BHBacßSKfeftiift 8111 l , , 18Sh1K| gpllj|pjßS j"JiHfIRYp l^^unws gejg& fjgaßMj f .* ** " *, #" •' ***** > * %* PRIESTS PAINT CHRIST WITH BLACK ' FACE - Detroit: This is a black-painted statue of Christ at the Sacred Heart Seminary here. On the first day of the Detroit riot, three men armed with a bucket of paint came to the grounds of the seminary and painted the face, hands and feet of the statue black. A group of white men repainted it twice t>ut .viegr. Francis X, Canfield, head of the Roman Catholic institution only a few blacks from the eye of the riot, felt the community would prefer a black Christ. So he and the priests in the seminary twice painted the face black again. (UPI). TWO MINUTES* urn m Bible 8* C9BNIIIU* 8 (TAM S»SiS T J 8181 AM 81818 tOCIITY I A CMtCAOC (HINDIS 60635 / W.V -A OUR ONI V BOAST “God (in bid that ! should boast, s.iVe Hi the ('Miss of Oil) ♦Lord Jesus Christ. . . (Gal. 6:14). St. Paul was once a proud PharUi**, sump in his seif s' In I’hll. 3;5,<5 he lists some of the ti lugs in which lie took such pi ldej “Circumcised the eighth day, of'the stock of Israel, of the trite of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; concern ing zeal, persecuting the church ; touching the righteous ness which is In the law, blame less. ’’ But everyming was changed since that day when the Lord appeared to him on the road to Damascus. Suddenly he had &aen himself a lost, condemn fa sinner in the sight of a holy God and had tasted the match less grace that could reach down from heaven and save even him. He knew now that he could not stand before God in film self, or “on his own Gospel Singer Found Murdered At His Home CLAYTON, N. J.-(NPI)-Gos- Pel singer William Austin has been found stabbed to death in his home. Austin, 38, whose “Austin Singers” had performed al hundreds of Churches all over the East Coast, had always play ed the organ for services at the Evergreen Baptist Church, Palmyra, N. J. But one Sunday, he v.'as miss ing. This led two of his sisters, Ruth and Lucy Austin, and a family friend, Louis Ricketts, to look for him., Going to his home, they found his living room in a shamble. Apparently, Austin had put up a Church Chuckles by CARTWRIGHT r* —-n-r-m —■ „ , eg?-, C H|g = , c.h/*s -r . | "I wish f® r»p«rt that sfutmmar pisdgs e©ll*effo«g ««» rwnnSnf « lift!* batl*? than usual; which Is, «f mom to* geod," two feet,” as we say. His only safety, before the bar of God, was to take refuge in Christ -as he says in Verse 9; “And te found in Him, not having mine own righteous ness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith.” Now lie knew, as we all should know, that he really had nothing to boast of as far as his own standing before God was con cerned. For the rest of his life, however, he did constant ly teast of one t hing: the cross, where the Christ he has so bitterly persecuted had died for his sins that he might be justi fied before God, This-too, is really the only thing we have to boast of and the most godly saint will enthusiastically join Paul in saying; “But God forbid that I should boast, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world.” terrific struggle before his as sailant drove a sharp instru ment through his heart. Police had .no leads in the mysterious slaying. Evidently, robbery was not a motive. All police knew was that Austin was probably driven to his home the night before his death by an unknown party. Rev. H. R. Perry Holy Land Tour Head NEW ORLEANS - (NPI)-The Most Rev. Harold R. Perry, SVD, Black auxiliary bishop RfUGION and j RAG BY NEGRO PRESS INTERNA TIONAL OPERATION LISTEN WEST POINT, Miss. - “Operation Listen/' a joint project of the National Coun cil of Negro Women, and the United Presbyterian Women, has completed its initial phase of a program to stimulate dia logue among women of dif ferent races and cultures. The interracial, international group of 30 women recently spent a week in the northeastern coun ties of Mississippi, “listen ing to the people of Mississip pi--both black and white--and translating the problems of Mississippi to those back home.” One of the stops made was at Mary Holmes College. HOME NASHVILLE - The Black Methodists for Church Renewal (BMCR) has selected Nashville as its headquarters city, ac cording to the Rev. James M. Lawson, Memphis chairman of the group. Among the reasons given for selecting Nashville were that it is located in the South and Black staff members can provide a “supportive fel lowship." CRISIS EDUCATION Nashville -a program of “Crisis Education” has been approved by the United Metho dists’ Program - Curriculum committee. The aim