THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N. C WEEK ENDING SAT., AUGUST i, 1970 12 GABBING About Town BY MRS. A. H. THORPE TELEPHONE 832-3029 I have the faith to appro priate God's gift of light. ! let Him guide me. 1 have faith to appropriate God’s gift of steadfastness. 1 trust Him in all things and I am blessed. I have the faith to appro priate God's gift of life. He is renewing and restoring me now. I have the faith to appro priate God's gift of substance. I am abundantly prospered. * * * WEEKEND GUESTS Mrs. Amie Avery of 10 Cha vis V av had as her recent week c i guests, her granddaughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Eu g n< Weaver ahd children. They also visited their mother, Mrs. Gordina Stubbs in Chapel Hill. They reported a most enjoyable trip md weekend. RECENT GUEST Mrs. James Higgs of 313 N. Tarboro Street, had as her re cent house guest, Mrs. Lillian l icks Rail of Palto Alto, Cali fornia, Mrs. Ball was home to attend the funeral of her brother ir. law, Mr. E. R. Swain. HOME T ROM VIETNAM Wt ai < happy to know and to pass on t.ii you that Mr. and Mrs. Willie Haywood, Jr., are back from Vietnam and are the guests oft! eir mother, Mrs. I anic Haywood of 12 Hyde Ter race. I am sure that their friends are likewise very hap pv. HOSTS TO MISSIONARY CI.UB Mr Me Clean of 44! Fowle Street was ; os toss lo the Pan Notes And HalTNotes | BY MRS. E. M. M. KELLY •£ «£* T , column cannot pass up the opportunity to cheer and con pliment Miss Sarah G.San som.for being chosen to go on tour with the Hampton Choir. They were invited t£> visit. Sew- 11 | MRS. KELLY 1 den to render a series of con certs during the period of July 28 through Au gust 17. They wtl! also visit Norway and Denmark. We compliment them, all forty seven members, including Mis Sarah G. Sansom, along with Roland M. Carter, director, and '///mi Cecelia J/. (jrijfuL We.L Wr. William %.aai, PRINCESS ANNE. Md.-Miss Cecelia Johnston Griffith, daughter of Mt. and Mrs. Cecil H. Griffith, Sr. of Raleigh, and William Thomas Dennis were married Saturday, July 18, on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Hil ton Johnson, Princess Anne, Maryland. The Rev. Andry, pas tor of Mount Hope Methodist Church, officiated. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. Mrs. Al thea Bates was matron of honor. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Hattie Dennis and the late Mr. C'reston Dennis of Princess Anne, Maryland. Mr, Vernon Williams was best m3n. . The bride made her debut at the AKA debutant ball in 1961. She is a 1966 graduate of Saint Augustine’s College, and a member of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. For the last four years, the bride has work ed In the public school system What’s keeping you from looking good? Wrong hair color? Beauty experts Will tel' you —the perfect hair color for you may be jus' a shade away from your natural shade It depends on your complexion, your eyes and the way you use make-up. Hairdressers know that dark or thick or coarse hair is resist ant to drastic color change But even a very slightly lighter shade adds excitement to a woman's appea r ance. And the pro fessional hairdressers also know there's no more natural way to change hair color than Miss Clairol" haircoloring. Miss Clairol lightens and adds color at the same time (and also covers gray). This means the resulting color is a combination of your own hair and the color you choose. Generally, dark exotic browns and blacks are most flattering on darker skin tones and golden or red shades are more beautiful on lighter tan complexions. It you're thinking of changing your hair color, go to the ex perts Professionally trained hairdressers have the whole family of fine Clairol products and the know-how to make your experi ence with haircoloring an exciting adventure So whether you go brown, gold, redhead or deep black, just keep on looking good! Your