14 THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N. C., WEEK ENDING SAT.. AUGUST 1, Cory News Zebulon News BY MISS MAE HOPSON CARY- The combined revi val of the churches In our town held at Union Bethel AME Church last week, was spiritual and successful. The ministers delivered Inspirational mes sages. Rev. B. K. Hemby, min ister of Union Bethel AME used as a theme "A Call To De cision, ”fr o:n I Kings 18th chap ter and 21 erse. Rev. F ugene Mason, pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church chose his message from I Corinthians 12th chapter, 14 - 18 verses. His subject was "Working To gether.'' From St. Matthew, 6chapter, Rev. Randolph Burrell used as his theme "The Life Os A Christian.” Four points were brought out; source secret, service and success. Rev. J. M. Burrell delivered his message from the 17th chap ter of Acts, 19 verse. His theme was "What Is Christianity?” From the United Churcli of Christ the visiting ministers were Rev. J. Meadows of Ra leigh and Rev. A. L. White, pastor of Efland AME Church, Me bane. The services were well-attended. On Sunday at 3 p.m., the Missionary Ladies oftheUnited Church of Christ held their an niversary. Mrs. Clara Ballen tine of Watts Chapel Baptist Church was our guest speaker. Mrs. Viola Barnett gave the welcome address. Mrs. Mattie Bang! of Mt. Zion Baptist made the response and Mrs. Lillie Jones is president. It was an interesting service. Mrs. Patricia F. Walker and children have returned home after spending their vacation in New York with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Louis Barnett, Jr., and other relatives. She reports an en joyable trip. We are happy to report that Mr. Frank Ferrell is home from the hospital and is doing nicely. I AM "I am more powerful than the combined armies of the world, I have destroyed more men than all the wars of the nations. I am more deadly than bullets and I have wrecked more homes than the mightiest of siege guns. I spare no one, and I find my victims among rich and poor alike, the voting and the old, the strong and the weak. I lurk in uncertain places and do most of my work silently. You are warned against me but you heed me not. I bring sickness, deg radation, and death, and yet few seek to avoid me. 1 give nothing but take all. I ant your worst enemy. I am carelessness.” Franklinton FRANKLINTON - The First Baptist Church held its annual Homecoming service on Sun day, July 26. The guest speaker was the Rev. J. D. Lockley of Raleigh, The visiting choir was from Manassah Chapel Baptist Church in Franklinton. The wel come address was given by Mrs. Emma Tabron and the response was by Mrs. Pearl Blackwell of Manassah Chapel. liev. Lockley spoke from St. Luke 10:30. His subject was "Passing By On the Other Side.” We heard a very in spiring and uplifting message. There were a lot of visitors from out of town. ANNOUNCEMENTS The First Baptist Church of Franklinton will hold pray er service the 5-12 of August at 8 p.m. The United Church of Chri.st will hold its annual Homecom ing service Sunday, August 2 at 11 a.m. Rev. Leon White will be the guest speaker. • Newly-weds are Willie T. Yarborough and Miss Louise M. McCrimmon. Congratula tions and best wishes to the happy couple. Miss Lucy L, Levister of Mt. Vernon, N, Y. visited Mrs. A. G. Kearney and Miss Belinda Bussey for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Emma Tabron had as house guest, Mrs. Evelyn Thomas of Washington, D. C. Revival services will be held at the Manassah Chapel Church August 2-7. You are Invited to come to the services each night. Our prayers go out to all the sick in the community. Mrs. An nie Belle Alston In in Louis burg Hospital. The Alien Chapel AME Zion Church held its annual Youth Day on Sunday, July 26 at 3 p.m. Miss Juanita Anaer son is presi dent. The guest speaker was Mr. George Baker of Durham. Mr. Roscoe Sneed of Wash ington, D. C. was the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Oley Sneed last week at 429 S. Hillsboro St. He is the nephew of Mr. Sneed. He also visited other relatives while he was here. Mrs. Sadie Harris left for Washington, D. C. enroute to East Orange, N. J. to attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Bessie Allen, Wednesday, July 15. The family motored from Washington to New Jersey, Mrs. Allen ts a native of Franklin County but has been away tor a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doug las Prince of Westberrv, N. Y. are visiting their son. Michael and family of Franklinton. BY MRS. MADDIE FLOYD ZEBULON - First Baptist Church held Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Mr. Carl Morgan, acting supt., in charge. The title of the lesson was "The Problem Os Sin.” Each teacher was in charge of her class. The Wake County Baptist Sun day School and the Baptist Training Union was held at Jun iper Level Baptist Church on July 24. Zebulon First Baptist Church was largely attended and Wake field Baptist Church also rec ognized a large congregation. The pastor of Juniper Level Baptist Church was the speaker. He was Rev. J, A. Jones. His choir rendered music for the occasion. It was a good session and the sermon was most enjoyable. