ppfliL 4%QB|fr. * *■.•? TrWivirvniiWafe 'Wj ‘&ff^gfai a .. t- •:?; ACCEPTS DONATION-President Earl H. McClenney (right) of Saint Paul’s College deceiving from Perry Eason a SSOO check from the Sears-Roebuck Foundation for unrestricted purposes. Mr. Eason, manager of the Emporia (Va.) Shopping Center of the Sears-Roebuck national organization, represented the foundation by special designation. The presentation was made in Dr. McClenner’s office at the Lawrenceville (Va.) Institution Friday. Negroes increase Mote hr GOP m %'* tmtion’s As Republicans continue to tally their election night vic tories for the 1967 elections, two important factors emerge: 1) there was an unusually large Negro turnout in this off-year election and 2) quite a lot of this heavy Negro vote helped to. elect GOP candidates in important races on both the city and state level. For the first time in twenty four years, Kentucky elected a Republican Governor. As Gov ernor-elect, Louie B. Nunn, re ceived approximately 38 per cent of the Negro vote. Nunn’s winning margin was 26,599 votes. This victory was com plimented by the re-election win of Mrs. Louie B. Reynolds, Negro GOP alderman from Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Reynolds is a strong advocate of Open Housing legislation for the city. Another Democratic strong hold, Indianapolis, also saw a major victory for the GOP with the election of Richard C. Lu gar to the office of mayor. The 35 year old Indiana native and former Rhodes scholar attri buted his win to, "hard work and much personal contact with many Negro voters in Center Township precincts.’’ Lugar also stated that "... about 10 to 15 percent increase in Re publican Negro voters in In dianapolis precincts over the 1966 Congressional elections,” was an additional factor in his election wdn.” In other elections, Republi cans gained two mayors in Southern Democratic territory; Ronnie Thompson in Macon, Ga. and George Seibels in Birming ham, Ala. Both candidates THE VITERAK’S CORNER Nov. 19, 1921 Roy Campanu la, former star catcher of the Brooklyn (now Los Angeles) Dodgers, was born In Philadelphia, Pa. Nov, 19, 1963 Date of Abra ham Lincoln’s famous Gettys burg address. Nov. 20, 1895 Sallie Martin, pioneer singer and organizer, born. Nov. 20, 1866 Howard Theo logical seminary, now Howard University, was founded In Washington, D. C, Nov, 21, 1966 San Diego (Calif.) Lighthouse celebrates 28th anniversary of publishing. Paper owned by Mr. and Mrs. N. M, Young. Nov. 22, 1958 Rev. N. H. Jernagin. president, National Dessert With A Difference ff§| J| s*sj}©& • •I|KSESsft?fr ’ : .1 HR' '■'mßßaMsßß&i ■) fr W3SS&V^W3F . Lili ~ x i|| There Is no better way of ending a meal than with the perfect dessert, one that is easy to make yet unusual enough to impress even the most particular family. Coffee Carnival is a unique mixture with the necessary qualifications to be the perfect dessert. It is a creamy tapioca dessert made with brewed Sanka Coffee for plenty of flavor and sprinkled with raisins for added texture. Coffee Carnival % cup quick-cooking tapioca 2 cups brewed decaffeinated Zz cup water coffee Zz cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Ve teaspoon salt 1 cup heavy cream, whipped '/a cup seedless raisins Combine tapioca and water in saucepan; milt well. lot stand 5 minutes. Add sugar, salt, raisins, and coffee. Place over medium heat and cook until mixture comes to a full boil, stirring con stantly. Remove from heat. Add vanilla. Coo!, stirring occasion ally. Chiil, Then fold in whipped cream. Serve in sherbet or parfait glasses. Garnish with toasted almonds, if desired. Makes 6 to 8 servings. captured a large percentage of the Negro vote in their areas, making them'the first Republi can mayors in these Southern cities since Reconstruction. Seibels, a former Birmingham GOP City Councilman grabbed the largest share of the Negro votes in the two races, coming out with 41.3% of the Negro vote in Birmingham to Thompson’s 25 percent in Macon. Increased successes for Ne gro GOP candidates was also much in evidence in this ’67 election, with Judge William W. Parker of Waterloo, lowa leading his local ticket to vic tory with a winning plurality of 28,890 votes. This victory made