ns cMmmm RALS&GH. K. C.. SATURDAY. JUNE 15. 1963 16 LOSES TITLE - MANAGUA, Nicaragua: World’s Flyweight champ Chartchai Choinoi (R) gets a headshaking stiff left jab from contender Eduardo “Raton” Mojica June 8 in bout in Managua, Nicaragua. Mojica won the fight on a decision in 10 rounds. (UPI) Twin Brothers, College Stars, Drown In Florida DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. - The tragic deaths of Samuel and Daniel Cooper, identical twins who were star pass catch ing ends at Bethune-Cookman College In Daytona Beach, Fla., cast a dark shadow over the coming Wildcat football season. Samuel died a hero as he rushed in rough waters to aid his brother, Daniel who appear ed to be in trouble. Only one person survived the tragedy which took the lives of the Coopers, both 21, Lula Wood and Butler Vickers, 22, also of Bethune - Cookman College. Doris Bennett, 18, was pulled from the water by an off duty policeman and his friend. The Sentinel Bulletin of Tam pa reported the following facts about the incident: The beach party was organized Saturday, with Samuel Cooper escorting his girl friend, Miss Bennett, Daniel, his girl friend, Miss Woods and Butler Vickers going alone after his girl friend was unable to go because of last minute baby sitting duties. Daniel Copper and Mis. Woods went out in the and Miss Woods got into trou ble. She called for help and Daniel Cooper swam to her, but he too got into trouble. Samu el Cooper, who was near shore GIVE GENUINE LOADERS* (only Neitfater? makes them) % TO Og&SUINS FATHERS G-KMVW » ?NS WfttieN WSMTiri** HtTTLISTOM'S FAMOUS C»*U*t Net&toa Loafers have become the classic Father’s gift Inevitable . . . because only Ncttlcton OTtat state famous slip-os styles—the only genu fae Loafers—-with soft, easy comfort yet to be midbed by others. Never does a man get enough «£ their incomparable luxury and practical city country lodes. No ordinary casual compares, because Loafers are made from premium calfskin by Nettieton crafts men with the same painstaking care they put into every Nettieton shoe. Makes them worth a lot more than tlsc little extra it costs. Get a pair for Dad today. Nettieton Gift Certificates make it easy to buy. mt buttutow shoe department at his twin in trouble and started out towards the cou ple, but soon got into trouble and went under. Vickers who also was near shore, saw the drownings taking place and went out after them. When he reached the area, he went under water also. Miss Bennett began call ing for help from the water as she attempted to reach shore, and Barrett Shuman, a resident of Tampa, and Tom Rose of St. Petersburg pulled her to shore and revived her. Samuel and Vickers bodies were found last-Monday, Dan iel was found Wednesday and Miss Woods is still missing. The Coopers, perhaps the greatest receivers to don a B-CC Wildcat uniform since Coach Jack McClairen, ac counted for more than 100 points and over 1000 yards in two seasons. Last season Samuel was the Wildcat’s second lead ing scorer with 42 points. He caught 20 passes for 217 yards and six touchdowns while bi oth er Daniel grabbed 18 for 313 yards and three touchdowns. Samuel was an All Conference End two consecutive years. Daniel won the same honor last year. Honor students majoring in mathematics, they were already being scouted hv I\. nrntes- MeIEHB WAKON f 4 LAMES 209-SI 1 Fsy#»9vsll* Si. § 3fteeC«p**vtmant sional 'ootball teams. Theyoi ten talked about signing as a ‘package.’ Sam and Dan • ere outstanding also on the B-CC 'rack team as members of the 440 yard relay tea mi. At Marshall High School in Plant City the\ participated in even available competitive sports program, excelling in basketball, baseball, track and football. SIGNING TITLE CONTRACT-NEW YORK: •foe Frazier (L), holder of a limited version of the world heavyweight championship, joins Mexican heavyweight Manuel Ramos in con tract signing here 6/6. The contract calls for Frazier to defend his title against Ramos in a bout 6/24. (UPI) Tiger’s Real Clutch Answer Earlier in the year, it was no secret, in the Detroit Tig er camp that a move was being made to trade Gates Brown for a righthanded power - fitter. Brown swings from the left side of the date and had his prob lems last year, batting .154 as a pinch hitter. No deal was made on Brown, and last April, Tiger manager, Maye Smith, said in essence “Let’s go with Gates.” So far this season, going with Gates has been great. Brown . / A j mti/' &**-*.