”1 • esms cPifkitefei* 9smm«9 wsm rnssmm g&rmso&x. mmt rs. vm 2 mwmi, posssaaf m aSS»- eim to & stateSßeat fcy Pavtil’s esftraaged vtfe Oat «ae**~C*- gresss&ss «*ee toaS told her be was eat a 2Ge«ro.) Tones weal «ae to say fiat Stow ed “overstretched the d&asrsp- Ice. rote fee cfeympia..stopcfftee Sagrme*, md be has fcf.d re verses ?* terms caff the- estafe- Usbeff Xegro Readership NAACP and ttie©irt«*Leag«e.*’ The former comfy leader safe! be mac Poweti hadfead feefcr differeoees-, "teit the two were never eoeantes. 4 ■'ftoweSl bad great paterftiitl for good, fete St has row dir ‘jipated, ” Janes ecss claded. MeetwhOe, Powell was as sured that Harlemites were still behind Ua “cume he'll or high water.*’ The assaraowe came from the Harlem Protes tant. council, v.hlch urged the Bin uni vacationer to return fcoßie. **We have kept the faith, •watched, waited, and prayed, and with the (IL £. Supreme) covert 1 s decision (declining to rsfle l it Powell’s case), it is go ing to be a long hot summer,” the council said in a telegram. "The battlefield is not the island of Bimini, but the streets off Harlem which you, are cm leader, -were ejected from.” SWEEPSTAKES c«*wto man .me n #€524 is worth SSO; 7872 brings sls and lIH utiQ get you S3O. Check your ticket carefully as soon as’ you have picked it up, at one of the stores cm fee Sweepstakes page, and ts you have either am off fee numbers, make your way tofee C ARQLW- M 34 and get your money. SLAYER to Dr, D. R. Perry, county coroner, must have committed the crime about 1 a. m. How ever, Police Captain Robert Beck says that R-dßftns came to the Police Station! about 3 a. m. and reported that his wife was dead, due to an accidental Shoot ing in the home Beck says that he detected Mood on Rollins coat and sent officers to his home. Investi gation officers are said to have found Rollins sitting on fee fr ont and that he told them tier body was hi the hack room They are alleged to have found her body across the bed and the shot gun near her. Under the bed they reported that they found a spent shell. Rdllins was then arrested Helen Fines, iB, sister ol Mrs. Rdllins, testified the cou ple separated for a short period las* summer, and that Mrs. Rol lins and their three children moved into the i*ura) Wake County tome of her mother. She testified that Rollins came to her rnother’s home during the Labor Day weekend, pointed a shotgun at his wife, and stated he didn’t want to kill her. but wanted to hurt her. An argument followed and he fired a shot into the air and left, she testified. Mrs. Dottle Dunston of Ra leigh. the defendant *s mother, testified her sou came to her horae early Tuesday morning and they drove to Durham in separate ears, and that she took the three children back to Raleigh with her. PRESIDENT umsssmmm mtem p*m r, and high seh«»ol education to the local schools and tton went to Howard University, whereto graduated. He married the former Ge neva Louvenia Cook, Decem ber 26, 1937. To this; anion were born two (tons and cm; daughter. He joined the First Baptist Church to his early childhood EDWARD fTVESIFrr OTT.T. asto vesmhwd there <*Bt tote life. HSs service to fee h is attested to by fee tei test to sarvad to many esspastitas aad at fto tte® «f 'Ms §m».i -mm & member at &hripmfm taartlasdito cfcsrets twwsarsr. Mr. Si! served as prtoei ‘P«l M-Cnsrmr Sgteel te twenty *«® years. He Oeefefed te w«!si •fiw MCI time to fee MUSteRr »ttd mmm *e af-«® '-mmtm Mmiml IMe "Ssmseexm -osm mm, te nmfmd ms &- ■#*•*> mecrmtary-mua puMwit, Mfe tette, tm mmsGtetwgm, «s* ttiHßrwtlii Ms toupem, Her*#, mmkm. WMm ■'-IS. -C., C. f*» ftHA Urns titer. wiPmmmAim ®ot aiwafs the way titoy swsa. Obs* to Svsittr 3 * lair, SSaCal- I«fc altospesttog to was SareiMl to wr to a cheek fur $S\ toe to tto feet to dto tot tore any none)’, wfek* to ullages v&s gtwe® to to wtot to tereoea armed refctorT.Btepbea Wayne Smstfe reported teat to was relieved off his watch *sk2 $41,00. The comgftaist cm tot state tactics tee aoensed son e»»d to tore tee sseo, except rite dress aod an eKdearfisg ap peal. They alleged that once he the aparrmesa fftoy dtsocnered that Smite did not pr/soess tee fe mfeie spualfttes that (to fees* (Slteatad. ‘lbey left what (toy took to be a bedecked damsel and made tfceii way to (top© lice ‘.lation, where (toy swore oat warrants. The peiksevisit ed tee impersonator aid (toed v*hi« they termed sen attrac tive human, wife all fee adorn ment mentioned above aed cteag ling ear rings. They yflacedfee ciueskionaMe subject under ar rest and W is now being de tained in the men’s sectaon off the temporary WtoeCooaty jaS, under a $5,000 bond for armed robbery. SUMMER <ee9«HN*&» front rjhcr » The CAROSJKIAN learned that the chfldrer. entered fee Dairy Center and asked to to served. They were said to have beer. tdSd that they would nest be served, by a white wo man attendant. SJcfiSes is said to have tefid them that to wosUd sesiwe them. The first one ask ing for sendee was Angela Swann, daughter of Ear! Swans, the county farxr agent. Upon asking the cost she was told that she owed 25? for two scoops of ioe cream. She protested the outrageous dharge and requested a receipt. Be refused to give her a re ceipt and tottd her to cm.M charge any thing to wanted, to his place. At feis point to is alleged to have orderedfhern out and Wtien they did not move as swiftly as he desired to is said to have armed himself with a battle of concentrated ammonia and proceeded to spray them wife same. Cynthia Jones, a June grad uate of South liumtorton had it 'thrown to her eyes. Tie children were accompanied by' Robert MeCory, who liasifearge' of the recreation program, for those vfeo live across fee tracks, in South Luiriberiom Be and a boy were also victims off tto Tandom sprajfeig off the ammonia. ‘They were taken 4o a local hospital aim when it was found tiiat feeir eontHtean was serious, they were s,sit to Cape Fear Valley Hospital, to Fayetteville. This Robeson Coumy capital town has long since been a racial trouble spot and even though David CMetrane or ganized a Good Neighbor Coun cil tore about three years ago, the chairman J. C. Jackson,' white pharmacist, has refused to csEU a meeting. Rev. £, B. Turner, pastor of tto Fir#. Baptist. Church, who Isas been a member of the City' Council, serving one time as mayor protem, is said to have tried and tried to haveSßCksaniocSll a meeting, due to the growing tension to the area, last to no avail The Olympic Case, which ear- Tted a sign, “Colored Dining Room” over a side door, lo cated on the business rcaste of Highway 74, for a long time, and only painted over the word “Colored”, to perform to prin cipal, not fact, is said to to a prime spot for racial trouble. It is also reported that there are certain or special areas, of tto town, to which Negro law enforcement officers are not permitted. The daughter of the lav: en forcement officei, Feet a Thompson, was a member of tto party. The son of atten dance officer, Angus Thompson, Angus, Jr., who attends an in tegrated school, was to tto grasp, alswg with tto daughter of E. P,. (Ted) Thompson, Mi** Jones, who suffered eye injury, to a nfejse of Mr, ThomjwKßv’s. wmm tommmsmwmmmumm gta