» » Students Boyrotting For Demands NCCU Prexy Asks Restraint „ Whiting Talks On Boycott DURH A M - North Carolina Censral U niversity President Al bert N. Waiting answer ed sixteen demands of the university’s boycot ting students on Mon day, February 9, and at the same time asked and received a restraining order against student leaders. PreswSess WLstfog's reply to ■- the st attest demands iac'.xt. ded agreement wiv four iter-ands ta their entirety, partita! ac ceptance of others, promises to consider others, and dental of rwc demataSs as contrary to law. A stoutest boycott, predate" ed to a paper bearing re teteials of t;* Student Governse-nt As sociation. rod existed stoce Tfemrsday, FeSbrnars 5. Xct alt students tad pastieipaied to tee boycott, arid Dr. Whiting cited disrsgitfcajs of classes to Ms reply tot? e demands. He warned tlat farther disrqptioins, asd verbal or physical abase of In structors, wwald result to. ta in edtot-e punitive actio®. T l e restrain:of order, served cm 2- stasteats to? cam;®, affects tie entire stoates tody and Bcm-stadeißts. The 20 sfcu dents lamed were reportedly not all tostdred in toe boycott, sr tie marches whadb ac companied ttoe boycott. They were aa.ir.ec as leader s of stu dent organization, aoS faclottal officers of tfce 9GA, campus editors, and others. Tie dPTiaoSs to which Dr. \ -rs«f sfcc* - mrsT r s: Assault lap Now Murder A chaff* as assault vm. a deadly weapon will te«r.n to kill, made to January Joltow toif a shooting to -*£vias’ Bot tom,'* was changed to murder here last. Wetoesday after the victim died at te'aise Memorial Hospital, Marine “'Ricky** Raftfard, 24, 721 £. I® vie, Street, wa* charged vith £b* feloaay stSm Layran Bullodfc, 3€. Route 3, Hoil} Spring*, ** died %'eStnesdaj aor*l>{. Tb* .shooting tocfe plat* ox SatHTH day, January 17, around SjJ-0 a.m, to a bouse, located to the backyard at bjy E. Dsvte, Where both men are believed to have been roomers. Raiford had beer taker before v. ake Distrin Judge Pretlov W'isborne in the wait for a bearing cm the assault charge. H owever, Solicitor F rank Cherry told officers to return him to jail, saytogtha* a murder ■warrant v-c.nd.ci be drawn against him since Bullock (ad died. Raifo.rd informed investiga l - mg offloers that lie lad been asleep te t;is room ve (■eard .a corr.rr.nuon outside in the tall. He said tie -went to investigate and Bullock came after him with a knife. At that time, accordtog to Rations, tie reacts inside tie door, gyrabbed a pistol from be rsev mmtm® m *. n _| v nau ffinmn cbckt/iiiy -v. : "Mr*- {teftwtoe SbeSton types a tetter Taesday fur 4S®v« linv.tsfsd Boftten. She is the fflrss JJeg.ro secretary ever or toe staJT ru* a Virgtoia gtweraer or any other souther© bead of state. -(TPS). <»ar>r^ Man Stabbed In Heart Ww^M. VHIUH G. GRIF FIS FT A Head Discusses Yews men DALLAS., Tex -“Since the mass media continues ti in sist t* a: t‘e: give toe public ‘what h > ants," ‘* said Nation al PTa r-resident, Firs. Lear; | S. Price, last Frida; night fa I Dallas, Texas, •'■■er: we must I urge our ID million .mem bets to I leave it a: vast sflearr ma- I Jority* and express tbeir o ' pinions about specific media offerings.” Presiding over a meeting of toe Nat tonal PTa Board of Man agers in Dallas ti is week, Mrs. i Price discussed a statement presented by toeSaiianal PTA*s special comn.ittee or mass media wri.ic 1 vas adopted by the Board. Mrs Price said t ! a' re Na tional PTA vaTTts its members f© express t?eir opinions to paatrisbe.: s, produce: s. spon sor -, dist::but©i s and i ? eater and te: evisio r station man age-.’ s. •‘tee want our members to let toe decision-makers knov what tie- i? iiii about specific media offerings..’" she explain ed. ‘andf-eij reasons for eith er esm rr.enuinc t: em or finding to err object JoraableMrs. Pi h-v exjdaine : to at t -■ PTA is not a cens.cn of Iwks, :: ag;a ztete N films, piavs, radio, or television Tte ©j-gani.-.ation does not j. esume to dictate whiat adults may read. see. or (Sk-f «*■»*% f ?v i; *« : ; ? 21 ■ SSk ‘£>t ; , BA2FORD North Carolino s Leading Weekly RALEIGH N C SATURDAY FEBRUARY !- 19-% "Fingers” W. Griffin In Rape A 24-ytear-o!d local woman identified a 2i ye ar -old Ralei gfc man a s the person who raped her on the street last Tuesday night. The roan mas arrested \he next day and is now being held in the Wake County Jail without bond, pending a preliminary hearing in District Court. Miss A rasa atmH HoSlc^i;, 5309 S. Persoc Street, Inform ed fwlice oCSeers Tuesfe; vig 1 * to.ai te iUI a m Gaston Griffto, r*D s. Haywood Street, grabbetS hgr or. a cub rea: a Lease as toe rarer section of 5. East and Lee Streets and proceeded to Lave sexual relations wit? l er by force an-S against her will It was not known •« ©• ; er Tie woman sc:earned or so-g-t her attacker. Ctffioers wro arrested tbe stispect were Detectives G. C. Prate and M, L. Stey?! enson. Yoiirg Griffln first rar?: afoul |'<©F CTAOCS B»PS P SI Mm Held In Forsyth Unde Deads te IKSTOK -SALEM - Ponnie L. Mcßae. 21, of toils city was charged last Friday uigte with, murder after five personsvere stabted, one fatally, following a 1 eated feasksettoall gaase between fi etein st on-St ate Pams and the Aggies of ALT State Ltaiversity , Green si ©ro. Fieac or: arrival at Baptist Hospital here was Edward E. »■ » mvx if r: c p 2~> In The Sweepstakes SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK Where Taste. Comiort and Quahti Reign Supreme See SWEEPSTAKES Ads Read Pago 10> For Winners: Merchandise Awaits Sweepstakes Winners Three eot house rami hers have .been selected for this week’s revised CAROLINIAN Sweepstakes Feature. Firs prise number is 1247.3, worth. sgr. to merciJUJdise at G. S. Toctasi Furniture, 112 E. Hargett Street. Second prise, sl% is samher 268, which is redeemable at MeftrcpoMtan Furniture Lea-stag, Sue., SB SI S. Wllmirigi.or, Street. Nwmtoer 270;, worth $lO, tided prize, is .•altaihS® a* Stephens’ Appliance Coaapaay, 1106 S. Saunders St. Be sore to cheek the Sweep stakes page carefully. All * , Ijfc Ai jsffflfcr 1 MPS. RUBY L AMER HORTON Industry Stotokinjr c i *r«s Yom ATI ALT - Black profes sionals ‘-.-erg'-out -ts South east . ill be JTteettng with in dustrial recruiting represema t- ss e: eatto e Regency -Hyatt Hc-r.se on February 2~-2E. This program vas anaosiisced today by Charles L. Fields, Presi d eru of Pecmiticg Managemens CaEstiliaMs, Inc., and oomsElt ::g firm v'Sc* advises indus try and government on re cruitment problems, and :• as of fices here and te. New Dork City More th an “-0C black college graduates w? c- completed their •degree studies front one to ten years ago vij; take advantage of this opportunity for firancial and career growth, wit: indus try. Mayor companies to tie S«-f rvi't -TRT P to WEATHER Oiiri«{ !h:<- *' i-f*.