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ta bron and family spent Thursday night with her sister, Mrs. Fannie Anderson. They live Lo Philadelphia, Penna. While here they visited his mother in Ox ford and other relatives. Mrs. Bertha Morgan and daughter visited her daughter in-law, Mrs. Annie Lee Mor gan, who is in Duke Hospital. They also visited Mr. Walter Jones who is hospitalized at the VA in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones and family of Buffalo, N. Y. visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Virginia Jones and At las Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Chanton of Springfield Gardens, N. Y. were here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Atlas Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Par ham gave a fish fry at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Harris for their friends in the back yard. Felish Tuck held at going away party for Andrea Parham at her home with 75 of her friends present. There was also a party for Mrs. Inez Parham with Mrs. Getha Harris as hos tess. Services were held at the Beaver’s Chapel Church on Sun day with Rev. W. M, Lake, pas tor of Burlington. Visitors were from various churches. The services are held every second and fourth Sundays. Come and worship with us. The East Wake Usher Union will meet at Lee’s Cross Roads Baptist Church the first Sunday in August at 7 p.m. St. Andrews Church News BY MISS SHELIA ALSTON HENDERSON - The Saint An drews’ United Church of Christ held its regular churcli school on July 26. The title of the lesson was "The Problem of Sin.'' The lesson scripture was from Genesis 3:1-15 and the memory selection was "I came not to call the j righteous, but sinners,” Saint Matthew 9:13.t Total number of scholars was 77. Morning wor ship service was held at the usual time. Consecra tional services were conducted w MISS ALSTON by Deacon Willie Edwards and Mrs. Katie Hooper. The call to worship was led by Rev. W. J. Wilson, pastor. The scripture reading was from Psalm 24. Prayer was given by Rev. Wil son. The opening hymn was, "Standing On the Promises,” sung by the choir and the mis sion offering was lifted. The sermon i was entitled, "Search In your Title. Look into your life and search your self and see if vou can walk in God’s Holy Hills.” Visiting with us on Sunday were Miss Dianne Hicks and Mrs. Beverly Walkins. We invite you to attend our second Sunday services. Music will be rendered by the junior choir. Smithfield News BY MRS. LILLIE M. LEE SMITH FIELD-If we are plan ning to follow in Jesus’ foot steps, certainly we will have to do as He did. He always found time for prayer, as you remem ber. His days were full of ex citement and toll, but He al ways had time to commune with God. Last Sunday members of the Scholarship Club and the Johns ton County travelers and their wives made a trip to Mrytle Beach. Mrs. Eva Evans is home af ter spending several weeks in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Henry White, Jr. of Buffaloe, N. Y. are spend ing sometime here with rela tives and friends. Mrs, Virginia Lewis is visit ing her children and grandchil dren in Delaware. Mrs, Charlotte Barnes has guests from Newark, N. J. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to Mrs. Lon genla King, She had a most en joyable day and received many beautiful and useful gifts. SICK LIST On our sick list are Mes~ dames Mattie Bridges, Mattte Dublin, Sue Exum, Lula Tomtlinson, and Lucilla Penny. May God Bless and give each of you strength ana you all have 1970 our many prayers. A THOUGHT Do you have the faith to hold fast? Loulsburg News BY MRS. WLYNELLA MOORE LOUISBURG-The Clifton Sis ters sang at the Castaiia School in Castaiia. They were enjoyed by all and they also enjoyed themselves. On the second Sunday night in August, the Clifton Sisters will render a musical program at the Lilly ofthe Valley Church in Raleigh. On the program will be the Sampson Harmoneer of Loulsburg and the Oxford Har moneer of Oxford. The Old Baptist Church Sun day School services are held every Sunday at 10:15 a.m. Their regular Youth Day is on the second Sunday and their regular worship services is held every fourth Sunday at 11:30 a.m., with the pastor in charge. The Timberlake Baptist Church Sunday School is held every Sunday at 10-15 a.m. Their regular worship services are held on the third Sunday at 12 noon, with the pastor in charge. Sf. John Ail Church News MRS. E. E. WILLIAMS RHAMKATTE - Homecoming will be celebrated at St. John the first Sunday in August. Rev. E. E. Worthy will be the morn ing speaker and Rev. J. W. Al b right of Popular Springs Christian Church will be the afternoon speaker. Dinner will be served. Revival will begin immediately and end on Friday, August 7th. You are welcome at all time at St. John. Revival services are hr pro gress at the Baptist Church. Rev. Lorenza Lynch of White Rock in Durham is their speak er. Please remember the shut ins in your community. We have learned that Mr. Paul Alston is confined to one of the Ra leigh hospital. Also in sick are Mrs. Juanita Glenn Sanders, Mrs. Magalene Glenn, Mrs. A lice Glenn and Mrs. Lula Hood, Remember and and visit them. Sunday School will begin on