Soldier's I **st Letter Sensed Death #&X>& Powell In Duke Hospital Funeral To Be Held Friday twisriJ asestowti B&isigfc Wsfe ,ES@sSsgy tflistt few titofe' -iff ®FG ,2ft vsxaess/ ®B®Ki* W Is9ssritssffi23ia- ■jwsss Iff Sw Hasten -strata fit. Mgggg&esine*s Ctowsge Brtoey ■aaantiiy guts ®ebw -to ißxgae ttl> "ESHtsafeass .as anaOe Wtafisate to~ sg& a anatoh to -tto admsni- MnMfltantafSflh*. Sffhsnl *s:fd.rißls laitifeK OBBOIBISI toot PreßiSfeat U. U. Btltalasnr. TeawivwS-few zb ■gasmmtstimm anti -they sat tai aansti Irsnati aart -tto sjsamiHg iM i®Teti-ce* anti -the flamera sstiattarestiHßsara. The tisroaatis mato tiy tto atusesti; Timrs not «ntatotaiati ant iff JShe and tto ajtmtotoaattom to -mast tom. Sfews&rc Uniweralty toofftents, to MHBdagtaq, are satti to to mS&ttafe, tor tto ite tote®, *iati ar* "WKitelg to sp altaß totSfc -the prapaaffl xrauffte Sgrtoe ferastaes, aster tetoon qfffeate stafsp/fB 'sSsSmmm smßa jntut iff the afftoJnfc&fsafctan tosMtag ty -tto sttoftHttß. .State smystiSas! toe Simffl agrstasategu nath tto Bwwa« *&ss£km mmim&s to tasiS, a w «ff 3toKfe State arjn!te®e, .r? ate tear. 33. C» to SBS., atettotis ans&asao ttomeelwe sad aseltati >«Bhsc ftotMteat Ugm. «ssae strati .anti wm :ssa«h -HErrest tor a tattfe. »ne»- S&at agwssfl tost same oaa dte Semsete -wars* TeassanaH-s «8 no Utme Bowie to a atote to** sSttsifitoi, Staesener , snss&&si*% amteasti ntatatoßm>» terns ms& toe SSettosaa aismß to dtesaesffl®. IttetataEtatestoaiHdl wo sitoran toaSr n®3nag-»s!l a*p»*eti toassfjsesetoSa- m toe aaemStKto tool .SSsjwacsasr SataW '«s»oti 3totean to iMtr ewe xmtastx, m. 39 SwBBHMIs • fb % % ! mSm SSSajw* j&J§£mm &J& * * Jill# iPfWMi W ’»•» SsStess ■'WSSS9 iwstte te**# la sta**#taitas anti'tie feepHn to fete agswsd.. 2t -«&a toflrt. toad ±i® pMneßßnn #wit t&«*e to tosShe to® thru, fete rata nc sesaefafl •eS&rrt to ®sttcsi Mm.. The man, atospdtiE, matte litis itten a -wine tieme anti. snSiteiGj •tamwti to -toe .ML St m ate tote filar* tote toe altera shm tow man fei toe tehai&fl&r, to -wtite spam,** Cttweasi taM. ,3ftdß*rßrflte® totoiHoi. te» •wfta sarraeti nte to to f3sarasey. MTi anti towfesi!to.m«r.iW3'it owerr to fete, .sad mtate itisn stand up. Bs Js? Mkmo aXtegpS to tneve mstite Tteutioa ;55K tite iisnsfe an to®) iff s.v. .atemisilte to Ctissagste -jaard .anti 3trß3»9teteltoaHßisS3..Critix®> ■mss- toe aatesteh feSMBMQnd tote .tteS tos&tisK w fete. »•• ■s«a tia* ftiMMcati wttSbjae ejos iate « to toe awe. Btsaewr Im Sb Otetafi es tisw fesg .sate fesmSms sff % «sa»wel tote tiate %£&L«zwi toss -afssrtwß*saaetefSt. ISite ite «iti to 'imtatetatafiMlinii sssaw te toe crcati. xm mM to tisroSteP® movfeg to «lie, atoUe’tehsas Jianpati to toater mxm> St to tote ss«*e s* Mete tow -tewte .train toe ssssnan. 