4 mMJtmm. m. c,. mawmsaas* mouses i ac. aaos S* teffisaSHe. Tftte & am toe case. Tste,, ter «tasu|fie J Saul was mery muto chrmgeti Wfiesa 3® fem&ae at ®attt, itwtt foe jtiOS foe 3Se*wfi toat «BWB» -wai* :adt wessshy stf Site's w VB i cetnawK Bet We Have Wdser **Hi® corofcry teas a ©©mmilaEaetsi a® TaeinafflEu, aai we sees® ! S® fesep it/ 1 teas teescraae a ernsrsaeiei gdksna §a fjMs coostry- TOtas® Ifee PaefeS® fstcftS&Jii ©ectcrrefi, far tsw& snasjy fegfUES-tators ittee Preistisaat ft© the i “\go afe-ftcT* for our [KrJJa taadry to sfaa®»- ils weight STtiumeL Besides* ihaagpisng osa -our Taeßmum aegantisaaetsL, vAy cm’M we pifbili dine ©set ocfmmi’tment wisfc Tefeyertoe to TOse&vihg our feme-stae p.r©feS©ra&* arnosl notiMi' Use sSurns and ghet tos feftiaHbatefi ‘bv tennia'efe oil sh©a sands 'Of Mack oitfeens i® this gpt'M itmfl of plenty* We ih&ne 'dhserrefi steal, on a -v©Qan tary basis, taattr oilizens appear 1© be mere CtearitfiteQe than the tiram aipall, state* and federal gowwi tmetij.s. Observe,, iff « pie ase* liheda financial! response 1© sudh ftrires •a® iinited Fund, ©eafefersil paßasy* Easter Seal, Mean Fund, find pa any sms worthy causes. 'This warm glow of generoasity manifested ; by Americans ii-H-s our hearts t© the tune of a tug plus. listening seoantßy to a t-woihona* Public laboratory Broadcast* a re peat! on the an “examination of the 'ghetto and on the President’s Ad visory Commissiah’s report on oiril disorders,, we were deeply mowed. Our Hash backs at the solemn eon elusion pounded upon out heart and rapped upon mmr head with the puzzling question still unanswered: Are Sta4erte The O M Mai Out*? 'We chanced up on one occasion some T/ears ago to attend an "“rile cosffl&rV w house anininmeui to raise money for rent, ’One of tbe mosi faartnut;ing souia! activities center ed around a mnmcEJ talking - danc ing game in whidh “tbe odd man” ■moved out of the main circle. Still ringing in our ears is tbe chain - ■* 4 ¥eah! the odd man is out I” ELn observing the activities of youths in our institutions of high -er learning, it would appear that ■many <of them. act like odd man out.” 1. Some students mate them selves obnoxious by their behavior in public. At a preciominantly s3e gro state college in the southeast, one suspended student came back on the campus. When he was cit ed lor irregularity in parking, he mate it a mockery by rearing .up three parking tickets right in front, of the policeman who was writing them. Quite a crowd was assem bled in front of the cafeteria, and the young fallow “showed out.” And the crowd of students cheered him an. Did he make a fool of Mm— *sif! 2. Typical, of another case, is another suspended at the Universi ty of California whr was cited for inSTSisg off Ms clothes on the steps &f the attministration huiidingin pro testing against the ’Vietnam 'War. The young man was .20 years old and junior majoring In psychology. The '.campus pMifflameti arreatedMm tto inteoam exposure and resisting arrest. His bond was set at £750. B. We have observed on lour ■campuses that speed bumps -had to fa fl-l-A j There is a weli~worn cliche, ‘<l Vtamm nothing hut -whst I read in ite ®bws^| But, alas and ItaMßtn Bess 'the danger! '&*&? the last two ’years, we hawe Itetenwt 'to %tem 'Wax reports and ’radio in ■meveasA states. In contradistinction to the ’Will Bopjrs’ cliche, the -reporting 'Cannes ub -hat'ik to 'World 'War M amd the a&evesm War.