f®|@ J -Taxpayers Ask IRS This column of questions and answers on federal tax matters is provided by the local office of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and is published as a public service to taxpayers. The column answers questions most frequently asked by taxpayers. Q) Since I’m not sure what my income will be this year, can I use 196 S figures for my estimated tax? A) Yes, one method that j can be used to make an esti mated tax declaration is to base it on last year’s income and expense figures. Make any adjustment you think neces sary in these figures when you file the declaration. Should your income situa- j tion change after filing, make the required adjustment when you make the next installment payment. The change can be i made on the estimated tax worksheet you used to figure your original declaration. If you received a package of ! pre-add ressed estimated tax j vouchers in the mail, use one to make each quarterly pay ment. This will assure proper crediting of your payments. If you need to file an estimated tax declaration and did not re ceive the Form 1040 ES pack age by mail, the forms can be obtained at your local IRS | office. Q) 1 sold some shares of stock I inherited from my grandfather. How do I report this? A) Report any gain or loss on Schedule D. Generally, the gain or loss will be the differ ence between proceeds of the 1 sale and the fair market value of the stock at the date of decedent’s death. Ligon Crosses Hurdle, •Drops Hillside, 80-76 For Ligon’s Little Blues, the long season is over arid they have emerged victorious but not easily. The strain of the season is relaxing but the anxiety of the conference tournaments is just beginning. The ending, therefore, Is really the begin ning. Revenge, though, is sweet, and that’s what the Blues got in their final contest with arch rival Hillside as they plastered the Hornets 80-76 in Durham to avenge their only loss of the season. To make the win even sweet er, Ligon ran up a 22-point lead in the third quarter, 62-40, the quarter in which they lost in an earlier meeting by scoring only nine points. Eli Davis, who was just get ting over a bout with the flu in the first game, was fit as a fiddle as he bombedtheHornets for 27 points Including nine of ten from the line. He got ample support from Leroy Bryant, 18, A Alex Martin, 17; Joe McLamb, and Twiggy Sanders, 11, Twiggy also hauled in 21 re bounds. Track Goes Big Time At J-State JACKSON, Miss. - Jackson State is making an effort to win acclaim in the World of Track and Field under the leadership of Coach Martin Epps. This is the College’s really big drive to gain recognition with the hopes of placing the Tigers among the best, on Friday, February 13, they will compete in the As trodome Indoor Championshios Black Methodists Urged To Become Agitating Conscience’ KANSAS CITY, Kansas-Black Methodists for Church Renew al (BMCR) heard its Chairman, the Rev, James M, Lawson, Memphis, Tenn., last Wednes day urge them to become the black men and women that they sought to become with the origin of the organization three years ago as an “agitating con science" Within the United Methodist Church, Saying, “that we are no longer boys and girls and that we must help each other to be men and women at any cost," the civil rights leader urged the cata lytic group to do this imme diately. Centering his speech around the theme, “Our Purpose and Style of Mission for the 70’s," Mr. Law Son attached the ideal of tokenism within the 11-million member church, He siad the day has gone when a black per son will allow himself to be placed in a position of “au thority" merely to satisfy black patrons and ’ constituents. He 3,aid that tills was not only un acceptable to blacks for rea sons of tokenism but also the loss it breeds to individuality. He said sucii an approach de stroys one's personal drives and concerns. For your convenience, a copy j of Schedule D and instructions I were included in the 1040 tax ; package mailed out this year. Q) Is a company pension I taxable? A) If the company paid the j entire cost, the pension usually i will be fully taxable when you receive th? proceeds. If you ! contributed to the cost of the ; pension, then only a portion is taxable. If the employee’s total con- I tributions are recovered with in three years after hi receives his first pension payment, no tax has to be paid on the pen- j sion until the employee’s total contributions are recovered. If i the employee’s contributions : will not be recovered within 1 that time, a portion of the pen sion will be taxable each year, This is explained in greater detail in the instructions ac- i companying Schedule E which is part of the 1040 tax pack- i age. Q) Do you need all my W 2’s? I had several part-time jobs last year in addition to my regular one. A) Yes, a W-2 from each i employer should be attached j to the back of your tax return. A missing W-2 was a major reason for delayed refunds last year. If you cannot get all your W-2 forms, report all your income and attach a statement explaining how you j computed any tax withheld for | Although the final margin was 16 points, it wasn’t that way al ways. The first eight minutes turned out to be a feeler as both teams were slow in finding the hoop, Davis and Bryant com bined for the Blues first 12 points in a period that netted only 24 points for both teams, 18 for Ligon and 9 for Hillside. The final eight, however, were the most hectic minutes of the game as the Hornets tried to throw the division into