14 THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N C.. SATURDAY MARCH 29, 1969 GABBING jf\> About Town f[~ '\ | BY MRS. A. H ITHORPE |gj|l GOD’S PLAN Fok ..... 1 know my Father made a plan for me, A plan intended iov my soul alone, And then He blessed me with His priceless gifts, Which radiates through faith from His own throne For God l as given me a task to do, A place which no one else can fill. I pray Thee, Lord, for cour age, strength and faith, To mold rrv war's according to Thy will.” » * * HOI DS TEA The Famine Missionary so ciety of the United Congrega tional Church on tire corner of South and Manly Streets held its 13th anniversary Tea at the Church on Sunday, March 16. Mrs. Tezla Perry of the Fay etteville Street Baptist Church was the guest speaker. A de licious repast was served in the dining room ©ftheChurc! whirr was enjoyed by ali Mrs. P. Snellings is president of <'• missionaries RECENT VISITOR Mrs. Josephine .rtxw : Rand of Bridgeport, Conn,, pass ed through the city las enroute to Camden, S.C., when she attended the funeral of a friend. On returning she sp.n a few days with her parents, Mr. ’nri Mrs. H. R.Yarborough, oi 410 Watson st. We hope to see vou again real soon, ‘‘Jo,’ RENDERS SERVICE The Melodic Singers al >■ Mrs. Swindell Among 36 On Five-Doy Music Tour Mrs. Charles R. Swindell, music teacher at Inborden High A 4 MRS. JUNE T. SWINDELL dj/imt 6/ hair coloring Hides That GHAT The Lasting Way at home . . . even dull, faded hair Lm c.'mrs younger looking, dark ami histrmis. rad. .* ■ with highlights. STRAND Hair Coloring u t rt.’ ( ft or wash out. Safe with 1 • manents. too. Try SJK A \ J >. ONLY 986 COMPLETE NOTHING ELSE TO BUY STRAHD HAIR COLORING Choice of 5 natural shades? Jet Black Black—Dark Brown Medium Brown Light Brown Ask for it at your druggist Your professional beautician knows the answer... Can your hair be damaged from brushing, alone? All hair becomes damaged from exposure : j sun and natur.-i 1 elements. Certain greasy compounds and nun , chemicals, irr properly used, also take their t 011... not to mention simple at tempts at beautifying the hah with any hr,mu not made of natural bristles. The results are brittleness, : eakage dry a : .5 dull looking hair. Your professional beautician knows how artificial bristles actually brush away a great deai of the "lubricants" of the hair that give it body, lustre and protection. And trained beauticians claim that nothing beats Clairol* condition* beauty Pack Treat ment for overcoming brittleness, dryness and breakage- . . leaving hair lively and easy to manage, condition* is an easy-to work-with creme which can even b>. applied during a chemical straightening retouch to prevent drying of hair that has been previously relaxed, condition* is the ultimate in repairing deep down damage. And, when time is a factor for their customers, hairdressers turn to new Clairol* Hair Dew* the lotion condi tioner that penetrates so fast many think of it as an instant conditioner. When applied regularly by your beautician, Clairol Hair Dew adds body, softens and gives a glowing new look to your hair that many friends will notice and admire. Damage can come from using brushes with artificial bristles. But damage to every woman's hair comes from so many other causes that all human hair (including wigs) needs to be re vitalized periodically. Visit your professional beautician and ask this expert to check the condition of your hair. Only your professional beautician knows the answer for sure. 4> Clairol Inc. 1967 Courtesy of Clairol Inc. *TM with Mrs. EugeMh Dunn and her pr; °r band rendered ser vice a: the Wake Countv Home on Sundav, March 23. The serv ice was very inspiring a. d enjoyable. We were happ;. to have with us Mrs. Cat her Lie Hough., Mrs. Bessie Lewis and Mis. Nannie B. Hill. VISITS DAUGHTER Mrs. Elizabett Peebles of 910 Oberlin Road went to Atlanta, Ga„, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Neltine Patterson, who recent ly underwent a:; operation. It is reported that Mis. Patter son is improving very, rapidly at her home now. Our prayers are fcr a rapid recoverv. ATTENDS DAUGHTERS OF ISLS MEETING Mrs. C. B. I.igon, Mrs. lane Miller, Mrs. Roxie Tuck ?r, Mrs. Merlene Lytic-,Mrs. Jar.