* Thai news and. 'mtmt vm are tearing tan tffae TV media suae so riditrtiisais that ■*W passaa -with a mentality off a •i£M?sar'-olci child co rid not possflSy ■telieri 1 tit, SListen to this typical situation: •Owe telecast ’reported an inaidtent in nviuCb ear tmaps were engaged 'to? about 400 'Viet Cong max 'wSto had 9& ruliter waehte B&ir Of The Week togg- isauaifc 2a Sr t&ttoe ®? togs: Sseitetf, SBsefl mm » *®ry asffisfc tlZmx&id msssL 'lKfey and iseor teas® these ghet to*, so aeesraauasted «®S reasa&nefl? teas ffoe DmfeS States wbidfa fends s, Sasaofi -and teas!* :m timy and wealth atetnoad in H© a ccnnmitimtsai., so parsed a 'deaf ear and ansaaeiiag: tgye s© ie troalignaß efes fteat m> 'fester across the na tion'? HHfcy £,re iustioe and tessmmhty the "Sngerf; off n o©ve to tee Hlfed scriiy to those wdfte atedilty 1® climb ■out and seaway from steSir •eamiron aaernts? Must tee made onSy to the Mtedte man* !®d ’man* yellow mim* and 'M&!± man wfe© earn® it’? At thus vary teour, fteds answer is not yet wtesn we observe the ieupnar* frauort with madness it© action* ““BSton Ba m\ Bum. 1 ® This is aertaihly n© ■ rtnmjMmmnt i&r a power&H nation like ours. The oasnpaaams off the status quo* plus Hind 'eye and deaf ear* plus the satisfaction tOiat our nation is the tata!l answer* 'equals our minus. Huike a stafemast made ; the Apostle Paua*®'’ ! “we am encom passed tey so gpmsst a cloud ’wit nesses*®" and iaefere them '.we must really mate Arsenicn Iteauta s sfi* 9 ” wlicre now tenemendts •and ghastly ghetioes 'block., blacikem and defile the 'ima^e. be set ig> on the thoroughfare a round the giartls'’ residence hails. We learn that guise a amm'ber male students 'with cars disregarded safety- rkfes 3ay nx&Hh siods y mtsSSSexm dra the vintnity, ISse speed ’bumps mar the beauty otf the Mit they are serving a, uaetM purpose for raving nntte&Ssu In fen, the nondriving stfcsftmffis call these isancawie' bumps car tm&ng liesrs, Indeed they are, for Use un suspecting speed demon could have a dangerous mredk if he did not 'know they mere there. Bui -maybe this is the penalty fee must pay lor his lack of indisesretioa. 4. CM the feminine side, same mini-skirt* ’leave almost -nstMug m tte imagination. Instead -.of Htfcraot ing attention, Utey tm *ihe ■di viding line between and deoency. Beaita. erery giafl has not teem -cat '.sag ’lsy tflie creater to wemc the iSxfrjgsv 1 " “to the nearly - nfßeMeggem, the .overly » frame, and many ansa® wfeo sassMte defy Ml descriptioii fe tte name ■of art and the pretty St is .our gttess font snly isteitt ten .per cent, ea ’items swearing ab breviated skirts look gssai jn tMam— and then only when Use s&Jst-liae is m .fajgher item m two -or ftease laches above the .caUswaa. a person Ihas a tssAgm to ■what he or she 'WEnts, tett first, ■we rstmmtnsnd that he ttsSse a gasaS look in the sataac. And (Me .mm» tel he afmposfoh*ijsj®tor ,®nd public conduct as iwg3L What hope Us there -for **&© odd man -oat?