a three way tie. Pressing from baseline to baseline, the greasequick Hor nets forced five Ligon turnovers in the first four minutes while dangerous John Lucas person ally out scored the Blues 12-4 narrowing the gap from 67-49 to 71-61. Then along came Davis, a fast pair of hands and Davis drives for an uncontested lay up; a missed shot by Ellis Al ien and Davis scores on a three point play; Lucas misses from the key and Davis pumps In a twenty-five footer upping the lead to 17 points as the clock ticked mindlessly on. at Houston, Texas. Members of the 1C man team are: Barney King, Bobby Phil lips, Donald Sanders. Theodore Gordon, Jimmy Patterson, Joe Rule, James Bennett, Otis Mar shall, Clarence Jackson, Lynn Davis, John E. Young, Samuel Simmons, Euguene Almon, Lou is Williams, James Moore, and Carl Lavine. Focusing his attention on a major goal of BMCR, Mr. Law son said an all out effort would be made to get the United Meth odist Church to move away from established structured pro grams to new ones dedicated and directed toward, the young, ghetto, women and children. He said the Church must do this or it will either lose or de stroy itself, BMCR must help “feed and care" for the Black Revolution in this country. We must use all available means to perpetuate the movement, he said. “BMCR and other con cerned groups and persons, however, build a society that will not be based upon fear, equality and poverty as white racism has oeroetuated." He challenged BMCR to use its Christian Insights to bring a structured life into Ml fruition. He said it was important that people in the Church still cared about the things that Christ him self taught in relationship to human existence * * V Drive carefully and avoid the sorrow that will come to you if you cripple a child for life. * * * Amost any one call tell you how to Jive your life. which you claim credit, but for which you have no Form W-2. Attach copy 8 of each W-2 to your return. The othsr copies are for state income tax re turns where required and for your records. Q) I was charged a pre-pay ment penalty when I paid off my mortgage. Can I deduct this? A) Yes, this is deductible as interest if you itemize. Q) My friend said I had to add the surcharge to what the tax table showed I ow r ed. Is that right? A ) Yes, the tax tables show the regular income tax and to this amount should be added the income tax surcharge. You should use the tax surcharge tables on page T-l of the Form 1040 package to deter mine your surcharge, The tax tables are for tax payers with incomes under $5,000 who don’t itemize. IRS will also figure the tax due for these taxpayers in most situa tions. Q) I moved last year to take a new job. Can I deduct my costs of moving from one city to another? A) Under certain condi tions, certain moving costs are deductible. You can qualify for this deduction if you move to lake a new job or for another job with the same employer. You may take this deduction even if you do not itemize your deductions. Conditions under which mov ing costs are deductible are covered on page E-2 of the 1040 instructions. VSCOut Os Tourney;Loses To Morgan PETERSBURG, Va. - With the pervasive knowledge that they had been eliminated from the CIAA basketball tournament all around them, the Trojans of Virginia State College couldn’t put their regular game together in the first half and lost a 78- 75 squeaker to Morgan State here February 19. Coming off a road loss to the Howard Bisons Feb. 16, VSC made numerous errors and fell behind early to the Bears of Morgan State, and though '. SC's second-half performance made the game close, the Trojans didn’t have the necessary drive to put it away, VSC and Morgan are both 5-10 in the CIAA Northern Di vision now, but the Bears went to 6-13 over-all while State languished at 7-15. LOF Steps Inf® €me Os Seale NEW YORK-Jack Greenberg, Director-Counsel oftheNAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF), announced to day that the Fund will represent Black Panther leader Bobby G. Seale in the appeal of the four year contempt sentence impos ed on him by U, S. District Judge Julius Hoffman. "The Legal’Defense Fund is entering the case at the request of Black Panther attorney Charles Garry, and will handle Seale’s case in collaboration with Mr. Garry’s office.” Some of the points that will be raised on behalf of Mr. Seale are also applicable to the case of the lawyers and defendants who were recently held in contempt by Judge Hoffman. The Fund is representing Mr. Seale for the same reason that it joined with a score of na tional organizations and leaders in a committee headed by Roy Wilkins and Arthur Goldberg to investigate the treatment of Black Panthers at the hands of the police and prosecutors, Mr. Greenberg stated that "it Is important that the Panthers and their leaders be accorded the fullest protection of the Con stitution at a time when too many public officials are striv ing for shortcuts In law enforce ment and the suppression of militant dissent. Because of the particular regexcTlh whTeh Panthers are held by many members ofthe black communi ty, their treatment by the law teaches more than a volume of preaching on constitutional pro tection.” The appe&i is being directed by Michael Meltsner, First Assistant Counsel of the Fund, who will be assisted by staff counsel Conrad K, Harper, Elizabeth B. Dußols and Eric Schnapper. In the case of Seale, the Fund will raise the following con stitutional arguments: 1. Seale’s conviction violat ed his right to jury trial. 