-4 Marchena, and Mrs. Emma Doisette, all were in attendance It the Daugi tei s of Isis Meet ing held in Charlotte recently. It v as reported that the r -ect- Ing was both interesting .me. in- S* IOC KING NEWS We were sorry to heat the shocking news of the death, if Mrs. a lie r Morning of Garn er d Mr. David Dunston of New York City To each of the fa.nill'-s we extend our deepest S YJ7i DflH'.'v . a e are also sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs, Minis of S; it!>field Si. We pray for ' or •i speed; recovery. Note: Thanks for your calls, and correspondence. Keep up n- - ** > k. u ‘■’ivij vi-. vi.. ur thin;, - si.'- Music fn-im ali 'At*!' North Carolina, chosen bv the-* TV>pi ‘■.•.•pnt o! Public Instruction to participate in a fi v e-(ia;v n _>u Study Tour oi New Vo» k Cit . The group ! -ft Tiie ton included attending performances V-y the Boston Symphony oc> »stra, an Opera performance at the M< . politan Opera House “Hello Dolly” st.i in' Pearl Bailey, and ..the-) interesting muse ac- Mr-s June T*-Emas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thomas, of 13' ■ ' ..ole l oad. She ■ - • Ct :■ ei. .. hj: sD-00l education at Washington Dig. School, her college de g. eo in Han: pt o Inst. •. , Hampton, . ir nuia. Virgi; laand hei gradual • degree at North, Carolina Unr ersity M Greens boro. She is active m church work and a member of the Zeta Phi Beta Sororitv. PERSONALS JUDKINS CHII DRFN TR \.V: i TO OBSFRVi: FATHERS BIRTHIAS The child; >. of Mr. Art! ur Judkins of Route 1, River Ed., Fayetteville, travelled here to celebrate tneii father’s 78th birthday last .Saturday, Also joining in the celebration were foui generations of relatives. These tuci.nJed ms daughter, Mrs. Ania Sanders, her three sons, George, Jr., I.arry and Lester Carl; Its great grand children, Jeffery Keith Wil liams. Mr. Judkins received nnme ro u s gifts. His oldest granddaugh.tei, Mrs. Kay F. Britt, wired, greetings via tele gram She is (he daughter of M;. and Mrs. Robert Moore, BY MRS. MAY L. BSOADIE Eternal God, our Heavemy ’r ather, we thank Thee for the gospel whict has brought life and immortality to light. This day, reveal Thy presence more clearly ’o us and send into our hearts the spirit of the Savior who died to save us. May Christ daily be seen in us living and preaching to all men. Our Fath • r, help us in our homes to be obedient to Thee, as Jesus was in His. We thank Thee for the promise that if we acknowledge Thee in ali our ways Thou will direct our path. Give us courage to put Thy teachings into prac tice everyday and rely on Thy promises to be fulfilled. We thank Thee for the heritage of Christian homes where Thy word becomes a lamp to our fee; and a light to our path. Dear Father, fill us with the forgiving Spirit of Jesus, who forgave sinners and His perse cutors. Teach us to forgive those who trespass against us, 1 Jesus’ name, we pray, A men. * * * ! I .SON TE MPLE UNIT ED MF7HODIST - Church School began at 9:30 a.m. with the gen eral supt., Miss Nannie Mor tal . presiding. Morning wor ip opened at 11 with t: e call to worship made by the pastor, . i" . S. p. Gillespie. The men’s ci crus was in charge of the mu se w: ier the direction of Mr. Hargrove. Morning lesson and praye; were by the pastoi, who also delivered a very encour aging sermon. A 3-day revival began at. *:3<' Sunday. Rev. Vernon Ty son is evangelist. * * * ■TRST UNITED CHURCH OF HR IST - Sunday School be *n at 9:4* a.m. with the gen .al supt., Mr Lawrence Wil der, presiding. Morning wor se ip opener! at 11 with the jun ior choir in charge of the mu i, under the direction oi Mrs. i Joyner. The lesson and prayer were by the pastor, Rev. Howard Cunningham. He read from the Book oi St. Mark, c aptev 16. His subject was “T ' Cross And the Sinner.” * » * LILY 01 THE VALLEY IHE EVIL l BAPTIST - Sunday School commenced at 10 a.m. t: e superintendent, Mrs. Yni. Watson, presiding. Morn ing worship services opened at i o’clock. The senior choir t mi shed the music under the Greet ion of Mrs. Mabel Tay !