professional hairdresser has all the answers... ask for a free consultation today! iC' C.vol ir?c * 9-0 of Clairol lr»c. line Missionary Club cm Satur day, July 25, at 6 p.m. A very successful meeting was held with Mrs. Catherine Ligoncast ing her membership with the group. Members present were Mrs. Ella Perry, Mrs. Elmer Walker, Mrs. Annie Jane Pugh, Mrs. Amie Avery, a visitor, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson. The next meeting will lie held with Mr, and Mrs. James Stroud of Madonna Acres. MAKES CONTRIBUTION The Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion thanks Mrs. Jerusha McNair for the con tribution she made to the Cen tral Orphanage at Oxford, re cently. SYMPATHY EXTENDED Our love and sympathy are extended to the Greene family in the passing of Mr. George Greene, Jr. Our prayer is that God will sustain the family in this vour hour of trial. INSPIRING MEETING HELD The American Legion Auxil iary held a very successful meeting on Sunday, July 26, at their place of meeting on the corner of East and Cabarrus Streets. They were happy to have Mrs. Gladys Y'oung to be come a member of their group. Their meeting days are the 2nd and 4th Sundays. They ladies are sorry to report that Mrs. Mary Nicholson is on the sick list. They are hoping for her a speedy recovery. Note: Our many thanks to you again. Remember to write for you is a pleasure. Rufus B. Easter, Jr., business manager. Don’t fail to see Miss Mable C. Bullock’s paintings, (ofDur ham) now on exhibit at the Gal lery of the Carolina Student Un ion at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Y'ou have until August 15. The Stu dent Union is located on Raleigh Street at South Road. The hours are Sunday, 11 a.m. - 11 p.m.; Monday thru Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. and Saturday, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Don't miss this fine exhibit! Keep up the good w rk with music, really GOOD MUSIC. of Maryland. The bridegroom is a veteran of the Vietnam War, and a 1970 graduate of Maryland State College. He is employed with the Campbell Soup Com pany. The bride’s parents enter tained after the ceremony with a reception at the Hawks Nest Supper Club. The couple will make their home in Princess Anne, Mary land. * * * Pay by day, throughout the year, frozen main dish pies— chicken, turkey, tuna and beef —continue to be among the most popular items in frozen food cabinets. Served with a crisp green salad and a dessert from your grocer’s freezer, they ofTer a speedy solution to a tasty, nourishing and econom ical meal. OBSERVE FOURTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Massenburg, Jr., shown in top photo in foreground at head table, observed their Fourth Wedding Anniversary on Thursday, July 16. They celebrated with their friends, also shown above, whom they hosted at the Village Dinner Theatre, Airport Road. After a delectable meal, they were treated to a comedy, entitled, “Ten Nights In A Barroom.” Mrs. Massenburg is the former Miss Olivette Merrick of Wiliming ton. Other Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wimbush, Mrs. Lonnie M. Scott, Herbert Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Weisel, Mr. and Mrs. John Waff, Rev. and Mrs. Clyde Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Street, Attorney and Mrs. George Greene, Mr. and Mrs. James Charles Johnson, Mrs. Jennie Mae Mason, Miss Susie Davis, Miss Ann Cameron, Mrs. Mary J. Jones, David Weaver, Miss Teresa High, Mrs. Ruth B. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' Winters, Miss Betsy Bryant, Miss Marilyn Skinner, Miss Rachel Rayford, Willie Covington and Douglas Smith. Birthday celebrations: Mrs. Mary J, Jones (Maysville) formerly of Raleigh; Rev, and Mrs. Clyde Beatty. It k MISS MOORE ENGAGED - Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moore, 316 E. Davie Street, Raleigh, an nounce the engagement of their daugher, Miss Eugenia “Jean” Moore 4857 Battery Lane, Beth esda, Maryland, to Mr. Clar ence Pleasant of Washington, D. C,, son of Mrs. Irena Plea sant and the late Nathaniel Plea sant of Birmingham, Alabama. The bride-elect, a 1960 gradu ate of A&T State University, is the granddaughter of Mrs. Eugenia T, Dunn and Mrs. Hat tie Moore, both of Raleigh. Her fiance, at present employ ed in Washington, D, C„ has just completed a tour of duty as ADJ in the U. S, Navy. He attended Alabama A&M In stitute. She is employed by the United States Government’s A tomic Energy Commission. A series of activities have been planned for the couple in Wash ington, D. C., Baltimore. Md. and North Carolina, The wedding will take place at the First Baptist Church, Raleigh, on August 22. Personals RETURNS FROM VACATION Mrs. Ruth Jones Witherspoon has returned from vacationing in Providence, R. I. and Bos ton, Mass. While there, she visited in Pawtucket and W'on socket. Rhode Isalnd. On her way back, she stopped in Ches ter, Penn., and Alexanderia, Va. She was visiting the Wither spoon and Hargroves, her hus band relatives. Her trip was very enjoyable and intersting. She reside, in Charlotte, where she will be employed this fall in a Junior High School. She received her B. A. degree in English at Winston-Salem State University in May, 1970. She is the niece of Mrs. Eva Jones, 1920 Hadley Rd., Ra leigh, * * * THE 26TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SILVER ECHOES The Silver Echoes 26th An niversary will be held Sunday August 2, at 6*30 p.m. at the Raleigh Safety Club. On pro groups: Gospel Jubilee, Sons of Calvary, capital City Five, The Gospelaires, Ed. Hall and the Evening Five. Gospel All Stars, Macedonia Four, Dependable Quintet, The Chris Sisters, ail from Raleigh; Silver Stars from Willow Springs and the Mighty Clouds of Haromony of Zebulon. Drive Solely iJe in JerS | BY MRS. RUTH M. BETHEA i 844 E. Lenoir St'. PHONE 832-6389 “The. Lord is in His Holy Temple, let all the earth keep silent before Him.” Take time to think on these words: “Surely sunli gh t. and starlight shall favor me on the voyage I take in life’s journey and I will rest in the port of my God. L Wmr MRS. BETHEA We send our love, thoughts and sympathy to Mrs. Charlotte Green and all members of the family as they say farewell to their loved one, Mr. George Green. We hope the members and friends of the National Associa tion of College Women are pre paring to attend trie National meeting, which will lie held in Houston, Texas August 10-15, In a recent yearly report, Mrs. Lillian W, McDaniel, now sectional director, states that your writer, Mrs. Ruth Moore Bethea, so far, was founder of more NACW Branches than any other person in the NACW, former Southeast Sectional di rector. City-wide organizations re cently bestowed the title of Ambassador of Community Services at the Retirement Banquet for Mrs, Lillian W. ■ . ■ <- - • - \ f GOLDEN YEARS their 50th wedding anniv ersary with renewed vows at Center Baptist Church Bladen boro. N. C,, Mr. and Mrs. David Randolph Walker were feted by their 8 children, 27 grandchildren, 2 years grands and a 50-guest ceremony and reception held on July 5, The Rev. Gilbert Walker of Greensboro, N, C. son of the couple, performed the ceremony. Other accomplished offsprings were Mrs. Rozia L. Perkins, Silver Springs, Maryland; Mrs. Alda rnarion Lawson, Durham, N. C.; Mrs. Robertha Stephens, ' Fayetteville, N. C,; Mis. Bernestine Sanders, Raleigh, N. C,; Mr, W'ardel) Walker, Bladenboro, N. C.; and Mr. Claude Walker,.Washington, D. C. McDaniel. This was in connec tion with her teaching for 47 years. Singular, both the last two Southeast Sectional di rectors have the honor of having taught exactly the same number of years. The city is sad as Rev. H. S. Foust, former pastor of St. Paul AME Church and family, leave Raleigh for their new home and sojourn in Baltimore, Maryland. It is wonderful to be able to