’ bßw \ Owk Jtwk yljpX • mjjn >**, ffgjßjjfc «' _ r SSMBHi h .'gA« ji W ifflfililsffflPlP p J|gp |»i|y Jtw JK 'jbfjSftfel&BHHs "r?wj& T •ffilHflPßll££JEy .£’ SsgKjES SS&tL £ 1 JSSfiE WKBSwmm- : ™ »bf« f ■ ■ ,^H| v> v ?, jbA YnMai x>S§r!hs SEB s " K LmsbHF }jjgg|Mg|®||| • '' lift’,■ As ■ agreement n ■. . Tl> y don't like frlenus (boys and girls), clait ■» : T ; their man ners ■ !t- • oriole. I’ll admit these kid. an sather short spoken and inclined to limit their questions o. greetings to grunts, and .sometimes even no answers at all. And recently my parents were especially tn sensed Krause - one of the 11 guests I had a part;, in our home said good! ye to them at the end of ! , evening or thank ed them for the refreshments. I keep telling my parents that my friends are essentially good kids finding in tl .ivn’t all that important, v.l „t do you say a bout this Tl. DEAR TINA: Yom friends may, as you say, 1 * • ood kids, but tl ■ vt i m --I difficult for ■ ■ 1 • kno’ it. Manners, m - c."m cour tesy, ;Vi .1 'i. tut ?. i : tii, th< ability t■ * ! otl ■ ranr.ot exist '• it’ ■ (.' !T :iTil;.- s. * » * DEAR SALLY': My wife in sists that I cstiand should help It is wii vlt some of the house rives tion f- m ■* u: k. iisli washin . m::: i testing, laundry, and ; i like i say no, that these thlngs'are entirely a wife’, responsibility. Site has agreed to co; ,i :> r what you have to say on the subject. MAC, DEAR MAC: Depends, If the wife is also employed during the day, the housework should be a co-operative deal. If she isn't, then I agree with you., the housework is her responsi bility. DEAR SALLY • I am the pri vate secretary of the president' of a large company, but I seem to be working moie for his wife than for him. She Is >ery so , ■iwmwMir.rijiMMww wuM^ii—— ■ hints « s ' sFt *" t BY ftylm 'Bbk CArtNATIOM HOME SERVICE DIRECTOR v V Delight quests with an ensy-rio dessert. Make Peachy Rice Pudding from ingredients handy on your kitchen shelf. Velvetized evaporated milk keeps it delectable and extra-nutritious. Guests love it. PEACHY RICE PUDDING (Makes 6 servings) 2 cups (X pound can) 1 cup undiluted Carnation sliced peaches Evaporated Milk Peach syrup plus water , to make 1 cip * C!,ps cooked r f c 1 l package <3l* ounces) vanilla 1 tMS P° on van,!!a pudding and pie filling mix Drain peaches; reserve syrup. Acla water to syrup to make 1 cup. Combine pudding mix, svrup-water mixture and evaporated milk in saucepan. Cook over medium heat un til mixture thickens and comes to a boil, stirring constantly. Cool to room temperature, Dice half of peaches, saving other half for garnish. Fold diced peaches and cooked rice Into pudding. Mix well. Chill until serving time tat least 2 hours). Spoon into sherbet dishes. Garnish with remain ing peaches and half a maraschino cherry. cially active, a member of num erous committees, a d I am constantly being delegated to type dozens of letters for her. This, I think, is grossly un fair -- my being constantly called upon to do another wo man’s work for her. Don’t you agree' 1 SLAVE. DEAR SLAVE: No. You are this man’s private secretary, being paid a salary to perform the work he assigns to you, and if part of thu. work In cluded some of his wife’s so cial activities, accept it as part of your job and stop griping about it. * * * DEAR SALLY: When I be came engaged a couple of months ago, I asked my best friend to I e my matron of hon or at my wedding which Is set for about four months from now. But toda; she has confided to me that she is pregnant, and now 1 am afraid that her gen -i., ippearanee by the time th< date of my wedding arrives vil: ruin the effect of mywedd li, Do you think I should have a lutie i. art-to-heart talk with her about tnls and perhapssug y,-st that she give up the role of matron of honor? ALLIE. DEAR ALLIE: Not if you want to keep her as vour best friend! A bride usually asks a "best frb- 'd” for this very Important role, and the fact that this -i f: 1-3 nd” is pregnant should not eliminate her...and c- rtalnly could not spoil your wedding. Just help her to se lect a loose-fitting gown and give her all the consideration due to a "best friend.’’ * * * Compensation and pension payments to veterans exceeded $4.6 billion during 1968. * * * Face value of 208. 600 loans backed by Veterans Admini stration durum 1368 was $3,- 716,521,900. core • \ mumm riffl a mimm 1 " SUPER RIGHT " Quality government inspected heavy corn-fed beep 4X& STEAKS 92' “ >9B' yMw m» W W/miiUjj i "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF %MJIw \ BONELESS SHOULDER ROAST - 75' "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF "SUPER-RIGHT" FROZEN CHOPPED R_ _j- GROUND CHUCK 75c BEEFSTEAKS 2 « $139 "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY GOVERNMENT INSPECTED HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF CHUCK ROAST 45 c —6s' COUNTRY TREAT EXTRA 1 EAN WHOLE VIRGINIA FARM 10 TO 12 LB. AVERAGE FULLY U S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED WEINER IN A BLANKET HOG SAUSAGE 55s COOKED HAM saws -79 c CORNY DOGS -59 s C AP'N JOHN'S FROZEN HADDOCK CAP'N JOHN'S HADDOCK DINNER OR OCEAN CAP' JOHN'S SEA SCALLOP DINNER OR FISH FILLETS 55s PERCH DINNER 4 45c SHRIMP DINNER “S 59s ‘GUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY GOVERNMENT INSPECTED HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF, 10-INCH CUT WHOLE BEEF RIBS * 63' • Russet Potatoes 10 65c y jS(p)i~~N 9 Jonathan Apples 3 a 49c • Grapefruit 8 & 59c * sss Peanuts -- 2 & 89c • Navel Oranges “ u 2 u 29c s iy * Yellow Squash 2 i * 29c SPECIALLY PRICED A&P FANCY SERVE SAUERKRAUT AND FRANKS TONIGHT! EQUAL T O*THE BEST COST YOU LESS! A&P GREEN PEAS 2 ’&?■ 39c A&P Sauerkraut 2 '&?■ 35c Mouthwash & Gargle 39c VACUUM PACKED PERK OR DRIP GRIND FOR COFFEEE LOVERS A&P COFFEE SPECIALLY PRICED BRASWELL BREAKFAST A&P COFFEE s- 77c CREAMER - 45c75c ORANGE DRINK 2 45c SERVE AS A TOPPING ON HOT BUTTERED TOAST! ANN PAGE PINEAPPLE, APRICOT OR PEACH PRESERVES - 3 85' ANN PAGE SPAGHETTI OR •'SHOP A&P FOR CANDY VALUES' ANN PAGE CHOCOLATE ELBOW MACAROHI -25 c Iffifißf COATED CHERRIES w 59c GREAM DROPS 39c i,|j|fnßns THIN MIN 8 S 45c OUR OWN TEA » 55c »f 99c k":~*SSP' MILK SOLIDS #*. s- >1“ FOR DIET WATCHERS' ALL FLAVORS, A&P LOOK-FIT INSTANT DIET FOOD MIX »■& 49' SPECIALLY PRICED NABISCO . ~~ \ MIX OR MATCH! ] FIG NEWTONS '£ 33c I SPECIAL NOTICES H SULTANA PORK & BEAMS SUNSHINE KRISPY _ I PORECLAIN FINE CHINA WILL I • ANN PAGE RED BEANS CRACKERS c£ 33c BE TAKEN ° FF SALE MARCH 3URHUIIbR9 15th. COMPLETE YOUR SET? • 4l.Cz GOLDEN RISE SWEET MILK OR BUTTERMILK ___ ' B s l°° BISCUITS 6 K 49c THIS WEEK! jj JANE PARKER FRESHLY MADE MARBLE POUND OR GOLD POUND CAKES - 59' jane PARKER FRESHLY MADE / Mi fMgjae COUMIW StYtF -MW WITH WMMM , ~S PARKER GLAZED BLACKBERRY PIE 49c I BONUTS 29c 39c ALMOND RING 39c l_ _ J,J FRENCH ROILS 2 49c PRICES IN THIS AD EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY. MARCH Bth •>£-“- !r A RAIN* CHICK MORTON BRAND FROZEN 41% A SPECIALLY PRICED READY TO USE MACARONI & CHEESE 39c pet rih PIE SHELLS Z o9e SHOP A&P REGULARLY--- BUY FROZEN #f> fA SPECIALLY PRICED -- GOLD KING FROZEN f* am jM MH A&P CUT CORN 2 * 39c HUSHPUPPIES « 25c « 45c SERVL AS A TOPPING ON JANE PARKER GOLD POUND CAKE MARVEL ICE MILK 43' THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N. C„ SATURDAY, MARCH 8. 1969 11