ajspiicaats €»** f&i' juumm v rt civil rights laws and adminis trsaive provisk»s, and freedom scrags. HesaidthtepeeplewteW have ample appofecttf to ask questflons and talk privately wftfc the workshop leaders. The major address to the evening will be given by Miss Elia J. Baker, a nationally known civil rights leader. Miss Baker, who comes originally from Halifax County, and who was valedScsoriaij otf her class *t Shaw dteerstty, bat served as national director otf branch es off the XAACP and as exe ■ctftfve director as the Soaffiwnt. Cbrist-Jan Leadership Ccafw ence. a* was a foamier tu advisor to fee Student jtoe vUteßt Coordlnttac Coasmit tee, has worloed closely wife fee Mississippi Freedom Demo eratlc Party, aaa is a cobsbl tant to the Soofeera CoaSer emce Ettoeatloe**! Fand. Saber said feat tferrasasids of pieces otf perttosesat Utentoe would be free otf <»** ova. nan.' r. ej Wins Again At Sweepstakes Fortune is a TCMterfd thing suto certainly Mrs. Bennie Pal ley w®. testify to that tact when St comes, to The CAJt- OIMAI Sweepstakes. She woe SM.TO last year and came bid last w®ek wife & $13.0® wtoaer. SSse ptolwd «sp tidDStf #4S®O from Tire Sales & Service aad when sfce broogbttttoTbeCAß- OLßfflMt otfflce Ttersitey sad picked %ff> SSS„OO, dse was ''Tbrlf.lwS*' to win lives at SIS s, SwaSn St, A. M. SmMs, m Bteteoe St,, a atwfect at Store Coltege, while sfo.tpplag si EiSrd’s aa&od tor a tidcet and ptefcet vp $723, good tor S®SwOD. Tbls let every reader WEATHER ’tymsmalmm •%&" tass* rnms , ®»!3!Sb5? wwmim wrn to mm a® mi rnsmm*