* guns. The W&t -Ccmg wisest sewn .osise ]jhßli.agpfer mat 1 . Sismaged <gsw s ?sf isair plßsum; m> inrjaarfes -cm mxr flatl tfee «r*rG.w teean armufl mth mmt cobs 'we stoubi «erAousCh-' be no Mjim-fm. Me®rt »»!% ■« listened so ’iBT&l felscast-s -nf 'war c®siaMtiie!&, In fine inatanoe tbe ansmy dead 'iremdhea snii .wistsli --tbe laasi -or W 3 .aatr eemalfy iMt »«»*■ •«fl at 422. US» «bhwb W ’media mtiM cto uttttdh ’tetter ifbautfibis. "SSse jSisMic 4* tetter iaferm®i Ikm -it was 7% 12te pߣ>~ S3(te a»e <bgr tio manats ilntedtai ■wtxo -toiH teltet® feba9 cefif ipertis®.. Ass® -bXraifl ■we -fee pte|Be tste tte tteifo? anteed. —— .cari! MfhJMoi firo: -wm n: i* ITOEJB SISSBB &zs?m caacauKa? " IKai'iti Casnaira-TOstte '(Diwt, a .'itawf* •«: tS* ibe %hs g&ih isasxturt;, amrfleriti® .ac itie Skc itaasißsurj'.. "22ws r VftW 2s aiteuatl V: anfi cc tsarae; «2tas»es Bfeß&flmrat 2s ilibwsu -wn «d «ssErnomteß. woim ICaar in tbafiaer aobtg SBa-yor iaf teioinm 2t samrias* foe imflci Bt «UUeeSve tergsdning &n,t; 'iaiCTftry -sratet wcdldrsof ®o~ a mhiijTiuvi -viage. We rssseC 2n ®«g!Bal •the Slight fto Wtoxk Sar.. unite flaw 'VO - si»'asit»--<tes'!he3rtreniSb 'ChavjtßT >oi DqpMSss imteti 'thets»*Oves 'aur ®2 'Sffect anfi ithac ’tg) «n€ sttieereit tlmir vote. TJortti CUsnlßte Bases f!2B aitltiimi fidUars a year 2d foecaa®e of foe non-iuniot; shs§js. TKsrtfc CsitiSma neette su sgm fomtetog tew st? -i\m -pm>- Jiie «G 6» live "Wbape theyifleaw tis 2he%- car* ijsr' the s»nt anti [penorm the miiiimurr. re- QUirerments hi a m’fiised eo tstety. ®2fl 'yon tocw’ that foi 'CsmMna Jive Uapm •waman foiefi 2b rtiCflbtoHh Jar nswarj white womaE Whc QiettJß'iSiiilfi ‘birth? ISIS you know that in ssortii CarhSiua the Infair. Tnmteiitty rateitettveantiu haif riniee gaater among the 23e groee than among the whiteE? 'BUS you toiuw. that 'in thbereuloeiE, vrtiidi; tte BMtti as 'the cause ol aesrti. asnaog ■whites, is sseonti ae a ’ORimv of death among the Si'BgrfKrE" Wtatt a -waste oChumai; re mauFß&e this itel A.fui this is a efciiizec state .at 'the height of the >®rescte«. jtroaperfoy the -wortti tSEs ever seen. Tills is not the reshit of any bitilngy or acierase. To the ■ewrml ereUit ui 'the South, tlurtog All thte .controversy, ■not a single soientist, MsSlngiai has SteJlpeS 'ah. of the university and justified segregation on Mdlogical grounds. Otily the noliticoans; ha ve the politicians who have a vested interest to this thing tapragwtuate themselves to office. The deaths are the restiK oaf dtearimiiwtlon anti segre gsti®) in ghetto life, and in poverty. On tlie "Lower Laast Site? of 33« w ToTJc in the toy® of the many itews con tracted tsltemilcffiis. tR was letter to the Uter £HE 'SJBSROSS BHING 2J£CE£V22D WS SBSLffIERT M. To Tire StHtar: a Swal that «te of ithe great est garcaSem® facing Siegroes totiry to ihar -ire haws too :msny *d-sailed isaiierK that ■fiwfH rmity know what the fWita 1 owjtwirv <oi Negroes •watts! .sir aeed. Even the -ss* we have ,as® divided an 'Whst seimse to ftfllow. Borne oaf tee testis® bus! procedures They are using daisy me am to «tsp ate oar times. In tee ;p®Bt we tare had some grasi? iaadars that were In *r>9ji6 .as Kagroes and had hie ■weM&re ai iteaast. He a