3, Seale’s corivletion violat ed his right to counsel. 3. Seale’s conviction violat IN Hawks Joe Caldwell (27) is caught in the middle of a determined drive by Piston’s Terry Dis~ chinger. The effort cost Dischinger a foul in first half action in Atlanta February 22. (UPI). tflfCs lajuftcfion Against Ida, Offesn Disallowed The injunction owamea oytne University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill barring six men, including James Lee, formerly ed Due Process because his case was tried by a judge who had shown dislike for appellant and his co-denfendants. 4. Seale's conviction violat ed Due Process because he was not afforded a full hearing. Ever. the seventh, or eighth, or ninth Savings Bond will be as welcome as the first. Which is one reason why lil§®ig§k they make a pretty nice gift. IqjßL, \ _ p And in a few years, a young couple ' 1 Wi will open up that bottom drawer to cash in their wedding Bonds. Who ever heard of found mon- Atottoto than three # '.VW * 1” M they're !u><«!. of Raleigh, from its campus was dissolved, Monday by Su perior Court Judge Maurice (Braswell. Asst. State Attorney Gen eral A. A. Yamore, represent ing the University requested that the injunction be dissolv ed. The injunction had been is sued by the court following an outbreak of scuffing at the school during a food workers’ strike last November. Besides Lee, the others nam ed in the injunction were How ard Fuller, Preston Dobbins, George Ylastic, Thomas Grev son and Anthony Belcker. HUD Official Sees New Trend in Effort To Halt House Bias WASHINGTON, D. C. -Samuel J. Simmons, Assistant Secre tary for Equal Opportunity in the U. S. Department of Hous ing and Urban Development, said last week that agreements had been reached recently un der the Federal Fair Housing law which require that adver tising campaigns be directed specifically at minority buyers in an effort to stop discrimi nation in housing. J,lr. Simmons spoke at a con ference of the Dearborn Real Estate Board in Chicago, 111. He said that a “relatively obscure'* section of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 prohibits discrimination in the advertis ing of sales or rental hous ing, but that recent Govern ment cases were “very inter esting*’ and could be indicat ing a new trend in affirmative advertising. Mr. Simmons said that the Justice Department had reach ed an agreement with a Vir ginia recreation community that called for the developer to do these things: Solicit in predominately black areas for purchasers of a num ber of lots remaining in the development; Advertise in Washington, D. C. and Richmond, Ya., papers with predominately Negro read ers that persons of all races are welcome as purchasers of lots; Require most advertisments to show blacks as’well as whites using the facilities of the recreation community. Several HUD conciliation a greements along similar lines involving housing had also been reached recently, Simmons said. nm CAROLINIAN BALEIOH. N. C„ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3g. 1870 He said that minority fami lies in tha past had come to accept discrimination in hous ing where they had not accept ed other forms of discrimi nation because they didn’t like to subject their families to harassment in the new neigh borhoods, or because tney simply did not believe housing in the suburbs was open to them. “But what happens when house began to be advertised in black newspapers? What hap pens when a man picks up a slick brochure of a recreation community and sees some black children swimming in that lake?*’ Mr. Simmons asked. "A man will say to his wife; 'We won’t be the first black family In that community, be cause the advertising shows biack families.* ’* Mr. Siminons said he thought this kind of advertising could begin to change habits of mind and patterns of behavior in minority communities, and cal led on minority businessmen to become familiar with the Federal Fair Housing law, and to continue to work for equal rights. Henderson CORRECTION In the baby contest listed und er Henderson News in last week’s papers, an error was made. Baby Bryant reported $4- 13, not sl3, as was stated in the paper. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bryant of Sanford, and won the first prize over other contestants. Five Teams Swim Race in ClAA's HAMPTON, Va. - Five col leges are scheduled to partici pate in the Central Intercol legiate Atcuenv Association Swimming Championship to be held at Hampton Institute, March 5-7. According to Hampton Insti tute swim coach Sylvius, S, Moore, defending champion Morgan State heads a field that Includes North Carolina Cen tral, Virginia State, Morgan State, Howard University, and Hampton Institute. The Hampton Institute swim ming pool is located in the College’s new physical educa tion plant which houses an Olympic size swimming pool. * * * NEW APARTMENTS RENTED FAST Virtually all new apart ments are rented within nine months after completion, ac cording to a survey made by the U, S. Departments of Com merce and Housing and Urban Development. The survey covered 323,000 apartments in buildings with five or more housing units com pleted in the U. S. during the period starting in October 1968 and ending in September 1969. * * * MOST BAD HOUSING IN SM.4 LL TOWNS Nearly two-thirds of the Na tion’s substandard housing and nearly one-half of its poverty -stricken people are in rural areas and towns of 25,000 and under population, according to a report of the Rural Housing Coordinating Group. 7