•••.. Mr. Levi Rogers accom panied on the guitar. The les son and prayer were by the ■ Re .W. A. Sanders, T !i ••led the sermon. * * * ST. NN A H FREEWILL i \PTIST - Church School o pened a; 10 a.i .. with the gen e i Li 1 supt,. Mr. William Leach, • tiding, Worship services ire .eld e- ry first and third Sunday. The Rev. L. T. Ford is pastor. * & * » + T. M xTTHEW AME - Sun- Hj school opened at 9:30 a.m. ■r. ier th.e supervision of Mr. \. i , Leac!:. Morning worship began at 11 with the combined c sirs furnishing the music. Mrs. i•• osemary wa 11 on and >: Marie Riddick directed. Annual Woman’s Day was ob si-ned, Mrs. Alberta Hicks pi .-sided. The scripture was read h; Mrs. Hicks; prayer, V. : . Mar; Mitchell. The mes was delivered by Mrs. Margaret Hoi*. Her subject was ‘‘A Christian Woman In Soeie f . »> * * * TUPPER MEMORIAL BAP TIST - Church School opened at 9;3' j.n. with the supt,, V. . John Hicks, presiding. The worship services began at 11 with the senior choir in charge •t the music under the direction of Mrs, Ida Alexander. The or into re was read by the pas te’ , p,i ~ I eotha Debnam, Pray er was offered by Deacon Ev ans. The scripture was chosen from ' e i-ook of St. Matthew IT;]-21. ‘ The Mountain And the Valle.,” v.js his subject. * * * ob hr Lin baptist - sun da' School opened at. 9;30 a.m. wit; the supt,, Mr. Walter Cur tis, presiding. Morning worship b-gan it II wit! t!■.. junior choir The menu consisted of turkey, potato salad, string beans, fried chicken, tea, coffee, candied yams, pickle, cake. Celebrat ing t! Is special day were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Judkins, of Fayetteville; Mr. and Mrs. Ear nest E. Judkins of Dunn; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Judkins, Benson; Mrs. Mable Moore, Smlthfield; Mrs. Annie Sanders and Mrs. Carrie Sampson. * * * MRS. ALLEN RETURNS HOME Mrs. Dorothy Nixon Allen, 1900 Charles Street, has re turned home from Wake Me morial Hospital, where she was confined for several days. Dur ing tier stay in the hospital, the popular deputy director of Wake Opportunities, Lnc., re ceived many get well cards and “loads” of lovely flowers. Wel come home, Mrs. Allen. in en&rge ot music under the direction of Mr. Gaston Pul ley. The scripture was read by the pastor, Rev. J. p. Demp sey. Prayer was offered by Dea con Alvin Blount. “Signs Os the Cross,” was the subject of the sermon. * * * MANLY STREET UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - Sunday- School began at 9:30 a.m. with Mr. Walter Jones, general supt. in charge. Mrs. Ella Cheatham assisted. The worship services began at 11 o’clock with the gospel choir furnishing the mu sic under the direction of Mr. Clarence Wilson. Mr. O, L. Taylor and Mr. Clarence David son accompanied at the organ and piano, respectively. The scripture was by the pastor, Rev. T. C. Hamans. Prayer was offered by the Rev. Marvin Mor gan. Responsive reading was delivered by Mr. Bernard Rog ers, Jr.; announcements, Mrs. Manice Banks. Offeratorypray er was by Deacon Perry. “Then What Will He Give Me Will He Give Me And I W ill Deliver Unto You,” was the subject of the sermon from St. Matthew 26:14-1?. * * * FIRST BAPTIST - Sunday School opened at 9:30 a.m. with the general supt,, Deacon D. R. Ingram, Sr., along with the de partmental supts., In charge. A very beautiful religious film was shown Ln the Bullock build ing. The lesson was reviewed for the first quarter by Miss Christa Hunter High. Remarks were made by Mrs. L. P.Wim beiiey and Deacon E. R. Jones. Introduction of the film was made by Mrs. Wimberley. “Triumph And Defeat,” was the title. Mrs. Lucille G. Paige was at the piano. Prior to the morning worship services, a special hymn serv ice was observed. Soloists was Mr. Andrew Bates, Sr., who was accompanied by Mrs. E. M. Kelly, minister of music. The call to worship was, made by the pastor, Rev. C. W. Ward. Choral response followed. The Mosley - Jones, Chancel and Kelly Primary Choirs rendered