CLAY APPEALS 5-YEAR TERM Con 168 Out Fighting BY DARRELL MACK HOUSTON - Former heavy weight champion Cassius Clay, contending he is a Black Mus lim minister and not subject to the draft, was found guilty in Federal Court Tuesday of a voiding military service and re ceived the maximum sentence five years in prison and a SiO.OOO fine. Clay stood rigid and taller than his three lawyers, staring straight ahead while an all white Jury announced its verdict of guilty after some 20 minutes deliberation and then again min - f utes later while U. S. Disst. S Judge Joe- Ingraham pronounced the sentence. "It’s just what 1 thought,*’ Clay said of the verdict. "It hears out the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the mighty Allah.' Clay's lawyers said they will appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court if need be. Ciay had once said a person could not get justice in a white man’s courts. Did he expect to get the maximum he was asked. '*Oh, yes, I thought 1 would,” the deposed champion said. Clay said be would stay in Houston a few days, free on bond and then go to San An tonio, Tex., or Hawaii or Puer to Rico. He did not expand on those travel plans. There normally would have been a pre-sentence by the judge, but Clay asked that this be waived. "I’d appreciate it if the court i will do it now, give me my 1 sentence now, instead of wait ing and stalling for time,” Clay said. „ To Assist Beginners In Area Nine schools, in Wake Coun ty began Head Start programs Monday, while six began in Ra leigh ; riday, The city pro gram will end August 11, while the county program will end on August 14. The city schools are: Lucille Hunter, Crosby-Garfield, Mur phy, Washington, Thompson and Barbee. In the county they are - Fu quay Varina High School, Apex Consolidated, Riley Hill Ele mentary, Knightdale Elemen tary, Rolesviile Elementary, Garner Consolidated, Jeffrey’s Grove Elementary, Swift Creek Elementary and Bebois Ele mentary. The city program will pro vide pre-schtol help for 475 to 500 underprivileged children who will enter the first grade in September, The county pro gram will include about 645 Children. Instruction will be provided by 43 teachers and 43 teach ers aides in the county and 31 teachers and 3!teachers aides in the city. Head start is a federally-fi nanced program whose purpose is to provide help and enrich ment for culturally deprived children who will lie of school age in September. Most -of the children involved are six years old. SWEEPSTAKES WHIRS 5792 5670 573 womss wwnttM warn m Anyois* having current YTIIJ&W tickets. dshaS Jwsse 17, feWt, with proper number* present same to The OStMQUffIASS efbtice him receive listed above fesen Use BWB£&XAj£iu> iaattwa. Smiegiimts W®m befews 50 Mbs ■ There was still the f&fiur© of two psople to go to toe right store last week, bseaus® there ws only ewe winner, while there could have feese throe. Miss Ger&tdtee Lassiter, M„ 5, Fuqtsay gprfcsgs, drew SBO from the CABOLBOaM effect® wftm she presented itokstnam-* few 8324. {ls® got it from KiM Tire CtMßpnisy, Humber W 72 was eat piekaß up, St wsw worth sni f 1111 remained wtew IS was ttnd 30 more dollars were missed. This money will be added fete Yok etoedltl j<sta toe crowd »• sod go to am of fee Store* and *»: op the right number. You tara seed of fee feisgs, sold by -these stores, so why passag fee epportunlty of eMf **« ton money, by »w* intyfeg from thsee stores, fi would Is® a fine Jfel to ferny from a* many as few® as y&u pumtmei am . The _ '•fefetof tickets are in the stores HEAD START BEGINS HERE THE CAROLINIAN VOL 26, NO. 31 1 DIES IN ATLANTA Brings SIOO,OOO Suit REFUSES TO MOVE OR - Attests; Negro girl battles with Negro police®*® who arrested her when she failed to obey an order to move css as police tried to dear an area in the Dixie Hills subdivision June 20. At least four persons were shot one of them fatally - to sporadic gunfire which punctuated the riotous evening. (UTi PHOTO), Woman Charges Bad Treatment By Cop ELIZABETH CITY - A Mur freesboro woman filed a $100,OfX) civil rights suit agates* a policeman at the Eastons U. S. District Court here Monday. Mrs. Esfla Jones, 55, charged officer Dorsey Brabble afMur froesboro violated her civil rights of! March 19 when fee arrested her for public intoxi cation. In papers filed Monday, Mrs. Jones charges that she was "severely assaulted and detain ed. .. in violation of her civil rights. 