right tore to North Car olata. Four college iretfamm tolpad give ft teirfe by walk™ lag teftj a SatmaPhepo dime store, sitttog Mm at tto lMMft emmtmr and wrdartog a®® off eoJSss. That simple rsisasst ted, wftftta esaffltess, to steiiter total a®jtrations fts totfeeltorfc aatd Seufe. Tiwjy suoosstod to aroustog tto mmtAmm of fete aattor. and foewi fftot eare ssstesses' to « way wftftfe proto©- «d tte M Act at m*. “Hstgro irmirs&Mi toe toMC tetowwtofes® Sot Mr. Howe todtasd, iperta for Jsa®&® Imm Sar tto «ms*t past Imm «j# % apattr/ ddYstot mi& wamt , a© -wMS, ■m, is acmr vmpßmStoai vAtefi wto4, 'fteteytoi:; to tod ■«« te -mjt U M me «hS -off‘Hr #tmtt6xmt t®f -a idmmtm -mm % wmmS to vsfw« «d fodafftotokp; pomr to 'tot— mmt -oipwianMos. «, >lmn itesssEsSs aw Mtt: “At tee eHur to(S -4ff (ffto GOVFSSSK3R VWSTS CAMFCS - Dr. Kssfeete P. Dsectel Cisseaad ftesaa rkgMJt PresSdate off YTr gmts. State Cofitege, greets Gowensar MMs E. Gadwla vad rawmtors off Ms Advisory Board .era fee Budpeft as teev male a step ora fee Feferfee&g esiapas fertag a vtsffff to stale tesktoßtkins. Dccr tog fee visit Dr. Etofel made a mmest fer $S r .<3O for capital today projects lor the !H®®-7© ftteßitom. WWh fee Goracror are Seaator Llcwd C. Byrd, C&estorSiead Caaney, Va_, and DM. W. Itoy Basffe off Petoratosg. toESXDSHG AT PCSSCT - West X. 1; Second 11, Bettby G. Rfeaßey of Cleveland, OSiio, and Ids ue»' Isrlfie, fee former GayneJE 9. BeAtiher of CcftumMis, Ohio, weai- broad as they leave the ft'est Pabd 3rw> Mb beneaffli an Erdirwav of saiters, ffuDorving their wedding. The two were wed Mitmtey after lit tMe) was graduated from the CL S. Mteitaxv Academv. (DPI PHOTO). MBkUlHm Ifapcs ftr few Cl M WASKESGTCSN 0TPI) - Bflpe lor of & dtVfittgftts&Kl to IBS7 has baen eagiressed bj’ Clarence Mitchell, ioce! KAACP chaafter director. 'We have g?st tl» vote* for civil rights leghSiatiorj in Con gress ft we work to gat them, ” Mitchell told about XSO elected Democrats gathered for a two-day warkahop am teranoe spoMored by the Democratic Natioiihl committee. Be said itme was hope that some cS the crjfcjpHag amend- BMtts tadfted onto the efluca tiao sill would be removed eith er in the Senate or 11mm- Bemte eoaterence committee, which it miwi go through. Mitchell urged the legislators to mdMl'ae grass roots aupjKot for new dvil rights by flooding Congress with let ters, telegrams, and telephone otitis. Ttie politicians the ccjiferenee seamed to lean to ward the use of politics, rath er than dem oust rations or angr y talk, to aahkfve the SJegro's goals. Mrs, Barbara Jordan, a Houston attorney who bßeante Texes’ only Negro state sena tor last January, said she does not condemn the “black pow speetrum, black power means separation, a sharp di visioul©- twaer. Kagroes and whiles. It. is a kind of rastom in reverse. Human muMem bskig met they- are, it is easy to under stand why the ssmaept off se postoun should have gained Bit regardless off the many jmtMsaUrns which may be afeamsed to support ft, thte form of Mack power seems to me to promise! ooly gtoater frostraticsr- and jgwftir agmy* “T darsar feat many sft rm her® asw Mrittefted with thenar «i*Q pnwptets tor life m Me grs»s in America. Your fu ture must surely he cdtroms scriSted by a aocran forms off ra cial dtecrimteathan that limit ym in your choig® of jat*;, ysw tiKte of homes, yacr shoißf> a? harisESß®. “Yau must rsaiiae that mil lion® M wirttes are not e«iy fttomuted ftiftUHtintlMqß racial. ’bat «ne posiilvalyim fttan Id do so. The prdfisiti is feat fttey flbs sat fcaow how to go shosst it, You must imfih Unas. & ffiasdsKtoj ite esmmi*- sto«»r scHtsed ti®! ‘*2 tm® «wt ym w® ®@t weft ao -pan me 'mfarv jm e,mso. She prog %msm m tteftte tey tiff fee «w. Mrm?, mats m ‘ksmeimpemm '**#lol ft 'ls feg&tad tor elaw mim» m ©f m 3mS9b -4o ,4*59(3 mm mm. mm «ssd. mg™ me mm .te iim msm mg dtesw ssstefe, w# te.