the music, directed by Mrs. Kelly. Mrs. Anne Heartley’ren dered a solo and Mrs. Lorenza Ba e, was at the piano. Re sponsive reading was led by the pastor. The lesson was read from the Book of Acts. Pray er was offered by Deacon E. R. Jones; announcements, Dea con Robert Hodge; recognition of visitors, Mr. David Dolby; offering collected by the jun ior men ushers headed by Mr, M. C. Hill. A very inspiring sermon was delivered by Rev. Ward from Acts on the subject “Afflictions Abide Me.” At 6;30 p.m., CTU opened with Deaon F. J. Hinton and Mrs. Beulah Bates, presiding. The devotion was led by Miss Earlene Fuller, Miss Donna Stallings and Miss Alice Ta bron. A Bible quiz was held by the class. Mr. Johnnie Williams was the champion. Evening services were ! eld at 7;30 with the pastor ln charge. Prayer was ied by Deacon in gram. A very encouraging pro gram by the Chancel choir was presented. Mrs, Kelly directed. She was ably assisted by Mrs. Lucille G. Paige, Miss Ernes tine Laws and Mrs. Helen Wil liams, foundress of the choir. Introductory remarks were of fered by Mrs. Kelly and closing remakrs were by Rev. Ward. * * * RAND STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH - Morning wor sh ip service began at 11:15 with the fourth Sunday pastor, Rev. Rob ert Tally, iii charge. We had congregational si i gin g. The scripture was read from St. Luke 6:1-5. Prayer was offered by Deacon Eugene Collins. Rev. Talley chose his text from Dent. 12;i and called it “An Awaken ing From Spiritual Blindness.” His message was practical and ir formative. We will celebrate our pas tor’s, Rev. James M. Harris’, third anniversary the second Sunday in April, April 13 at 2:30 p.m. Rev. W. R. McNeal, pastor of Greenfield Baptist Church, will be the guest speak er. His choir and congregation will accompany him. Other groups have been invited. * » * RUSH METROPOLITAN AME ZION - Church School began at 9;45 a.m., with the supt., Mr. Leslie Campbell, in charge. The junior church services were conducted by the leaders and teachers of that division. The 11 o'clock worship services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. T. H, Harris, begin ably assisted by Rev, M, F. Booker and Bro. Neal Sanders. Music for the service was furnished by the senior choir under the direction of Mrs. Ethel Jeffreys and Mrs. A. H. Thorpe. The spiritual chorus, under the di rection of Mrs. Ligon and Mrs. Marjorie Sanders, sang beau tifully. Rev. Harris then de livered a very powerful mes sage having chosen his text from Job 3:15. His subject was “Loving And Trusting God When It Seems That He Is Against Us.” Mrs. A, H. Thorpe is church reporter. MT. OLIVE HOLY - Sunday- School opened at 10 o’clock with the general supt. m charge. Morning worship began at 11 o’clock with the junior choir rendering the music. Rev. Earl Shuler was the morning speak er, He preached a wonderful message from the subject “The Enemy Os Christ.” Revival services are now in progress. Rev. Robert O’Neal and the O'Neal Revival Team are in charge of the services. Services are held nightly at 7;30. Sister C. Hayes is the pastor. * * * MORNING STAR BAPTIST - Sunday School was opened by singing, “What A Friend We Have In Jesus,” followed by prayer. The subject discussed was “Jesus Prepares For His Death,” from St. Mark. Rev, S. R. Spencer, pastor, review ed the lesson. Worship services w ere open ed by singing, “Down At the Cross,” followed by the con gregation repeating the Lord’s Travel Our pastor delivered a wonderful message from E zeklel 1:10 entitled “Four F aces. M BTU was held with the pres ident, Mr. John A. Marks, in charge. We sang “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” The subject discussed was “Pray Wit hout Ceasing.” Evening worship was opened by sing ing, “At the Cross.” The pas tor delivered a wonderful mes sage from St. Luke 2:49 en titled “The Words Ceasing and Prayer.” Visitors were John Brown, Ronald Brown, Richard James, Veronica Brown, Shir ley Ann Srniht, and Doreen Mc- Neill, all of Raleigh.Mrs.Mary Spencer is church reporter. * * * SMITH TEMPLE