RCRC’s Bill Knight Says Those Who Talk About The Past Doing Little In Present BY WILL IAM KNIGHT Those who converse too much about the past are usually doing very little in the present and do much less in the future. O t all the wise sayings was one by Kwame Nkrumah on the 25th of October, 1363 at the opening of the Institute of African Stu dies. “Education consists not only in the sum of what a man knows, or the skill with which he can put this to his own ad vantage. In my view, a man’s educa tion must also be measured in terms of the soundness of his judgment of people and things and in his power to understand and appreciate the needs of his fellowmen, and to be of service to them. The educated man should be so sensitive to the conditions around him that he makes it his fliief endeavor to improve those conditions for the good of all.” We only relate to history for facts and most so-called his torical facts have become con troversial. The people w r ho es tablished the facts, as laws aren’t really important. Only the fact of law is important. People aren’t really concerned whether or not I am Dr, Knight or Bill. They are concerned if that Individual thinks and acts as a brother for the people or a Tom for himself. Education is Important! But its only im portant in the way one relates to his fellow man. We have all known a teacn er who wasn’t relating, right? To put himself or herself a bove all in the room, they us ually made this fool statement; "I’ve got mines, you got to get yours,” Os course, the standard reply was, "I noticed something was wrong with you. It's that education. It’s made a fool of you. Nkrumah’s reply was; “Above all, don’t become The Veterans Center EDITOR’S NOTE: Below are authoritative answers by the Veterans Administration to some of the many current ques tions from former servicemen and their families. Further in formation on veterans benefits may be obtained at any VA of fice. Q -- I am 62 years old and have a National Service Life In surance policy. After my 60th birthday, I became totally dis abled, and have been told that I can now qualify for waiver of premiums. Is this true? A-- Yes. Check with your nearest VA office, or write to the office where you pay your insurance premiums. Q- I am a remarried widow' of a veteran, and have never applied for pension because I believe I am not eligible. How ever, the veteran's son, who is in my c'are, may be eligible. Should I apply for a pension for him'’ A- You are right in assum ing you are not eligible for pen sion because of your remarri age, but your remarriage does not affect the eligibility of the veteran's son. It is suggested that you request forms and as sistance from your nearest VA office, so you can apply for a pension for him without further delay. Q - My ex-husband’s National Service Life Insurance, of which I am the beneficiary, is still In force. He does not wish to continue paying the premiums, so 1 am paying them, I have been told that he can change the bene ficiary without consulting me. Is this correct? A- Yes. The insured is the only person who can change beneficiaries, and he does not have to consult you if he wishes to change his beneficiary. by Maty Reynold* Molasses for Summer Cooking Summertime is the time to prepare food favorites in easy ways that provide lots of flavor and nutrition. One way to add a delightful touch to beans and barbecues is to dress them with a traditional American cook ing ingredient, light molasses. Molasses ’n’ Beans Light molasses adds rich flavor and color, as well as val uable