® % tnoff. dWJ-. tBMMB io mKIM, sad yrni mmi. *> er“ push but prefers to work fffcroags ihe political process to furEher the Nagro’s tftjjectives. Aecordtag to CarlH, Bussell, mayor prot«m, Winston-Salem, “Pftblic damonstratious have sswafti their purpose. Now ft’s up to the courts and -fee poli ticians A' Moss Cooper, fee first fSsgro elected to the sto - member council in Bfiionis, said “Wfjtlk power psapto tufty make fedtagt- worse. Stoa trying to get my W&egSe more interested in goverumeat so they can have a teestre Chance.” Hcvspver Edward Davis, vice president, Alaen (Ohio) City 'CcGßttsfi, eftefl fee role “Ifiack power** plays in “diitog some- rtHJoe pD<nsle from their Kpaftry and 'keep elected offi .tftalt, s*waS».” And Mrs. Yvonne Braibwsdie, Los AagsflffiE rnffirihar off the California state legislature, notmS feat “hiadkpower”, while It is an overstatement, sHundke socisfty into aftaMng with prol>- tefes ! M -wcAtla athßrwkftjgnnw y 3 ft?' m ®PSEAsQ®. - URUftCP 'Ttimtitm.' %oyWiMm will 3uM*»* fee TTiti annual convK-Kaen off 'tto* Natteiriii Itewspaper MslMnsrs A®so ciati® sn June 22 at fee Stat- Isr-imtosj Ratal to Ctetelsmd, tk -tir ik Few lilwCsl »«esfes fCFK > h. its more difficult to pro dune new bmds nfsohi than tod* vtlop anrstmim of rift*, reporti the Flute* Cat Carr Centex. Th<- 'Mekan Mite c«i, for exam pie tented a imt decades, then dtetpp*aml. •Hr «r * f-CFIM* Cwutts ®f tew haw re eugnteed feet ft ! ® a dag's right, to batik, nncmrUvtg to fed: ¥nt-.mt Bet Cese Desatmc. But H*s%c; .eau fem fetet m. dt»% mmt not burnt; toe often ,osr tee tewff, fessson*- im n nohnaue. Wtutt’v to A kamt':' (CTXf bomran iwnumt.tht l.ubrador Betriever did i<o' come from Labrador but fron Ls w foundiand. according t(. histori am> a* Kurinas Kct (ian ( enter TWo one know*- hov. tht timnom er became popular. I 1 &*§ MS their mi Mas I mi M Muss mm I ' . I I is fim, font -wh®n tte* y-fumipters start feaepin® timam ''for nsai" want ®i»D» trie ait sondftianinfl for tteir tam iite. v®u don’t have to wart te «tv joy 'm foensflte, summsr tteat p.ute the foody jijneferr stmm. Ttie heart wortm Inforisr and vitality is sapped, ir imwmm, elfkmncy 4»* 43MNMM0. I- afaiijwmaMlii jestteiy«jwsj»e»7 3 -• "■ nuuMWwJl Marin f Idrii = Te fberira 1 Itvtjty Aral raiLADELPHaA, Pso-GnsrS Ex altoiS Fuftar Hcfesou S. Bey itMfis & the Improved, Bess*- j vfitert Protective Order cst Etks off fee World, asmasaaredto* fee- Hcraeratie Lyodes Oscar Pted liag Frerr.iei ctf fee febzsr-A Islands, seas beee seSe»todl to recehe fee ISS7 L«n - e>3y Award. Reynolds added «tete fee «s>- weted Elks citartoa wcrald! he fjresaatod to Fievnier Ptedlfeg" at fee isMte iaest&s® off tto Elks Ciiil Liberties Dessast ®D©Et on AloEdav, Assgast at 2 p. eb. fee Grand Lodge Casrastfoi to be held is L'Cas .AageAes, OlfL at tto StaSlfir-HBffilara Hotel, Tto Be®. Lyndesa Oscar RSehS- Sing, Preauaer and minister far | Ttorisari and Dmeftopmeat, Is ! tto seecrad man to toad a Gov ernment In tto Bahamas since tto Taay CcAcray adepted a Min isterial F-ona d Gmemaotak in Jaaaary, 1964, .and fee first to to so <ihc>s£tj under its aeev. C crastStiuticffiL. Lcnejay red|pient.s went Xev Jersey Gcn-ermr Alfred E. Drisccfl; Ralph Bußtftie; Brandfc Ptekey- Mazy Mcliecd BeAbaae; Thergaod Marshall; Marian Aiidersoa; LMttorKJng; FhSbj jß,aa fidjfc; Lester