Many Band Together-Become Nat! Black JUDGF: DISMISSKS $500,000 SUIT-Cleveland, O.: A Fo ■ from dark brown to pale white. Left photo shows Finley b for* 1 i,< ■■>• merit; right photo shows him after the treatment. (UPi). TARHEEL \ ELKS A t •ZJ ON THK IiML movf/'^ IffT \bY a. j. turner N, C, Publicity Director It is nice to be back home after a couple of weeks away. You enjoy your fi ends, rela tives, the plush hotels and en ter! a inn ,• but still there is no place like home, w On our way back home, we I ad the opportunity of stopping over for two days to say hello to a few friends in Atlanta, 4 Ga. Os course, I had to look in on ti.i. ! Iks in order to keep our brothers posted. I a chance to get a brief visit with several of the fellows at Gate city Lodge and received a fine report on H. McNeil Turnei T odg< on the West Side. According to what I saw and the informal ion given me by some, the brothers, both Lodges, arc Icing quite well for themseh rs. I am sui e I speak for the Tab eel F•and Daughters when I sav we are very happy that Brother Julius 1?, Haywood , ts out i•( ti c hospital after an operat i o n. Haywood admitted he was a little upset when lie went to'the hospital for a regu lar checkup and was retained and operated on before being released. That should he a good lesson for all us, be prepared to stay whenever you go to a hospital to l e examined. Broth er r John W illiams, Chairman of the Civil I.iberities Program for Fidelity Lodge, and myself who is Chairman of the Civil Liberties Prog ram for the Fifth District and Director of the Social Act ion Program for South Eastern District for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, are urging every person of voting age to get their names on the books in order to able to vote in the November election. Don’t wait until the bonks close. This is your civic duty so do it now. Those of you who are plan ning to attend (he Grand Lodge meeting in the Quaker City in August, had better get your business straight for the time will l>e here before yon realize it. Grand Exalted Filler Hobson R. Reynolds is counting on his home state for one hundred per cent participation. The big news here in Tar heelia is the merger of the NCTA and the NCEA out in North Carolina. I do hope that no one will be hurt In the - WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! NECK BONES or PIG FEET .. lb. 25c SPARE RIBS or RIB STEW BEEF lb. 49c PORK SAT SAGE or PORK LIVER lb. 49c GOOD WEINERS or BOLOGNA lb. 59c PORK CHOPS or PORK STEAK lb. 69c LACE TOILET ! TISSFE 4 roll pk&. 33c GOLDEN T.AI* EKESII ORANGE JUICE qt. 39c WHITE LEAF PURE LARD .3 lbs. 68c RIB or CLUB STEAKS lb. 95c SIRLOIN or ROUND STEAK . lb. 99c VESPER TEA 4oz.pkg.29c MACKEREL—taII can 2 for 49c PET m EARN ITION MILK -tall can 2 for 43c GRADE A SMALL EGGS 3Doz. SI.OO * FRESH PORK PICNIC ROAST lb. 48c OPEN 9:30 TO «:JU MONDAY THRU THURSDAY OPEN 9:00 TO 7:00 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY i Horton’s Cisl Store I 1415-17 SOUTH SAUNERS ST. RALEIGH, N. U. change and the groups will have one smooth-working organiza tion. It has to be much strong er and the communication should be a lot better. Saturday and Sunday's rain sure did help the Meadowbrook Golfers because they couldn't play to much in the 9C to 98 degree weather. I could see the smile on Charlie Brown's face again after the showers cool ed things off a bit and the golf ers began to crowd his place for services. Keep it up boys and you won’t make Charlie mad. I am sure the saint Augus tine’s College family was shocked to hear of the sudden death of young Rickey Satter white. He was the son of Dr, Hunter Satterwhite of Jackson ville, Florida and the grand son of the late Fattier Satter white, a former Ralelghite, also a former member of the board. We are still urging the Tar heel Elks and Daughters over the state to send their news in to my office or to The CARO LINIAN In order that the people over the state wul know is going on in Elkdom. Keep the news coining in and we will inform the public through your state paper - The CAROLINIAN. See you next week! Elect Blocks For Service Major events in two of the nation’s more established in stitutions took place recently when the first Black man was chosen to head tiie 125 year old National Council of the Young Men's Christ.,.i As sociation. Equally significant tivo Blacks, a man and a wo man, were elected members at-large of the American Red Cross Board of Governors. RCA participates at both the national and local levels with both of these organizations. The new leadership should result in grea'er identification for both groups within the inner-city. * * * According to the V A, veterans received more than 230,000 VA guaranteed and direct loans in the amount of about $4.2 mil ! l '-iSSA ' ft '! A Uif* < - RECEIVES I>< : 1 AI. STUDY c: H : n nle T. Forte, tng on ti e facuit c . tine’s College, ed a full 1 1 itt ..a the Scl’ool of i sit y of i•t > t : • . Saint Mar.’s OR. versity oi Lm Hu : - stitution, sitaatt Suburb, EtiglatiU. ■ rotled in* i ed •‘Early < ail tion” fron. <-.f • h ■ course is com ■ pects of (■' lid lie'.' the role playe !'