8 ma&mukT I . ft ~ racußKa tt ■ •>: giS|Bj^«iajßß»w;^:iHM|pßßa!Mtw»mipajaMferta^^ CARPORT THEFT Lnrawe GovM. tm. Das dridg® Or., rvjiortesS Hut sosae oae took a Z4*‘ red boy's Hie, frees Ms carper*. T*«sra3iy. The bite Is vetoed at *3®. * * * CET K ALLEY ' "Usamas Jacksste, 483 Patter scs Alley, ww*id Hfet to feass «to 1 wttttal rtbeased tews behind a tree sea » aSSey. be tween toe ©GO Mock off IS&vfc Si. ausd She «®9 Mock off Mar ti* SL, abort 9fe3o Frfcfey f»- tog and set as fefes «m a teatfe. He alleges be was »*lSdag through, peaedMSy, wfeeaswS deaiSy toe rttseter bexg&s erttfcag as fesE. He was reported as tewlirtg hem n&. fe the face aasS oc toe fflsase. * * * RESENTS HA Visas TO LEAVE According to Bobby Jean Tay lor, SOS BrtUe SL. Ja-ases Leak, 500 Mock W. L*»o*r St, dees I am lake hefeg asked to lease p wtefi fee ss ajgstog wife his E2oiS.es. She aiteges tort Leak was to the tease aurgstag wife bis sxstter o«i Friday satoM, a- JtKrtt HdS and was ashed to tea-.*. See alleges that as Leak was. walHag out of Ike door be tensed m 3 ert ter m ttae abdoeea. She says she will a warrart for (Ms ietexias act.. * * # SST WITH VETTOR BOTTLE Os or abort liiilS p. sal. Fri day Seme was a fight said to tee taken p&see a# tm Gregg SL Fima tie report ■tade to poSace, »feo cave Sals address as 118 tv. Sasttfe SL, engaged to toe SSgte m«2a Wflsoa Iwey, of Ike Gregg SL address, .«ad was kit ob toe bead, with a fertile. * * * BATTERY STGLEX FROM PARKED CAR Matte Gray £s, Date St» caagAafeKd to pcffk* tort be parte-S las car to * his sear yard abort fe3© p. n. Friday iaad risen toe wart to gs* it, atooet 4fc»s Saturday «waraaag, fee was art »&&» g 2k« crssßk. He fEg®d **>«» ttoe tetoery fead fe©** ttafam. ISO SOT TOLL HER FLOBESKS Har-ea ESla WfHasTiDS .toes ®s*t wart psffil-sag aptoerlkw ers ana wtn site towed tfert •owßoae taaffi beau pri£teg ttoen: sip, atoert 5© p. as. Frka*®!, repeated at to police, asd*Bia®e to property. » * • yßgyy, TABLE LEG prsateffl BL "588 nWfCARUy CCHYAi eSCtHT: A ICS ■ fOS CXTRA . COMf.QQJ ~ - | I c*” . 1 \ » r 1 ammmmKmk m> il auMonr«. k»-c. ■gsrapHto MfJ\ sSumS If# aaaSiS Bcaey off P.ose«si ysssEg ladies ©aßapatSng' ftsr Sbe tike, asad was elected tor popster rrte ass a*- stodarrt body. Btauekeaortl is aCeged to have talas part of a cfesir aad to have cse«t h on Barnes fonetsead. * * * CHROME SKIRTS STOLEN Perseß S*., reported site cfcrocr.e sktas. ratoed at 523. mere removed ffroes Ms- *65 ForiGa- Laode, oc- Steday, rtasle is parted to Sbe 109 toioidk off Kar gwtt st * ♦ # IDENTIFIES ROCK THROWEBS George Washing* <<® Mallory, 1507 E. Edteton St., i-Saatiiied two e te tos dtwrge te to JBL Kentucky 42s Straiglit «»• p REMMBMnnKnt J;'; - || Bouiton 2' m Whiskej n 86 proof iyim Bcsni mam. mwawiit on,. etswißs*. mbm, mmsm tm CA»c»JimiM WMSS&. ssm&ta satumjat. JOKE IT, IMT RASEKIi VBTTfSRS Mr. acs! Mrs. Fred D. w.asls~ ifflgjUsa of S. Persswi St., bad as their dteer guests toeir nieces and nephews, Mrs. Carrie Whitaker off Raleigh and Mr . and prugr am. Prct. J. Neal Armstrong; ACT Coliepe, afeo was - ed nrtiaßal edoeirtliooi director last year, resigned a* presi ded, so as to derate er.oretiine to the program. He mas suc ceeded toy James E. Bites, Greeartile, S. C.; A. J. Turaer, wfe® bats hc-li the post of director off social action for toe region for two and one half years was reappointed. J. w. Ktten, Wilson, was re-elect ed secretary and j. VY. Wil liams, one off the agency di rectors off the North Carolina Mrtcoi Life Insaranre Conspaay in Scrtto Caroltaa, was re-e --lected treasurer. fill mmm vacation wm mm «n m