Saw, IhitMte, Waaatr a&t&fc Bonnie, Tteapasi . Th ere aase -asstsy imose-that t®.ve matte wsostey rrarifiriijtstisiss, woman 'hß«e j£hep&sy«fi .m tepoa-taiHt rate 'tO tee Sacr These pmm? tad-wMotn and and m &stm r iim¥B wsre also in- o r oin «m. With ateasth af-«dtiness 3 a—witer A<Sam Clayton iPowall, -fraosifr and dysamts mfte srrmt g&mtfflL and a .Mbwiwiißi. leader, Sure %, 3 -teoagjit tebs man win late -tee ffimro to tee pro nstead tsrad, TSasat alas tie feO sd aka, h® teßeti tee HagiT; he eagllslted them fur. tee own pmanil gale. ‘ 1 wmtld IMas tv mk a terse patat 'Where- doss tee rngm steadtettsy What ttewß h® wnt? 'Where te he gste*? fttndt, we raed some «oaad Doattetehlp. -Secondly, tea need to.do wy with these mSm', .»«as ». «* !**••*" «SMiSi3S*n?JS« ■suasm S?H3BSfcV *4 AOvamae SsjtOaws MMWUhb «a r. xS mstef wilt a®*S irawim’ sawier* -ssfijsslM* ■StowlfflaarsstasS Wohtnftevi. vinr . ttnamse.'Stew -afes* .n, 3*. V. Sfertisjttai ftiSvs-nteJng sfe SSayro :?»«»» -,ssr3 -the <@«Ssbil -Jfsas* inwi-Trit-inssTiji <WS«5te Kwsaawr 'teitm wmwmmih «63- :*we rttm its -«wi»!4«a « wdwHßttwß »4W»» *t«s*c-«»t»2 ..fey sSste* W>, -SMB -out -a<jt ggßtHsr ssa*#i«Bt 3fcffi- ■-«« fftki sSß«@»r so .enfoerrfte tlwi we * SteMteh liStfaTna,. jeer'd «*K3£j>- ■.sustt«d tr«e KacJoctii JtoWMb Soa&disO to fDsmvw tor aesih msatos anti the titeerntGEns. OK to a «f Bposrerty* n vercrCiwtStng, font tr.swßfe’ ;pv vern^ We tmwt <a«r ,stit2~ ttutie tfhoat tollEßafiffßnißniSMitt tot miufo We hear tout eti sHj. «itoc toSiarth iCmr'ffissa Ltrmr -till our sKiMi cten®. ’"Cut! gtrvertrrjj-eih apeTdiing.'* 1 ■Ufoiet tirev tews to uhissif, Vs ■caww, to that -2*5.48 j® itm married HBgcrr mother ,ge«v thjrf®s ■vCiarf to twoirstog (them.. They anoifo toe SooM Seeitrlfey Bhetik -,or the ag^npenei.ot;, As ® 'matter <f> if l&Mft* t6orth Cstrdltoa 'has 'been a Tlaiteoßil for the!ifijKHlD3<ss;r®;., Like 3«UD» J Etane 3>laK2®saai! Tank esoept with nefgfiti. tote get thvscSas ±mtr 'the govam rneirt .ever®' toy; •■carton fohseik, SPeanut hh-adk,, XRA •clkedfe,'«dil Social Security', tflti-*age gpieTist'O m Cite rites, veteuan* shanfe, 'Sitedke ter siirporta, ronto, tarn; «Uhßitite&. dh«3os for army (txng»i, cheefcs Jar sdhof)3 liuntoes, and as vie gat eaof; .-chertk we ttaafc tit anti we say *'the govern metres getting'ttM' 'fesg;” ■Cmly the Tetortil 'Etswra nveitt cai; handle tStese sfsro jectK. The sitite grovermnsnt surrendered title Boveralgaty 2a 37813 wfoan they signed the Constfoutiun of the United States. Tsu*rt«*s no sovereigti state to America, j'iiefatetrtil goverrar>ent to BOttereigtu to the mnaß htill .of the Stttt centum- Jf*a Lltee to <sm Kortii CtortiMns .change ids at titudes on trade uiiicaltetn anti on race. We are building a great intiustritil sime 'here anti (iiscriminatioii agalnstthe Ifiegro ccaflti be sanieiiov. maintained in a plantation so ciety but not to an industrial society . Thert? was a time When the house stood or. live hd with smoke coming .out of the chimney at JSegiT. want to tire :bato door., but today there's no house or; the till; anti yg: the- road at twilight anti it tioean' B i.care'\^iTLO drives it. This sea great state with heavy responsibility hecaisse it has a great potential to the industrial civilization of our country. 