,jR v .xrijg^g^^Sle^ak. Sfcwr AT .jmagylfwsfc^r "TEEN PRINCESS - USA" - Chicago, 111.: Alecha Newbern, 13, left, Oakland, Calif., was named "Teen Princess - USA," May 24, and earned the right to represent the country in the coming International Teen Princess Pageant to he held in Chicago June 7. Left to rig! t are: Alecha Newborn; Elaine Augustin, 18, San Jose, Calif., second runnerup; Bet!. Bennett, 16, Glen Burnie, Md., third runnerup; and Karen Pettit, 18, Chicago, 111., last year’s winner. (CPI). if®-...* 5 - ■* '4 . *'■ * l , '•- -V ■* •'-* • ' 4 « • * * *’* ’ -H«* ft. . ■ ■ '*•”*' SLEEPING OUT - About 13 young Negro demonstrators, bundled in ragged blankers, slept in front of the N. C. Ad ministration building Monday night. Their leader, Golden Frinks, said they were demonstrating against capital punish ment and for better schools. Tire youths slept on a narrow grassy strip between the street and sidewalk in front of the building. (UPI). Bsof FROM RALEIGH'S OFFICIAL POLICE FILE THREATENS WIFE'S LIFE Mrs. Hattie Mae Brown, 925 E. Lane Street, Apartment 1, * told Officer C. Troublefield at 2:05 p.m, Saturday, that her husband, Joe Brown, 45, did point a .22 calibre pistol at her and threatened to kill her, and, as a result, the gun went off during the ensuing scuffle, causing damages to be com mitted at the complainant's house. Mrs. fjrown was ad vised to sign an assault with a deadly weapon warrant against her husband, and did so.‘'Com plainant was put in intensive fear for her life,” the cops’ report concluded. Mr. Brown was described as being five feet, eleven inches tali and weighing 275 pounds. Address listed as Wendell, the subject was also said to-have been wearing “soiled work clothes.” “Ramona” accused Miss Odell Holloway, 18, 508- 1/2 E. Hargett Street, reported to Officer R, E. fleeter at 10:24 p.m. Friday, that she and a colored female, named “Ramona,” had. an argument and she cut the complainant with a bottle, than ran off. Miss Holloway said she did not know- the last name of the suspect or where she lives. The incident took place at the intersection of E. East and E. 1 Martin Streets. rtw rwivr i.i %’■ v SCENES OF THE UPHEAVAL AT A&T STATE UNIVERSI TY - Greensboro: These five photographs depict what took place at North Carolina A&T State University last Tuesday night through Friday. From left, Greensboro Police Colonel Y\'. A. Hurch, displays some of the weapon confiscated by National Guard troops early Friday when they stormed the campus. The eight rifles leaning against the wall were in Unique Party Yields Cash For College SALISBURY - Returns from a rather unique birthday party, given for Bishop F<. L. Jones, revealed to the alumni and friends of Livingstone College, at the annual meeting of the Alumni Association, held in connection with the 87th com mencement exercises, Monday, May 26, that the Carnegie Library, serving the college, and the library of Hood Theo logical Seminary, received a total of $2,000. The college library was given SISOO and the Hood Library received SSOO. Mrs. Mabel Miller Jones, wife of the prelate, told the audience that the idea of do ing something tangible in cele bra-of her husband's birthday motivated the project and, as a result, she invited many of ills friends and well wishers of the college and seminary to give a least one or more looks for the libraries. Many of those persons responded. Mrs. Jones made the pre sentation to Mrs. Josephine Sherrill, librarian for the col lege and Mrs Willie Oliver, who is In charge of the Hood Seminary Library. Bishop Jones explained that since there was such a demand for looks on As: lean culture and Negro history', that it was ills desire that books giving this information would be bought and placed in the two libraries <**•»’ UNIQUE P.IKTI . I> •>: Dr. Mays fa Speak At Shaw Class Night exercises on Fri day, June 6, in the Greenleaf Auditorium will officially launch Shaw University’s 104th Convocation for the conferring of degrees. One hundred and forty candidates have filed for degrees. On Saturdat. June 7, the Na tional Alumni Association will meet at 9:30 a.m. in the Stu dent Union. Lenior Phillips, 19- 60 president of the Pre-Alumni Association will speak at the meeting. An all "9’s” class • BMMMMBI • ** DR, BENJAMIN E. MAYS reunion is expected to be held during the day. At 7 ; 30 that evening, the University Banquet will be held in the. Student Union Ballroom. Sunday, June 8, a worship (Sec I»J1 MAYS. 1* .!) [ SWEEPSTAKES 503 3512 4053 $lO $5 $5 Anyone having curren* PINK tickets dated M.v 2 1 m v. i’ropei mi .be. pie.