4 THE CAIOURIAN RaLeIQH. N. C., SATURDAY. JANUARY 13. 1887 “Only true security is found in God,” t the Apostle Paul in one letter to Timotny. And he added, “I know whom I have believ ed.’' So many of us haven’t learned this fact as of now, or maybe we nave forgotten. Most of us place our security in bank bonds, savings deposits, and the acquisition of wealth. Editorial Viewpoint 9 We Can Reduce Instances Os Drunken Driving It is our belief that the trend toward the reduction of instances of cases of drunken driving can be ef fected, especially if we utilize the apropos know-how. England appears to have reversed the rising trend of holiday traffic accidents by applying a stiff new law designed to keep drinking drivers off the streets and highways. The Ministry of Transport gave a preli minary estimate of 86 killed on the roads one week end period, compared to 136 for the first four days of same week last year. There were 2,730 accidents reported, compared to 3,699 last year. The Royal Automobile Club said this past Christmas that traffic vol ume was down, indicating that driv ers were staying off the streets and road to avoid being stopped by po lice who might require the appre hended drivers to take a mechani cal test measure their blood-alcohol content. Britain’s drunk-driving test, which ¥ s been in effect since last Octo ber, has already brought noticeable Heart Transplant Is A Godly Miracle In all seriousness, Dr. Christian N. Barnard, who has just performed the only two successful heart trans plants in history, has beer, inspired by God to effect a mos ! modern miracle for patients with certain symptons of heart disease. For this Reason, he has teen described recent ly as a man “impatient of overcau tion” and “filled with the spirit of adventure” (in a God-life manner). ; Apparently, the Almighty has pro vided him with the qualities of “an artist, a perceptive novelist who, aware of all factors, has put them to gether when others would not.” He has demonstrated that miracles can happen in the twentieth century. Dr. Barnard’s first patient survived Slightly more than 18 days, but the operation proved a success in spite of the fact that case died from pneu monia. As in most things, chances are better the second time around. Therefore, prospects are bright for fche 58-year-old South African den tist who received a new living heart from a young stroke patient who died Recently. The dentist is beginning his period of adjustment and recov ery. ■; On Tuesday of last week, Rep. •Robert G. Clark walked into the Mis sissippi house of representatives to become the first Negro since the Re construction Period to serve in that body. The new member termed his . reception by other lawmakers as ' “very warm.” One could say that a political mi racle is happening in Mississippi, l and that a new day is dawning in : that state because of the recent elec ; tion of Robert Clark as a represen tative. I This occurrence is indeed world l shaking when history reveals that not j only has a Negro not served in the l Mississippi House since the turn of f the century, but Veteran capitol ob servers say no Negro visitor has ; been permitted to walk on the floor f of the House in the memory of any ? one now alive. While this may be historical , the fact should make every t Mississippi citizen bow his head in ? shame. * Rep. Clark won by a narrow mar gin last November over veteran J. P. Love of Tchula in the race for the seat from Holmes County, a pre « dominantly Negro County in the Mis l sissippi delta. The defeated Mr. Love did not take I his defeat gracefully, but filedachal- I leuge against Clark’s seating earlier | on the grounds he had not techni cally qualified as an independent can Bible Thought Os The Week A Mississippi First In Congress To make us secure during times of illness, we pay premiums to some hospital and medical insurance plan. But before we buy, we want to know what l>enefits It has In store for us. Security is available to each one of us, if only we believe all things are possible with God. decline in highway death statistics in England. The results of the strict enforcement of the drunk-driving test seems to be paying off by reduc tion in traffic accidents and deaths. Os course drunken-driving is not the only cause of traffic accident and fatalities. Hazardous highways and roads and speed driving has made its contribution to traffic tolls. These and some other causes re sulted in killing 44,600 persons and injuring 3,868,000 during 1966: 1. Driving on w'rong side of road. 2. Exceeding speed limit. 3. Drove off roadway. 4. Did not have right o-f way. 5. Reckless driving. 6. Passing on wrong side. 7. Passing on curve or hill. 8. Failure to signal and improper signaling. 9. Cutting in. 10. Car ran away - no driver. But of these ten causal factors, alcohol is a contributing factor in more than half of the fatal traffic accidents. Need we say more? When the surgeon placed the young heart in the chest of the dentist, it began beating on its own without the electric shock used in the first human heart transplant. The patient regained consciousness soon after the surgery and his condition is describ ed as “good.” That the dentist lived until the op eration could be performed was in deed a miracle, for he was desperate ly ill with a damaged heart. He had to wait three weeks for a trans plant. Dr. Bernard may have set a new world record in the medical area of cardiac diseases. Twenty years from now the transplant of organs like the heart and liver, etc., may be rou tine surgical procedure. For this advance, we must thank imaginative surgeons who have received wisdom W[hich came from