8 ' The action further alleges that Mrs . Jones was arrested without “just cause and severely injured because of her race.*’ Mrs. Jones seeks $30,000 for sad you shots] d ptek town up. The tickets for this week are yellow asd dated 3m» IT. Tfe® numbers sad values are a® fol lows! 5792 is worts S2S; StTO te good for S3O and TO hsss s4© Mafing a® it, WEATHER sraaa® (KWHOM WH®* too will «tnw«g» Ami jsmup. aESpfl North Carolina'» Leading Wmkly RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1967 special and general damages, and $50,000 for punitive damag es. The papers were filed by Cm - rad 0,, Pearson of Chapel Hill, one of Mrs. Jones’ attorneys. Her arrest touched ofi de mands by Murfreesboro Negro es for the suspension of Brabble but the Town Council refused. This is the second such case filed to the eastern part of the state against law enforcement officers. Two Elizabeth City women have charged that they were manhandled by two offic ers when they are alleged to have gone to their home to serve a warrant. The former sherifi <j«t by iwOmetod ptatoe with riot sticks aftor a near riot erupted daring * ■ ,! «sSc~te f * % a group of women reetptente of city welfare outside fee Grow I'M Welfare Office te Boston** SUaflmry eestton 4mm ‘2. Hundreds of persafes mostly yoangetora, arrow vodka and btoSns ifenkf 1$ policemen. -Borne »D persons have tom arrested. QBVt PHOW). Policemen Charged With Terror Reign BY DAVID BUCHOIZ ATLANTA - Gun battles be tween rioting Negroes and gun -armed police engtediaihe Dixie Hills ghetto Tuesday night. One Negro man was kill ed and at least three other per sons wounded. One of the wounded, Mrs. Catherine Duncan, 51, claimed she was shot when a police officer opened fire with a shot gun into an apartment house al ter a cherry bomb exploded at his feet. Police Supt. J. F. Brown denied one of his men fir®! the shot. The blast Mo the a.parf.mcat killed Timothy Ross, 41, and wounded Mrs, Duncan, 9-year old Reginald Rivers and Marion Ward, 34. Condition of the wounded was not believed ser ious. RENEW VIOLENCE Sporadic gunfire began crackling about 9;40 p. m. EOT in the area where Negroes at tacked police with bricks and bottles; and sniper fire Monday night. Marauding gangs also knocked the windows from stores throughout the stepping center that forms the bob of the area in West Atlanta. The violence broke oat Mess - day night after Stately Car - michae! urged Negroes to join in “revolution” against whites. The Rev. Joseph Boone, as SCLC field-worker, said Tues day night that people believe if Carmichael “disappeared things would be all right - but that’s the biggest lie ever been told.” Riot-equipped police sur rounded the area and an ar mored car was called into ser vice for the second consecu tive night. Searchlights prowled the area for rioters and police checked everything that moved in the shadows. At least eight persons -were arrested. Released Prisoner Mysteriously Hurt Local officers at a loss to determine how Myron Leroy Lee, 413 Dorothea Dr., sustain ed injuries as he was leaving Central Prison, after having beer, released from jail Satur day, 1 a. m, Lee says he was walking up M'.otforcl Ave. toward Boylan A ve., when he began hurting in the chest. He then dvoided to return to Central Prison and fell. An ambulance was called by Officer Av cock