■■■.,• i informal educ e tot reference will i i dren bet wet years of aye. Tin ■ f consists of with earned U•■•»•! and or.t rned'M Forte holds t in Elemental ettevllle St at, M, A, and Pli 1 . 1 ' in Elemental". 1- ■ ■ i a 1 1 Carolina Cc. i She has done ire . at the 'Universe • >-f - lina and Dnta l: FSU Given Award By R.J. Reynolds FAYFTT!' VII T . ville State Fi.i ceived an tun. the amount o: i Z. Smith Re .. 1 !.- : Ind. of Wi, sir . Announcement rt in was made jointF V ; Lynbrook, pro si i. i • • .. - dation. and FSU p. les Lyons, Jr. A resolutio. foundation said t ■ , e could he usi : Fayette ille educationsi p In accept::, t’• dent 1 yons siid •• s ■ financial tin : t vate sector in 1 aar supported ta 1\ of its oroiecte MMWHHBWWBBBHHBWBMWIbmmi . Jfr -(r r irMri|---- n njnrm l , T Let Our Expert* * inrES K*ep Your C.r * BATTER,ES A* , • AUTO ACCESSORIUS / f\K lft lOP ® WASHING Lagtj : • LUBRICATION OFFICIAL m'" Licensed “sir. Credit Cards Honored . f-|inri"ntißnri—a*—iwi iwi ninmi»ljiiai >ri iiufiinmiriiTHliffll DUNN’S essq SERVICENTER See Us For Complete Car Care! DIAL 755-9993 502 S. W OODWORTH ST. Embark On Drive Far Members v HP ' ,T( >N - A group of leacim, i Kicks across the na tion a landed together to - ,o Hi! National Black Silent M.norit' ( ommittee. i i .. ouji has embarked on a men.! a ,aip drive aimed at pro i i that the vast majority of \ ■ i tea’s twenty - million t la< ■' .in not roptesented by 'a ■ ■ black minorltj who ■ ait i! it ant action against ■ ii..' it., institutions, t elieve that black re "Uii tm ies and militant, up ■ .'I t'! some segments of ti e > modi.! seem to dote, are ■ ite i to progress for ;>!'■." -aid Clay J, Clai l r.c of the organizers spokesman for the black it •■ommittee. Claiborne is iri'.-i.n' as national riirec rof t’.i r-v. group. ' M .lanin. don’t want to burn A . n-a down,” he said. “We t- build America--and, ■■ ■e all patriotic Americans i atn enough money to own part of this r ; eat nation.” Nai "' Black Silent M a - (hinnuitte* ’s executive coo.iuittoe consist of prominent Machs from twenty-two states. In its statement of beliefs, the Black Silent Ma jority Com mie i c pointed out; ‘•"I > iv .no millions of black : Mans ho work every day, hi i fir kids in schools, have no or been to jail, pay their tav s. .ho! tor bargains, have mv. i pa: ticipated in a riot-- ! m a ' being 1 siiouted down by a ■it 1 id' black militants. We i antzed to raise the i c. patriotism and re - ■ i- .;r f< i the Hack silent : it«. a d to demand the ifui ■ are of national at ■ :.(i" ! i din m. as the majority a • c black minority.” ■ if<- 1 • , Claiborn said, a i.i‘";p will urge Hacks to • : 1 m the electoral pro ■ and d -Hop a strong two rn : si i-m within black voting lot, supporting candidates i t! on to the pr inciples of n >. a! ..; , rriment, law, . •' ■ and justice. ■ Blacks have made sub ta gams s.nce the Klsen d'Vi i rights act of 19137 ai it is api oven fact that a n" I'd m etc for black ad a i i-ii sit is possible,” he Dr. Pender Ne w Head Os St. Paul's l \ •». I- • ‘.QKv’U LE, Va.- Mr. i ; A. Carr of Danville, , ,i, .! elected chairman of Hoar i of Trustees of Saint !will's College here, has an mr;'n'.ed tne election of Dr. b ~v ponder as the next and ft■ i; i president of Saint Paul’s College. i. i! ini’s, established in • ' t .n uechurch-relat >llc.; • sponsored by the hi ii htu-cii.. it is ac id, .| b. the Southern As i,.f > r Col! egos and hs .mil V the Virginia - ■ • : i:: i‘id of Education. ■ pon.let. 42 years of age a. • i . i'. of Seminole, Okla- I .... is r: es sitly dean of Ala ' icultural and Me • • ■ l College at Normal, .: . , m ! held that post si Ij6G. I . sm P u.'s new presi ■;l iwiod . is Bachelor of : c. ■1 <> ■ -e from I angston l i ■ ■ sit 1 Langston Okla., in i • - i.a or of Science de ft :i: Oklahoma State U •sit ia 1958; and 1 is Loc i' : : pi ilosobhy degree was ■ i : : ) -fate University it 'Oh. and he remained at t * istituiion as research as •• -t • • so. two years before ir. * Virginia State Co!