God. Since the attitude of the patient is important in any kind of illness re covery, doctors must forever rely upon the dynamics of the spiritual. The patient who believes that he can be healed is the one who profits most from his medical treatment. didate for the November general elec tion. However, the challenge was withdrawn. From the files of history, Clark apparently became the first Negro to sit in the once all-white legislative halls in Mississippi since the 1890’s when Isaiah Montgomery, once the slave of Jefferson Davis,, he Ip draft and sign the 1890 constitution, which remains in effect today. If one wants a thumb-nail sketch of the new representative, Clark is a bachelor who wears horn-rimmed glasses and lives with his nephew on a 70-acre farm at Ebenezer, 14 miles south of Lexington. He is a member of both the Mississippi Free dom Democratic Party and the NAACP. From what we learn Rep. Clark plans to enter into the routine of things. He said that he looked for ward to the coming weeks of delib eration upon such matters as reap portionment, Clark acknowledge s that being the only Negro in the House of Representatives might hamper his effectiveness, but added that it would not prevent his introducing bills. With a positive approach to the work that lays ahead, we predict that Rep, Clark in God’s own time will serve the State of Mississippi with loyalty and distinction, May- Almighty God bless his initial ef forts, Only in America BY HARRY GOLDEN Some years ago I describ ed my New Year’s resolution to my readers as a solemn pact never to reveal my reso lutions to the discriminating newspaper public, I have no intention today of breeching that solemn pact.. As a matter of fact I have no resolutions. But I can pass out some beauts to the other s. I thlnkthe airline companies should make a joint resolu tion to take the money out of advertising and Invest it in the food. 1 fly frequently and far and in the last decade while the advertising has be come glossier and more ap pealing, the food lias become more and more like a gigan tic leftover. Serving food, snacks, cham pagnes, and peanuts to the passengers is part of the air line business. It takes the passengers’ minds off the sense of impending disaster. I am all for it. But that rubbery omelet I’ve eaten countless times on the morn ing flight to New York is a disaster of sorts, too. An air plane has one virtue: it gets you there fast. The ad vertising agencies' ought to come down heavily on that with significant safety statistics to comfort me, not those caietei - fa steaks. All the book publishers ought to band together and pledge unstinting advertising efforts on behalf of all authors. A literate section of the coun try takes to “underground’’ books, those novels or studies which slipped into the stores either last month or years ago without fanfare or promotion but with such excellence that Just For Fun BY MARCUS H. BOULWARE SO TRUE The American way of life is the same of civilization as we view it today. Thus we can say that civilization is a system under which a man pays a quarter to park his car so he won’t be fined a dollar while spending a dime for a nickel cup of coffee. (May we add that exclusive eating places have the nerve to charge fif teen and twenty cents for a cup of coffee. Where is civili zation leading to anyway?) ATTA BOY, POP When viewing his son’s six week report card, one father penned this stanza: Report card time is here; My son thinks his is fine. It is, when it’s compared With one he found of mine. It takes a broad-minded Dad to admit this fact. RUN THROUGH FORTUNE Nothing .shows up poor judg ment of a person like inherit ing a lot of money. (Iremem ber two young men who in herited SIO,OOO each upon reaching 21 years. Within three months, they had squandered every dime). This is both humor and tragedy. * * * JCSU SEMINARY CLOSED BY TRUSTEES We heard the rumor, but now it is official that the century old Theological Seminary at Johnson C, Smith University will close at the end of the current academic year. Naturally, there is opposi tion to the closing of the semi nary by many friends and a lumni. However, the voice of economic practicality stands firm on the issue and decision. In a statement to the pub lic recently, President R. p. Perry gave as one of the rea sons for the Trustee’s deci sion a SIIO,OOO deficit in the operation of the seminary last year. Any practical business man knows that such continu ed losses is sheer economic folly. Then there is the matter of seminary enrollment. In all of 100 years of operation, the enrollment never exceeded at one time more than 35 stu dents. Presently 24 students are on the register, and eight teachers gtve instruction to the few students. The teach •rHg cmotmum "Covering The Caroluses" SftibHtfcsA fey Rfc® CaraifcKteaß SPttfeSJikaißg SJ« E. AUrtifl Street Rkleifh. N. C 2 mi Matting A44re««: P, O. Bex tSOt Itelalfh, N. C. 27WS Second Class Postage Paid at Ra leigh. N. C. 27602 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Six Mon the IMS Sale* Tax .. M TOTAL 8.86 Ose Year BJP Sales Tax .*9 TOTAii Ml Payable in Advance. Address «U. communications and make all Amalgamated Publisher*. Xnc.