and Lee was PRICE IS CKNtf Ward said fee &«d the three other shooting victims were standing on tte ground level otf itm 'mmm, r »> Attorney Heads W-S Ins. Firm WINSTON-SALEM - W. A very Janes, 76, a veteran law yer, became the new presi dent of Wtest as Mutual Life Insurance Company Thursday, June 15 as the result of a® election by the Board of Direc tors. He was a vice president and general counsel of Winston Mu tual dtartag the past 23 yestrs. {See **. Tt taken to Wake Memorial Hosp ital. R. C. Pearce, the jailor, who released Lee, said that wlwa he turned Lee out, he noticed dried blood on his shirt and a cM .on •Ms bottom lip. He al leges tliat be asked Lee what, happened and Lee i&aghed and said, ‘1 don't knew." Lee is alleged to have told Aycock that lie was beaten to jail. ft was disclosed that Lee had a braised ctest, a braise cm left jaw and ;** cut on bottom Jto. 1 .. MBK f Ifij GRABBED AFTER SENTENCE - Houston, Test.: Former heavy weight champion Cassius Clay is grabbed by some admirer as be leaves federal court In Houston June 26 after a S-mass and 6- weuaor* all-white Jury found him guilty m charges of refusing tnduettoo Into the Army. Clay, who. feat he is a Black Muslim minister and not subject to the draft was given the maximum eenteoce of five years in prison and a 10-tfecwsaad ddlar Hue. (UPI PHQTOX Crist Sfefe Ifawf hurl Sfslt !® ¥mms &&§ms Trials for crimes, new trials, sentences auad bunted criminals fcegA law enforcement officers busy at. the beginning of life Here in Raleigh a ISi-yr.-cSd ycsfb was arrested Tuesday and charged with first dograe burglary wttfe Intent to commit rape. Ervia Lavanrs Cooley, 548 1/2 E. Hargett St., is in jail charged with enter ing the room of Miss Dorothea Miller, 20, 548 E. Hargett St. and attempting to rape her. Mrs. Deborah Avery, 19-yr,- oM white woman alleges that a i©-yr.-otd Negro youth broke into her home, early Tuesday nsoniiag, at 111 N. Bloodworth St.., with a broken, bottle and forced her to pat her baby, ha bed with her at the time to the crib, and attempted to rap? her. She alleges that she broke away and ran to the front of the bouse. In New Bern Tuesday, two Ne gro youths were sentenced to 15 years to prison for the rob bery of a bank, after they ad mitted they robbed the Gaston Branch of the FitMers National Bask and Trust Company m May 29, They were given addi tional 10 years terms for break ing into the same bank on April 29. James Snyder, Jr., 17, a mi grant worker from Miami, Fla., is to the Wayne County jail o© charges of assault with Intent to commit rape on. a 61-yr.-old white teacher, Miss Paul to Short. Sheriff Bill Adams said Miss Short told Mm sfce had gone to a shed to get a rake when Snyder followed her to and shut the door. » Adams said the woman told Mm Snyder grabbed her., threw mWßgß&Ww&ws IlflllifJlf UMUw imjumvm - A midnight trawl at a roadhouse, 'located kfeotit 5 mflss west of Bt» Le vel, to tbe Stewart Cwtdk sec tion, Sunday, remitted to one mam betsg killed and another jailed, without the privilege of bond. Sherifi Wade Stewart, H&r aett Ccwsty, told the€AßoLW pw wmwmtrrr. w, s» Front Raieigii’a Offktel Police Fite mi mm mm if km Bmiglm WtlgM, mtv% m sm mat U w&s s*#®M for sm»»aße te mmrms & M*’ red Welters Fly *r Mtea Storn kto kasnn. We tepmted to i».rc«ay to prfHr? aafl *#sed recov'*n ! w her ob tbe ground and told her he would kill her if she scream ed. Agate in Raleigh, the State Su preme Court gave Warner Fow ler twice convicted for the slay - tog of a From oat policeman, a new trial. Conflicting evidence about the shooting was given by Ruby Rivers, (Fowler's girl frtead) and James Sasser, a police of ficer. Rafcy Rivers testified that Fowler made so statement as he fired the stoat. However, Sasser quoted the woman as telling him Fowler remarked “he was sorry but he had to do this 8 ’ when he shot. Braswell. The high eourt