Jail Shaw U. Students After Gun Cache Found * ~ Air Force Colonel Gets \od 4th Black General Appointed THE CAROLINIAN VOL. 29. xo t: Officers Hold NC Man in Jz<z<z<z <z<z<z<x For Bios In Hiring NBA Sues Educators friii las Drinking: Sheriff MONROE - Funeral services were conduct ed near here this week for 26-year -old Miss Norene Rorle, who was shot once in the chest by her boyfriend, Cor nelius Roach, 44, who is now- awaiting a pre liminary hear:ng. He is now in the Union Coun ty Jail here. According to s>k>r. county Sheris, JO, "S. Griffin, wise *'&s interviewed by CAROLINIAN Tjewwrdos early Wednesday at this week, the shoot teg occurred about 5 p.m. Frida:- at a house where Miss Rorie was sts • tag, rear Monroe. Sheriff Griff3k said a possible motive for the crime was that (&*t siaoea or, r. zj NCTA Sets Memorial January 15 «V The Storth Carolina Teach ers Association has reqoesied the State of JSortt Carolina tc observe January 15 as Hue an Relation Day JSCTA President, Mrs Rath R. Jones has an nounced. to a letter to Gover nor Robert Scott and Mayors of ever? municipality, E. B„ Palmer, Ewcutive Secretary of JSCTA urged, that they pro claim January K as: a day to call special attention to the goals ofl)r. Martin Luther King, Jr,, and to the values for which he and others lived and died. Palmer said that the ",500 delegates to the 1969 Represent ative- Assembly of the Nat tonal Education Association who met in Philadelphia adopted a re solution w-t.irh recon?trended that state associations urge their governors to proclaim this |Bee WCTA WT*. S*. t) Bmmikmm Wit Decide Hi Bmldk §§ WASHSSHSTOS, D. C. - The date for parting the construc tion of their Million Dollar pis® home office and research building to Washington, D. C„ will be decided tsposi when the pressed of the Kat tonal Beau ty Culterists’ League, Dr. Katie E, Whlckam, aaiiocml officers, trustees, executive board of di rectors and the state presidents meet to Washington, D. C. Aw eary 2Stfc at their present head quarter, 25 Logan Circle, K. W. This boildisg, planned for the past throe car Soar .years, will not easy he feoadtiuaitors liar the 40 thousands BMSslwn, bat & wffi 1® the center fflf beauty Otdtef* wfi-h a museum of pa st handy esdtere techniques, Straw? feeaiettotejs of ssste and a Sabaenatory, doing research wost to heap og> to date sad l®«* aroeaeotM*. a *j North Carolina s Leading Weeitfv R* LEIGH, X. C. t SATURDAY, JAXLAkV : iff*' ■ ;«* .* , .i. ' DR. KING’S REMAINS MOVED NEARER CHURCH--.' .-.ms: The sun rises over the new grave site of Dr. Mar::: ; • er King, Jr. January 13 mom tag after ire . - quietly moved from. V-e South View Cemeter- t-to The new location is on Auburn Avenue r, ... • Baptist Church where he had served as : " lansa Board of Alderme-- apy.ove-i : - r• . car;. 12 and Southern Christian Leadership Confer- ; flci&ls said it is the first stee in a planned V..--- ter (URL. Observance 01 Or. King s Birthday Here Thursday Raleigh Human Flg'its work er, Lester Foster, in conjuac tton with the Re - * Dr. Paul H. Jot user minister, and mem bers of the Martfe Street Bap tist Ch-urch. will sponsor a Me morial Service for the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., or Thursday, January 23, at 7 p.m. in the church sanctuary . This is the date of Dr. King’s birth The late president of the Sows 1* rn Cb ristias Leader ship Conference was assassi nated or. April 4, 1968 as he stood on the balcony of the Lor raine Hotel to MeofMs, Ten ALLE42ED &mcmm BABSEXMttcniftjoinery, Ala; Rich *rd. Boob* (cmder\ local leader at the Alabama Action Committee is arrested out#tde a Montgomery Couatr Court House following an attempted arson of a .local Negro Radis station a few days ago te which »w© Xegros were shot to death by police aisd two others wore arrester. Bo one was arrested by: Montgomery police and charged *lf second degree arson and hand set at $60,060 (URL. nessee, aiong w;t> - . el ate, the Per R. Jr ... y; y bematby, v osucc-r - as head cf the SCLC. James Earl Ri ed guilty to he sL ■ v.: :> nth serving 2 'I 2 ■ prts '• T. ' in Tennessee fee * - c In Foster stated that ■ r;.. •?.- namic speakers win V during the serv: -e . He ..'.so said the services \ .H 2; st a bout one hour. "Persons f:(••>- a" .- .... -j* life and race, are r: r-1 .. ..- sited to attend •.-■e preg.-au;” concluded Mr. Foster. SINGLE COPY 15c Governor Is Also Included -.TLANTA, Ga. - Na s', education Association ’as ftJel 3 federal court suit .igiins* v .