'Tak.- to asteti to to* teftesafeto «r tote tehatetas a®- tote tote£m@«Hmfem9toanc 'tie atetgte-iteto tom atetetetate Sgr toeteßWMte tra» toetote to fflßSti to StK-fc'S! torti«i(«*ta toßteSffßteaff.-*p»iati «ati ®k-* tetati. The tome was totessUh SSatae Sts«ate -met). £ s 3SS23SKi rBKaSff«BSS **) 3aEw 0WK321 .trftos,' to -fihi&f: SLmet *tem tie .;»»« itelt«t I's> #*« 4MB 8HB» ■«! *** 'SWE teO* •SW^t«*WSW^. Nmtifa CanJmas lee vdmg Weekly ROLEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1968 ® >< - Lum^hKMM^. TIBBEBIUL SCESBES - MEMPSffiS. Ifem,- Top sfeows Mtsl Maaoaa asofiher ©f L»jrry Phtoe as *a» is earned from lite .rihnrA afser femfirsH aersltoes Apiniiai. Bottaaaa: moiaMTs as they file past ?he casket off Larry BajWKS* 16, April 1 to .begin a wake forifte yotstih Ts±to was IdUed toy police gunfire xn xaistiag Marcfc '2S,. lUP^) Missing Frol. Hurled In Virginia mSE T&, - Ttentt trite* tear fsresl. waste M., Faster were i&LC t*ar-e tost •wamsk Be is ssgmtesfi a* tewv atod to -the Bogpd isi, Btniwn, a -start ,£O - tevtog 3a©*® atomifcted ties* a®er tee to «dti to t»w «L Aa*Bis«ffieto -OSltoße, ®a- where tes was .* tDerater Shoots Kin With Milk &vm ttsßNgk Fra# Stowe j®™ feaaeSl® «&*< a warrant *sr tsto awwwto, ItesSwato, setter BbSe® aasfift % Mm, Smdtoath ■fifesfcf MnsiHiif aifaasgjsffi iwWh'ißW— ,te*g ftosS a rfSe to the car, jh&essKte; *to Bssteaßßs, ■wto 2}:ttts*i SBD £*CBlwrru6Sti*st, teiw two -ran* jfltejtes tottbjh© alt®© Hwiarc sisassStag, act !tGst£» m to -saifi to laowe #sa» off assS *o teas* rati Brtn»n to She 4Hsu *?wwk *faJ mat tout! Start Stas® niiyßK as®' ttrttartt 3»!*S 'SiasHjtesl 4k* «gfe! wettwsmt to ssr a&eeato Startfe 'UKfiaar Artts ttestgta: ©to Hansel mats m« nmfl a rammst lar ■iMaMt... gto dtßHgp# SadMHto 'sSsteto a Start** Saw. Two Men Knifed M %$@ sp.sTu mm:sm twoi®- -.e®S mw:t 3S?tmmTi&K*l *0 mtSb Jrttew w»Sb 'Mmm, as «bw .to a sigKWi,, att 3®!R, Wtafessa-Siswit. Jsswigpi A3ste®s® Stesstej MS it, TStitoer »W£ amtiSWß -3!te. Uplfcw*, S, b 5 the l&fflitStj:. PtkL Tmixa: %vat the *t®gsct oi a SBKRE& alasat the siattKHe ®3 War-fii) wt»sri She "was .as aito leaving the f;alisgt. foj' a Tlstt ±d .BscnrW3aß%, 3R*e St- ±s -ssieJ it -tewe rstmised tv tike -raV iesge ata j'esuscasffi tste ttaite as ex tsistfESt® ic the Bhieina*E Se Isaaadtsiffive 'j^faneuAtk ■mi an F-rittey mil the liasSaui! wtiape 1* dtefi -Satsrttoy.. IteenaeOftfe teetti -stis-aßt .latm-effiatßix- rrisfe amtwm, audapey is usM ic iiirve tense perifjrmec hut the reseats have -sat tesec raiaasaji. St- was s vahsraE, served to the States 22b rftnes etortog ’WssHti War 1L ZnMe m. a«®pa«anatfi£tee &raap ti'Okjn at, At®KSfih';*s attesuttee •rhe Samnaft. A. SBrasaaStaS aarw itse -W3is tairt on the cssspue of the wmto 2& t -w»b 'FStiasr -Cltyfe.' SL Beatty-saactet to£- IFSSTJM BAEdOn OFFSQAI. FJJ>M€E mJ3S 1 TMtmmmi J BiS> lassataasr 3%«?as Ssrswn 4 Sa^fe Fshug*., -re tbatt. teas «kt 4 a 4*4hr. fSifcawS white Otatidor teean Fr*tety rtffejjjte., at 3ZSML Utee tear w&s as teisfe®': tfsmd to 4fee 33S8D ifiwifc ssf S„ State *L» sstei* ® its sffito to its* 3wsi paatenit itey a mu ate ttaufl «te> pwmteßiiW). to • ®e ascmNSlaß to#* #b#Nk is^ByS.. SIMIIJEET ®W®SST . Bwfter X, «® SC. tfeiSfflsaSetoetto ■w tee mteSed to St»- * SftaSk gsgSSCßi&r T@p Brms CmsUmi Sf Others CKtiELtCmrE - :4tisasa*w to -I'ormatlao pKffsaniteg sff Ss?ff- 3- Be feteo sate feast tow irawrjET tiad tiesc jptoffffiesti 3Ssr SosC. 3, lfd*„ 3E«tteCTtSESK SaesStieE tiesteg rnhwti to snete a®rta±r. teakHSEStateKte, '*at tite CBtevltaCteKMWlUaltttetHame -wxs m snd tow &ste Sqpt. «c«wr •SWW BBSS®. *. » fiedk AaAfeat fUs 2 tocwdtag -it) vegpans xaaski siTjfflaibk’ &&■ -the Sfcsnflti Om.— linn ~ e&Ssntx, atone Ttorsß&ry M Saaf •—rut- Tbe firsd .as® sesme& 3sa MM | 8 Cladl Heft ILassa3 affltSteS® ij an tt* itesSt «ff a -wsfiffißaw ehet& Irani a mail tos, at 4S£ "Wfflßt Las* ®tr«at, ffSSfeg. TSte r-esutt '»at£ ■.Snssf a wwtm. -was sets asawr s®a*iis £ toaaft* *r *» «alse CUlHlw ©ssnajHisc Ttw to-vaatsSWl*fflQ togas; •vifewt, Ctaw&as ‘3® sH®4w ttos to Mi teiHS-wifcfltesD Staff a 4ftMfc star f®®, m*ie p%ssMs> «e Sssa&e Su F’e&fifesn. Mi toss mmt! ta file mxISS s*e«k at SSbaHttaMnaas. #tat #«&, St -mm fimwS t&sst &* «8«& tod tom ssrti asMtiwd at iSsß**, -@2O S&irSb itosat Mi*. FysßaSssr sapaaid « arissfeemeßSt tost sxte tod mat Tm~ «8B4w«fl Sta? towdfc so® Sto tost w .an to- the sestemr. GtaHflttr tae ©ass*, 3®, atat w te *& 4® W„ Stose Sttoet. ®B*J gSKMOftf ttMHfl «t 45® W. fltaaflk aswtasaspi in and She Is 3@SS to tow® rnwlWß,v rntemM. &&&*& «toe (cnsssfe, ms• «*e . * .*• _r Indefinite Stay Order te Os Doctor TfiJßßA se - Ctaytwwman a -Jlacar) dsater. «r*trwfeSw Basrterj «tilor:.acdi<»‘.'Stor ofi A.fe:,'- steate BssstSte cSiibuSi, T<®A, was as fearSng Swan sfertiSte mitt-, ciw* jsfe® ties® MteaSsrv, s3tstr tis-teMbe»- «fl moss fesm USlffi pecgSte at XtiSsß Cteflawratiy. to. few aJter- UMHi. The B«".'. -was admit feed to few aaraUtibcy snfiut itff tow titfspilM and -wait Stows) a sartes as teste -Macto.