550 v. that Tve had my say, •3 -wtoi; to -attend to my teßsw Tar Heels my devotion anti my affection to every last one of them. so-called noiwvialem. urgiua zatimiE they are making a m oakery m ntm-visiteniie end thirdly, we are g-oisg tD end up in civil disorder uTileae we fund some way ai silencirig these Mack power advocates that are preaching apen :m --belliou anti using violence as a means nf obtain.ing tee 3Se~ groeE goals. 'What the needs is Green .Power,, hladk power is no good without tiL And open war -with whites is plain suicide tor tee Ss«®rc. ElaancMlly, we could r.wt «,tp4p ourselves to .eveji wage -war. Separatior. will not 'WBdk •eMhat:, -even if fmgrseßdeclji «d to go it or. iltair rwm. 'Where Js the money coming from to«et ig:rjhfduisfcrjfe®ra»®d •ed to employ fJegirnes from SOegroes from TRttgrv Jnsur anee Cmnperite, BanSss? Wv might as-well tece the techs as they are anti start usteg some sound sane judgment when we are dealing wito-eggSaalvestt* uations. 3ttegpnete%l»niD ttac Begriwse have bmv .@5- 3fl oiteti toy - whites dawnterough the ya&re. -With the pwisge of the CivU Rights Mil Be grues Slav* matte more prug r&m anti things will h@t tes imless we sit Mfe toyaati toe misted toy a few people holding Ihiedorate lead us timrn -the tirete anti rater ding s&i the 3>rogresss we teas*e made thus ter. These psople have % made, rat sre they camssmsd aSsout the '.lit tle Negroes ’teo are trying: io live on jieanuts?! trpmMag: from tee hmrt, our test hat Js to Mlow the assffise an whici we -stertsti mast -of mr progress thus ter have toaeu gatesti through lagal anti asm vtolemt ma&as. Les% -fesep It that way. "We must iMtee to work with wflife ter we oosd them as well sa* tisey need us, even «o whare would ■we fee tsKte.yvdtho»ttteir helpv WWW Much food .is In the tthage of the poor; Sait there 'is test is destroyed ter want of judgment, *#«» Mb ttsat -sparett; TtiiiTTiittWlliiHi hi« ssssk fast tse tt®- aowte him e<iEKt«eett; him imffams,. WWW The righteous eathath twttlw -aatisfylac oi his amml: tusi the telly -ul tee wsesst. ABB— ■iuicy Bissst I. swiHer nms t*\ i« % - ’'•**» ip ,A j*smazmwo» j&SE2*£>J T r 3T TBWE. ! *P, J ’A namEKtoMMHna. '.**? ly. >fl 1/ M > 3CKGBK9E2HaietestfM£. \ -1 \s ir? ■ A J | W at «X| \ j atoTrrrssiiSUH T* * states mEtitctm¥taa. itawßg yawag somest*?" * m mtsmumms? ’Hmrmlavam*Oßonnl *. /" 1 KEsmcrme slkveme C€m*A&WW*AMV 1 W OF OWL StOHTS “ ue&slatkm: 'Vy.i ms mutTßoa* ,”|jf . ji r?jww«%s awr-iw. * ! ' lbbMh| Sto'liwts Or School? .m mm, BAEBama FAMuejocffiE: tofoc to falling - the Btutonts -or the •stood?? ShojQti one out of *every ter, schodl begintien; be. labeleti ’teiiiuFeE? Tide year ten jar -cant of the JteßHgrattenß are repeating the JUrat grade. Ttite has 'been true tor each -as toe ’Last ste aciioo] years, Tnere to sno nwrt’ its .eßtimate the ’real .cost to the to dividual .anti to 'the 'State of the lost or damaged tosrning iputenrdal of these 11,386 students. To offter the rfir® grade again to tl»te ten per !cem to cosrjng the State rne terTdng *mZ-iWL la® .