FREEWILL BAPTIST - Sunday School began at 10 a.m. with tiie supt,, Dea con Julius Young, in charge.. At 11 the call to worship and the pastoral prayer were made by Rev. C. C. Alford, the- pas tor. The junior choir was in charge of the music, under the direction of Mrs. M. Mintz, and Mrs. S. Crews. The scripture reading was taken Iron: Phil - ippians 1:8-25 with invocation delivered by Deacon Raker A wonderful message vas brought from Phil ippians 1:22 on the theme “To Die Is Gain.” The Raleigh District Union will De acid Saturday and Sunday at . St. Anna Baptist < ' Stage Road. Sunday at 6:30 p. m. the Easter progiam will i>e held. You are invited to at tend. Mrs. Cornelia S. Moore is church reporter. CHURCH OF GOD NEWS Early morning prayer meet ing began at 6 a.m. last Sun day. Sistei Fayger M. White was in charge. At :45, the Sunday School began with Bro. Luther E. Perry, supt., pre siding. Morning worship services o pened at 11 with the assistant pastor, Rev. E. A. Ford de livering the message in the ab sence of the pastor. Sunday at 5;30 p.m., the choir met to re hearse for the Easter Cantata. Evening worship began at 7 with Rev. Sistei Ford, pastor, delivering the sermon. Our weekly schedule is as follows: Tuesday- 7 p.m., choir rehearsal; 8 p.m., regular re hearsal hour; Wednesday - R P.m., mid-week’ prayer serv ices and Divine Healing serv ice; Thursday -4:30p.m., young people’s fellowship hour in the educational building. We would like to thank Mrs. M. Maultsby for the beautiful flowers placed on the altar Sunday in memory of her late husband, Mr. Robert Maults by. Mrs. R. Price Hunter is church reporter. + * * MAPLE TEMPLE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - On Sun day, March 23, Sunday School opened at 9:30 with the supt., Mrs. Allie Hinton,presiding. At 11 o’clock, the morning worship service began wit!- the junior choir in charge of music for the day. Mrs, Ida Crump was organist. The pastor, Rev. M.C.Steed, made the call to worship and led the responsive reading. He then offered the pastoral prayer. The choir sang.the first hymn of praise, afterwhich the pas toi read the scripture lesson from the general epistle of St. James 2:13-17. Deacon Leman Evans offered prayer. Mission and general offerings were lifted and consecrated. The in troduction ofthe visitors, birth days and general announce ments were made. The choir sang a very beautiful spiritual preceeding the pastor’s ser mon. The theme of the sermon was, “Proofs Os A Christian,” which was centered around the 13 and 14 verses of St. James. Immediately after the mes sage, an invitational hymn was s>me. Prayer for the sick was tendered, ine cnoir sang a fellowship hymn, afterwhich thb benediction closed the morning worship service. , if! ai slsuie in Jerd | c BY MRS. RUTH M. BETHEA O £ 844 K. Lenoir St, PHONE 832-6389 V We congratulate »hose who daily take care of precious children for working mothers. We admonish them that these ct ildren are the school chil dren of tomorrow. They are tender plants, needing the very best of care, protection and instruction. The w riter, Sag* ? during there- rap? “ • c e n t M arch of Dimes Drive had » the opportun-® ity of observing m any homes MRS. BETHEA caring for children. I am glad to say that in most instances these children were surrounded with cleanliness and other things conducive to produce happy and healthy children. Keep it up “Care Mothers” so that mothers whose chil dren you care for may work well during the day, knowing their precious ones are well taken care of. Mrs. Ina Belle Siler of Sli er city, wife of Mr. L. C. Siler, who Is the brother of Mrs. Callie Jones of East Len oir Street, quietly entered her Heavenly home last Firday night unexpectedly. Funeral services were held Monday, March 24, at 2:30 p.m. Officiating w'as her pastor, t! e Rev. D. F. Brown at Lambert Chape! Baptist Church, Siler City. Mrs. Jones left the city Mon day morning to be with her brother and other members of the family during their hours VICTORIANS MEET Green and white was the col or scheme used by Mrs. H. L. (Bertha) Pulley