-r.iS jj «-jj| tw if-Bwattj iiir «wg v«tj r©3i. SJ.-iv.v\rr wiirnaiiaf ii» f\- Amina ih* Inner s#arit ®t ttw IWSVBd -I.FinS»t-J aJ-U-F- Kill tor ttii -r>. an itor 3% 3*l -hr- Hi Tiiiiiu*. arnint Ac taA ito ti-w- i . r-lvr-v’. h.i rr L*i*. ju rm-Jit v. j": Firru-jr rn.vuriir ir. -* to the MMilßi sum! ia ;hiF «-3i»-w.her* numbers are to be found inside ?! t- advertiser** space. Be sure to ( eck your mall bo*, daily. If yeur tacky bonne nttmbei is hot there this t’i.er it is at. its way. All 'eads t>l oosttholds are eligible to claim tl eir nier ebamdlse if they have the re quired numbers Simply present same at the- office of this news paper to person at 518 E. Mar tin Street. St is Important that the per sons who have these tacky tick ets Model-stand ti at he or She «e s«'Cr.i*«iT»Kr« I s s» SINGLE COPY 1 5c lystery Shrouds Milling Although 32-vefrr o!d Raleigh woman was allegedly beaten about the face with a chain here about 1:30 p.ro. Sun Lay. in autopsy per formed on her remains Monday indicated that she died of a stab wound in th- aorta, (the Urge _: . *~v nhi cl carries blood from the heart to be distributed b> the several smaller ones). Mrs. But? ATi! Lanier nor son, 508 1 2 E. Hargett Street, •was discovered ly attendants front Beacon AmMance Com pany lying "oE the floor in a bedroom at the case Mice Officer Sorroah Artis reported that he tad answered a cal. to t! e address earlier on Sunday and was called back by Mrs. Horton's fail er, Paul Lan ier, vo said he had foand her bod*, to the ‘ ouse shortly af w kvife ort"* p Mandatory Training Proposed XEW YOPX-The American Jewish Committee has urged Secretary of Labor George P. Sbtdtz to set tg< a mandatory program under art-ici on-the job training would be requir ed on all contracts to: Fed eral or Federally-assisted con struction. In a letter signed by Mervfc H. Rhseman, Chairman of its Domestic -Affairs Committee, the AJC declared; * -Tt is is needed not only to retried;- she ills of re past but to provide the skilled work ers tie nation must have for t e future. Only in this way can tie entire nation he mobilised for a i--tal assault on bias hi the building trades and. at the same time, create a fully-in <'><-<• *AVD**Bt» P r\ COHDEkOfEO MAX PONDGIS FATE - Motivate, Tesss r Van Aflat 9-saver, one of seven inmates now- aswter death- sen tence at the Tennessee State Prism, sits in his narrow cell as newsmen touraed the prison or. February 6. Beaver was con victed of the 1964 hammer slaying erf a Memphis hardware store owner. (DPI). gta**; r«_ printing .C- • &tc* .. 1 -Library *2Xt4. ».pfc. CORFRQKTATION - Sandersville, G».: Clefi rights demonstrators march past Leirr.eted Georgia highway pstrcJmea, to soother series of marches to protest that Mack demands is Sa vierst ille ire.not being met. T-e der ynstrators attempted to tr.eet • ite Governor Lestet Maddox, h w?en .Old only two of their group could treet aft* the Governor, t ■ -?:■ refcs-d and ." -i? -:~.r rack to their ■6aer. es. (UFF. Retired Educator.Civie Leader Is Tapped By Zetas For Honor Mrs. Gila Swayze Harris, 915 Nev. Bern Avenue, hits been cho sen by the Omicron Ze ta Chapter of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority as its * ‘Woman of the Year” for 1969. She will be honored during a corp orate worship service Sunday, February 22, at 11 a.m. during the Sorority’s observance of Finer Worn a nhood tt eek, at* he Dav i e Street United Pres: .