-cues, durtog tile last «te yesirs to at 2ea*ft a minimum of twsntr eight million ticllfjre. I*l "to «BiK)se tor a .momsitt that a wtaser use were made of both the toiltf’s time anti the stood."? rmovnees. mutt .eoiflti mrve been done? ’**Tl»e cog! off kindergarten .Claeses an a etate-w.stie basis in terms of support now j»r ovdded ter grades one through twelve - would have been about fhlntt .trjklion dollars tiuriig 39T7-.6E. •“•Art the average Xorth Caraiina salarv, 83J teatoers cajilti have been .employed or 1300 teatiiter - aides ulioited to elementary ■schoolK. These teachers cotfid permit -further Anarchy-•-U. S. A. - Thte is a tiwatiße ant ho this 3S,j>er fcn- Itev, fjVJlssDn E. Lee, artisnt ci vil rights leafier. He re>vk re the ateasst of a film, he describes as Aiaußtitn- :isA, tWhfetti was -shown to tote town. - This total anti Its likeness hare been in •this area fur some time now. The repertory of IViis sinteter jftass meas dravn) ypon last i«ser nati Bhowr, at ttie Udliday Inn. Bo ridtetilsKs, disparaging, ma~ liciosHSL, anti racte« Mat to was -iSi.H-teftirig to some of tee white ;pßtßffie there. However, strenu ■oißi j .?!tfEirt£ lw diabolical minds •were made to get the message over to the tiegro aasmisaaitoy. Thahks to Jlogro leaders for their alertness and pride. Ttiey •disemssreti the purpose and in tent of this film, and warned tiart a cirmPatiori of fhte film among TUmriwir nmiflfl otftysup port the mocterj- «f the Itegi-o anti Ms .isn't*® tor right anti juctise to tfids teati. Trste, ssr bki not ®ttop tease who -were tent sr. ridi .Qifttar-itlie Jiesrr® anti hte asp for and jusfclsE to this Hm eti ii» other cfextßet.s. Tte ifitm 'ms teen oirctilateti tee ijhurehes. & this etj% •‘"tetaaKagßti -vnaider?* 5 to <tmiM eto tea asnapitee whes. tot its mm. Thsstjfii to -ahotiid te thisasaKPitfinf, for the .sterefe Is a ; p3arewhere'w® muat fesap StewEreteultaos, to» tee Mtysch to -the wwMseto »B®Sl Intotosstton to tee Stetiaa. toento «sto bawed '-teads tospssd mnr pulpits with -uio ■jpHSti WBfejßS fhai SRHRTi to mtili mtssf to pitoy i&m little ai>- faSaatto. to Matnestitam socte:%. Bwm more to melt away to .Ere® mam Hum.- ggtoota here MMe muantog to the ehurtih iU *®Sf tess*Bß» to many mum, nr -jna-st mbsk, tise tihureh has nst -.sSaßn .stiauve a eortotl tQt/b mtutst bats tv vote 'Whether a man erf bteitk dkto m»j- tesosrie a memten nr whateer te may toe sassteti to ihe should .enter the tiharefe as a .jsemrmmicaM, <Cwmnm tontgiitailtty gmerally offers ihSs to almost apy testi jm®b oaiiw? Br’teer tavern. We .suM 3»®y much lor the- m- chunife of America for it Is todaed a mnrhtd feu®. The peMtiun to-suca an asterprise as emsiaitoing m encouragiag or rm-cl«f ffuns is mtetisiate. However, MdGftil afitsSs hare not teen .etstieist to ailov, this «uO to reuato todhe drar-dws aati te?; Bdhdtiy lea; they are aow ssntrMi® to briag Stw films aato tte tehsols diagtue*. .tag itseir Mattel m an effatr?: iss Muteto ■>-■£ ax.-d:kmcs, •atolfe' *t«tet-s tohSgl-. n«d &P --MImM «t 30MSltt*tteBwswit«.con - -.teg tR® tee -fHtaa audit as Si \re towft. wa 3*i aiggere to -aur sfeswila.'’ ‘BssSh a SBan was -dfewei a*. >'ortti Iredell IWgti jSdhosg, aafi tee pontinet of reduociOE si .class ffitoe, **Tht purchase by the Suite of tree testt— ho aka, 2966-tg?., was SfyOf!?,-®?, State ’tures on tototo,attorns etggte that ’year ws 82 ,t>i&,QDQ. -Studeute using the seme 'tedkcthMo years .may.