noted that Sas ser's testimony offered to cor roborate Ruby Rivers’ account, was actually “to contradic tion.” c®»* cmws. r. *j ffi^r BY GROVER BAILEY The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was recently interviewed in Atlanta, Ga. Dr. King dis cussed the recent racial distur bances that 'have manifested themselves to tbe forms of ri ots, as in Rostery, Mass.; Tam pa, Fla.; ami Prattville, Ala. and said that these riots were the results of tbe white man’s refusal to accept the Negro on equal terms. In Ms traditions.! tone, the civil rights leader stated that the government was to a new phase of -struggle and that Ms purpose was to breakdown bar riers. Om phase ©Kited, ft is not that the peaceful demon strations have become nritSteM, but that this phase is more de manding “because it is tesie, economic, poittkad, as issue which will, cost tbe nation some thing.*’ Tlse head of the SoMtera Christian Leadership Ccsmsll and one of the most respected civil rights leaders ro&Mafe ed Ms ooe-vletteßft policy and said that the civil rights Is to restructure Itself, and develop a powerful movement to the Negro community that will be beard. The Hotel Peace prise wtew explained Ms pmMcm m V, S, ism mmw.m . PisfeS Staton Cleveland Parker, 5S© BrancSi Sfcre«S, told poHoe IMS: * 2* «aMter fdstol was re mowed from Ms h&&rmm Ssd- Wfeep. Be told «®e® ns be had stowoa to ossptot, Ime Hinton, iS,4KaNßnapr*. <ft» rswt neat. *: it WEEKLY LEGISLATIVE REPORT MOTE: This is tbe eigh teenth of a series of weekly summaries prepared fey the legislative staff of tbe iurtltuto of Gwemmeat on the work of the North Carottoa General Assembly of 1987. lls con fined to discussions of matters of general interest and major Importance. * * * The General Assembly ground Is way throaghaaother of the traditionally frenzied weeks of to end of ass Sion rush. Tlse order a i the day from Monday through Friday was long hours of committee and floor action Involving to mass of important legislation fluid, this year as to years past, gluts to legislative agendas to its waning weeks. Calendar Committees were appointed this week to both houses, a customary device fear discou raging new introductions and expediting pending committee business. Nonetheless more teas 109 new Mils were un veiled this week, bringing the session’s total of Mils and re~ sdtestices to 2078. This ex ceeds to camber of tatrodoc tksns for the entire session daring every Assembly of to past quarter century except 1903, and to 1®63 gross of 2101 is likely to be eclipsed next week. No clear sign of a sine die adjournment date Is yet vi sible. Tlse mere mechanics of erarollteg laws still to be enacted woagd almost certain ly reqaiT© this Assembly to eoottune at least Mo to last week of mm Kto toils of remaining business were completed nest week, ’live ap-» preprtatiaas Mils teave act bees reported by tte Setoa®- raMtees m Appßyndations to to Ml committees, m event wtoteto bow seems likely tooc» osar around to middle of nest week. Fes the fourth Wed nesday 4® saccesstaa, this week, to total ndieroflffl* -Mi committee i&igSstty 'lncreas ed up from 827 to 829 MBs to to two bouses, with 328 of mem mis mttitef in to Appropriations and Fi nance ConmCttees. Local Qomcmemi. Tte 1958 General .Assem bly responding to reoara medstfeas of to MwdcSpal Government Study Cooinifs sicn, enacted sssfesisstisi and far-reacting ctaipss to to powers off local government, wffii p&rttet&ar stteMtastett* a@*sS 'for services a®d forl*d ssstsartais areas. Ttet &.»- mmMs atso adopted a ftola ««tol revfetes of to Jaws ndattaC to **sd syMwnKlto revitei-lwdffe B ©-’ perty fm M valor®® Is*®*. Stoce 1«*», tmfiM §tmsrw!mst -KtrwttiP® »,s»d fmdlistm fey stow?afe tes tow ta lew m 3 far Mkmm, tin aarewi Gosnemi .Amna#- Myr to cMer WtM tmA M Wta psfltem, CGwe WfemS»Wt, P. .

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