14 RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY, MARCH 8. 1969 •« ;* . .•■■■* tBl ~~Y 11 - * « x 3acy^Bg3§SßSfiff?H&SPj^^£rß INDUSTRY ('.'.FT FOR !.F !\'( ;>'!' '\'F-!. ■-.. -nr) thif.l from right, new president of Livingstone College. Salisbury, is the happv recipient of i 32,000 gift from Stor’ing-Winthrop Research In stitute of Rennsel.ter, X. V., during his first \v<• -k on ti.e job. Present ing the check is C. If Alford, director of personnel and public relations for the company, the gift is to be used in the college’s new S. K. Duncan Science and Math Building. Looking on. from left, arc Harold M. Harris, sales representative of the Winthrop Laboratories Divis on, Washington, D. C.; Kenneth S. Russell , assistant to the president, of thi Winthrop Laboratories Division, New York City; James P. Salinger, district, sales manger of Glen brook 1 ibora tones Division. New \ ark City; and L. Harold Mitchell, regional sales manager of the Glenhrouk Ilaboratories Division, Atlanta, Ga. Citiolk Bishops To Discuss Wis s To Make Religion Work WASHINGTON, D. C. -Three Catholic bishops will meet March 11 in Detroit, Mich, with leaders of the Black Catholic C1 eiv \ Caucus to discuss in depth proposals to make Cath olicism relevant to Black \- mericans, and to recommend action to the American hittrai - TWO MINUTES^ mw m bible r / * 8Y CORNELIUS R SIAM PHIS. ( BERE AN Blßlt SOCIETY W 7 y> CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60635 PEACE AND ACCESS “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our l ord Jesus Christ; bv whom also we have access.” (Rom. 5:1-2). “Being justified....we have peace with God!” What a price less blessing,, We believers are prone to take this blessing al together too much for granted. Since the day we tr usted Christ and the burden of sin rolled away, most of us have never had another question a-, bout our eternal destiny, and we have begun to take it for granted. We fail to appreciate sufficiently what it means to be able to arise in the morn ing, go aliout our business dm - ing the day and give ourselves up to unconsciousness at night, always assured that through our Lord’s redem p t i v e work we have “peace with God” and our eternal destiny is secure. Sure ly this knowledge should over - whelm our hearts with constant gratitude and have a profound effect upon our daily conduct. The companion blessing to Ghurch Ghack!es in- ("ARTWHI ( ;I1 r \' r=o ?f ~ A, S' *Ss /. v ; ". : •■•■.'■:■■;■ ©CHAS. CARTvvßifc MT 9J)g "it's NOT my imagination! For some reason he always looks straight at me whenever he mentions Satan!" Telephone*. TE 3*9395 JAMES SANDERS TILE CO. License No. 1939 Ceramic, Asphalt Rubber and Vinyl Tile 819 ELLINGTON STREET RALEIGH, N. C. THE CAROLINIAN chy. The bishops were appointed by Archbishop John F. Dearden of Detroit, president of the National Conferer e of Cath olic Bishops (NCCB), to find ways in which the American bishops and Black Catholics can work together on their common “peace with God” is our full and free access into His pres ence, another blessing of grace far too little appreciated. Think of the wonder of our free ac cess to God; how He the Ru ler of the Universe, invites us to come confidently before His “throne of grace” at our con venience..“in time of need.” “Let us therefore come bold ly unto the throne of grace, that we ruay obtain mercy r.d find grace to help in time of need.” (Heb. 4:16). Let us never forget that thio high privilege was pin c! . for us by the preciou.- i lod of Christ, and that having thus been purchased, it is His will that we believers avail our selves of “this grace.” Could there be greater proof of His love for us? “Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holi est by the blood of Jesus, “A new and living way, which He hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that ts to say, His flesh.” (Heb. 10:19,20), religious and social problems. They will present their rec ommendations in April, at the semi •• annual meeting of the nation’s Catholic hierarchy in Houston, Tex,, April 15 - 17. The Black Catholic Clergy Caucus was founded in April, 1968. Its membership included the 167 Black p: tests in the United States. MEDITATION A SERMONETTE BY COLIN DOUGI-AS “Stand firm, and see the sal vation of the Lord, He will work fat von today.’’ --t xou i-LiJ. Patience, contrary to what some people think, is NOT a “do- nothing” qualit .Although scire people feel i! at patience is like marking time, this is not so. It takes great strength to be patient. The gardener learns to bo patient. Jit- learns to wait watch full.' while things grow. The scientist learns to be patient. He makes ids experiments over and ovei again. The teacher learns to be patient. He allows the students to do for them selves, at their own pace, the things he could do speedily ’ for them . . . he allows the students to seek through to answers tnat he has already found. So, Lord, teach us patience! “Let patience have its perfect work” in us. Patience is a needed quality in all of us. W<- need patience in little things that annoy or frustrate us. We need patience in handling hu man relationships. We need patience In handling family af fairs. We need patience in meet ing all the various phases of our life. . . in our place of employment, in our community, in our nation, in our world. Through the practice of daily prayer we can keep the Spirit of God within us burning bright ly, and through this prayer we build up our awareness of His closeness to us . . .our reali zation that He is ever at hand to ala us with His love, wis dom, and power, as our faith in this great Presence is strengthened, so does our patience increase - -for we knov. that with God all tilings are possible, and that with God all things work out for our good. Therefore, we can no longer be concerned over the outcome of anything .. we can no longer be impatient wit i other persons or with any circumstance. “God is om ref uge and strength.” - - Psalms 46; 1. SIO,OOO Given Kittreli By AME Church KITTP I- 1 l - Kittreli Junior College was given '510,000 by the second district AME Church, following its annual Founders’ Da’. Banquet held In Washington, D. C. The gift, acknowledged by Kittreli President L.G.Horton, brings the school closer to its $50,000 goal set to supplement its current operational budget and will be used to purchase new llbrarv ks, help needy students and increase teachers sala rles. Kittreli gets one-fourth of Its yearly operational budget from the sponsoring AME Church and has leceived, to date, about $6,000 from friends of the col lege in nearby Henderson. An in vestment in Your Future Jt rVL : It 11 l l li VRL I 11 The Church is God s appointed nqency in this world . . . , , , | , , ... i , , America in its eariy days depended on the for spread,ng the knowledge of His love for .nan and v v r of His demand for men to respond to that love by "GOOD BOOK " for its guide in ethics, wor loving his neighbor. Without this Grounding in the . . , , , , T , , . , . . J ship, and pursuit of feedom. I hese early yams love of God, no government or society or way of life will long persevere and the freedoms which we hold are nou> in danger of failing and we need to so dear will inevitably perish. Therefore, even from fl „ Amfrica once ogam t 0 God and His a selfish point of view, one shou/d support the Church for the sake of the welfare of himself and his family. word. America can be strong only when each Beyond that, however, every person should uphold individual looks to God for strength. and participate in the Church because it tells the truth about man’s life, death and destiny,- the truth which ATTEND CHURCH alone will set him free to live as a child of God ©Coleman Adv. Ser., //////// 111 I I 111 \\ \ \ WMMWMW I THIS INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE APPEARS EACH WEEK TO HELP MAKE > | THIS INCREASINGLY A CHIjRCH-MINDEI) AREA. IT IS OFFERED FOE $ | YOUR CONSIDERATION BY THE GENEROSITY OF PUBLIC-SPIRITED INDI- C € VIDUALS AND BUSINESS FIRMS. > CAMERON BROWN COMPANY CLYDE COOPER BARBECUE KM rm, PBTrunr m 10!) E. Davie St.—Phone 832-76-14 M.FSI-COLA BOTTLING CO. Charles P. Landt Raleigh, North Carolina KUDSON-BELK-EFIRD S OF RALEIGH RALEIGH PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. 408 Downtown BSvd. TDtiiMnr rurmmirr PHILLIPS ROOFING CO. Alton Strickland—Don Green “CHEVY-TOWN" 319 West Davie Street AMBURN PONTIAC. INC, I*2o North B!vd.--834-8441 DI.tL BRANCH BANKING & TRUST CO. SEARS ROEBUCK & COMPANY FRIDEN. INC. 4 Convenient Locations in Raleigh and Employees 403 Gienwood Avc.—-Raleigh. N. C. “You Have Friends at Branch Banking and Trust Company" \ C. C. MANGIJM. Contractor McLAUHIN PARKING COMPANY ___ 3016 Hillsboro St. BILL MeLAURIN , X Phones 833-1831—-833-4309 Wholesale Grocers CROSS POULTRY COMPANY and Employees