of 1126 S. State Street when she entertained members of the Victorian Club at her home recently. Os course, the decorations were for St. Patrick’s Dav. Members present were Mes dnmes Ludelle Delanv, Dorothy Housen, Mary Carter, Bessie Blue, Blanche Rivers, C. B. Ligon, and of course, the hos tess. Mrs. C. B. Ligon, president, presided over the business ses sion. After the meeting the guest, Mrs. Inez Peebles, arrived. She and the members then partook of a most delicious, colorful and bountiful meal which was served buffet style. There was no such thing as a one-time serving ’cause the members k“pt going back for more. Who but the hostess could set out such, j feast? Now everyone’s stuffed but the Pinochle game must go on. And on it did go with Mrs. Ludelle Delanv coming up with the high score prize and Mrs. Blanche Rivers coming down with low score prize. There were no losers for the guest and all club members were winners in that they got unique and useful gifts just for hav ing been present. The gifts to the hostess were presented and no two were the same color, It is indeed odd how time and again the colors are nearly always different. Mrs. C. B. Ligon also re ceived gifts for the meeting before when she was hostess. The hostess for the meeting in April will be Mrs. Blanche Rivers. In the meantime, we salute you, Bertha, for a won derful evening. * * * W, W. CLUB Mrs. Rosa Delane was hos tess to the W. W. Club at her home, 318 E. Cabarrus St., Sunday afternoon, March 15. The meeting was opened as usual with devotion ied by the chaplain, Mrs. McDonald. Af ter repeating Bible verses, the fellowship, love and loyalty were expressed by the mem bers. Following the devotions, the business session was called by the president, Mrs. J. Brown. The club birthday party, cheer baskets and other business of interest was discussed. The an nua! worship hi a group at a local church and the club pic nic are planned for the coming months. Following the session, the hostess served a very tasty dinner, cafeteria style. Mem bers expressed their thanks for such an enjoyable afternoon. Present we re Mesd a m e s Pearl Patterson, Carrie Bur gess, Jessie Brown, Emma Fel lers, Roberta White, Louise Evans, Essie Pugh, Eva McDon ald, Edna Chalmers, Lucille Willis, Dora Brodie, Rosa Mas r— in. J —i———MM—^H»^>MM SRpsiZsUi LPepsi-Cols Bottling Co., Os Raleigh 2838 WAKE FOREST ROAD RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA of bereavement. This was her second visit to them since the ocetirance of their saddness. The many friends of Mr s. Charles G. Irving, Sr., of S. East Si., are glad to know that she is now home from the hos pital and doing nicely. Sunday was a beautiful day. The skies u'ere clear and sunny weather prevailed. Church-go ers filled the various sanctuar ies. The Davie Street United Presbyterian Church worship pers again listened to a won derful sermon from the Rev. James Z. Alexander of Shaw University. His text was taken from the 122 Psalm. His sermons are full of spiri tual inspiration. The De-ltas’ furnished an en joyable evening last Saturday night at Memorial Auditorium as they presented their annual Jabberwock program. This year’s theme was “To day’s Dream, Tomorrow’s Rea lity.” The Queen for 1969 is Miss Rahonda NcClean o 1 Smithfield High, School, Smith field. The ministers’ wives auxili ary is planning a wonderful an niversary program to be held ln Spring Hope on Monday even ing March 31. The ladies are planning a wonderful outing and anniversary program. T h e y plan to travel by bus. Mr. Thomas Jackson of E. Lenoir St. is ill at his home with the flu, but hopes to soon be out again. CLUB NEWS sey, Mildred Rogers, Addle Brown, Edna Haywood, Corinna Edwards, and Rosa Delane. The April meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Rosa De lane, 318 E. Cabarrus Street. Mrs. Louise Evans is the hos tess. * » * FRIDAY AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB The Friday Afternoon Book Club met March 21 at the borne of Mrs. Mary P. Lane. The president presided. After the business session