- I j a | FINANCIAL AID OFFICERS-Officers for the coming year of the N. C. Association of Financial Aid Officers were installed at ceremonies at the N. C. State University Faculty Club. From left, Everett Weather spoon. Duke University, treasurer; William M. Geer, UNt -CH, presi dent; Mrs. Jane! Proctor, X. C. Medical Care Commission, secretary; A. C. Blackwell, N. C. Central University, immediate past president; and c harles George, X. C. State University, membership chairman. William Graves, Black Filmmaker, M h Major A ward In One Year NEW YORK, N. Y.-William Greaves has just received the Atlanta International Film Fes tival’s Special Jury Gold Medal Award for his documentary film, "In The Company of Men,” one of the most important prizes of the festival. The end of June marks the first year since the film’s release. In that time, “Men” has taken six major awards. In it ! ighlv probable that Mr. Greaves has won more awards within the past year than any other independent filmmaker, black or white, operating out of the New York area, and certain ly in the film festival communi ty, he tanks among the top in dependent film producers in the country. Tills ti ack record becomes even more impressive when one considers that Mr. Greavesgre up in tt i heart of a disadvant aged and in many ways oppres sed community Harlem, USA, ‘The awards are: 1970-EMMY AWARD, as ex ecutive producer of NET’S "Black Journal”, for an out standing television magazine series. 1970-RUSSWURM AW AR D, NET’s “Black Journal,” from the National Newspaper Pu- PREGNANCY PLANNING AND HEALTH BY MRS. GLORIA RIGGSBEE Deai Mrs. Riggs nee: I think it ts terrible the way you talk in tlre paper about such intimate Hi trigs like sex and birth control and so on. Don’t you know young girls, teen agers, read your column and will get ideas'* Indignant Read er. Dear Indignant Reader- As a matter of fact, I hope teen-age girls, and boys, too, do read my column and "get ideas.” I assure you that the ideas the;, get will not harm them, but ill in man\ cases correct wrong information they have picked up from friends, books, off-color jokes and other doubtful sources. If a youngster is old enough to show interest in this column, she 'or he) is old enough to be told the true facts of life, in cluding the importance of fami ly planning. * * * Dear Mis. Riggsbee: If you can have a baby and you don’t want to, are you nor- mal? G. I. I Dear G. L.: , There is nothing abnormala bout not wanting to have chil dren, There are many reasons • why a woman, or a couple, may not wish to raise a family. Af ter coming to this decision, it is wise for the couple concern ed to use a reliable method of birth control so that an un wanted child is not brought in to the world. It is true that often a Wo man will not want to become pregnant but if she does - “by accident or perhaps just to please her husband-she usual ly lives the resulting- baby just as much as any woman who longed for a child with all her heart. 1 Also it is a woman’s pre rogative to change her mind in this as In anything else. You may not want a baby now, or next year or the year af ter that, but some day in the future, you may to your sur prise, find yourself yearning for a balay of your own. But if you never do, don’t worry about it. Many couples hlishers Association for excel lence in television journalism. 1970-BLUE RIBBON, “InThe Company of Men,” American Film Festival. 1970-FIRST PLACE, “In The Company of Men,” San Francis co International Film Festival. 1970-GOLD MEDAL, “In The Company of Men,” Atlanta In ternational Film Festival. 1969-FIRST PLACE, “In The Company of Men,” Chicago In ternational Film Festival! 1969-SILVER MEDAL, “In the Company of Men,” Inter national Film & TV Festival. 1969-RANDY AWARD, "In The Company of Men, "Job Film Fair Competition. 1969-GOLDEN TV AWARD ED, as executive producer of NET’S "Black Journal,” from the National Association of Television and Radio An nouncers for outstanding tele vision journalism. , 1969-BLUE RIBBON, "Still A Brother: Inside the Negro Mid dle Class,” The American Film Festival. Bill’s first feature film, "Symbiopsychotaxlplasm Take One,” is now a few months from i elease. It is an extraordinary film encompassing a myriad of film techniques from dramatic are childless by choice and are as normal as those with fami lies. * * * Dear Mrs. Riggsbee: My husband and I are still in our teens. We have been married only a few months, but I am beginning to feel it was a mistake. We Doth come from unhappy homes and got married just to get away from home, as much as for reasons of love, etc. Lately, it seems we are quarreling all the time a bout one thing or