of the pro gram is to “mobilize all edu cational resources of the de nomination to reach, enlighten and motivate United Methodists to deal with the nature and causes of racism in the U. S.” ANOTHER “CRISIS” NEW YORK - Not to be out done by the United Methodists, the Office of Church and So ciety, Division of Church and Race, and the Commission on Ecumenical Mission and Rela tions have formed a task force of “Crisis Interpreters’ to be ready at the next general as sembly of the United Presby terian church, to “give au thentic and articulate expres sion of the nation’s racial and inter-cultural realities.” The “interpreters” consist of six Black members, one of whom is chairman of the group; 13 Spanish-speaking members; one American Indian, and a South African. MEDITATION A SERMONETTE BY COLN DOUGLAS “I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin will I remember no more.” -- Jer. 31:34. If you are a person who finds it difficult to forgive, you need to turn your thoughts more to the presence of God, and let His love fill your heart and mind. Give yourself and the situation that troubles you to Him, and you will find your self able to forgive and for get every wrong. When you keep turning over in your mind the memory of some hurt or injustice in the past, you are closing your mind to the forgiving love of God. You harm only yourself when you withhold forgiveness, for you are being disobedient to the laws and principles of the Father. When the forgiving love of God fills your heart it wipes away from your memory all thought of the harm and in justice that another may have done to you. It prompts you to forgive and to forget everything that has teen making you un happy. Love is the only power, for all that is not loving is not for God, and therefore has no power. Keep love, instead of resentment, in your thoughts -- and tills will keep peace and harmony within you and about you. As we remind ourselves of the spiritual power of God that is ours to share, as we change our thoughts from hurt and re sentment to thoughts of love and tolerance, we gam a sense of freedom in mind and body. We see those who have wrong ed ns in a new light, as chil dren of the one Father . . . just as we are , . . equally beloved by Him. “Cast they burden upon Je hovah, and He will sustain thee; He will never suffer the righteous to be moved.’’ Psalms 53;22. of New Orleans, will personal ly conduct an interdenomina tional pilgrimage to the Holy land this summer. The pilgri mage is expected to depart from New York on July 14, and the tour will officaliy be gin in Athens, Greece, follow ed by a full week in the Holy City, a visit to Istanbul, thence to Rome, and Switzerland, be fore returning on Aug. 4. Way Back Whan Iri 'B<>2 the first year of Internal Revenue total tax collection was 37 million dol lars. Today. North Carolina collects'that much every three days. An investment in Your Future -AfTEH l L 11U llel! BAROMETER 4HH* lor the FUTURE for spreading the knowledge of His love for man and love of God, no government or society or way of life will long persevere and the freedoms which we hold so dear will .inevitably perish. Therefore, even from rgHft a selfish point of view, one should support the Church : for the sake of the welfare of himself sod his family. Umlfe fmjjF Beyond that, however, every person should uphold and participate in the Church because it tells the truth about man’s life, death and destiny; the truth which alone will set him free to live as a child of God. Coleman Adv. Serv., THIS INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE APPEARS EACH ‘WEEK TO HELP MAKE THIS INCREASINGLY A CHURCH-MINDED AREA. ST IS OFFERED FOR YOIJR CONSIDERATION BY THE GENEROSITY OF PUBLIC-SPIRITED INDI VIDUALS AND BUSINESS FIRMS. CAMERON-BROWN COMPANY Charles P. Land! HUDSON BELB—2OB SHOP PHILLIPS ROOFING CO, 319 West'. Davie Street DIAL 833-352® SEARS ROEBUCK & COMPANY and Employees C. C. MAN GUM, Contractor 3816 Hillsboro St. Phones &33-183 X-—832-4308 RALEIGH PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. 468 Downtown BlvtS, Alton Strickland—Don Green AMBUffiN PONTIAC, INC. 3«23 Hillsboro St. TE 832-3307 FSSMN. INC, ♦O3 Gienwood Avt*.—Raleigh, N. C. McLAURIN PARKING COMPANY BILL MrLAIIKIN CROSS POULTRY COMPANY and Employees THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N C . SATURDAY. MAY 31. 1969 FEFSI-COLA BOTTLING CO Raleigh, North Carolina TRIANGLE CHEVROLET “CHEVY-TOWN” 1820 North 81vd.—834-6441 BRANCH BANKING & TRUST CO. 4 Convenient Locations in Raleigh “You Have Friends at Branch Banking and Trust Company” THE BRITT COMPANY Wholesale Grocers 17