> .M FULLER STUDENTS PERFORM A I NORTH HILLS MALL - I'hw Vo : v* ! G ot R . W . H. Fuller School g; < \ .k :: • . :■a■ iMr ■ Not th Hills Mull hi! !:..; lie Mu?-: • i Art s Festival Saturday, M<\ 17. '1 ho I <• >■ tour’! grade teachers are: M: s. E 'a 'A illnnis, Mrs. Delaine Wilke’'son in -! '\\n ov nlv )•■•.) and Mrs. Nonna \V. !! ywoin, Mas. li.wvoo is director of 'he rt cor Mr el • \ -s. Working with Mrs. Haywood is Miss R.i ' JoiV'S, Fuller’s music sup,• r>- isoi . Fir !e- :s the first Negro Elementary s.-'-oo' ■ ) • - n M e North Hills M >ll for Hv • m a-i "'-van d. °ictured above, let; to ri(l : rst Row) Nervi Twitty. y’edri • \\:E -ms. I Do., arles H ivwood. Eric ia Uu r- . Uu>’or. Duns- Honored During Awards Pay Shaw University Students ;haw University student-: re honored Friday -a in. ■ annual Awards - Honors ogram, held in Spauldin. mnasium. During the rn ram, awards, citations, schol arships and fellowships w< i. given students m rr-co. : iti- a of achievement in s.- . .-t .1 areas, including service is. di - pa rt mental acti v 11 i. •s. >! . president, Dr. James ;•, i 11 made the presentations. ~ Maria A. Johnson, a 3rd ■ ••■.: student from Newark, N. J. r - ceived the top academic award The Catherine Hughes Waddell ’ Scholarship. University awards to the top ranking students in the 3rd. 2nd, and Ist oar classes went to; Onie Uston, Hampton, Virginia, and Br ad Hofler, New ark, N. J. 3rd year); Clifton Bulk . ... Goldsboro, and Jo Ann las- Sunbury, (2nd y.-ai ); Ma: 1.-.:. Martin, Sanford, a’ • 1 Heb ut ton. Whitakers, (Ist ■ ■.. . Other awards ,; ere: Th*- 1 . A.M. Moore M - ■>! tal : Harold Pa! satt, Bronx. N. ' .: The Dr. Wendeli ( . <(• • il Scholarship. Joseph ! . • .itson. Turk e'; The Ella st ■ • j ’ Plague v> a Seniot for Ac! n ment in Biology, Made! n Branch, Portsmouth. Va; TV Brooks Dickens M- e.oriel .- ward in Education, Natali. .hell, Reidsville; T 1 ■■ i! Mororan Kelly Prize. I .m 1• dl Clark, Raleigh; Ti e Won •■ ’s Fellowship. Raleigi -Moravian Cliuich Scholarship. And - v /err a?liie, Raleig! . " e lota Chaptei of > u Psi Phi Frate i n i t ; ‘ • .rd, James CheeK, N'wpoit V • ,•.s, Va.. Tlie Beta Gamma i ority Award, Cynthia Rest, Wilson; Tlie Ford Four. i.die Doctoral Fellowship, Pat: icia F( >/, < <; ■ c >i V 'N’ r U){ > •AT IVEY S. AN ARRAY CM GIFTS TO CONGRATU LATE EVERY NF.W GRADUATE FOR HIM OR FOR HER BROWS THROUGH IVEY'S FOR THE SPECIAL GIFT THAT SAYS YOU CAR! SHOP WEEKNIGHTS E‘ TIL NINE. / IVEY’S NORTH HILLS Wah- s. ; . •■tt.■Mile; The W. C. I. " : uce scholarship, M : '.el.: ■ lin , Trenton, N. J.; T> • J. Milton Newman -. ••. i.i. - ri. c ■: stance Walker, • nfi hi: T . C : D. Jacobs ■ID"- in, Joseph D. \v it.,; •. p.., lifax; The T. : . jet -. Sei elai snip, Roger ' I# N, J. P ■ ■ ii: :■ ... also riven to ■ t-e s: uci- ■:.t•- ut Who’s Who, ■ . . . . .... : ■; x! .- Afro-American To Be Theme Os St. Andrewslnstitute \ - r; is pci • ' eat: Robert 1. F>a tid son i ri .mnounced th* Mm dr to; f • Institute \i ica • nit in. tc i>.> in ner . ' St. •' s ! - '• . ian College. T! • EO* institute will focus on ‘"T 1 < Ai'">> ' n .-rican and his com . lbutiO:. t . A IT. . lira’s Historical ..:. i Cultural Her it i_ e ’ u t f>. - -ek sessions, •Tun. -July li ~nd July 14- \ urust U . Visiting facult membei.-. v ill i'i Mrs. ; loan:,, inde son, facult member at Anderson His 1 School n. Winston-Salem, and Clifton Collins, ! istory and sociol'n t. : :t West Ctia 1- loti. Hit S(". ; o! ! -r. Charles Jr, ■ . r eci.tt. j flieSSer of ■ is, -.. y. : ■ .. ill be c\ \: , teaci.L.; team ;v,e 1 ;■ -I ; 1 . . t ' .■ 1 St. i ■ :,. - facult cat ttu tears ire Dr. c t-1 Bern ■•;■■ ;.i of. ssor of Lnviish. and Dr. George Mel ton, Wauie Shuler. Sharon Harris, Beverly Nipper. (Second Row) Mrs. Norma Haywood, director of the group; Den/.il I)aye i Auto harp, fifth grade) Debra McCoy, Ureta Wil li mis, Wanda Joyner, Annette Jones, Bernard: Young, Michael Grissom. Robin Utley. Can-' C tlloway, Linda Talley, Michael Pettiford, 1. an Owens (Drums - Sixth Grade) Mrs. 0. F. Williams, assistant director, Jonath, m Shot well (Bass Drum-Sixth Grade). Third Row: Willie King. Anthony Blalock, June Egerton, Karen Parker, Jennifer Wilder. Cheryl Satie a field. Randy Smith. Angela Lanier, Sharon Ed wards, Gwendolyn Hilliard, Patricia Alston and Timothy Handy. Shaw Players. Others were cited for participation in the Chorale