.BY BETTY MERRITT HOLLY SPRINGS - Morning services were held at the Unit ed Church of Christ where the pastor, Rev. JohnH, Janes, pre sided. The service began at 10 a.’m. with Baptism. Rev. Jones, with the assistance of Rev. A. R. Johnson, baptized twenty-five persons. The pastor took his text for the morning sermon from the Gospel of Si. John 6:67-68 and used as a theme, 4 ‘Stay With Jesus And Jesus Will Stay With You." The senior choir rend ered music, with Mrs. Cora Lassiter accompanying. Holy Communion was included in the service. Mrs. Franklin Perkins was visited by her nieces and neph ews from Florida last week. Our town and community wel come all visitors. The Holly Springs Community wishes to express its deepest sympathy to the family of the. late Mrs. Ella J. Baldwin, who passed last Tuesday. Mrs, Baldwin was the daughter of the late Mr. Finner and Mrs. Emma Williams. She was born on May 13, 1918 hi Wake Coun ty. She passed away August 28 at Wake Memorial Hospital, Ra leigh, where she had been a CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES For Back- To-School Values VISIT BLMO'S JS. J. FBSH MAtN ST., FUQTTAY rraiMimrr im— » ■mu ii—mnwniitiMi.aMt