PEAR SALLY BY SALLY SHAW DEAR SALLY: I’m a widow of 34, wlthanß-year-olddaugh ter, and am engaged to marry a very fine, well-thought-of widower of 40 in the near future, Now, however, I am faced with a little problem. He has sug gested that my daughter and I accompany him on a three day convention trip to Florida where we can combine busi ness with pleasure. Do you think that the fact that we're both of mature age and both have been previously married would make such a trip fitting and proper? DECATUR. DEAR DECATUR: It’s never fitting anSTproper for unmarried men and women to take trips to gether unchaperoned, and cer tainly in your case and 8- year-old girl isn’t a qualified chaperone. Tell your fiance no for this time, but that you’ll go anywhere in the world with him AFTER you’re married. # * * DEAR SALLY: My father gives me fits! I’m a girl of 16 and whenever I have friends In our home. Dad emharrasses me to tears. He jokes, kids, and cuts up with my teen-aged friends like he was a teen ager himself. When I spoke to both my parents about this, they couldn’t sdem to under stand my objections and told me that at least my friends know my father isn’t an old fuddy-duddy, W’hat have you to say about this* HUMILIATED. DEAR HUMILIATED: I think that, instead of feeling so em barrassed, you should be happy to have a father who shows such a lively interest in your activities and friends. Much, MUCH better to have a par ent with high spirits than an old sour puss! * * * DEAR SALLY: I’m a young NEGRO HISTORY BAFFLERS BY NEGRO PRESS INTERNA TIONAL Today Baffler will have two parts. In the first part, go to the Grab Bag to find the words that complete each utterance of our people's great thinkers. In the second part, define the designated word, using the appropriate letters in the Grab Bag. (Some answere in Part I and Part n may be duplicated.) Scoring: 8-10: excellent; 7-6: good; 4-5: fair; 0-3; poor. Bonus Question counts two points. Other questions count one point each. Here’s the quiz: PART I: 1. Sterling A. Brown once wrote: . “At the turn of the century, W.E.B.Dubois started his dis tlnqulshed career with “The ( ) of Black Folk," which is still one of the best InterpretaMons of Negro life and aspirations.’’ 2. Brown continued: "The Negro lntellectual--as intellectual, not merely victim or ( ) -- is missing from American fiction.’’ 3. The eminent historian John Hope Franklin once wrote that the survival of Afrlcanisns in the New World was perhaps "as great as it was because of the refusal of the dominant group In America to extend, without (- ), their own cul ture to the Negroes whom they brought over." 4. Richard G. Stern once wrote: "In the next phase of Afro- American writing, a literature of celebration must be created -- not a celebration of ( ), but a celebration of survival in spite of it," * * * GRAB BAG (Some words don’t go with any utterance.): A. Res ervations; B. Economics; C. Malcontent; D. Vtllian; E. Souls; F. Oppression; G. Violence; H. Come Over For Dessert And Coffee ’..