say that this city 1 as enjoyed Rev. Foust and has been benefitted by his having dwelled with the people for six years. We wish for him and his fami ly the best of luck, peace and happiness and the love of his new congregation. Chavis Heights BY MRS. C. J. MERRITT Mr. and Mrs. Willie Delaney of Connecticut are home visit ing their mother, Mrs. Rosa Delaney and Mrs. Lizzie Burt. They are making many stops in and around the state of N.C. This is their first visit here in 10 years. The BTU Club held its reg ular meeting at the YMCA last Sunday with the president, Clar ence Davidson, presiding. The next meeting will be on the fourth Sunday in September. Come to Church BY MRS. MAE L. BROADIE The pages of the Bible and secular history are studied with accounts of men and women whose lives changed the course of the world, for good or for evil. Living with our neighbors, whoever they may be, can teach us Christ's way and His will as we live in God centered love for one another. True compan ionship means fellowship, lie cause of a common source of inspiration, partnership in doing tilings with the same in view, sharing hopes and fears together. Let us pray, Our father give us the will and strength to face tiie difficulty task of futhering thy Kindgom. Help us to do all the good we can for a needy; world. Thou who walked with’ Moses and all others who have loved and honored Thee, be thou near us. Keep us close enough to share Thy secrets and to be responsive to Thy love that we may not fail Thee, in Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen. * * * WILSON TEMPLE UNITED METHODIST - Church School began at 9;30 a.m. with the general supt., Mrs. Nanie Mor gan, in charge. Morning wor ship service opened at 11 o’- clock with the men chorus in charge of the music under the direction of Mr. James Har grove. The call to worship was offered by the pastor, Rev. J. E, McCullum with the pastoral prayer followed by choral re sponse. The morning les son and prayer was offered by the pastor, who also brought a very encouraging sermon. It was enjoyed by all. * * * OBERI ,IN BAPTIST -Church School opened at 9;30 a.m. with the general supt., Deacon Wal ter Curtis, in charge. Morning worship service began at 11 o’- clock with the combine choir in charge of the music under the direction of Dr. Jones and Mr. Randolph Shepard. The morning lesson was read by the pastor and prayer was offered by Deacon Alvin Blount. . A very powerful sermon was Club News THE SEDATES The Sedates met at the home of Mrs. F1 or ine Moor eon Foun - tain Drive Sunday afternoon, July 25th. The meeting was called to order and led inpray ei and Bible verses by .the president. The club motto was led by Mrs. Moore. Business was discussed and plans for the up-coming events made. Ti e meeting was closed and turned over to the hostess. We celebrated the birthdays of Miss Sarah Davis and Mrs Alice Collins. Both, received some lovely gifts. Our president, Mrs. Bestriax Flowers flew out to Chicago for a vacation and reported a lovely trip and a nice time while there. Mrs. Moore had a surprise cook-our planned for the evening. She served cook out style with all the trim mings. We are in deep-sympathy with one of our member, Mrs. Laura Williams in the passing of her aunt. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Alice Montague at Mrs. Ruby Thompson home, E. Mar tin Street, Saturday, Aug. 15th. * * * DORAI CLUB Among the guests at the Doral Count . Club are many Tar Heels participating in “Our Tiling for ’70.” Participants arriving In clude: Dr. and Mrs. W.Hughes, Dr. and Mrs. A. Blount, Atty. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee, Dr. and Mrs. M. Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. W. Hinnant all of Greens boro; Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bish op and Dr. and Mrs. H. W, Vick all of Fayetteville and Dr, and Mrs. Marion Thrope of Eli zabeth City. Also Atty. and Mrs. H. M. Michaux, Mr. and Mrs. C. Stan back Mr, and Mrs. Alex Riv ers, arid Mr. and Mrs. M.Mar vin. all of Durham and Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Simmons, Sanford. "Our Thing For ’7O* ’ were in clude golfing, swimming, dog races, horse races, and a trip to the Bahamas. * * * More than 50 TV employment programs are being produced throughout the country with the assistance of local public em ployment service agencies. lottlhf Co., Os Rdoigh 2S3K WAKE FOREST ROAD RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA delivered by the pastor, Rev. J. P. Dempsey and he used for his subject “A Living Hope.’ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CHRIST-Church School began at 9 o’clock with the general supt., Mr. Lawrence Wilder in charge. Morning worship service began at 10 a.m. with the combine choirs in charge of the music, under the direc tion of Mrs. Ruth Joyner. The call to worship was by the guest minister, Rev. J. Lockey, pastor of the United Church of Christ, corner of Wade Aveand Dixie Trail. The morning les son was read from the Book of Exodus 3:1-2. The pastor brought a very encouraging ser mon and he used for his sub ject, “On With The Exodus.” Everyone enjoyed it. The pas tor, Rev. Howard Cunningham will be the speaker next Sun day. He will bring the mes sage each Sunday morning thru August. * * * FIRST BAPTIST-Last Wed nesday evening at 6:30 Sunday School teachers meeting was held with the general supt., Mrs. M. T. James, in charge. At 7;30 prayer and hymn services were led by Mrs.S, B. Sharper and Deacon Robert Hodge. Friday morning at 10 a.m. delegates motored to Juniper Level for the annual convention of the BTU. Delegates were Mrs. Justine Williams, Mr. C, A. Langston, Deacon Frank Hin ton, Miss Veronica Fuller, Miss Annette Wagner, Mrs. May L. Rroadie, Mr. Hanson Ingram and Mr. Victor Ingram. Dr. C. W. Ward, Mrs. M. T. James and Miss Beatrice Mar tin attended the afternoon ses sion, Sunday morning Church School began at 9;30 a.m. with the general supt., Mrs. M. T. James, hi charge. Morning wor ship service began at II a.m. with the Mosley Jones Chorus, Chancel and Kelly Primary choirs in charge of the music under the direction of Mrs. L. H. Branche. Responsive reading was lead by Deacon D. R. In gram, Sr. Morning lesson and prayer were offered by Deacon Ingram. Announcements by Deacon W. W. Hurdle. Offering was lifted by the junior men ushers under the leadership of Mr. M. C. Hill. A very en couraging sermon was brought by the pastor, Rev. John A. Bagby, and he used for his sub ject, “Why The Kingdom Tar ries.” Everyone enjoyed it. There were no further services for the day due to the program at RICH Park. Dr. C. W. Ward is the pastor. The pastor, officers, mem bers and friends are in deep sympathy with the family of the late Mr, James Smith. * * * TUPPER BAPTIST - Church School opened at 9:30 a.m. with Mr. Frederick Smith, presid ing. Morning worship began at 11 a.m. with the senior choir in charge of the music under the direction of Miss Shelia Fort. Prayer was offered by Mr. Debnam, Scripture by the pastor, Rev. Leotha Debnam, “All That 1 Owe Is Borrow ed” was the subject of his message brought by the pas tor. * * * MANLY STREET UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST-Sunday School opened at 9;30 a.m. with the supt., Mr. Alfred George and Mrs. Janie Chavis in the primary department, and Mrs. Ella Cheatham, adult depart ment. Morning worship serv ice !