iron so necessary for energy and good health, to canned beans. Use light molas ses to spark popular pork and beans or beans in tomato sauce, and try it with new varieties like kidney or pinto beans. Some will like their beans cold. Light molasses, vinegar, salt, chopped onion and spices will make a hearty dressing for bean salad. * * * The number of women in ap prenticeship programs regis tered with the Labor Depart ment rose to 1,800 in 1989, an over-the-year increase of It percent. The ranks of female apprentices include plumbers, aircrafts mechanics, and ever, embalmers. know-alls for nothing is more objectionable and nothing makes one look more of a fool. Ed ucation makes us humble and tolerant.” Each summer, many teach ers go north to work. These teachers are Just trying to make a living. Many of them would almost die if it was known that they were maids, sanitation workers, waiters, and did oth er servile work. They make good money up there. You see, I know, because I did it my self. I still can empty a "Gym Can’’ into an “Elephant” quick PRICES IN THIS AD EFFECTIVE AT A&P STORES IN ONLY THROUGH JULY 11, 1970 I# unable to pvrcttaee any advertised Item] ploato request a BAIN CHECK!” | d If You’re Getting As Much For Your Dollar As You Did A Year Ago, Don’t Bother Reading This! Today sovmg money and getting the most for your food dollar is more important than ever. That's why we or A&P take this opportunity to remind you of a qualify choice A&P offers a significant way to cut food costs Your A&P hos hundreds upon hundreds of famous National Brond products at prices we believe will save you money A&P shelves also hold hundreds of famous A&P Biond products ot prices we know will save you money meaningful savings without asking you to sacrifice qualify. The choice is yours populor Notional Bionds or A&P Brands We're pleased to serve you no matter what you buy We tell you obou tfhis chance to save because we feel a responsibility os the no tion's leading food merchant ... a responsibility we have been aware of for moie than a century •OZ PKG HU TV CROCKER ANN PAGE Oltoe. Fudge Frosting 43c 33c 10c I LB 2lj OJ PEG HUTY CROCKER ANN CAGE fallow Oak® Mix 45c 31c 14c Ffakf Biscuits 2/37c 2/33c 4c i 8 OZ PKG QUAKER SUNNYFIEID pick. Oaks-regular 3§c 33c 6c OZ BOTTLE LOG cabin ANN PAGE Pancake-Waffle Syrup 43c 29c 14c 12 OZ. CAN FROZEN MINUTE MAID A&P Orange Juice 49® 33c 16® Non-Fat Ory Milk US 1.03 6c 10 OZ PKG FROZEN DULANY A&P Broccoli Spears 33c 29c 4 C IP-OZ. PKG FROZEN DUI ANY Leaf Spinach 23® 16® g® Seedless Raisins 37c 35c 2c Soft iargarsne 49c 39c 10® Vegetable OH 45® 39c S® 3°Z PKG ASSORTED JELL O ANN PAGE Pudding Mixes 13c 18c 3® i°Z PKG ASSORTED JELL-0 ANN PAGE Sparkle Matsu 4/41® 4/29® 28e PKG CHEF BOV AR.DEE ANN PAGE Pin* Pie Mix §9s 53c 6c M° 7 >A St IN , STANT BORDEN S CREAMORA a&p ft§§! iairy Dreamer 4§e 48c 4® IS’rOZ CAN KENNE. RATION A&P 0«g Feed 6 /1.06 6Me 16c M-OZ. EjKG SOFT MO,ST GAINESBURGER A&P Oog Food-Beef Chunk lie Sic 38c 02. CAN aQ f A&P lir lefrasltar 59c 49c 10® *OZ JAC& VASELINE a i* p White Petroleum Jelly 45c 25c 20c M OZ. CAN PALMOLIVE A&P Shaving Cream 1.19 59c 60c 2R-OZ BOTTIE TtXIZI a&p 111 Purpose gleaner 61c 31c 38® I 0T Plastic bottle cloro. a&p Bright Sail Bleach 25c 21c 4® 32T3Z BOTTLE dove Ptak Liquid Detergent 86c 55c 30c CThis item mult,-priced at the store for even greater savings Single unit price used for easier comparison ei than the average sanitation worker. In Philadelphia the san itation worker's salary starts at over S6OO per month. Education, what