# SIC Madison Avenue. New Yorkr IV, N. V., National Advertising Re presentative and member of the 1 Associated .Negro Press and the United Press International Phot® Service. The Publisher la not responsible for the return of unsolicited new*, pictures or advertising copy unitsse necessary pottage seems panto? the copy, Opinions expressed by column tuts in this newspaper do not nee>- epNttlly represent the suite* of tto pßgtdr. they survive through the gen erations. But who with a fam ily to support wants to be an “underground’’ writer? All of us want to be the num ber one best-sellers. Last but not least are my neighbors all of whom I dear ly love. There is one little resolve of community action they have yet to take. They have neglected to leash their dogs which roam through the neighborhood like a pack of marauding vandals. None of them do my young magnolia tree any good. Ido not know what there is about that mag nolia tree that so attracts them but attract them it does. During the Charlotte elec tion last Spring, one of the can didates visited me, soliciting my support. I told him that support was his for the ask ing if he would include in his platform a plank urging a leash-your-dog ordinance. He simple gulped. He star ed hard at me for several minutes. Deliberately he ans wered: “Harry, I seek your support because I am a lib eral. The folks can stomach our stand on integration. They don’t like it but they can put up with it. They’re not too happy about ttie way we feel about unions. Nobody but you and I want to unionize all the 55 - cent - an - hour laun dry workers. We also annoy ed the constituency plumping for medicare and all the fed eral social legislation. But they will run us out of town if we promise we will make them leash their-dog. Every body has a dog.” •er-student ratio is far from normal in this respect. Although the Seminary is being closed, Johnson C. Smith University is going through a period of reorganization at the end of which it will open a unique center for continu ing education to focus speci fically on the social and eco nomic problems of the South east. In addition to the proposed Center for Continuing Educa tion, the institution will es tablish a new department of business administration. The organization of this depart ment comes in responsetothe need by business community for graduates who have train ing in this field. The depart ment will provide majors in economics, marketing busi ness management, and secre tarial science. The Theological Seminary will bow out after making an illustrious record. The first class to graduate from Biddle University consisted of three theologians in 1876. Since the founding 637 persons have re ceived the bachelor degree in theology. During its 91 years it produced approximately half of the ministers in four sy nods of the Presbyterian Church, USA before its mer ger with the United Presby terian Church. The demise of the Theolo gical Seminary will mark the end of an educational tradi tion at JCSU. This is not to be scoffed at, especially when we remember that the late Franklin Delano Roose velt answered the critics of his racial economic program with words something to this effect: “I hate traditions like the Devil Hates Holy water.” The work of the Theological School can never be supple mented for its place and time in the affairs of men. As long as we have history, as long as we have alumni of the Seminary, one can never forget what those trainers of ministers did for more than four score years. \ 1 KM OW SHI IOOKSS im HELfN CRE£N m she locks m worse ® hm • Flight of Capital from Community .. Builder of Ghettos! l-mIJV T TCi KJfrIJL / / 1/ UN EMPLOYMENT-BROKEN HOMES EXPLOITATION Ili Thought Exchange BY GORDON HANCOCK "Away With Him! "Crucify Him ” Thus cried the blood-thirsty mob bent on the crucifixion of Jesus’ In many ways it resem ble a sentiment abroad in our land to cruci fy President Johnson which sentiment is incu bated in the anti-Negro South and is sweeping the nation. It has spread like an evil conta gion and not only is it still spreading, but intensifying as it spreads! Touched and alarm ed by the spread of such sentiment, Inez Robb-ofie of the nation’s most renowned syn dicated columnists was moved to write an ar ticle pleading for amnesty for our great President as follows: "Would it be possible in the interest of national decency, to de clare a Christmas amnesty-say 48 to 72 hours on the obscene, continuous and scurrilous vindication of the President of the United States? The country no less than the Presi dent deserves a respite from the shrill charg es that he is a murderer and worse, and a holiday from the sight of mangy pickets, seen in the communications media carrying pla cards reading ‘Bastard Johnson, Your end is near’ and similar sentiments not only vulgar but plainly threatening." The vocal and un bridled hatred for our President seems so closely akin to that which culminated in the death of the late President Kennedy, whose brains spattered the inside of a parading limousine by the bullets from an assassin’s well-aimed, deadly weapon, which dastardly deed caused applause in the Texas school room by the pupils of tender years. And the applause is that school room was nothing as compared with the silent applause in millions of human hearts "deep in the heart of Tex as" and the Negro-hating South. Such vitrio lic hatred quickens in the human heart the ques tion put by Pilate to the mob that cried for the blood of Jesus "What evil hath he done?" The evil that President Kennedy had done was to array the powers of these United States against further segregation and subjugation of the Negroes of this country. The current bitter hatred of President Johnson likewise quickens the question "What evil hath our great President Johnson done that he is currently bitterly hated?” The answer is the same that WE ARE VERY ANXIOUS TOO Welcome Vice President Humphrey; and wel come to Mrs. Humphrey too. Mr. Humphrey is the Vice President of the United States and quite naturally the enthusiasm we show in our welcome Is well to be expected for America has shown friendliness and a profound interest in the endeavors of our country. We would however, like to give a special welcome to Mrs. Humphrey who is a symbol of perhaps the most dynamic human force in the United States -- American womanhood. The keen interest shown in the daily affairs of the-state by the American woman and the tremendous support the men at the helm of affairs generally get from their women (who have the absolute freedom in choosing to remain unconcerned) is one oi the most impressive aspects of American civilization -- some thing virtually unknown in several parts of the civilized world. In his brief speech in reply to that of wel come by the Vice-Chairman of our National Liberation Council, Mr. Humphrey said a mong other things: “We have come to listen, to learn, and to help. Wo are anxious to be gin.’