Judge Parker one of two Ne gro judges in the lowa Munici pal Court system. Virgil E. Brown and John Kellogg won seats on the Cleveland City Council. In Bellefontaine, O hio, two- term City Council member, Louis Ratleff, became the first of his race to win e lection to the Presidency of the City Council. Negro GO? can didate, Wendell Stokes, won his sixth consecutive two- year term to the City Council of Urbana, Ohio. And in Spring field, Marysville and London, Ohio, Negro GOP candidates: Douglas Gardner, Clifford Brown and Allen J. Freeman won seats on the Board of Edu cation and City Councils, re spectively. Georgie Woods, well-known Philadelphia deejay, won his first election bid to that city’s Council on the GOP ticket, and Lorenzo Hill captured the of fice of controller for the GOP in Pittsburgh. Baptist Sunday School and BTU Congress, died. Nov. 23, 1870 Robert Sens stacke Abbott, founder, Chicago Defender/was born in Georgia. Nov. 23,1880 National Baptist convention organized its foreign missionary board in Mont gomery, Ala. Nov. 24, 1950 Dr. Percy L. Julian, noted Negro scientist, received the Decalogue Society of Lawyers’ merit award. Nov 25, 1874 Joe Cans, one of the all-time great lightweight boxing champions, was born in Baltimore. Nov. 25, 1912 John H, Sengs stacke, present publisher, Chi cago Defender, who launched the Daily Defender in 1956, was born in Georgia. Mm mm - Prices in this ad effective through Satu? day, New 25 Its Americas •«#%’" most popular! \W? lb. gj i. I J "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF PORTERHOUSE OR We think it’s excellence of product. ®|P p» M iJ r #ii Years and years ago, when we decided,to bake 1 **Sj| |y| |‘B fT* § jP IUI £m Lb. 5j[JH|C Jane Parker Fruit Cake, we also decided to bake the best. "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF That’s why Jane Parker Fruit Cake was then % If# |J iyP|f% BONELESS t\ C and is today over 2/3 fruits and nuts. it I 131 I t jpt g% |J| L * Just enough delicious cake to hold together the bounty of [ OVEN-READY Ri B ROASTS tt. 85c'' cherries imported from France, pineapple from the Far East, A / citron from Italy, sun-drenched raisins from California ALLGOOD r | We think, too, that value has made it popular. SLICED ftA ■ 11 HE which makes it an even greater value. mm && . „ . 1-LB. J| ff%U 2-LB. ** Now you know why Jane Parker Fruit Cake i L ; |||§ w is America’s most popular. j PKG pkg. %■ a One other thing you should know: You can buy it only at A&P. g|§|j|| ||| r, filjjk Jjp j|||f P.S. Wouldn’t it make a great gift for someone? l|jg \ COPYRIGHT J 1967, THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO., INC. f CAP’N JOHN’S SHRIMP COCKTAIL 3 89c IA]\JT7 PA RTLrr) AMERICA'S favorite j J ,-V I,IJ jTAII JVlhl. ove , 2/l-. NUn . FRUITS .L, £ *?f * SO 89 ® SQ99 .tn 10 LB. AVER.Gf "SUPCT-RIGHT" i “ “"'•4 “■««■ %$ HAM-SHANK HALF - 49° JANE PARKER FRESHLY BAKED J®, J&. , 0 A \ /CDA r-c _ 6 to 8 LB. AVERAGE pj| VST . Sftt NWi N * HAM-BUTT HALF ■5 Jo iar¥@l Ice Milk 3^ g Spanish Bar 3 SI.OO s _ i" BgaM ” i ”* aßeWaiia,l * M * Sgß^ f**MWMWBWBWIMWIMBBWWMWBWWH>WMmUMHII A&P EVAPORATED f SHOP A&P FOR FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES special sale! pre-priced label S m A ~FLORIDA WHITE MEAT OTB0 S(1 STAYMAN APPLES 4 lb. bog 49c MiXCd NlitS ' Cfn 69S Flaky BsSCilifS 6 49fi THANKSGIVING SALAD VALUE FULL-O-MILK A A A A&PVA SALTED SHOP A&P—BUY WHOLE AVOCADOS 2 ’»■ JDC COCOANUTS2 F "' J9C PEANUTS 55C A&P Green Beans 2 ' Cans 43© HOLIDAY SALAD VALUE' «f A FRESH PLUMP IIP SUNSHINE HYDRON A&P BRAND Anjou Pears 1 M Cranberries S. JOC COOKIES L L g b 45c Tomato Juice 3 s I.OO U.S. NO. ONE-ALL PURPOSE RUSSET POTATOES 10 lb. bog 59c M ~L b mm CC Ia i A&P SMALL GREEK PEAS 2s* 49c 31ITb UeierV A&P CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 ■ 39c Large Crisp Stalk r —- l%i ETOI BITC a Oil BAidlUl Mmlj hLAwtU riCUI ISi Bar KAlillild LfcLEkl ‘ If g RED CHERRIES lb. 92c CITRON .. lb. 72c SEEDLESS !*a, 07* Pkg . % Wfll/m Green Cherries lb. 92c PEELS lb. 72c • Pk s £| i UtLmi i PINEAPPLE lb. 92c MIXED lb. 72c SEEDED i5-Oz. 11 Jmfflf J L COME SEE—BUY A&P—SAVE! * Pks - iKfl* . * the cmo&Mmi' f RALEIGH. H. C„ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2S, 2§«7 13