GENTLY DENE - Outgoing Johnson C. Smith University Student Christian Association President, Tyler Milner ofMar ttnsville, Va., gently plants a kiss on the cheeks of Miss SCA Tom-nye Martin of Columbia, S. C. The SCA presented the blushing coed with a bouquet of roses during its annual installation ceremony last week in the University Church on the Smith campus. DEAR SALLY BY SALLY SHAW DEAR SALLY: I’m a girl of 16 ■ s who Is compelled to go through Ji a parental third - degree every ' time I date a new boy. Even though I am an honor student at school, a regular church atten dant, and never have gotten into any scrapes, still my parents v don’t seem to have any confi * denpe in me and my Judgment. If I say, “I have a date with a new boy by the name of Bob Smith tonight,” the barrage of questions begins: “Bob Smith? Who’s he? How old is he? Where does he live? What does he do? Where are you going? When will you be home?*’And soon and on. Why do parents have to be so nosy? FED UP. DEAR FED UP: You may be an honor student at school, but you show a remarkable lack of good sense and understanding of your parents’ love. The fact that they want to know these per fectly reasonable things about the boys you date isn’t nosi ness on their part, but an earn est desire to keep up on the kind of company their daughter is wtth. Rather than resenting 'Whis, you should be ever so ■thankful that you have parents who are so interested in your welfare. Too many girls aren’t so fortunate as you' DEAR SALLY: Four years ago 1 married a woman 15 yrs. X younger than I. We both realized •at the time, of course, that this was a considerable age-diffe rence, but we felt sure that our lovs was strong enough. And it WAS,..for awhile. Now, how ever, she keAps complaining that I have become ’’an old fuddy-duddy, ” that I’m not active enough fhr her, that I dkauH take her dancing often enough, that I don’t like late hours as much as she does, that I’m not romantic enough and do so and on. I’m now 44 and she’s 29, and I think she is being very unfair about the whole thing, don’t you? Pat, DEAR PAT: How much "ac- CURRENT EVENTS BAFFLERS By Negro Press International Today's Baffler will see what i you Imow about Negro govern vneat officials and political as pirants. Your job is to link their name® with descriptions of their activities, given below Scoring: V 4-7: tops; 3; fair; 0-2 * poor. Boats* Question at the end counts two points. Here's the quiz: NAMES: L> Vel Philips; 2. Carl B. Stokes; 3. Thurgood Marshall; 4. Richard C, Hatcher; 5. A. W Willi*. DESCRIPTIONS: (Some don't go with any of the names). A, He recently integrated tfe® U. S. Supreme court, B, He is the only Negro in President Johnson’s cabinet. C, Having won the Democra tic nomination in Cleveland, he has * good chance of being elect ed mayor. S Her bill in the Mary land legislature resulted in the repeal of the state's miscegen ation law, E. This Tennessee state legislature was defeated in his primary bid for Memphis may or, y F, A Houstonian, she has integrated the Texas senate. G. He’s a write-in candl -v date for U. S. President. H. Vice President Humphrey backed his candidacy for mayor of Gary f/nd.) after the local Democratic organization spumed him. I. This Milwaukee alder man's proposed open - occu pancy ordinance has sparked housing mar ches. J. Although he denies any political aspirations, he may b@ tion” ARE you giving her? How close to the truth ARE her com plaints? Be honest with your analysis, and decide whether or not you really have become "an old fuddy - duddy ” in some of yc jr habits and attitudes. Maybe you HAVE been spending too much time in the rocking chair and, if so, it’s up to you to unglue yourself and do your part in bridging that 15-year age gap. DEAR SALLY: My 11-year - old son, a very bright boy, broke Into a conversation I was having recently with my husband’s mother, and corrected a grhm - matical error she had made. However, instead of being pleased over'her grandson’s quickness of mind, m y mother in-law seemed very much per turbed. Don’t you think it was rather small of her to resent correction by a child, espe cially since heW AS right? MRS, R.C. DEAR MRS. R.C.: Your son may, as you say, be a very bright boy and well up on his grammar--but he is sadly in need of some lessons in respect, thoughtfulness, and considera tion for his elders' Not even an adult should be quilty of the rudeness of correcting another person’s speech! DEAR SALLY: My husband keeps telling me that he’s the only man