- mfeht and Taeßteymfflsratae. Hr. Barrj 22, SSitSmiteit, tofeteffto®ar flßMtop ts i—amifl a 3nfi3ffitte fetoot ntsran Ttestiay., -wfe&Sb rwwefelad featt FowteE -a®* suffenffse teorr. J^gf3CT>«ekgi): fens to 4ste toms? ©dhefesik- aote Twosfld tie %€pt to tow tor se-asra days- The enatod pnereaman saw to Daßtimm fca- totc sgwaMr® en .gzxgarrMrrt* at HUte- Tfeto-STEtrJ . ,{Sbs- wsm'fewas*;. r x* Citizens Get ColdShouider EtisE! taßweb •ttiHrw-’.were cras rtse uShargsKs tisrieti at femanwaD tissra; **•- few fexnK- ffOt «Bt few mwe.. sn»mfew- SfefeMt feM % an ftnrft- «r sat a msm&sg. li Ce«r Cue gseurawm 8n the set: ®j fertogs mew- •to nr*” l ' psilksitii. isaad .a Te- to to» 'ter* Fri jfltejgr to Ctea«#tos*s Se»s*»f! CssmbS Cfesaer >Dsh®**£ to -aft*. r-n-i-i flGWv#' vSVdMHHEu 3Br. '’ftettar »« a*»- aOtoaw&sr to Bri.;4&asw» ShtotoasTi, SUtemtey,, .«eurS s*» *HKr«& Jttisws «*t a to*sfc to ST 0 #tft Sett atotstois asafl i r«as®fisSßto» jjg® «gt S®’ iateltoktosMOTsa. Fato eHwaai, totetoaitooa# sssS iBStoHa ~*ys, ®t* iaarasate % totonarato. «#»> ra*oste «mj tee sfiae* «» temaar Sg' ««»toS' « M® ite wsmutr tef' isiwsss to *«f::avs£ ser '* , teeaa*L.*' terjp Is** te to tsst ■£ts«p®Ktefe C<®Si*sr same » «#*<*» ®er. IWnfi «#*- m» rnmmsmm, *. ilbim STSSC&Ey: -ODRn.%M:3iiearYCTrk*«, deposed -.ciKwiginejßsastaffl Adana Cl a yum PeveiO ponder* » nem’saaan 3 * apenrao®. iiere April 3* (daring » uae«* oaEfereaao-: it ' Uaaaweratty. later taacaosae ill ai:~ w ® admartetd t© the Hraiafe I’m Po®. r. -ftiti- wtrai hospital spofiEsroer saic ■- - •■ r,- ha^sniOlli. ,, An address 3o* «tis f. :■:■ jul-i ’© deliver to soadeaaits here I? to i- - : o*-" - s ■detStieioffl instead toy ©me ©i tois -j-des. PI Extensiveßegistration Being Poshed In Slate The tofflal te-mtifc to XA.ACF ha« trrganiWßti to fee its febsswto aestotirafißsw to aae tinatowS feiousaaiti afetiitiatra-'i 35fi®r r ;«s to Xortt! CExaLtoa try StawodHS- to feus T«aa-.. Sad®, AprS « wdE tie fefc- fesne as “Begteta-'.ati'ai. Etriiftiaste Saaßfeay,*’ Mr. Boy "W'dlktos, Erastaittes Dinemar tias sent to few ministers to Worse. ■Dar nlim. cfeEted tffKs: thei: to provide few iwoossarj aattftve leafeersiito., to -see that *wsry mg to few dr. coundl Mauaay, as 3T »ti 'tidtow- few tisfey, B orfe. ms by G*»octe!m as a traa. rso Icuffli son Hr to -waater to fete pax; Hurt leaffte to iiltiferuxirn for 3'iegrae®.. Be was chargee •wlti! essasSoß .ot Bateagti tiufeti iug TT.asutexet.. ai. xgsgaraaßW to pear peopte- aaS a smsk.. Brffrt tiati few itogssr to' a iSe farawisss .pespfe' pifftittogto iam 2® a mar f«ta. -wf!i s® ted fair ly wStti pmejite ®t- w raise. 2wf«nngti to ms sm sgfssm~ ta,. *w 'lv'v AL.MOST TRAPPED - CAMDEN, N. J.,: Senator Hubert F, Keonedy taeeomes alimss' trapped in itae -crowd of 5,6®6 persons sf tjhw» .eosaweDtiraa ball bere wlaere be beio ■demoxfratio rally April 1. .tiaajer to' siasirng Sft-tist iiot *m- sawsba.. r »»