% r a .. When WWVin ®wwnp». Ashe Mad Mo iemm For Davis FaHm CHARLOTTE - Arthur Asne quickly let It be known here Sunday, as he emerged victor In the Davis Cup American Zone, with Clark Graebner, that he did not go into play with any desire to avenge for the 3-2 loss that he suffered In Ecuador, last year. He also had little svmpathy for Ecuadorian complaints a bout the synthetic grass sur face on which the matches were played. “Os course it’s nice to get those wins back. You always like to win, but I don't call it revenge. That's something you writers’ make up,” the soft spoken Virginian declared. “This surface is not faster than cement. It’s real slow compared to cement and I was surprised that they complained about it. We thought we were doing them a favor by playing it here. “I’ll tell you something, if we’d really wanted to rub it in for revenge, we could just as easily have scheduled these matches on cement in Phoenix or Denver. They have some of the fastest courts in the world there. “They played well and I don't want to take anything away from them, but man-for-man, I think we’re better. I personally feel that we could have beaten them on any kind of surface,” Ashe continued. Danny Carrera the popular Ecuadorian captain, agreed. “The United States will win this year,” he said simply. “You team is in better condi tion and is giving more effort now. Last year in Ecuador, they let some of the jobs go. This year they try for every shot. smacked the deciding homer off Red Sox pitching for the Tigers first victory of 68. Brown has six hits to shew in his first ten pinch hitting ap pearances, and is showing shades of his 66 performance when he went 13-for-40 for a ,325 average with two homers and nine RSIs. Gates attributes his success to deserting the dinner table and maintaining a weight of 225 pounds. The Tigers and Gates are moving now. ASHE “Spain and England are the strongest teams in Europe. If you play either of them it will be here in this country on jour own type of courts. If you have to go over there against either Russia or Italy, you’ll be play ing on a different surface, but you'll still be playing a weak er team. “I hope the United States will win the Davis .Cup. I don’t think the Australianshave a chance against your team,” Carrera finished. Donald Dell, the business - like captain of the American team, thinks ne has a whiner, too,' but he isn't ready to con cede that there’s no chance of an upset along the way- particu larly if the United States wins the right to challenge the Aus sies. “Anybody who says that Aus tralian tennis is dead doesn’t know Harry Hopman (the vet eran Aussie captain),” Dell pointed out. “I’m sure he’s going to recruit Ken Fletcher, •who is living in Hong Kong, but still has his Australian ci tizenship “But it's certainly nice to win this match here, 5-0. We have the momentum now and I see no reason why we shouldn’t go all the way. I know that I’m going to be terribly disappoint ed if we don’t win. I don’t think LOOKOUT RALEIGH - The veteran Ed Charles, once the terror to National League pitching found the going rather tough with the New York Mets and there were those who thought that he might be sent down the river, even as far down as the Raleigh-Durham Mets. Gil Hodges, who took over the prerennial cellar dwellers, did not give up on him and he is now hitting his stride. Re cently he has come up with that clutch hit that the Shea Stadium boys needed. Griffith Choice At Oakland,Cat OAKLAND, Calif. - When E mlle Griffith climbed into the ring here Tuesday night, in his battle to regain one of the crowns that he once held, he was a 9 to 5 choice to defeat Andy Heilman. He alleged that since the fight was postponed from Friday night, due to Sen ator Kennedy’s death, might hurt his chances to be as im pressive as he has to be to regain stature in the boxing world. Griffith needed a convincing victory over the rugged Heil man in a bid for a fourth title fight with Nion Bevenutl. Griffith, former welterweight and middleweight champion, lost the title to the Italian for the second time in March. The fight was originally scheduled lor Friday night, but was put off because of the Death of Sen. Robert F. Ken nedy. Griffith who has had experi ence with delays before, says they make him uneasy. **You get to thinking you’ll be off in some way,” the 30- year-old fighter from the Vir gin Islands said. “I’ve got my fingers crossed this time.” Griffith points to a 1963 fight with Luis Rodriguez that was delayed a week because of rain and Rodriguez won the decision, “I was perfect for the fight,” he said. “The postponement hurt me.” Emile’s manager, Gil Clancy, however, says that postpone ments haven't always hurt him, “Look what happened in the second fight with Benvenuti” just corning close does you any good at all.” Dell had his own explanation for why the Americans are playing better this year. “We had a meeting in Rich mond back on April 28 and es tablished certain ground rules,” he recalled. “One of them was respect for each other and the same sort of team spirit a basketball team has to have. This is s long season - rough ly