Graager; J'Jim H. Jcjbnscm; Atttmey <ksnera! off Massaclmsietts; Connecttoa State Treasurer Gerald A. Lamb; Georgia State ftaiacar Lssrrn' Jctesoa; Hairy Gcddas r and author: tßhittoy Young, Executive Doiettcr off tto Batfoual Urthraa League; and Dr. Retort C, I’eawr, ESrsf Secretary at (to DepartaMat of H cro-Yur and Vrbm: Bevelcjv raeßt. M C—hlwri Baltimore - dos play's of anger in StoSadly Car mieliad tie hurting the Negro's cause, saidClaffordL. Alexand er, a deputy specaal counsel to Itosident Jdhnson, %ton the angry diiSjUays are over, “no Stagn> 1 know” wfH ha ve a bettei jtfti or educatiosi, AHenauSttr said, critteffz&ag CanuMStaeg fur nqpotteftSy ig norifig most Negroes and nut to(Mg -“const i-ueth’e” in proatfti to pr otflenis, **Tht display off anger is a luxury the Negr o can't af ford,*' said Alexander , who was brought Bp in BaiTetii. CarmiChaaT's anger and a lignmeiit of some leaders with tto peace movement have drawn attention away from tto ‘'most important is sue..'tlte 19€7 Ci vil Rights Bill, AjeKander add ed. •Cool, fnvigorating ©teetric atr conditioning -k*B«p® the family tooting tasnfo al* day and'ail night ton®, tt filtera air to reduoa fosusi and poMaa, -and out «*- .csss neMin to sum fmr% rm^wimw. A jssntmi etectric apttefe irm pms and fha futu«e tot pr fmm. So joir, 'tf® happy vWte ftwsygih shim FARM LEADERS SK WASSOHGTOT - These feEweftfeSi teseh ers are sUraffbte* to (Irani off fee CL S. LMssrarfcsosst cf Agrfcaaff fere wait teg for a tots to lake few aad <sfeers te fee -deSe gteteßs to the ®tote Itoese to corater wife Lytato a. Jefcitscra. They are, left to rigid: Gecrge farmer <i Mound Bsyaa, MSsa, and a Tz&mfoer ■eg (te AgrtenaAl fare SfcsisSizaitioa wkS C-oasers-sSaos! Serstoe (ARCS) State commttteem*® off MfissfessHpl; Crarataft E„ Fey, ARCS State I votiie dtawtor off Scrafe Craftitea, CslwsEtoa; aexd Ateaewsler C. Jofcnsom, 427-acre farmer ctf TwrbeaiHe, S. C, and a enrara ber of ASCS State oommSttee off Souse, CardWna. other ASCS State Commibtieesw* asd t<essresrmMhes were to m'afetogt,oa for a S-Say “Lock at fee Fatere” Nsstacmal Cm fereac*. >(CSDA PBSOTOI - SHI JUST ARRIVED ROM SOUTH AfSUCA - ¥«®Ve sec® few era T.%% Eetei afewral fear la f&e j«iw. see eoi n msoi -vi ? SiSTS BETTY INDIAN HEALER smd ADVISOR | Tcrafe as bur trarsa «*ifi boat! ym. Sto %a* :p©w*r to toui | hypajer. Aji walcatm*.. Wtet |W sen ton, y««r Irawe | will toiiwma. Atw ysra Ana ysm suck? Cb yea ,mea»d I So you -tove tod to*? MSMG TOL®. «CBti« TO IRC ptMtoalto tteSev mud tto rrf «rs ft»w to sssanww, Adwan® on ai .as ffie. Tirana s w jjnobtoa so gmt ftto toe sotos (how to told your (<ab wto* you'vs and tow to sucMwd. 1 Sh* toib your feiaato ? and wrsero** fey naraa ■wuhoU’ tokens ym « imglt ««ond, & r*-unfK» fha eeemmtosd. Upor- mstsfateg woatktoraff and naaltzms she tod «to pmtw to tob toutawty, too too ttovatod a Ito-tima to tto wan*, toera Ito * oroar* too vretol tosy comm to to, man and -woman from ail ‘w»fas dt iiSn. G*av#a«B»dl to naniowa «vi! HtiUnwrae and tod to*, fiwt't «s pity to toon toy to m to*d to* & mood top and Jo «st «otae to A. <Sa@ toft toS «ww(«ca ywi Sto gtos to*y day* «nd todyr totos. tto ya* ®ft to : A torfewa* ato start* yea on to sway <to success A bastoasas She hs t»j» to to fvst Tune. She mattes 'yvttj to to home. Lucky Charm wi:h each reau.ng. Open Seven cays e wos»k 7am t® SPECIAL «£/*£■ S'JVG #l. SMiims this »® KMiSGH sase E Hscsett Stmt to 4jvasaßmae Cal? 834-200? HOOSS 7 A. M.-1® P. M irm the ciactric «■?. owr rmmml tffflm ter at! ths m frasßhtefl tee*.

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