another, or we go for days without speak ing. I have been on the verge of leaving many times, but where would 1 go o Now my husband has the idea that if we have a child it will keep our marriage from falling apart. I don’t believe this and Resiles, I think I am too young to begin have children, as I am onl\ 17. I take birth control pills and he wants rue to stop. What do >ou think? B. B. Dear B. B.: Many couples a lot older than you two have tried to “save" a marriage by having a child, only to find their problems rnul • tiplied. This is no remedy for the basic incompatibility be tween you and your husband. I suspect most of your troubles can be helped only by your growing more mature. But don’t go or, q u . ; rreling and being un happy without seeking help. Perhaps you can talk to your clergyman, or see a marriage counselor. But please* don’t' a flow yourself to become pregn ant until you are sure you can bring a child into a secure, loving home. * * * Address _ letters to Mrs. Gloria Riggsbee, 214 Cameron Avenue, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 27514. Not to our Raleigh and Wake County Readers Starting Tues day, July 14, the Wake County Health Department will conduct an evening family planning clinic from 0- p.m. on the sec ond Tuesday of every month. Ca'i 833-1655 for an appoint ment. RALEIGH, N. C.. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JUL\ 11 Silent Majority action to cinema verite. Time Magazine critic, Steve Kanfer, has spoken enthusiastically of the film, and like many who have seen the footage in vari ous stages of development, is looking eagerly forward to its release. When asked about the title, Bill remarked with a smile, "It’s self explanatory.” He then went on to explain jus! a lit tle ... . * * * The "Cal-Tax News” noted that Mr. Raymond L. Spangler, vice president of Penninsula Newspapers, speaking on "A Responsible Press and Re sponsible Government” before the California Tax Seminar in San Francisco said, ", . .The press has a responsibility to see that the people know what is going on in their government.” The constitutional protection 01 a tree press is not a right of the press per se, but of the people, and is "a guarantee of a fundamental grant tothc-m --selves by free people so that neither their government nor their press could prevent them from knowing what interests them.” We’ve come a long way... I 16.1 5 JAN'7O Form 31 I v. Banking has come a long wa> : since the horse and buggy. But one thing at our bank has never changed. That’s old-fash ioned, courteous service. Why not bank where the customer is treated as more than just a com puter number. Bank with us. MECHANICS AND FARMERS BAM to serve you . . . Small enough to know you. RALE IGH—DLJRHA M—CHARLO T TE Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation THE CAROLINIAN Acting Preiy Dr. Graham To Continue At Vo&rhees DENMARK, S. C.-Ti.e Boaul of Trustees of Voorhees Col lege has elected Dr. Harry P. Graham, former Vice Presi dent for Development at the Col - lege, to serve as Acting Presi dent ofVoorhees for the 1970—’71 academic year. Dr. Graham has served as Acting President a part of the past school t e r m w'hen t lie College’s former President, and now President Emeritus, Wr. John F. Potts, requested early retirement from the Board for health rea sons. Dr. Graham is a native t Gaffney, South Carolina. He holds tlie Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administra - tion from South Carolina State College and the Master of Arts degree in Business Education from Northwestern University. In 1930, !.e began a 17-year ca reer at the South Carolina Area Trade School. Denmark, South Carolina, as a teacher, and later, Coordinator of Instruc tion of the institution. In 1967, he entered the University of Oklahoma t begin wei kon his Doctoroate in Business Educa tion wide: hi : ■ i-. i,. d in 1960. Gnu am join'd tl ■ staff of Voorheex College in July, 1960 as Vice President of Develop ment . t & jural ion * ’alrli-l j) ORANGEBURG, S. C. - More than 60 members of the "Op eration Catch-Up” program in Charleston, s. C., visited the campus (if South, enroll: a State College last week to get a first hand view of campus life. In addition to touring the campus-, the students discussed college entrance requirements with T. J, Crawford, director of adrnlssio: s at the Institution. Mrs. M, R. Howie, a nath. .• of Raleigh, N, C., associate pro fessor of sociology and director of the Black Studies program at Hie college, showed slides ofhet trip to Africa and -xplalned the Black Culture Institute to the students. 13 1970 a. DR. GRAHAM