16 THE emOMMJW RALEIGH, N C.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2i. 1967 M issionories Protest Vietnam War An Interdenomination group of 23 American missionaries in 1 the Philippines, of whom nine are Methodists and two are Evangelical United Brethren, have addressed to the U.S. go vernmnt a strong protest and appeal on American policy in Vietnam, Copies of their state ment were received by the Me thodist Board of Missions in New York. Calling for the U, S. to take bold Initiatives to stop hos tilities* with a cessation of bombing North Vietnam as a first step, the missionaries said America "must make repeated attempts to demonstrate its credibility, its good faith ana its genuinely peaceful intentions ” They urged the U, S. to con tinue its efforts to place Viet nam on the agenda of th® United Nations and asked the Govern ment to "declare its reaamess to accept and recognize a freely chosen broadly representative government in South Vietnam, without rejudging its political character and alignment.'’ The missionaries entitled their statement "An Appeal to the United States Government from 23 Missionaries in the Philippines Concerning Viet nam .* They said they al so want - ed to address the American poo - pi®. They declared that “ we recognize that risks are in volved in what we call for, but these risks are not as great as the present course of steady escalation and widening war.’ The statement was sharply critical of U. S. war policy in Vietnam. It said: "We are ap palled by the gross evils being perpetrated dally by both sides In the conflict, .our nation pro fesses a vibrant Judaeo-Chris tian heritage, Our nation holds a vision of liberty before the world as an ideal for all people. Arid our nation has unprece dented power and wealth which placed it in a unique position of leadership among the nations WQ IMHUTESfL ktm mi sißiE vr COStMIUUS 8. (TAM / MBIAN Btßli $©€«TY l J CHICAGO. II.UMOIS &OA3S f £ THE BLESSING 07 CRISIS The Apostle Paul, who had been through one desperate cri sis after another, wrote the fol lowing: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are the called according toH is pur pose.’’(Rom. 8:28). How many people have found life going along smoothly for years when, all of a sudden, they have found themselves in the middle of serous crises! Perhaps the sudden death of a loved one changed life comple tely and presented serious pro blems wholly- unanticipated. Perhaps it was the sudden loss of wealth, so that life had to b® completely re-adjusted. There are hundreds of unexpected in cidents that can suddenly bring one face to face with stark and stern reality. For believers in the Lord Jesus Christ such crises can prove great spiritual blessings. They show us the insecurity of all that is temporal and give us 4 greater appreciation of our eternal security in Christ. They give deeper meaning to the Scriptures we study and even to the hymns we sing. They sanc tify and enrich our fellowships. Church Chuckles by Cartwright ————— mSis»cosSmUfrflr' g 44 "H® 4mm ! i Nkva i« ANYTHING. Th«» giv®* yp m «omptof«fy «tam *!«!• fa wwk with!" Telephone. TE 3-9395 : jjysis smbbs fill CO, yjeomw m. im I Ceramic, Asphalt Rubber and | Vinyl Tib 1 m mumstm %mmt tmamm, vs. & J of mankind. "But what we witness in . Vietnam belies these things. Our support of vested interests and unrepresentative regimes has made a mockery of the freedom we exalt. The socio economic eftorts we have un dertaken are overshadowed by our vast military power that is destroying the very land and people we would help. Our de struction of crops is depriving innocent children, women and the elderly of the food they must have to survive. Our uni lateral policies in Vietnam, in the face of widespread protests from such highly responsible sources as Pope Paul, the World Council of Cnurches and U. Thant, have weakened Ame rica’s potential for creative leadership." The cost of the war was a nother .target for the missiona ries’ criticism: "So deeply In volved in waging war, our coun try neglects an adequate pro gram for peace These revolu tionary times demand an all out offensive against poverty, hunger, illness, ignorance and oppression To spend mil lions for peace while pourin- al most two billioh dollars a month into a war whose end is no where in sight and whose real purposes are questiorialbe is the height of folly. Although we re cognize that our nation with its superior weaponry, vast re sources and great influence-- may eventually achieve some sort of military victory in Viet nam, it would be a ‘victory’ achieved at a human cost fa jr beyond w!i a t ever temporary value it might nave." The 23 missionaries repre sent eight denomination back grounds -- United Presbyterian USA, United Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, Episcopal, Evangelical United Brethren, American Baptist, Methodist and Lutheran, Missouri Synod. to those--and only those-- who truly love God and are “the called according to His pur pose," all things do indeed ‘‘work together for good” or, t o render this passage more correctly, they “are wrought together for good”-- by God, This is why God’s Word to the Christian is: “Be careful (full of care) for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”( Phil. 4; 6,7,). MEDITATION A SERMONETTE BY COLIN DOUGLAS “Let us consider one another.” --Heb. 10:24. One of the most comfortable qualities a person can possess or develop is the one of adapt- One of the most comfortable qualities a person can possess or develop is the one of adapt ability, for no one ever lives a day of his life without meeting the need for adapting himself to someone or to some circum- ’ JSUGfON And race By Negro Press International WEEK’S QUOTE "The painful, but inevitable broadening of each man’s alle giance from his own ethnic, racial, religious, national, cul tural and economic group to the wider embrace of all mankind constitutes the central revolu tion of our time. Every human person is affected by this revo lution, which calls for changes in the provincial attitudes and behavior of all the people in the world... Human rights, are not intended