Garner's Benton Haywood ffe • mm Ok Mm jBA I oology and Obstetrics and a Receives mu At meharry ,or M * wc * u,n “ * GARNER-As you roach adult hood so often the dreams and ambitions of your days of youth have ieen bypassed, but not so with Dr, Berton D. Haywood, Garner, native, and son of Mr, and Mrs. William Roges, 206 Purvis St. On Sunday, June 7, Dr. Hay wood realized his dream of be coming a medical doctor, a dream which he first express ed at the age of thirteen and a dream which at times has seem ed almost an impossibility. Young Haywood graduated from Garner Consolidated High School in 1953 and went on to Shaw University where he graduated with honors and a de gree in chemistry. Following those years, he taught school for a while in Weldon, N, C, and then at Charlotte. Not MOTHER AND DAUGHTER STRI£EJ of her uncle and aunt-ir -l.v. Mr. and Mrs. Donzo I . - Inson. The CAROLINIAN . logizes to the Tomlins ly for this error, and ly to Tom mino Jo, Jest For Fun BY MARCUS 11. BOUI.W.V,': THEM LADY BUGS That Seattle Newsman better not let those lad'. >.• . get In his bed. Here’s why I sa; this: Jim Heckman portioned l 0,- 000 ladybugs to fellow v.or' ■ s who preferred the Insects t< pesticides. If you do not know it, lady bugs eat aphids and other pi . t destroying insects. Heckn .m ordered his bugs to deal with garden problems on w tc’ ; didn’t want to use Before ordering the bum . hi posted a notice on tiiecif. ■ -h a bulletin board for anyone interested. A number of colleagues re sponded, and Heckman von:-' up sent s4l to Cd:: : firm fort ! ela lybugs trlbuted them to his e*. k ers. His major prohit -as getting the bugs i.n‘o t a . - -. What would he do. it :h . a ladybugs got insid. .urns. OBITUARIES MRS. FAN Nil- WII I.L Funeral services foi Fannie Willis. Cl : Martin St. w no died >nn ... i 1 be held at 2 p.rn. Fiida at Martin St. Baptist Church Dr. P. H. J.ihn.son. ! .. i .i : be in the Carolina .ui .• 1 Gardens. Survivors are hei husband, Mr. Will Willis, fi h, . - ters, Mrs. Flizul-th \i \\ ;1- kinson of Raleigl Williams, Mrs. Rosa 1 • -a. i. Mrs. Georgia Mont as a-. Mrs. Ruby Stein of \\ an c , N. Y., one son, Mr. Ii vie tt till.-, and ’two brothers, t u ><•>•: grandchildren and fix» grandchildren. POE I S CORNER THh PASSING Oi 111E FOURTH OF JULY BY ELVAULTIA (EVE) MIAL 1 MECKI 1 NBITG TERRACE' "he 4t!i of July has finally passed; §And some dear souls didn’t last; 'hey went on to rest in that eternal place, Because t e\ didn't win that final race. But ' Ged ; ri j ■ ■ so:, did win, Onj to i..r; r .iowr. into sin; Blinded r :r selfish desires so, (EVE) MIAL Had God t dlec v.. v.oiddn't rave been ready to go. Now then ’.*> ' ■ : July bhod on our streets, Wit puddh ! elood as big as sheets; Young and oh tic ! right and day, Some went i 11 a~- son.e the other way. 1 know dying is not! ing new, But there’s only a first time for you; And racing cars isn't what you should do, Being true i; at ’ll null you through. If you thmk rat g your cat is right, Ask \oui pati nts a 1 tout late at night; U": 11 : 'hey’re in bed trying to sleep, They're praying to God YOUR souls to keep. . BROWNS’ K1 • I.Y OX ']T<) WEEK ARMY TRAINING STINT-Columbus, Ohio: Leroy Kel ly. star running back lor the Cleveland Browns who works a wench on an Army wrecker July 2 during his two-week summer camp at Fort Hayes, said he thinks the realignment of the National Football League will make a better team out of the Browns. Kelly, who is at tached to the 83rd Army Reserve Command, said “I think the guys will be better prepar ed mentally this year because of new confer -1 ence.” (UPI). Pete’s Pickin’s Since I last appeared In print 1 ad a chance to get a '.i : fi or: an old friend. Saint V ; so: Lewis, New York Ci ". !i was for a number of -ai s "the runner” for the ; count' Savings Bank,this It was real nice to hear i on. i im. ,( d “Skink” Browning called •! ' I see if illness had t"- the cause of my failure to ■ i ite foi a couple weeks. Well, at least i found out that some om n issed the old column when it falls to appear. I'm in tebted to the friends ' ettevilh Street Bap tist C ure in general and to Mrs. Fffie Rogers class for '‘considering’’ me on Men’s ILi'.. It was most enjoyable. same day Tupper Me '• • ial Church, under Rev. 1 f a Debnam, gave me “sing it).. ” recognition at the morn t .i i.our .u worship. Would you