- foe a tranor expense2bßm„!but great- Ly ifamnawßefl anti borfee .could haws been ipitn'itiefl from the eej.-ring *£ dtgfiicate TiogramE anti tadHties. •»PttDds tor Lfiusry foodfas, tiliotteti an the fojasiF of one dollar per or a total -sat M,OO pea- augsß. Thto means a new LBarnry batik per ichdtlti addeti to toe shelves, •“Eato of toe Ml sehmS rnifos coiilti teve been allotted •S 2H J 8B?.00 for r" wininrl Into sos ® early .childhood educatier pragranis, Fiiwe esnsters to different areas -tis toe -Btate coaiti have had b«ju% a mllbwi titotors each to researci; anti test new tostruasdemaljprtagrstms. Tl.eKe dates inditsate that a change may fee needed to toe atoitotetaattlMt anti organtoß - 22® of toe primary grad®. Terpetusrtii® .of a in wt>lct. ten per .cent of its be ginnors bt,i3 each year dfeot&ti nm be allowefi. hi are re&ltetto anti pwacticalyflasminr for yoing; cidldr® is in cmder. Watte stadento vre as indicated in quotation. sv«sw we akk you as mothers anti lathe's oi these t.hHdran, as liagroes, as tair and wall intentiooeti vthite paegeiie, "Whs tt was -the pnipost of ehowlsf ihte rilm? IVaslt an edimstitKial intent? Well if you tiitok to wati, then tee behavior of tee iivtructor who was to .chases of tee students become® ex tremely titt&eiflt to understand ■within -the .ornttant of sdacation. Tbssto vratre many derogatory’ statomtsttls made toward the ySagite) where the white atudems ettliea- applauded, jeereti or hooted, anti the toefcructar did not at any time attempt to xs~ strain -them or to them into better behavior. Is It not true that the pur pose oi showing tel* site was to humiliate, to torM tiicute, to erribarrass, to toMuos an inferiority .oomplsa, anti to liararas comman% r HBr its prateaf against the eMte of attr soastety? The ixtacsk man torthis saftta has every right to fetil jmcsd ■ol his loyalty anti yrntriettom.. He has fought brevsOy to every 'War the United States has l®or. engsjgeti orator slogan bftmvftrs of ‘•freedem anti jwstiaif*’ wtdt* the 3te#n> did mat asyoy te«, nor does he enjoy sow •wltiESe tee many Mask mac dteJ» rSitet nam. Tou do not need tee. fftitrn Birei: Kociery, or arry ste*jr grmtpto-feßll you taswttonißsssaSß loyal to the Baited Maim M America, if this v*s tee rea son for showing tee SDbv, a®fi we doubt ttfflt :1s was, Wisu do \m need these ultra gTirtiKuap s, Mini Birth Southern coneervatism Cssrtn m -Soute), the Minstemas, tee ss; 3S!uk Man .anti otter ®Jteps of this apartment, to jgire m ti.toactfe*s.s no. the lore far 1ro». manity, for they tio tsal hare h themsMwßß wten it camae to tins black man. Thte writer to nat «o aMiMte um wifiiato to gflwtt ite 'Kri Xlsaf Slsr. in -the -store vrad®.. ■gory as Ssmthern CISMSiBB withenti a -apaciito .rsassn. Tt® liu Sta HJeo to not in tee mtr® catagory -with SouttemDemaer vat-ism When it eome* that to wrilto pmvsr. Seuttiare. Conservatism to notJE.ih-e-ss.me bTaclwn with tee Ku SXm ®aas wlmb 1t comes to orert -vitilenise. This .Gurasarvattom :may not In dulge in tee bembiag as’ homes* the shooting into harass, ,tee bontMag of «Iju3bi9»s .and the MMsg of ctiUHffinaa, dmu’sesh® the .Tigris of mass % -shss&ajg' thorn as tesy rito m tew Mgh way, aids ..otter haetitete agfee .