is It good for? For Blacks It means a substandard white man’s jobfor most or it can mean more “power to the people.” It all depends on what you do with it. Y'ou can use the knowledge to guide and understand Black people or act a fool and remain a second class system In a decaying social society. You can take that education and carve into the minds of the young blacks a responsibility to the struggle. It should be a challenge to Black teachers to bring them selves together to create pro grams to help students during the summer. Apply for grants! It’s not enough to sav we have had tnem for 9 months; it s time for a change. You will be Black for a life-time and the only changes you’ll see are those that you create. If you aren't a part of the changing times then you are already dead, you just haven't bothered to lie dowTi. [ Choose “Super-Right" For More Tdste-Less Waste! ] • "SUPER RIGHT" QUALITY CORN-FED BEEF e jan# 8% Sm f| tP ill fi® * • f«m c«* ch«k n> ««« nil Hi* 1 blade cut fg §g>: t % ;fe; S|p |i| iu|| M nvnnu iff HI- u B • Boneless Shoulder lb. 69c II II WlB m UnUUIV LB,te|SPilll • Boneless Stow lb. 79c 111 jfjf |H IH ipj • Boneless Chuck lb. 65c ® "SUPER-RIGHT "-FOR ~PI CNICS AND BARBECUES • FRANKS i ‘ SUPER-RIGHT""qiTa UTY CORN FEcTbEEF”# lif|§ # Bontltt* Bib u» 1.19 l||v" B S|l |B|| |i% SfL/ FULL GUI ** p. C • Sttaks “> 1.31 u I [fill u CHUCK B uu 2 Virginia Country Farm Dry Super-Right ' Quality Frr-hW Supc> K .;ht ■■, I" ~ei R jht n , Cap'll Johlt't FrOttll Cwrt MO Ground Beef . 53c Sausage:;? 39c Pork Loin 69c *"*'* If ill . t „ Cooked & Pealed Salad Shrimp 19c CALIFORNIA JUICY PLUMS «* 29c JBBrlP? FRESH CRISP CARROTS 2 -25 c " ]fF NEW WHITE POTATOES 10 « 89c FRESH TENDER GREEN BEANS 2 «*. 35c 49c white GRAPES * 45c | Compare Qucl„y and Price! You'll Choose A«P s Own Groceries! I Shop A&P For Nabisco Products"] », Nabisco Chip Ahoy Chocolate Chip Cookies 45c V A * » 7 I B£aSßßll BIANTgff it A ! Nabisco Pecan Short Bread Cookies Vk , 45c V , n , / ilßfcgul BOLD s V Vi Nabisco Cocoanut Chocolate Chip Cookies V,- 45c X- Jane Porker dC I OWL¥ wmt tmw *sums | Nabisco Ritz Crackers 37c > 11 rrt 1 ai § Nabisco Toastettes * All Varieties , 39c W Enriched Bread I KITHUII coue«f # | Nabisco Sociables ; 43c Nabisco Wheat Thins : 43c <1 1% f#“* ft 1% | t Jdßai «■s* Y»«.r Uc«t AM § Nabisco Bacon Thins ; t ° g '43c Nabisco Triangle Thins *;/ ; 43c ME M[ fr s.l I i . 1 ‘ Shw* f Nabisco Twigs Snack Sticks 43c. wJp H 6 Ha®®* mSp o,rl * w,,Bf * ,AT - >vi - r ,i - m * — " mm : 4 *** UMITI w )UI>ON S*B« Keebler Swedish Krernes 47c *“/' /'i; lh ■ V Colgate-Cold Power *5? 9k Keebier Pecan Sandies «?' 4/r // A / \ \ Colgate-Palmolive Detergent U,*' 63e Keebler German Choc. Cookies pY 1 47 c /' / J f > \ Colgate Aiox Cleonser 29c Keebier Rich n' Chips ’IT 47c ——— —.—— Sunnyfieid Pancake Fiour .*, P X 29c , Formula 409 Spray Cleaner 2 «5* 79c Sunshine Hydrox Cookies % c ’ 43c w e - s ummer r IM . "m Pre-Soak Brion 's£■ 35c Ann Page Salad Dressing °C' 45c | ’ MARVEI W r Y Yrend Detergent 12 ?w 0 0 ' 45c Mueller Eibow Macoroni 2G/ 35c •/ _ _ » Gay Bouquet Soap 6 35c Chose b Sonborn Coffee YT 1.75 Bis F 11 |f' m r °tc x Soap 3.j«'n. 29c 2h, j»-£9c Maxim Instant Coffee l; .;; p ,r 205 1 W 111 1 11 W Ll ? u,d D « ter ? ent r , £ Star Kist Chunk Light Tuna YT 43c % • AM Fl — M Sweetheart Deodorant Soap 2 g 29c Luck’s Chicken & Dumplings YrPMlc - Y .-■* ' 39c W Bubble v-liib Both r 3 w : Lysoi • Sproy 7 95e 8 Liquid CS*@n*r 't?