to be the exclusive preroga.i.e of a few...rather, human rights are God-given and hence inviolable,’’ —Statement issued by the Baha’i Communi ty of North America during its centenery celebration in Chi cago, Oct. 5-6. TRUE METHODISM WASHINGTON - When the Methodist general and jurisdic tional conferences convene next year, they will be distinguish ed by the numbers of Negro colleges selected to represent the annual conferences. Twenty four Negroes will be represent ing integrated annual confer ence at the General conference; and 41 at jurisdictional confer ences. These ne delegates will join in making final recom mendation to the General con ference for the complete dese gregation of the annual confer ences by 1972. STUDENT AID NEW ORLEANS ? More than 300 "unqualified” Negro stu dents will be beneficiaries of educational assistance from the United Church of Christ at the denomination's 32 colleges and universities, according to an announcement made last week by the Rev. Charles E. Cobb, executive coordinator, Com mittee for Racial Justice Now, a denominational unit. Under the plan, students selected would b® those unable to enter college because of poor grades In high school, poor counseling, lack of money, low motivation and Indifference of parents. Baha'i To Celebrate U. N. Day To mark the occasion of Unit ed Nations Day, the Baha’i Com - munity of Raleigh will hold a picnic at 12 noon at Reedy Creek Park on October 22, it was announced by Mrs. Marga ret Quance, chairman of the local group. She said this year’s event will have the them® of "A United World - An Emerging Reality.’’ The speaker will be Mr. Ken Mays from Wood bridge, Va. According to Mrs. Quance, Baha’is feel the United Nations is an important step toward an inevitable world society based on the brotherhood of all men. She added that Baha’i communi ties throughout the nation are sponsoring U. N. Day program s as a means of gaining deeper understanding of the United Na tion's good and accomplish ments. She said, "We feel it is im portant to know about what the United Nations is doing in both humanitarian and peace-build ing areas, as civilization strug gles toward world unity.” The public is invited to attend. stance, A person who has the a biiity to adapt himself does not exp rience the clashes with personalities or the frustra tions of live encountered by one who has never learned how to adapt himself. Os course, everyone adapts himself more or less--some better and more easily than others--because they are more loving and more understanding or less sea rful about their rights. But everyone who wants to have peace in his human relationship, who desires to make progress in his work, who yearns to have life yield up more o? its happiness, should develop the quality of adaptabi lity How do we develop adaptabi lity? Just by learning tq .think of others as children of God, with aspirations, rights, and needs like your own. We can readily see how much another person's atmity to adapt him self eases our way—so we should be. willing to adapt our selves enough to ease the way of another person , All the fretting, fussing, and grumbling in th® world won’t solve a part in the worULwon’t solve a par ticular problem or make your way easier. But cheerfulness and adaptability do make your path smoother and more en- Joyatte Rememlser always that God is constantly at work, that He is in control of you and your world, and although ap pearances may smjm to be slow in changing, you sould keep your faith in God high, and you should keep calm and patient In the realization that "H® works in wondrous ways His mlrades to perform.” "to quietness end in confl dance shall by your strength ” | ’-'lsa. 30:13. An investment in Your Future .jrvii id eiuiiL i n I A THIRSTY LAND 1 vi : : Men have a thirst and a longing for goodness and righteousness. Even the most parched soul is touched by •£ acts °* kindness, forgiveness, and love. Jesus said, "Whoso dr'nketh tJle water i* ve him shall never J' thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him 1 a w *ll water springing up into everlasting life." May all who are thirsty for a oneness with man and with God find satisfaction and fulfillment by attending church *•*•*%• •S;J Th* Cf?vrdi ii Sed’s in this mrU for spr«odins ftss knowtadf* of His fov* for man assd of Mis demand ter mm to respond to the! lev® ly tarf»§ kh neifftlser. Without >#& this grounding in the tare of God, ne government nr snriety or way of We will long *s«; persevere end the freedoms which «e held so dear will inevitably perish. Therefore, even : from a selfish point of view, one should support the Church hr tha soke of the weifore of himself and his family. Seyond that, however, every person should upheld ond per* Hcipaf* in the Church beemsse if tells the froth obout men’s life, dseth ond destiny,- the y truth shkh ohm wifi set him free to live m a child of led. IN gg: Coleman Adv. s#r. v.V .*.V .*.V. •v.y.v*••••» v.v.*.v. , . , . , .*.v.*. , , , .v. , . , . , .*. , . , . , .'.‘.*.*. , .v. , . , .*.v. , . , . , . , .v. , . , i% , i% , iNvXv; , ; i, x , ;.xv:.>r«’.x.i.y'v.\v.\v.v.v.v.v.v. , .\*.v.*.w.v.v.v.v.v. j* * \ THIS INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE APPEARS EACH WEEK TO HELP MAKE > S Tins INCREASINGLY A CHURCH-MINDED AREA. IT IS OFFERED FOR < | YOUR CONSIDERATION BY THE GENEROSITY OF PUBLIC-SPIRITED INDI- f I VIDUALS AND BUSINESS FIRMS. | iw*«M-.awi or bauson nrsrs or em®« Downtown and in North Hills CiURMtON-SIIOWW eOMMm Charles F. Laadt MW A WAUIMtS CO, <•* »ewat«wit SSfvO. AMfIW SSrWslwßd—lien G?e«« mmm 'mmmmmmsm WeyJd’e tow»s4, SpmMMi in W. Bnli Mmet, mrmmrn m. MtnVk C.s maShm wmm. me. m CTtosMWi. Aw®y itaWill. VL €, MMrnm wrnwm MU SMUMMMT WlDliU M! m MUBtOH. me. 4f§ 0. iwJfehwiEr W4v*«f m*mm c e rnmmm coumw m 0 Mrim M. rnmm Cioss JOIJI.TIY COMPJWV an* Emptoy**# M WfflC, me. m St. TO 882-890? BMHCM BANKING « TISJST GO. 4 Caaveateat Locations in Baletfh Have Friends at Branch BaakJny i and Tmal Company” SEJttt ftOEBUCK « COMPANY a®& Xatpiuim HIESTONE SYOBES PJawse® assd Davie Streets. Wwme BK'flMi

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