was held Mrs. Mary Bryant gave a book re view entitled, “Worship the Quaker W 7 ay.” Mrs, Mildred James made some comments on the review. The club was served a de 1-clous dinner by the hostess. Guests present were Mes dames Mildred James, Alice K. Thomas, A. A. Cooke, An nie Bell Fincher and Addle G. Stroud. Members present were Mes dames Mildred Chavis, Carrie Laws, Omha Haywood, Omelia Johnson, Pinky Hall, Mable Young, Misses Beiva Lane and Beulah Jones. Officers are: president, Mrs. Mary P. Lane, secretary, Mrs. Mary Bryant and treasure r, Sllrs. Eleanor Burch. * * * ROSEBUD GARDEN CLUB Writer for the Rose Bud Gar den Club wishes to make a correction and addition of two named omitted from last months membership attendance. Mrs. O. L. Sherrill and Mrs. M. Blanche Dover also attended the meeting held at the home of Mrs. Nora Sanders of 1308 e. Jones St. The next meeting will !)e held at the home of Mrs Mary napp, 325 Smithfield St,, April 10. Mrs. A. A. Cooke is president. * ¥ * BOOKER T. WASHINGTON CLUB The Booker T. Washington Club held Us regular meeting last Sunday, March 23, at the . Bloodwortn St. YMCA. Mr. A. E. Brown, president, presided, A very delicious repast was served by Mr. Brown. * * * BE A UTICIA NS ’ SOR OR ITY MEETS The Delta Chi Eta Chapter of the Alpti Chi Pi Omega Soro rity met Monday, March 17, at 4 p.m. a.t the home of Mrs. Beat rice Hall, 2201 Lyrdhurst Drive. The president, Mrs. Mary Whitley, presided over the business session, Financial re ports were made from the fund raising drive, held recently. Delegates were elected. Mrs. Mary Whitley , Mrs. Alzoria Roberts and Mrs. Christiana Pitts will represent the Chapter at the National Convention which convenes in Los Angeles, Cali fornia, April 13-17 with head auarte'-s at the Sheraton Hotel. A delicious ham dinner with CONTEST WINNER - Plc tured above Is little Miss Char issa MeCullers, daughter of Sgt. and Mrs, Charles McCul-, lers of Raleigl . She won the “Mr Or Miss World Contest,” which was sponsored by the Y-Wives Club of the Fast Ra leigh Branch YWCA on Sunday, ail the ti immings was served by the .siess. Members entering M; s Hall’s hospitality included Mrs. Mildred Wil liams, Mrs. Juanita Lyles, C' ristiana Pitts, Alzoria Roberts, Joella Perry, Mary Whitley, Dorothy Perry, Mrs. Lena Tucker, Mrs. Beatrice •Hall, Miss Freddie Williams and Miss Vivian Burt. * * * BUSY BEE CLUB Mr. and Mrs. James Up church of Bates Drive were hosts to the Busy Bee Club on March 18. The devotion was led by Dea con Julius Young. After which the president declared theliouse open for business. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. After a short busi ness session, the social com mittee- were in charge. The hostess served a delicious re past . Members present were Mes dair.es M. Mintz, A. Osborne, L. Young, F. Smith, R. Upchurch, Cornelia Moore; DeaconsS. Os borne, J. Young, and J, Up church * * + WII I ING WORKERS* EMERGENCY CLUB The Willing Workers’ Emer gency Club of the First Con gergational United Church met Sunday, March 23rd, at 3 p.m. a* the home of Mrs. Mary C. Henr 711 South East Street, 'in— president, Mrs. Irene C. Scales, presided and led de votions. Scripture was given as Bible quotations by members. Plans were formulated for the Motl • r’s Day program - a project of this auxiliary. Members present were: Mes darnes Irene C. Scales, Rosebud Connor, Charlotte Greene,- Susie Gi "• n, Ernestine Wright, Jennie Charles, Cora Harris, Delia Harris, Anne Webb, Ruth Branch, l illie Taylor, Lorine Massenburg, Mary Henry and Frances Massenburg. To the delight of the group), Mrs. Henry had as guest, a neighbor, Mrs. Roberts Hinton. Delit’itful refreshments were enjoyed by all. The next regular meeting will be held April 27th at the home of Mr. (atherine E. Holden, 736 Bunche Drive. ♦ * * Poor health is an alibi more often than a fact. ¥• *• W Neither wealtt. nor position makes a man a gentleman. rSPEOATI |; March 22-29 ' ROSA DUNN | For Appointment , , ji 834-5059 i ' i| Complete Benuty Care [ j :: DUNN’S WIG & H ;> BEAUTY SHOP I i 229 SOUTH FAST ST. ||