* Mr. Humphrey may assure the government and people of America, that we are more anxious to give them the opportunity than they can ever imagine. In tils exercise of demo cracy, there is no easy, straight-forward ap proach if the liberty of the individual is to be MARCH OF DIMES MONTH Monthly bill-paying time is past. We hope you paid them all, but isn’t something wrong? Could it be that somewhere under the clutter on your writ ing table or desk drawer is the March of Dimes mail ap peal to help a child with birth defects. Your March of Dimes is waiting for that envelope filled with your contribution. Your money will be channeled to v/ard research, treatment and education in the field of birth defects. explains the untimely slaying of great John F. Kennedy, who died a martyr to the cause of Negro freedom. President Johnson’s un pardonable sin has been his open declara tion that the Negro’s full citizenship is a part of the program of his proposed Great Socie ty! And it is for this proposal that the preju diced mob of this nation is crying with rau cus voices "Away with him'” "Crucify him!" It is all about the Negro! It becomes all the more amazing to see some Negroes join with the mob and in its wicked cry! In the long ago Isaiah wrote as a prophet of the coming Jesus arrd said of Jesus as a suffering servant”: Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? For he shall grow up be fore him as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground; he hath no form nor comeli ness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sor rows, and acquainted with grief; and we hid as it were, our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem him stricken and smitten of God and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruis ed for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are helped." In this graphic and dramatic description of the coming Jesus, Isaiah de scribes the lot of all those who suffer for oth ers even Preisdent Johnson. Let us read the prophecy thus: "HE hath borne OUR griefs, and carried .OUR sorrows; yet did esteem HIM stricken and smitten of God and afflict ed. But HE was wounded for OUR trans gression, HE was bruised for OUR iniquities; the chastisement of OUR freedom was upon HIM find with HIS stripes WE are healed." The point here is what President Johnson is suf fering is in large measure the price he is paying for proposing to include the Negro in his Great Society. And just as the Negro hating SOUTH hated Kennedy it hates nobly inclined Johnson." Away with him!" "Cruci fy him!" Negroes, that cry is about you! (GUEST EDITORIAL) the supreme tenet of the society. Attaining the goal is really a ‘life-long’ struggle. This we here are beginning. We hope what we ex perience in this exercise, will not be as pain ful as the experiences of other well-estab lished* nations. At the moment, however, this remains only a cherished hope. Much will depend on the support those who are farther up the road will give us; not only in the matter of advice and material help, but more so by the good moral influ ence they are able to wield in the world through the conduct of their own national and international affairs. If they fail in so doing, what hopes have we, the toddlers, in this journey towards peace, freedom and justice? We are sincerely grateful for all the help from the USA both in the past and after our February Revolution in the last two years. The fact that the USA gave us help even during the past era when out government appeared to be hostile to her government, shows us that, America believes that we are capable and will achieve our national aspira tion which are Similar to theirs, even on Our own. The journey may be long and tedious, hut like the people of that great country of Ameri ca, we are also determined to get there, by hook or by crook. Welcome to sunny Ghana* - GHANA DAILY GRAPHIC. The great majority ‘of birth, defects can be treated and completely corrected, if they are detected early and given the best care known to modern medicine. Medical care of this high quality is supported by The National Foundation-March of Dimes, now celebrating its 3Oth Anni -ersary. The or ganization has nearly 100 Birth Defects Centers at leading medical Institutions through out the nation, Birth defects are a prob lem which has burdened man kind for so long with so lit tle attention, that many feel nothi ig can be done about it, As a result, thousands are needlessly deprived of a chance to lead useful lives. Too many children and adults are needlessly limited by se vered mental or physical ban-, dicaps or are doomed to iso lation in institutions. Every year 250,000 Ameri can babies are born with birth defects. They urgently re quire help. Do your part by giving to the March of Dimes.

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