Society, the Band, and Christian Organizations. Stu dent Counselors also received service awards. Intercollegiate awards were given in baseball, basketball, football, track, and to cheer leaders. Honor students also received certificates of merit for out standings caaem ic .1- chievement during the year. ton, associate professor ofhis tory. An interdisciplinary approach •• ill lx; used in both sessions, accoi ling to Dr. John Daugh trey, co-ordinator of summer programs at St. Andrews. The first five weeks will emphasize the history of the Negro in A merica from slavery to the current civil rights movement. Studies in anthropology, socio iogv and psychology of the Black American will receive major attention in the second session. In literature, materia! through the 1030’s and the Harlem Ren aissance will be considered in the first session; in the second dovelopmerfts since the 1040’s Mr. Collins, teaching in the first session, holds a B. A. from St, Augustine's College and M. A. in sociology from Atlanta University. In 1008 he was a Phelps-Stokes Fellow at ! isk University and more re cent!. has studied at institutes at Vanderbilt and Fisk Uni versity. Mrs. Anderson earned her B, A. in French and drama at West Virginia State College and in 3002 received a Master’s in Hnglish at North Carolina State College and in 1062 re ceived a Master’s in English at North Carolina A&T. In 9- 07 she won a R. J. Reynolds scholarship for summer study it Columbia University’s Knave Theatre. Kei speech students recently won the sweepstakes award at the N. C. Speech Festival at Wake Forest Uni versity and her drama group p: sented an original one-act phi- for meetings of the North Carolina English Teachers and foi the State Drama Festival. The institute is approved for the Professional Grant-in-Aid program of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruc tion. Students are encouraged to enroll in both sessions but may enroll in either five-week session, Dr, Daughtrey ex plained. Yes, We All Talk QUESTION; What are the steps in the learning of a lan guage by a child? --Mrs. H. G. W. ANSWER: The professional cornmunicologists pr efer the term “stages of language de velopment.” The stage include: 1. The babbling stage, ex perienced by every normal child, consists of cooing, gurgl ing, and platful experimenta tion with speech muscles. 2. The automatic imitation stage is a parrot like process in which the child enjoys hear ing himself by repeating his sound®. 3. The acquisition of speech (first words) which reflects a i meaningful vocabulary of word Win I'gottii' iic'l-natiimllaslronihi'uholc lliirMi earth f thutYuho! Krjfljlar i rji»i-( .oia with tin- ta'lr that*, clean and a!iu ...and Diet IVp-i-I o!a lor hmird-to* !V[)»i lade at l*» than a caloric. Onl\ IV[i»i «[ivrv uni 'ijcli a (iciiciou*. cimicr ! Bottled By Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co, of Raleigh, N. C. Inc. Howard Will Cite Koontz, Two Others WASHINGTON, D. C. - A Nixon appointee, a former of ficial of the National Urban League, and a medical cru sader will receive honorary degrees during Commence ment exercise at Howard Uni versity June C. The honorees are Elizabeth Duncan Koontz, director of the Women’s Bureau of the U, s. Department of Labor; Julius A. Thomas, formei director of industrial relations of the National Urban I eague; and Dr. William P. W alsh, presi dent and medical director of Project Hope (Health Op portunity for people Kvorv vhei e). Mrs. Koontz will receive tie Doctor of Humane Let ters degree; and Dr. Walsh, the Doctor of Science degree. s'.inbols. This stage begins bo ! ’ «'en 12 and 18 months usually. readers. Foi my free public speaking pamphlet, send two stamps and a tong, self-addressed business envelope to M. H. Boulware, Florida A&M University, Box 310-A, Tallahassee, Florida -32307. It Pays To Advertise R.b.y El\l*, hI I LOW - : ' : rhesf eig Uniting seniors ■at. North Carolina t olh'ge aiv nnong ton who have received graduate fel lowships for advanced studyingeogr iphv. Shown, left to right, first row, are Herbert L. West. Samuel Jones. Margaret Stephenson, and Earl Leather berry. On the second row, from h it to right are Bobby Wilson, Perry Massey. Kenneth Jordan, and Albert Barnett. (\('( Photo). Miss A' Mr. 1960 (.nut: Wherever You Go Let The Carolinian hollow \ on THE CAROLINIAN RAI.FTOH N O SATURDAY MAY 31 lOiiQ 13