believe it A Mrs. l.v Ha Smith. E. Eden tn : of ore address was XXX. ■' ! -\ is confident of a safe asui earl', return home. Mi's. Essie Dunmoore, Wal ser St. was happy to be at her last Sunday afterasiege of illness. Her many friends ere happy to see her. Mrs. Viola Pearson, can mstr-i St. visited relatives and friends in Hamlet and High Point during the holiday. Mr. James O’Neal, Jr., Camden St. visited friends and bis parents here last week. He i - m instructor in Oslo, Swe de: and plans to resume his work there shortly after visit inc ids sister in Pennsylvania and a brother In Brooklyn. M's. Maggie Blalock, Candm St. continues on the sick anil shut-in list. Her many f: lends hope for her a speedy recovery. Mi. and Mrs, Bobby Foster °i I .il.i'ielpliia. Pa. spent the li -1 s ' it: his mother, Mrs. •Mat ie Gre n, Southgate. v, as this the week for birth days Wei;. e\ ery week Is birth da;, week. Sister Gary f-eally lad a birthday celebration and ns usual, it was well attended, "tersons came all the way from York Cit to help show ' ■ id: ii ation. We’re not go i n to ask how old. I can really sa 1 ; it if the cake one caudle u was right. M old stand 1;. friend, Callie 1 ■i ■ , !or> Bart St. noted her l irtl. lay on July 6th. Really It t.iii : July -4th and finally came to a successful close, with tin* himuight of a most ap peti/iug dinno: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Goodson, Garnet. Watch this column next week foi ( i.nplete coverage of the Rev. ,T. n. Lockley Silver An niversary . Women's Bureau Releases Study On Child's Hospital Facilities WASHINGTON - A growing number of hospitals throughout the country are finding the operation of child care centers an effective tool In recruiting ar.d retaining needed personnel, Mrs. Elizabeth Duncan Koontz, Director of the Women’s Bu reau, Wage and Labor Stand ards Administration, Depart ment of Labor, reports. The results of a Women's Bureau survey Illustrate that provision by hospitals of ade quate child care facilities for their health personnel benefits IN FOXFIRE Located Just Off Rock Quarry Road, on Sander ford Road. Across from Cedanvood Kstatrs. The beautiful Kingsbury home pictur'd eral homes to be completed within the tu xt b 1 -in'. i has 3 bedrooms. 2Va baths, large paneled family ;■ v u- ■■ room, with all appliances built-in. Call today to make an appointment to so .• n v • - els we have priced from $22,000 to $33,000. , OTHER HOMES FOR SALE 2308 DANDRIDGE DR.—3 bedroom, con- CLOSE IO si V: (it nv COL tral air, carport, cyclone fenced in yard. LEGE —i bedimm.- ’ irk- lie Assume FH A or VA loan. i„g, dining and kit .I- ini.. 433 PARNELL DR.—3 bedrooms, 1 bath, years old v\ 'i* ' -• v fenced yard. 5i4.500. FHA/VA. NELSON STREI I : large ii.-.lroe. tme 1300 SAVANNAH DR. 3 bedrooms, 1A with many extra- 1 baths, family room, garage anti- paved VA. One : k ■ drive. §IB,BOO. VA/FHA. 5009 NORTH HILLS DRIVE An excellent room. a., ,'r‘mho, . it. in. spht level m prime location. Four bed- carpo ,, CV( , Vm , •;«« . ...-me rooms, 3 full baths, a fireplace in the living g g-4 j oan room, family rcom & master bedroom. Large family room opening onto patio 708 GI.I\BHOOh bn i Screened porch beautiful balh , livin! . nr , m , imi „, K)i !>. wooded lot. C all tor details. Assume 5 > T|? m<« , \'■ ) m loan or refinance. * nM ' Will Hudson Lo.. iK Assm ial ■ 2401 SANDERFORD K'OAi -:.s , • NIGHT AND/WEEKENDS -: » WHAT’S A SUMMER j muni NORTH mu II AM 'TIL »:M I'M . . . CAMERON VHXAOE MlAll Til. » PM WALEIOH, N. C.. WEEK ENDING- S' : V i 19, i both employers and employees. Recruitment Is Improved, a: 1 absenteeism and labor turnoun are reduced. More mothers arc free to work, and part-time em ployees can work more hours a day and more days a week. Moreover, knowledge that their children are receiving toix! care makes the mothe's n nc effective employees. In noting the Implications of the survey for other types of employers, Mrs. Koontz point ed out that development of child THE CAROLIKIAL care pi: - ,na atdconsia i'. iU\ li; - it'.crGa.*-- iug do:. .: i a; i: • . segments of our economy foi ■ rained per sonuol as ell ss !■: alleviating on, of tie problems encount ei, d h any imah. . ; who work o :ld like to wor , The si vm fi:,din 6 s are pu blisl d in Women's Bureau Bul letins .. “Child Car* Cervices provided b; Hospitals.” Olive Safely 9