(do Ml be tao jwitttw? «T tee negative; me® to Mgh pamres are efites Juvsireti Jnteffltotiiirty act® remsmter isre teree civil I’igltto -wosters to 'Ofitosi - esfepi 4 tost St 'tewt tis of .-BaMHawMi iCooeetwatenn teat the IfJsr. was horn, teelreas, to- Ujttreti, aati S3gfei S» ISw fOecinen -were .freed to Sa.itshurj-. .'sSorth-.OR.ro lirai.. Sour -vmtiks ago »ar -their pe rt to emrte. Tisese men ■ware freed toy Southern Con wsmtetaxi or vfldts powsr.. Does anytore .hcHJere tent -they would hKw- tear .treed had torey been Hade men sbeottog into the homes til white man? Ute tary -would aoi support SSorth TlscrdtUiffi for those wtte -would *ay “'yes.'"’ last -.is twgir, v.ith a point o! argument that mown an •with any degree oi jistloe ais^. right esus deny, The Siagro hs» paid the death penalty many times far act® committoti a.r gainst white peopto, but m'w has .a while mnn .gone to death shr a penalty' o: low for act® (oomraitteti against "Nagroe® to north Cardltoa. tCany times He%roe® cauld not get .a war- TMttl against a while man far the same acts fy'agrees wereptr totfesetih lit to to the .areas justice anti tire pratsEioe of the principles at rigftt tea: your children nseti •tee asetotonae the John Btreii Society, anti Isy all meansSoyti!- «m iOpawßiwadiiten. Xtadtai sxr metnfter of '.tease -grtagss *o tito c«es tee radnl iqjfrwtioe of the nation, anti -you win gal .a nice little lie. '-’T>. s lan *o sorry; but 3 haw? io fee out ass tovwj.** toMtaafl to sluiwteg m rfShn an ■-eomußßiSßi f-masKaMitilyyHo-Ke ga» tooy* to Horth Sretiall High SehoM, to mufit? MretoHßi more agprspriate to heve shown teth •ttae vtotte anti mgfpv 'boys flints on ttse hrtuafetoeaati.craeW -ty in fire United Btss-as :fea®«as 1 .-on tee ester to uttoto *Mss. Tire ISagro to -wsolti 3y tee more cstnasanaeti tUnat tee -beastly aati sfHigSiaatj' Ta tonrffansß shooting Cow, btossk -ycistt; ancmare they prsitesst tee ImntsiraJity to •sfffi’j'egarier. b&®- «d xm the «Msr to one’"® St wmSti ’have toesn as epporturffty tfco have said to tee -wiiitte hoys tttias the world aspects a ‘greater sfegfey oi mcffiality from Them than wtartteetr tojteers ’haws shown anti are r»ow atewstog. M to citsir, yen .«»- wet trsan. fire JSste to the mtotis to -year -youth -to .prejtoifee tndteto, in tee- UtiMay Una, the .Church car tee .schorii. lite. Himtß&e lias a asapy to this Jeter.. Highway jsfiTcdnwn tortslss wdlfa guns in Orangeburg. Sotiii. Csraitom, are -much Moaar to tee Jfegrv UtETj soldiers -with tank* in Hungary.-, Hagropitolv* mas anti father® are %oimti to lastil teaaer toward city Bcteo t±ve Xlato.csn Brown Who -and SriaA theii children feecaussteey^ steßtjti. tD eider a s*®sa®eft~'' •sti ißuasSry, than -they tin toward ■Sire poUue chic: to Hanoi -wfep, ia«a, srdght .tote his man for bSßvery Ser MMdag ctsflcSren •of ttillssreiti. .cedar they s* to be treated as human ®ssi«g*. *«» Hope deferred maSret!. tt* haari sink; hat •«.**?. -tire tfesire cometh, ft j* -* tree to 3SJ%.

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