- 1.05 \/__ r I P D ■> ILb 3ft :#/■ • WHITE * ASSORTED 10c Off LABEL i/ an £^cl m P B eans ( on Charmin Bathroom Tissue 4 33c Kraft Parkoy Margarine ycuL\ 34c 1lEBBBBEBB& A&P Sliced Strawberries 2 V*?/ 85c r "- [ . ast v SuaDonuio-oJ w "u k S? A&P Macaroni & Cheese 2 37c \ A&P Golden M ar bfe CakT A&P M aca ror , , & Cheese „y 39c N Whole Kernel Lemon p ies «« 49c Go d King Hushpupp.es p., 29c > Plain Danish Rings ,33, St 39c Gold King Hushpupp.es C 53c c _. „ , , >e , _ Sara Lee Butter Sfreusel c, 89c T -ft \ ®? ke " „ Scrve J* m Roll * 2 SS S C Sara Lee Butter Sfreusel **.‘ls®’ S9c ~ / j 5uC \ ,es P '" KH> ps '- 59c Morton Cream Pies '?fi z 33c / / f\\ \ X Cinnamon Breakfast Rolls 3 SI.OO ANN PAGE CREAMY SMOOTH ANN PAC,[ RiNK m.x If * \f 'J J * \J ■ l-ajc Great on Jar- Parker Brcod ANN PACK 18-O(.0ottle »•* Mayonnaise C;: ’ 49c Cheeri-Aid 6 ; 31 c Damson Plum Preserves 55c Barbecue Sauce 49c. A&r GREAT ANY TIME FOR GRFAI BfcVL|." A.v ,t A ;,t A GREAT SUMMER THIRST QUCNCHCR FREEZE DRIED COFFEE 85c y • «i ■ m.g% OUR OWN TEA MS ftt KlfAßßhß / kRM>n H Mi| : w SE <B b r , ml wSI Kft If I.SiIH 111 i 2 H INSTANT—WITH LEMON 4 SUGAR I¥SPBIIIiTEB. MILK 3 0l w- 31c 1 U 1111 IU H !tJ 0/ 8118 BWI Til 111 Hr letUR Pi.ICYIRIEHDtYSAf»SFYIN6 SERVICE fiEVERYdNK l ¥A Children To Receive Big Increase WINSTON-SAI EM -The Vet erans Administration reported nearly 15,000 chlldrefi will re ceive a 10 percent increases In Itenefits under a new law, which also enlarges the definition of “children” for purposes of \ • t erans benefits. \V, n. Phillips, director of the W inston-Salem V A Regional Of fice, said these 1 enetfts, which become effective July l, 10, will amount to about $3.0 mil lion the first year. The new makes the ndop'ed child of a veteran (for bene fit purposes) a dependent, from the date an interlocutory (in termediate) decree is filed, rather than the date it liecom.es final, Phillips said the law covers payments (dependency and ln aommlty compensat ion--uic j to widow s, certain children, and parents of veterans and serv icemen. If death of the veteran os ;,«i v u-enien was cause ny a service-connected disease or in im y. He said the law provides DIC to child (where there is no widow entitled) at increased mom : 1\ ales of SBB for one child $127 for two children, -'ltd sot tl ree children, with: an extra >B2 added to this rate for each: child in excess of three. Monthh supplementary DIG payments are raised from $29 THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH N. C, WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1970 to $32 for children under 16 who are permanently disabled and incapable of self-support. Benefits for children above 18 will be increased from SBO to SBB monthly. Phillips added that If the child is a student 18 to 23 years of age (and the widow or mother is entitled to DIC), the pay ment will be increased from s4l to $45 monthly. * * * The VA’s annual report says veterans, their families, and survivors of deceased veterans account for nearly 96 million of America's population of just over 200 million. Grant To Va. State PETERSBURG, Va.-Virginia State College has been awarded a $1,500 grant for scholarship assistance by the Allied Chemi cal Foundation of New York. In an Informal presentation ceremony held in his office, Dr. Walker H. Quarles, Jr. ( acting president of the college, ac cepted a check for the ab6ve a mount from Albert F. Watters, vice president of the founda tion, to be used as an unre stricted grant for meeting some of the financial needs of stu dents attending VSC who are majoring in chemistry. 15

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