^rs/*'^'^(to!l *'*s*'’ '*^§bftj.ffi- V"♦j jT^ffigra'wff&c-uCs&r \fl. *--7^_^s^* i,:> Today’s working wives and busy mothers often haven't time to produce company dinners as frequently as they'd like But everyone welcomes invitations to coffee and dessert parties and they’re especially good ways to entertain friends on week nights when you want to avoid lots of late evening cleanup. An electric percolator is a handy aid for this kind of informal enter taining. and makes itself right at home at the scene of the party. Now you can select a quality coffee made especially for electric percolators, such as Maxwell House Electra-perk Coffee, and your guests will compliment both your coffee and your dessert. One dessert that's always a hit is Lemon Angel Pies, which are meringue shells filled with a fluffy lemon pudding. Buy the meringue* from a bakery, or if you have time the night before, make your own using the egg whites remaining from the two yolks that go Into the making of the packaged lemon pudding and pie tilling. Lemon Angel Pies 1 package (B*/ a os.) lemon 2 egg yolks or 1 egg pudding and pie filling 2 rips water ■/. cub warn? 1 *?* Vm*™* shipped top. • * s’ "* ping o> whipped cream !4 c™P w*«*r 6 baked meringues, cooled Combine pie filling, sugar, and % cup water in saucepan. Add yolk* or egg and blend well. Then add 2 cups water. Cook and ate until mixture cones to a full boil and is thickened —about 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Pour into bowl and place wax paper directly on surface of pudding. Chill. Beat with rotary beater until smooth. Fold prepared whipped topping into filling. Spoon into meringues. Makes about 3-'-j cups filling or 6 servings. man of 21. Recently I paid a dollar each for two raffle tick ets, and gave one of them to my girl friend. Her ticket proved to be the winner of SI,OOO, which naturally pro pelled her to Cloud 0. The thing that bugs me, though, is that she hasn’t even men tioned cutting me in on any of her winnings. After ail, if I hadn’t given her the ticket, she wouldn’t have won all this loot. It would have come to me. Don’t you think 1 should take this up’ with her? OUT OF THE MONEY. DEAR OUT OF THE MONEY: You can mention this to her, of course, but since the sug gestion hasn’t already come from her, I doubt that you’ll be successful. And after all, you did GIVE her the ticket as a GIFT. Best in the future, should you be handing away any raffle tickets to any girl friends, to have a profit-shar ing agreement beforehand. * * * DEAR SALLY: My sister, a well-to-do widow, confided to me a few days ago that she had made out a new will in which she had provided gen erously for the two sons of her late husband’s brother who has had to struggle all his life to make ends meet, and also that she had left the bal ance of her eslateloTier church. This has really hurt me ... the fact that she failed to In clude our two children in her will. I think certainly she could have left them something. Should I mention this to her? OVERLOOKED. DEAR OVERLOOKED: No. Your sister’s money is hers to do with as she wishes now, and it’s hers to dispose of as she wishes for after she’s gone. She owes you neither explana tion nor apology. Condescension. * * * PART II: 5. Which of the words in the Grab Bag means “an act of patronizing someone”? 6. Which of the words means "not satisfied or rebellious”? 7. Which of the words means "limiting conditions or qualifi cations of a statement”? 8. Which of the words means "a wicked person or scoun drel”? BONUS QUESTION: Alain Locke once wrote: The question of the Negro In American cul ture Is Indeed a paradox. It al most passes understanding how and why a group of people can be socially despised, yet at the same time artistically esteem ed and culturally Influential, can be both an oppressed minority and a dominant editorial force.” Each part of this question counts one point. A. Which word in Locke’s statement means “sco'rned or looked down on”? B. Which word In his state ment means "valued highly or prized”? ANSWERS: 1. E; 2. C; 3. A; 4. F; 5, H; 