£■•:- Alabama govern ■ officials, including Gov. Albert ?. Br. wr, charging that f- -s- state's ■ iring practices are racially discriminatory. In a suit filed to Montgo mery, Ala., the SEA contends * v Mrs. Carrie C. Robtason, a Negro employee of the Ala bama State Department of Ed fat tor, since 1546, as bevn •it-:Jed '-er right to mploy r» promotions and appro priate salary increases. . . a --c'jil treatment and con sideration..- ’ Named as defendants to the case to. addition to Gov. Brewer ar»: Ernest Stone, State Sapt. of Education, and J. S. Frazer, director of the Alabama Per sor.nei Department. " nEa’s DaShane Emerg ency Ftind, created to protect t: c- rig 1 ts of educators, will as £ Mrs Remits son’s legal M X SUES. P. 2) 2 Poverty orkers In Contempt U '.SHINGTON, D. C. - Two • -jg ry vert;, workers who de- McClellan Committee wii: ro -••• ‘rial ‘ere January 15 or. charges of wwitempt <rf Congress. i.v; Margaret McSurely refused to turn over to Seri. John McClellan of Arkansas their private papers and some -cords of the Southern Cor;- fc-r-.-nce Educational Fund iSCEF). SCEF is a Southwade tater -c;al organization working to racial tomstice. poverty, v..r, and the draft. It has or ganizers to. the field, publishes Southern Patriot, and is s pamphlets and brochures. T? ■ McSurely s wereorganlz . and distributing material in t: o mountains of Eastern Ken <Sre 2 POVEKTV. f. 2) Opposition To Brimmer SMmenis Washington, d. c.-Lead ers of eigh t national Hack busi ness organizations have taken ‘unequivocal exception’' to criticisms of ,l!r bsac.k capital ssm” by Dr. Andrew Brim met, of the Federal Reserve Board. At a Washington press con ference called specifically to re ,*ond to Dr. Brimmer’s com ments, the group of business leaders also spelled oat the objectives of the economic thrust of black businessmen and outlined some of the prob lems of President Nixon's ‘'Black Capitalism” program. Participating' to the press conference were: Dr. Edward Irons, Executive Director, National Banker* As sociation, and chairman of EML. SKiffl®, f». Zi AMBASSADOR TO SWEDEN CHATS WITH PRESIDENT - Washington: Pres Nixon con fers wit? r Jerome H. Holland, president of Hampton (Va.) Institute at the Wf fte House Jan v*ry 12 after selecting the Negro educator to fill the long vacant post of V. S. Ambassador to Sweden. If approved by the Senate, he will succeed William U. Heat- who left the post to fc Sweden in January, r*69. (UP!). D. James IJevated To Gen'l WASHINGTON, D. C.-Presi dent Nixon ?as approved the selection of Col. Daniel Jatr.es, Jr., to the rank of Brigadier General in the USaF, making the veteran fighter pilot the newest Negro general in the armed forces. Col. James, 47, is presently r minder of the 7272nd Flight raining Wing at Wheelus Air Force Base in Libya. He. ik* 38 combat missions over North Vietnam while assigned in Southeast Asia during 196” as deputy commander of the Bth Tactical Fighter Wine. He flew 10! missions over Korea dur ing 1930. Col. James will be the fourth Negro to attain the rank of general. Col. James was born in Pen sacola. Florida, and graduated front Washington High School oensacola in 1937. He at -t* 'erf Tnskegee Institute from; (See tXH ftis.Ai.tS., f. 2) GENERAL JAMES Simdav Is Religion Day Here World Religion Da;, will be observed nationally this Sun day, January 18. Raleigh May or Seby B. Jones issued a pro clamation to that effect this week. Locally, the day is spon sored by the Baha’i Communi ty of Raleigh, and will be ob served with a public meeting in the King Religious Center on the campus of North Carolina State University at 4 p.m.. Jay- Scales, merroer 01 the Raleigh (See SVSDAV IS, P._<| BEATEN, FOBBED Larry Odell Johnson, 200 S, Swain Street, told Officer G. T. Lloyd, Jx. at 6:44 p.m. last Tuesday, that he was on his way home, walking in the 600 block of E. Davie Street, When he was assualted and robbed. He said the suspect took sls from Ms billfold and ran. The officer said, "T here was another sus pected in the robbery, but 1 didn't get him or a descrip tion.” Arrested and charged with robbery was Sonnie Mc- Neil, 40, 600 block «f E. Davis Street. Mr. Johnson suffered, bruises of the stomach. CSer CRISES. Si EAT &. t) * t #&***** ■ JUSSI C'lwdf PRISONERS SHOT TO DEATH-Soledad, Calif.: Three prisoners were shot to death when a guard opened fire with a carbine or. a group of convicts brawling in the Se lected State Prison exercise yard. The dead were identifi ed as Cleveland Edwards (Tile photo left), 21, Riverside County, Alvin Miller (file ohoto rieftfi. 23. Los Angeles county, and V.. B. Nelson. 