-.ent same to The CAROLINIAN* elf ice and , receive a: ... at 1.-ted above from the £Atx.: .'.la.v£S leatuie ..i n....i - ™ ■■■ 2 Win Sweepstakes Cash The first and second arizes, both worth slu, were claimed in last week’s CAROLINIAN Sweepstakes Proniotion. Mrs. luler Womble, 114 Pat terson I.a: e, visited General Sales and Service Company, 108 S. Wilmington Street, where she received the first prize ticket number 127. She presented same working order and police said they might be a type ot drill rifle used by ROTC units on the campus. Photo number two shows elements of a National Guard company moving in to surround Scott Hall Friday morning, following another night of sniper fire and violence. Next picture shows the Guards men invading the tear gas-surrounded campus to put down a third night" of violence, which began Tuesday night. Over Abernathy Urges Nixon To Join Interracial Confrontation Fired Teacher Gets NEA-NCTA Hein ——ls—^ ■ 11 I —■ INI —■ VOL 28 NO. 31 Two Raleigh Women fuss-One „ ■£ ami eaaj > sags fs&3& v v '■ .y? wE? £ %< v % ' 5 p , . * In State And Nation Student Unrest Grows . 4 MEN AND A PISTOL - Memphis, Term.: Police officers hold a pistol to the head of slaving suspect Jimmy I .ee Thomas, (center), after he was captured in a drainage culbert May 27. Thomas is a suspect in the murder of liquor store owner Michael Phillips. (UPI). Closer To 2 Societies Today: JudgeM alley (EDITOR’S NOTE: See page 16, Section Two, for more Commencement photographs and stories). “The challenges ahead for the black col leges graduate are the more complex of this Century,”, the Honorable Constance Baker Mot ley, Federal District Judge, New York, New York, told 144 college graduates at Saint Augustine’s College on Sunday, May 25, dur ing the 102nd Commencement exercises. "Twenty-five years ago, the segregated, in fact, but that American south was not onlv (*«..* ju_gi voile.. i>. at the offices of this newspaper and was awarded $lO in cash. Another lady, Mrs. Alicia Judd, 615 Chamberlain Street (O b e r 1 i n), becameaSweep stakes winner for the very first time. She patronized Wilson's Furniture Company, 134 E.Har gett Street and received ticket (See S'tEKMT.iKEI. It North Caroline s Leading Weekly RALEIGH N. C SATURDAY. MAY 31. 1969 Block Lawyers Meet With Law StudentsThisWk. NEW'YORK, N. Y. - The Center for Continuing Educa tion of the University of Chica go, 1307 East 60tl. Street, Chica go, Illinois, will be the site of a nation-wide conference of Black lawyers and lav. students on May 29-31. Among the prominent Black legal experts attending will be: Derrick Bell of Los Angeles; The Hon. George Crockett of Detroit; Hayward Henry of Bos ton; The Hon. Samuel Jackson of Washington, D. C.; Timothy Jenkins of Washington, D. C.; L. Clarion Jones of Brooklyn, (See BL.U K HH VI Rm |*. ;) turned truck is seen in the center. It was burned by a band of roving blacks earlier. In photo, fourth from left, a young man, holding his Rag of surrender to the end of his umbrella, walks from Scott Hall after Guardsmen router the snipers to put an end to the violence. Right picture shows a young black student sprinting for cover as several others duck behind an abandoned car, alter sntper opened up on the Guardsmen. Ellington St. Scene Os lulling A Raleigh woman with at least fourteen ar rests, dating back to A pril 9, 1941, became the victim of another wo man’s wrath about 7:32 p.m. last Saturday, ac cording to a police re port by Officers T. C, King andß. E. Williams. Mrs. Lucihe Boylan Brown, 50, 742 Ellington Street, stat ed that Mrs. Trenton Edwards, about 43, 112 Stronach Alley, did willfully assault her at her (Mrs. Brown’s) home with a deadly weapon-a steak knife causing bodily injury to her right side and upper right leg. The suspect, Mrs. Edwards, was picked up after Mrs. Brown signed ar. assault with a dead ly weapon warrant against her. She allegedly admitted to the assault after her arrest. In further testimony, offered by Mrs. Catherine Lee, 737 Ellington Street, it was brought out that Mrs. Edwards admitt ed the attack on Mrs. Brown to her wdiile fleeing the scene of the crime. Mrs Lee also is listed as having called "the law." Mrs. Brown was treated for her wounds at Wake Memorial Hospital following the incident. Although, according to officials at the City-Council identification Bureau, Mrs. Ed wards has no prioi po.ice re~ (Sec STABBED IT.L •*. 