eight months. If we can't get along with each other we’re in for trouble from the start. “The second thtng I told the guys at Richmond was that I took this job because I felt that w inning back the Davis Cup was one of the most important things in American sport - more im portant than for any one of us to win at Wimbleton or For one didn’t agree with me, that was the time to speak up. “We’ve had no problems of discipline or personal differ ences. If we win that cup back, we all benefit. If we lose, we're al! burns because we are representing Z 00,000,000 A merieans every time we go cm that court. Deli said he liked th : e way the draw put Ashe against Pan cho Guzman in the opening match here. “It put a great deal of pres ure on Arthur, but he responds well to pressure and, too, this meant that he would close out against their weaker man (Mi guel Olvera) in case we had to have the last point.” Clark Graebner, who won both of his singles matched and shared in Saturday night’s doubles victory, admitted he had some trouble with Guzman. “It’s a little bit harder to get up for a match after your team Is ahead, 3-0, and besides that, Guzman hits the heck out of the ball,” he grinned. Casanova Begins To Hit Stride WASHINGTON, D. C. - Paul Casanova, who showed much promise last year, in his first season as the Senators first string catcher, after a slow start, is beginning to prove that the prophets were not wrong. His know-how behind the plate has never been questioned and his pick off throws, to catch anxious base stealers, have made him one of the most re spected receivers in baseball. His hitting has been off this year, but he had started to pum - mell the apple with deftness. In Sunday’s game he got three for four, in a game the Sena tors won by the score of 7-4, from the Minnesota Twins. This game set the Minnesota boys deeper in eight place, in the American League race. The local boys are in seventh, 3 1/2 games ahead of the Twins. They were only one game behind Bth place New York Monday morn ing. Jim Merritt retired the first two batters in the fourth before Mike Epstein singled to center and Paul Casanova and Bernie Allen blooped hits just out of the reach of the lnflelders to put the Senators ahead 2-1. Coleman doubled and Fred Clancy said. “Rain put the fight off for a day. It worked to our advantage. Emile regained the title he had lost to Nino and it was the only one he took in the series of three.” !»EAM| A 25 S§L Kentucky 4 / J ®»- 2 70 I Boil nion *• Whiskey m 86 proof BOORI9NWKISKtY j' m*** _ , y||| *SBS«! \£~ Pi w l ] f&J fi&h* .£*£■-*• Jtt&k jaw* B.B£*» msmtme eo., mmmi rn.it, , BASHED NOSE - MILWAUKEE - Vaugfenij, Thunder, Shawano, Wis., got one right on the** nose from Mike Bastian, Milwaukee, during their amateur three round bout in Milwaukee June 10, Bastian got the decision. (UPI) Jim Bibby Stifles Foe With Two Hits HAMPTON, Va. - The pride of Franklin County, Jim Bibby, kept up his winning ways for the Raleigh - Durham Mets Saturday night and let the Peni suia boys down with 2 hits, while his teammates got eight, for 4 runs. Bibby blanked the Penin sula nine and brought his rec ord to 4-2. The Mets hurler began rath er slowly, but when Joe Camp bell hit a home run, Tommy Campbell and Mike Mitchell hit successive singles, in the 6th and pulled a double steal, that was al! Bibby needed. The Mets really put the game on Valentine and Ed Stroud singled for another run before Bob Mill er relieved Merritt. Miller walked Frank Howard and Ken McCullen ripped a two-run sin gle. • jpMBWMaBHM——aaeg A SHOP YOUR COMPLETE • Ajh SPORTING GOODS 4 ■mmJ headquarters op»ll«4«EiwlMlwßWßiHf : *=2&*!**®^ POWER BOATS 8Y CROSS'/ AND MEG " BY MEG, AICORT, AND O'DAY \ COMPETE STOCK OF FISHING TACKLE AND SAITS EVINRUDE OUTBOARD SAttS & SERVICI ~ A GATOR TRAILERS AND BRITISH SEAGULL OUTBOARD MOTORS . COLT, SMITH & WESSON, WIN CZ—-^.-upc— I nSr-. CHESTER, REMINGTON, ITHACA, ill HUGER, AND BROWNING , . . S| SHOTGUNS, BiHES AND WSTOIS. 1 _2=U TRAILER AND TRUCK CAMPERS NOW ON DISPLAY UIII'C Inf 1720N.81VD. Hi lift* lill® U.S.I NORTH "We Service W*mt We Sell " Phone 833-4884 jce in the seventh when they dented home plate three times with Campbell’s home run, Bill C&rthel’s one bagger, a base on balls, a sacrifice, a wild pitch and a stolen base. The Raleigh - Durham ag gregation took Sunday off to join in.the day of mourning, proclaimed by President for * the late Senator Robert F, Ken- v nedy. They were scheduled te meet Portsmouth. They took back to the field Monday night, when they played the Ports mouth Club. The Mets found themselves onlj 2 1/2 games out of first/ place, tied with Greensboro and Kinston for fourth place, when they took on the Portsmouth Club Monday night. They were only topped by Winston-Salem, Wilson, Lynchburg and Ports mouth.