26, Alameda County. The guard reportedly fired four shots aft-:.: the prisoners ignored voice and whistle warnings. {URL. Last Rites Set For David “King* Greene Funeral services for David Sunderland “King” Greene, 61, 802 S. East Street, who died Sunday night at Cuke Hospital, Durham, will he conducted Thursday, January 15, at 3 p. m. at the Saint Paul AM EC urci wito the Rev. Benjamin S. Foust, pastor, officiating. Burial will follow in Carolina Biblical Gardens Born in Raleigr on Sept ember 27, ISOS, Mr. Greene va• ed ucated to the Raleigh Public Schools and at Bricks Junior College to the state. He was ow ner -operate: of King Greene Cleaners, S. Blount Street ..ere and was a long time member of St. Paul Church, where he serve-: as a member of the Trustee Board. Greene was also an active Ow-e LASX KITES, P. 2) In Revised Sweepstakes Notice to all Raleigh resi dents: Keep your eye cm yo mailbox for the next week, so. your number to the revised CAROLINIAN Sweepstakes Feature will be delivered to your tome. Beginning next week, three numbers will be selected from advertisers to the revised Sweepstakes, and merchan dise worth s2l, sls and SIC will be awarded to the winners by the merchants above whose BSAFRAN SUPPORTERS STAND SILENCE-London; BStafim ttapporters stanl is sOeeee as they watch posters burn along; side a symbolic coffin near Downing Street tote January IS, A bout 150 supporters of Biafran had earlier marched from Trafelgar ffqasre to the Prfra® Min ister's residence on Downing Street to hand a letter of protest to Premier Harold Wilson, The protestors said they put the blame for the Nigerian civil war on Britten. (OTWX % jy davil “king” greenk names the lucky numbers will appear in a small box at the left of the ad. The first three winning numbers will te re vealed to next week’s CARO LINIAN. It has been decided by the management of this newspaper that no money will be awarded a winner-only merchandise e~ qttal to the amount of your win nings No louse in the city will be permitted more than one (See SWEEPSTAKES, j» 2) Four Are Charged In City Thefts Four persons, all be lieved to be students at Shaw University, were arrested early Tuesday after a small arsenal of stolen shotguns and pistols was discovered by Raleigh police on and near the campus of Shaw University here. The guns, valued at ovei $2,000 were identified as hav ing been stolen during break ins of tw o local business firms, Raleigh Det. Sgt, A. A. Bunn said. Arrested on charges of felonious breaking, entering and larceny were: James Charles McCoy, 18, of 207 Tapper Hall and Jean Claude Daniei, -a, of 105 West Hall, both Shaw stu .dents; Marshall Calloway, 18, and Dale Shelton, 24, both of 11 7 W. Lenior St. All four are charged with breaking into Thorne’s Hard ware at 416 W. Souti St. late Monday night and stealing 13 pistols and six shotguns. Three more pistols identifi ed ass aying been stolen dur ing a break-in last Saturday night at Dixie Loan Co. on South. Wilmington Street were recoverd from among person al proper:;, belonging to Mc- Coy in Room 207, Tupper Hall, Bunr. said McCoy was also charged with breaking, entering and larceny at the Dixie Loan Co. FOUR SHOTGUNS Four shotguns and a pistol were recovered when the four were arrested about 6:15 a m. near Shaw University on Kind ly street by officers Otis Hin ton, R. B. Pendergras, W. E. ’Johnson and W. E. Radford, Bunr, said. As a result of investigation by Bunn and Detectives J, S. Carroll, D. W. Martin, and C. J. Twitty, eight additional pis tols and a shotgun, all identifi ed as r aving been stolen from Thorne’s were found hidden in a basement in one of the build ings on the Shaw Universiti es opus, Bunn said. Bunn said he to ‘ know the name of the buildi.ig Sometime before daylight Tuesday morning officers Hin ton, Pendergras, Johnson and Radford had found some guns that lad been hidden in the 100 block of Kindly Street. The officers decided to watch «See JAII SHAW. **. 2) 61 Movement is Discussed LOUISVILLE. Ky. - Staff members from GI Coffeehous es around the country met in Louisville. Kv last week to ex chance information on the ex ploding GI movement within all branches of the Armed Serv ices. As a first priority, the group organized a national campaign on behalf of the Shelter Half Coffeehouse near Fort lewis in Tacoma, Washington. The Shelter Half recently received a notice from the Armed Forc es Disciplinary Control Board starting that action had begun to place the Shelter Half OFF LIMITS to ail servicemen. *A hearing was set for January 22, at which time the board will make a final decision on the matter. The Shelter Haif released a letter from the military which said, "The board took this ac tion after receiving informa tion that the Shelter Half Col ts** MOVEMENT. .*» 2>

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