2) j A MESS AGE TO TEEM GERS f We, as a whole, are in a great deal of trouble. We are the future generation of tomorrow, and I am asking you now, teen age r-to-teenager, to straighten up and let us make the world a better world to live in. We are the ones who will determine how our environments will be. Black, as well as white teenagers, must work together or else we are going to destroy ourselves, as well as this beautiful world in which we live. Sincerely, A Teenage Christian, Gwendolyn Dunn, Route 7, Box 185 Raleigh, X. C. 27609 SINGLE COPY 15c Actions Os Students Reviewed Many persons throughout the state, had mixed reactions about Apollo Flight No 10 when asked to compare It with the man;' ills that attend America and es peclallt North Carolina, this week. There were those who were greatly disturbed about Negro students tteing dissatisfied with the status-quo in both the col leges and high school levels, bemoaned the fact that college president were finding it im possible to cope with the many situations 11; at now confront them. They wondered why the astronauts were being sent in search of life and habita tion on the moon, wliile there was chaos on North Carolina school campuses and in other states. (Set- STUDENT L.vRLSI c •> One 19-year-old freshman student at the university was killed during the exchange of gunfire between students and Guards men. A&T president, Dr, Lewis C. Dowdy ordered the school closed last Friday and all students were advised to be off the state-owned campus by 6 p.m. that day. (ALI ABOVE PHOTOS BY UPI). Financial, Legal Aid for Tutor The National Education As sociation’s DuShane Emergency Fund and the North Carolina ’eachers Association provide upport for Mrs. Helen Ham ion d of Washington, North larollna. Mrs. Hammond, a teacher n Beaufort County Sc: 00l S\s em, was one of five Negro edu cators transferred to ti e pre dominately whiie Beaufort Count;. High School in Septemb er, 1968, then released in Feb ruary, iu69 on tiie grounds that all five l ad sub-standard certi ficates which would affect the accreditation rating of the pre dominately white high school. This, however, did not seem to have affected the rating of the predominately Negro high (Sec NEA-NCTA. P President Asked Far Assistance NEW YORK - President Nix on and members of his staff were urged Monday to partici pate in unique interracial con frontations designed to help break down the barriers of mis understanding between whites and blacks. The invitation was issued in the current issue of Look maga - zine by Revs. Ralph D. Aber nathy and Andrew Young of ti e Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In making their statement, both men said that national leaders often make de cisions that affect the minori ties, " the have-nots,” without personal knowledge of these people’s feelings. The President and his staff would benefit, they feel, ;■ joining in special whtte-black leadership conlrontation ses sions, which are conducted a lo:ig the lines of group therapy used by psych iat: ist.s. Interracial confrontation ses sions are part of i growing national movement, repent ed the magazine. Each group has white and black co-lea d< s (Sec URGES NIXON 1* '.:) Deltas Launch Massive Drive On Isolation WASHINGTON, D. C. - A 50,000 member Negro sorori ty has announced the opening of a national campaign to eli minate the damaging effects of racial isolation in America. Mrs. Frankie Muse Free man, of St. Louis, Mo., na tional president of Delta Sigma Theta, a predominantly Negro public service organization, an nouced that the sorority's chap ter in 337 communities are launching the campaign as part (Sec NATION'S -I 1.. A 1‘ WEATHER REPORT 'Temperatures cJ«* the pe riod, Thursday through Mnnd iv, will average above normal in the western half of the slate, ranu im; to below normal a’oru; the ♦ oast. Daytime hiiths will he in the 80s, except mid-to-npper 70s a lorn; the north coast. !.ows al nittht w.ll average in tin mid to-upper Sts in the mountains and mostl.v in the f s elsewhere. Warm weather is expected to prevail through the weekend and cooler temperatures should set in by the beginninu of next week. Precipitation will he mod erate, except liuht over the ex treme northern lections and will average from one-ten'h to one half inch, occurring as scattered showers or thundershowers at the becinnin." of next week