- teri.in Church. A dinner will follow at the vel vet Cloak inn. St. Aug/s I o Observe 103rd Yr. Dr. Ft ere it R. Robinson, president. Saint Augustine's €©22ege, h as a.-i. ©unced that toe college vail observe its 103rd A -xdverstty w#b rounder's Day events be g inn tog era Fete rssry IS. The sc ediile is as follows: Thurs day, February !9, at D a.m., Roosevelt Gri-j er, actor and i former profes sional foot bail star, will speak R,Gsra^ at to- e General Assembly fa the Emery Health and Fine Arts Building. The activities for February 20, will begin with the Alumni Executive Com .to tetee Meeting to the Student Union Building at 2 pm. The Home coming basketball game wk he played between toe Saint Au gust toe's “Falcons'* and the Johnson C. Smir “Golde? Bulls”. Frida- .. nig! t at 6 p.m. to r?e Reynolds Coliseum or; the campus of N. C. Sta'e Uni versity. T? e Al«« SHAW 'f*s p. ?s Deputy Labor Sec y To City Wednesday The Honorable Arthur A. Fletcher, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Wage and Labor Stand ards, will talk to students at Shaw University concerning “Career Opportunities for Today’s Youth Wednesday, February 18, at 10 a.m. in Shaw University’s University Union. Fletcher was nominated by President Nison io his present position in February, 1969 and confirmed by the Senate May !, 1969. He was sworn into office do May sth. He beads the United States Labor Department bureaus re sponsible for promoting safe and healthful working condi tions, for administering com pensation benefit? to those in jured on t v e job and for safe guarding the welfare of working women and children. He ss re sponsible to Secretary of Labor Robert Fine, for ft e activities fro:." pe ve • --v f 00l at i r -f "■ rk, ■ • is are recei re cc ipational trato.i'ig, K:si-' vdial educa tion and training in family :e --sponsiMUtjes a r ' citizens-' ip. Mrs Ha? ri- was a member of *• r Board • f a ■■ .r.ist c ation of the YWCA, and acred as c’airman >i t e membership committee forte: ••ears. Sie ?a.< attend- i several cor.fei - e.cces, t' e last oe to. Memphis in April f l?6C\ A> a : • ■ -? A . k>. toe. s - -d - • a of Trend- and Se : • an :as past pres; :.et * She ■ ?‘.s ‘ e local of " N. *.■ al r - tior. of t , h-’a A Dimes w v ere - ■ s- i ■ • entire ten :o:.s. S - ? ,-c-:ved a gold yin and c» :*ificate ofay preciar: » ~"< T2r:rs - work ’ - c apter S*e attended ?-. nati :al conference s vk :i\hri' r -t Secretary Yarned As Embezzler Millard F.. P,:e’ les, :: : k CO':!; icto. A *2l Call o* i v Drlvs rid Detect;- J. V.HaS w a' 3:4" p.n; on F-■ nvar;. 7 * ‘ ' A \ • sec retar* as y. >. Ja.-*t S : :t: Dun:.. 23, G-* Washington Terrace, had beer. vrit:ng num.ero-.:* checks on ■ is business andu: a.- T OSj ' t SC* . t-« Htr n '** atV>d iff* to teak- Cetßl’i Jail -. cs a.-ged wit- assault wit; a deadly weapon. The wo man suffered one fosii - inch ctst and one two-inefc wound. <-«« i RIMI EtAT, I’ 3» of Wage and Hour and Public Contracts Divisions; Bureau of Labor Standards; Women’s Bu reau; Bureau of Employees’ Compensation; -Office of Fed eral Contract Compliance, and Wage Determination Unit. Prior to his appointment, Secretary Fletcher was a special assistant to Washington State's Governor Daniel J. fr - ans as Local Communities and State Government Relations Co ordinator. He as served as em.plo;.e*- relatiosss specialist wiu Han fSe» Tit *'i TV I.tltft* f if