in his office who does not occasionally cheat on his wife, and that I’m lucky to have such a faithful husband - giving me the impression that he is one in a million. Maybe I’m naive or idealistic, but I have always believed that good and faithful husbands far out number the cheating kind. How about this? LIZ. DEAR LIZ: I believe the same as you that the angels far outnumber the cads. Tell your husband that you love him for his devotion to you, but that you just ennot bring yourself to AP PLAUDING him! "drafted" as a Presidential candidate on a peace ticket. * * * BO? 0:3 QUESTION: This candidate for President denies he’s a racist, yet would ''wel come" Ku Klux Klan support. His wife is running the show in his state, where the Confederate flag Is flown dally at the capi tal. * * * ANSWERS: !. I; 2. C; 3. A; 4, H; 5. E BONUS ANSWER: George Wallace. GRAMMAR HUMOR BY D. P. LOUIS Negro Press International Look for seven errors in the following paragraph. * * * Finance Company, Forever! Some people has thev finances in such a mess that if you wasn't sure they done it their selves, you’d think they was getting ad vice from the government. But then, the people is the govern ment, aren’t they? * * * Score: Seven » chuckle, five smile, three - it isn’t funny. (If you find, more than seven errors, the joke is or us!), ■* * * GRAMMAR HUMOR ANSWERS Some people HAVE THEIR finances in such a mess that if you WEREN'T'' sure they HAD DONE It THEMSELVES, you'd Ihink they WERE getting advice from the government, But then, the people ARE the government, aren’t they? rJ -me c©r©- —rv ifffto earn If Ititaies in m Nutag pie m tflldl Some people may not care... but we care. Your grandmother’s classic blueberry pies were baked with juicy, wild berries, not with today’s pulpier, cultivated ones. So, we’re stubborn. Only wild berries get into our Jane Parker Blueberry Pies. In fact, we care so much about such things, we’ve made just one big change in the classic recipe: We bake only wild berries that are U.S. Grade A! We’ve been in the baking business for 50 years. And that’s the way we are about all our baking. To celebrate our golden anniversary as bakers, this week, we’re featuring Jane Parker Blueberry Pie at a price that’s as wild as the berries... 495. If you want proof that caring this much counts,, try a Jane Parker Blueberry Pie this week. COPYRIGHT 1 1967, THE GREAT ATLANTIC A PACIFIC TEA CO.. INC, f u s n ° ° ne all purpose white JANE PARKER - READY TO SERVE t—B. ■% ■«■ It V V" A pheT «49‘SR potatoes JANE PARKER - AMERICA'S FAVORITE - OVER 2 3 FRUITS& NUTS 8 ° 9 M FRUIT CAKE 5 TOUcN °“ ng 5 3 99 - r'SE" U&V \’/2 --$149 CEI.ERY -19 c JANE PARKER - VANILLA CREME, ICED fill Jl DCEDIIIT FLORIDA 9 WESgSm SPANISH BAH A- m rn _ WIATtNIUI! w “ « £? C CAKES 3 $ ■ OO fresh, crisp, carrots 2 a 25c JONATHAN APPLES 4 & 39c k FROZEN SUNNYFIELD BRAND GOLDEN - RISE SWEET MILK or BUTTERMILK waffles *3 * 25 c BISCUITS 6 49 c A6.P FROZEN CUT SARA LEE BRAND ** ~~ CORN te 89c COFFEE CAKE 79c '«> 29° 5 DELICIOUS FLAVORS TO CHOOSE FROM MARVEL i JR! 1“ fill f§ a JH* MEL-O-BIT PASTEURIZED PROCESSED gm ICE MILK £39° CHEESE SLICES is k 25° - y— ———— —“—v A&P REGULAR or hard to hold j u. s. P. 5-GRAIN G. E. LIGHT BULBS HAIR SPRAY | j A&P ASPIRIN j ..Sis’" 0 ftfje .KSJr mn M( us. v: 79c =s 19cas 39c • 75-WATT # « 75-WATT cans • 1 • 1 • UM • 100-WATT Each JL, SLjf • 100-WATT Each IftM ! y N f ANN PAGE HALLOWEEN CANDIES ffIFFFF SI/ITFI A&PSEEDLE* k # U-Oz. Pkg. CANDY CORN fX WMM A MJMJ LJJMSJMJO RASHS 6 »S* 25c gyNB • i3-Oz. Pkg. INDIAN corn ■■■■HBjHHBHIBIBBIp 1 • 13-Oz Pkg CANDY PUMPKINS ... ... ... ... H O'CLOCK 14*. BAG 3-11. BAG ***&& r,C 29 c 1 15i849 , [8‘145j Anniversary Sale! “SUPER-RIGHT” HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF chuck 2 Prices effective through g Jhl * Saturday. Oct. 21. JBljk. ILIl« TkWBNFS&r "SUPER-RIGHT'' HEAVY CORN FED BEEF BONELESS CHUCK ROASTS lb 57c "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF boneless me • ?. : <-* - L p g;]s "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF STEAKS r*a 65i "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF CUBED CHUCK STEAKS » 85a — _____ A ''SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY, LEAN ' SUPER-RIGHT'' QUALITY, LEAN FRESHLY GROUND _ BONELESS STEW m BEEF , BEEF .. 55c \- r \ ALLGOOD BRAND - TASTY SLICED BACON Y 43c y 97c To CelebraTAboutiT^S tm zmoumMx RALEIGH, N, C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 196? 13

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