>egan at 11 a.m. with Mr. James Kearney, presiding. The Gospel Choir was in charge of the music, with Mr. O. L. Tay lor at the organ. The scripture and prayer were offered by the pastor, Rev. T, E, Hammans. He read from the 123 Psalms. He used for his subject, “Was Thou Art the Man: Who Is To Blame.” He delivered a very powerful sermon. * * * NEW CONVENANT HOLY - Morning worship service begin at 11 a.m. with the singing of “Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross”, led by the pastor Wil liams. Morning prayer was offered by Elder Rosa Lock lear. Afterwhtch, we read the scripture lesson from St. John 3:16-21. The next song was “I’m Glad Salvation Is Free.” The senior choir was to charge of 12 CHAVIS WAY- 832-0150 the music. Expressions. The choir then came forth, with the singing of “I Cried And He- Delivered Me.” Our pastor, Rev. Sister Alma Williams brought a powerful message from Num. 20:14-21. She chose as her text “Overcoming Dis couragement,” afterwhtch the choir rendered “If You Know the Lord Is Keeping You, What Have You Got To Worry A bout.” Closing remarks were given by Rev. Sister Mary Cot ton, afterwhich, the closing song was given, “You Ought To Take The Lord With You, Everywhere You Go.” Our evening worship serv ice began at 6:30 p.m. with the singing of “Let Jesus Fix It For You.” The second hymn led by Rev. Sister Cotton, “I’ll Be At Home On The Other Side.” Music was under the direction of Bro. Perry. Pray er was offered by Rev. Cotton and scripture by Sister Doro thy Evans from Psalms 89:1- 7. Expressions. A solo by Bro. Perry, “Use Me Lord.” Evang. Mildred Thompson came forth and delivered the message from the Psalms 34:10 and he used for his subject, “A Mighty De liverer.” Remarks were by Elder Locklear. Closing with the fellowship of hand shak ing. A THOUGHT Jesus never fails. * * * MORNING STAR BAPTIST- Sunday School opened at 10 a. m. with the supt. in charge. The lesson was read and dis cussed. Morning worship serv ice began by singing, “Glory To His Name.” Next we had responsive reading and scrip ture was read from John 2:1- 19. Our pastor delivered a won derful message from II John 1, entitled “Good News To The Elder, Elect Lady and Her Chil dren.” Everyone enjoyed the message. BTU opened with the presi dent, Mr. John A. Marks, in charge. The subject discus sed was “Violence: The Erup tion of Despair.” Evening worship service began at 8 p.m. Our pastor delivered a wonderful mes sage from Rev. 12:0 entitled,, “Who Is The Devil, What Is His Business, Where Is It End ing”” “. . .and the great drag on was cast out, that old ser pent, called the devil, and satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angles were cast out with him.” * * * SMITH TEMPLE FREEWILL BAPTIST-Sunday School began at 10 a.m. with the assist, supt., Mr. Tommy Garner, Jr., in charge. At 11 a.m. the call to worship and the pastoral pray er were made by Rev. Alford. The junior choir was in charge of the music under the direction of Mrs. M. Mintz and Mrs. S. Crews. The scripture reading was from St. Luke 9:18- 25. Invocation was given by Rev. Sanders. From the above read chapter verse 23 he used for his subject, “Y’our Cross you Must Bear.” Rev. Alford delivered a wonderful message. The Sunday School Conven tion Conference A will meet Thursday and Friday at Beth lehem Freewill Baptist Church, Wade, N. C. James (Butch) Smith, son of Mrs. Florine Smith and the late James Smith of S. Per son St., left Saturday for Rich mond, Ya., where he will start another year of football pracr tice with the Richmond Saints. Butch is a graduate of Ligon High Sctiool and attended North Carolina Central University at Durham. RUSH METROPOLITAN AME ZION - Church School began at 9*45 a.m. with Mr. L.C, Camp bell presiding. The regular 11 a.m. worship services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. T, H. Harris, assisted by Bro. Neal Sanders. Music was rend ered by the senior choir, un der the direction of Mrs. Ethel Jeffreys. Rev. Harris preach ed from the 3rd chapter of Dan iel and the 12th verse. His subject was “Stublxirn in Chris tian Religion.” At 4:30 p.m., Group No, 2 of which Mrs. Helen Mitchell is president, sponsored a baby contest, which was indeed a suc cess. Pictures of the winning babies will appear later. Mrs. Annie H. Thorpe is church re porter.

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