6. C; 7. A; 6. D. BONUS ANSWERS; Despised; B. Esteemed. Opposition ANN ARBOR, Mich. - (NPI)- A Black caucus has announced opposition to the Students for a Democratic Society’s plans to demonstrate at the Jan. 20 In-/ augural of President-elect Richard N. Nixon. The caucus said It was against the action proposed at SDS’s meeting in this city because the demon stration would result in retalia tion against Washington’s Black community. PRICES IN THIS AO EFFECTIVE THRU SAT JANUARY l|th. If UNABLE "SUPER-RIGH CORN-PED BEEF SUPER R!C HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF y™"' ‘ BONELESS SIRLOIN STEAK $1.59 GROUND ROUND u, 89c FROZEN SEAFOODS! I VIRGINIA COUNTRY FARM WHOLE OR HALF / I —— 1 111 —» CAP'N JOHN'S ocean ZAP N JOHN'S FRIED v PU LL Y CGO K£D HAM ’°a° ' 2 Lt> ' Lb. 89e T "SUPER RIGHT" QUALITY FRESH FRYER PARTS! ?a!7ohn' B e ß f *D^ ;39c ULL! HAiVS Average # BREASTS l b . Sse e THIBHS lb. 45c • Drumsticks lb. 49c Fish Portions ° °'33e WhVtino '^- Lb 35c -*» r- r-v-f- a ** ik • WINGS lb. 29c * LIVERS lb. Ssc $ GIZZARDS lb 25c Irtish Portions Pkg 33c Whihng e „ CHOPPED BEEF STEAKS 2 p kg . $1.39 [ • NECKS & BACKS lb. 10c « COMBINATION PACKAGE lb. 48c , •■SUPER-RIGHT" GOVERNMENT INSPECTED SLICED "SUPER-RIGHT" BEEF, HAM, CORNED BEEF, SPICY BEEF OR SMOKED TURKEY V.-~ - ■ —— f BACON Pk g > 59c 2 P L k b , $1,15 CHIP CHOP COLD CUTS 3 kt SI.OO whole' hog x sausage 59c "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FRESH D4l I*l* • CENTER 8” lie • CENTER fliC • END A fIC • QUARTER PORK C 11C rOIK UlOpS 03 CTON /SI 43 faa TSuKI your caflnn oranges • WHITE POTATOES 5 LB. BAG mjW IP mw 'J .r # RED BLISS POTATOES —5 LB BAG CHGiCE JS Lb*. fe j l m YELLOW ONIONS 5 LB. BAG' I® M S|§ S® * OR # GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES 3 LB. jjj L _ UIIHIIUkW FOR PLAIN AND FANCY EATING EXCELLENT FOR COLE SLAW U. S. NO. ONE ALL PURPOSE—WHITE 5 b dQc York Apples 8 & 89c Green Cabbage *Bc Potatoes 20 ft 79c SPECIALLY PRICED A&P RED SOUR SPECIALY PRICED A&P Pitted Cherries 2 -69 c Apple Sauce 3 -49 c DEL-MONTE HALVES OR SLICED YELLOW DEL-MONTE SPECIALLY PRICED Cling Peaches 2 69c Fruit Cocktail -29 c SPECIALLY PRICED A&P WHOLE BUY SWEETENED OR UNSWEETENED A&P fftm, I Green Beans 2 45c Grapefruit Juice -35 c g —? SPECIALLY PRICED DEL-MONTE SPECIALLY PRICED BETTY CROCKER _ CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 2 s 69c LAYER CAKE MIXES39c VAC. PAC READY TO ENJOY—SALTED OUTSTANDING VALUE ON SALTED A&P VIRGINIA PEANUTS ~ 59c A&P SPANISH PEANUTS » 49c SPECIALLY PRICED A&P SPECIALLY PRICED GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS 2 -45 c A&P WHOLE TOMATOES 2 -45 c SHOP A&P—BUY GOLDEN RISE SWEET MILK OR BUTTERMILK A -- “ FLAKY BISCUITS 3tr25 e SKT “ 59. J S —!<■ iiflßßßßl dSBBHIl» ASSORTED FLAVORS Mg* flaky ‘rolls" 1 ? MARVEL ICE MILK ho"™,« cS° 43c r LAIN. T KULLj L Pkgs. WC I MORTON BRAND FROZEN SUGARED DONUTS '?£’ 45c MACARONI & CHEESE w 39c JANE PARKER GIANT / A&P BRAND REGULAR OR CRINKLE CUT Sill" - French Fried Potatoes s&gßLjsy-sys - , bm u*** 2 39c 2 & 35*« 79* APPLEPIES 2 •>- 79c -s«®jsßaEßa»- ; - VARIETY BREAD i| umni n «c :sisraiT you, l : ™ WW , PORK & BEANS 2 a 33c • PAGE BRAND A A&PAat&feftH & . c : 39c TOMATO KETCHUP 2 Bo,s - 49c iL. jl, mirl $ R m&fc F i G «V H . E / LU . , _ • SULTANA BRAND |t* 3 1 A&P Mo«thw©*h 8t Gargl# 80 , • 49c CAS AfA ECC i M/* 8 9^ b SHOP A&p ~ SAVE REGULARLY SAs»AO iar V •i 8 xmSr ANN PAGE BIG VALUE! CONDENSED . g*m* Tomato Rice Soup 2 C ***2sc THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY. JANUARY 18 1D69 13