FOUR TRIIO FOR ROBBERY C &'&'&& CAROLINA TEACHER MERGER NEAR NEA Sets Target As June 12th WASHINGTON, Dw C. - Tte* National Edecatiea Association today trailed on Its serrate state affiliates In Norte Car olina to provide d&rifytoe de tails on a proposed metier plan presented in Washington last week. I REA Pres&teat Irvansae Ap yplefassj acting tor the NEA Esseative Committee, request ed Esaeffltive Secretary - Sr Treasurer a. C. Dawson of a® Norte CtnUn Sdacotioat asso eferttoa sad Executive Secretary EKBI Palmer of the North Car** dte* Teachers Association to provide tlse additional informa tion fey Sw»e IS. The two North Carolina dele were to.Washing ton Ifay 20 to discuss their plans for merger, submitted three weeks earlier to tlse NEA Executive Committee. The ses sion was set in. accordance with plans laid dews fey the Exe cutive committee last Febru ary, to comply with a resolu tion adapted ey tne NEA Dele gate Assembly in Jfely 1906. 2BCTA was represented at the mm wirn, w. m Umßkkm 4 km ¥km SALISBURY - * is *@p*resrt thM two of the AhtE 7 ban Church are te dlsagree meat over the postttas on Dr. Martin Carter King and Stately H j*- Carmichael. m ~ MMsop C. E. Tucker, act&sg f president of the Board of Bt ciaqpe, to a statement to the prean, while here lor a meet ing of the bishops, last week, is said to have demmceti both ICto* and Cuntdad tor their reeant steads. King for fete CMafc civil rights Mo the Yi efeaun War and Carrott-imeS tor fete Meelt pcaer pssSfeey* ffee sa §>, i wmcmwm - lawr «»!^ZIIZI ,I^!^?,^?^ af steetei teg* a *» *«*» Mtae» IzXJSS. *9tm tSS. stor ® *** 9tew «&£&*'& mffieg ’®«at «f Ant mukql ®*®* * T swiipsfMi le*i»s'"l i - 2m3 5796 I ggjjg^JWHi Ig _ I rSMMftfIS mIK imte & ««SJSjfj555SI«lSi mmM # SSBI* efefcs «** If tttißfc ftnft afese wSL Wis ws *& w*?HR 11 in Carpi isi.w JYerfft Carolina *» Leading W*My VOL. 3&, NO. 29 RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY. JUNE 10, 190? PRICE IS CSNfS Slays Wife With Shotgun At Fayetteville State Dropout Best in Class Sits And Walts To Explain Mrs, Geraldine Reader sen, a housewife, led the class of 1967, to Its 90th finals, as she graduated Magna Cam Laude. Mrs. Bender see drop ped oa* of school and married. She Is the wife of a soldier and has traveled extensively, with her husband, in fields off combat., Hie finished high echoed and matriculated at Fayette ville. She is a mother and di vided her time between lookteg after her family and studying. St is apparent that she' did alright by both President Redcdph Jones of Fayetteville State College con ferred bftcealaureatedegrees on 138 caswßdwtes, at. the 96th snemai commencement esr ercteea, on Sunday, May 28, ta She JT. W. Se*3m>ok Audt tnfen. Mt% SaAi amt #rn •‘S.S!® we ®a*r « jea w® Ses m ]« #pm*s, «» «f ®sa igfeomv ■**»« «• after fas tec-to JswKte a stinstei*., m paM m IMt, 'fwtoisifwtabt PRiNOTALS IN APPLIANCE ROBBERIES - These are principals in robberies that took place In Raleigh and Dur ham. Top left is Mrs. Deborah J. Hisses, B, wbo is being held as an accomplice to the crimes, doe to the fact she was arrested driving the car In which some of the loot, which was stolen to Durham was found. Top right, Walter Lee Staves, 21, who pleaded guilty Si! Durban Cosssty Sailor Count last week. Sentence is feeing wtiheld until the taveetlrstfcm te over. Bottom left, Eddie Lamar Herring, 11, who also pleaded guilty and is awaiting the results of the Investigation before being sentenced, Clarence Isom, 22, tbe only one of the five who was reported as being employed, when the crimes were committed, was sentenced to three years te prison ?*°®E LatVs * r 3r., not shown. Hines Is alleged to be the brother-in-law of Mrs, Hines, CSee story on page 13.) Libraries Seek 7$ Tax For Improved Services G. Dodge Geogrhegan, past chairman, Olivia Raney Board of Trustees, appear ed before tee Wake County Board of Com missOmers Monday and not only brought teem qp to date css tee desires of his board, but told *fe«ra fee would like to see tee following recommendations acted 0) .Consolidation of present libraries tote one system to serve both city and county un der one Board of Trustees ap poto&ed by their Board erf Coun ty Commissioners. 00 The provision of suffi etoat money, bote tor capital improvements and for eperat teg expenses from county toads. 00 Tlse continuance of tee Olivia Raney' Corporation to some auxiliary capacity rates? tfeaa tee administrative ageatty far library service. (4) The sale of the preset Olivia Raney Building and the preaesst Richard a Harris*® MMssg as soon as irnttahto quarters could fee constructed. (3) The coccstradtoß of a a®w main library Swslldto® to Ratefgh. («) The eonstractloai of two femsgfe libraries la Rsluigh. (7) Ttoedevekpmeafdfffertfe m- to tee smaller communities of Wake ©warty as -past of a unified library' &ys .ate great. Jasrt eessapEre year detest «tth toe aombers oa toe wsge of to® SHgNV am & yee. km to© r%SA eas» brtog « to «® «£&»» 98» E. Mar *to «td ycarwtertonk. T&e ttcSwAs yallssw tois wtok md Mm «M@d Jbee t. ff rm ham a is wa*b Wrs'JStJTrffr iwpfffS y«s SIM fe v©r lSsfe a Wate C«s**y PsMfe 14- es'ary as jm are ag&ortsad Bj| \ c ■$ jfipr ?*sw «!■ SBflKjjg - jrim«»y a Loegwr bee yacwßy bs«® appealed to aara® as Bite sriet Seoet BmßMtbm for mi DiMrtosi, This m~ S*iMam& wm snade by wu£» Wood, i»Tso is Ceaacfl Esecjsstf?® *or to® WaewsMtoa DUrtt, Steamy brsSjp: spirit teaea to bit. first fs?«®s®sSeßal asslpaßesj®. trtet leader* sad beys stoaaOd Heel S»ragr*j© «r tessfcfeau, Jtaimy to a aatite et Cfaartottie, asa a •nan* of Seecad Wted ms& Stow*.. After gjaftattaafettea- MOM as Sferto CareSSS®* a*T Cmr^m cwmrr