time at St, John (9:45) a.m. Members please come out and support your church and school. Without your co-operation, suc cess is impossible. Johnston C’ntv BY MRS ANNIE ELLIOTT It is with a profound sense of gratitude that we extend greeting to members, friends, and guests of Oaky Grove Bap tist Church. Rev, R. Broadie is pastor. Our sick and shut-ins in clude Mr. Jack McClain, Mrs. Mattie Bridges, Mrs. Lille Ray nor, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Tominlison, Mr. Donnie Jones, Mrs. Francis Leach, Mrs. Em ma. Sanders, Mrs. Eula McClain, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Mol lie Sanders and Mrs. Hettie Smith. The Tent Sisters and friends and relatives are hoping them a speedy recovery and hope they will see them at home soon. VISITORS Mrs. Ella Tyler, MissSherlie Eason are visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Ea son. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore enjoyed a vis i t from their grandchildren who resides in Flint, Mich, Mrs. Maurice Britt and son are spending some time with her mother, Mrs, Etna Lee. Mrs. Eva Sanders welcomed her brother home for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Judkins and family are here visiting his parents, Mrs. Gussie Jud kins. Mrs. Mary Hinton, Mrs. Lil lian Farmer and Mrs. Fyrena Mitchner and members of Union Hill Methodist Churcli of Wilson was special guests at the Wo man’s Day program. Mr, Mar vin Judkins, Raleigh, and Miss Magnola Judkins of Durham at tended the services at Oaky- Grove Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Henry White of Buffalo, N. Y. have returned home after spending two weeks vacationing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Mitch ner of Rt, 1, Smithfield. Ricky Mafallow had a party the foui’th Sunday at 5 p.m. Mrs. Elizabeth White of Smithfield attended the Annual Missionary Convention, which was held in Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Nichols has returned from their visit in New York with their chil dren. Wilson Mills First Baptist Sunday School enjoyed a pic nic in Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant - ham of Washington, D. C, and Mrs. Joyce Davis visited the Day Care Center for the Men tal Retarded. Woman’s Day was observed at the Oaky Grove Baptist Church 'with Mrs, Eugenia Jones as guest speaker. She used as her theme, "We Need Women.” The introduction was made by Mrs. Annie R. Johnson and the scrip ture was read by Mrs. Minnie Wiliams, Rev. Broadie deliv ered a very encouraging mes sage from the Book of St. John 4 chp. The theme forthisoc casion was the "Setting Au thority of Jesus Christ.’’’ How he sat and taught the disciples to pray, How he sat and taught the commandments of God, How lie took out time with 1 is children. The Woman's Day services will be held at Galilee Baptist Church the second Sunday in August. Mrs. Evon Mitchell will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Mitchell is president of the ir vin Missionary Dept. Mrs. Ida Eason is the president. The third quarterly Meeting of Johnston District Baptist Usher Union will be held v.itl the Sanders Grove Church Sun day, August 2nd at 2:30 p.m. The devotion will be led by host church and scripture will be taken from Pslam 137; 1-9, Mrs. Maggie Bell is spending time in Washington, D. C. with her children. AngierNews BY MRS. POI LY TAYLOR ANGIER - Birthday Party: Cornelius Matthews celebrated his third birthday with a part’ of twenty girls and bovs last Monday. Refreshments served were ice-cream, cake, soda pops and cookies, and party goods a good time was by all. Miss Joyce Matthews, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mat thews and Mr. Andrews Wil liams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Williams were married on Saturday, July 18. The cou ple will reside in Charlotte .vhere the bride is attending school at Piedmont Community College. Clinton News BY MRS. H. M. JOHNSON CLINTON - Mrs. James A. Ezzell Sr., Mrs. Elizabeth Sim mons, Mr. James Ezzell, Jr. and Mrs. Perdutha Lowery gave Mr. James Ezzell, Sr., a sur prise birthday party on Sunday, July 26, from 8 to 11 p.m. at the Ezzell home on College St. Many friends of the family and relatives were on hand for the occasion. The honoree received main congratulations and gifts. De licious ice cream and cake were enjoyed by the guests arid fami ly. I ittle Jo Jo and Debbie were delighted to help tlieii grand daddy unwrap his gifts. The guests on hand to share in the party were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Summerville, Miss Eva Mae Morrisey, Miss Mable Powell. Mr. and Mrs. H, M. Johnson, Mrs. Katrina Cam . Mrs. Charity Jacob, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pridgen. Rev. and Mrs. J. L. White, Mr. Willie Faison, Dr. V. E. Men itt, Mrs. Lucille Asley and Mrs. Bettio Jacob. Mr. Tyrone Armvvood and sister, Janice, returned to Washington, D. C. last Sunday after spending the weekend wit! their mother, Mrs. Georgie Armwood of Sampson Street. Mrs. P. S, White has return ed to the city after attending a three-week summer school session at Valley Forge, Pa. The Andrew Chapel Mis sionary Baptist Churcli held a mortgage burning program at the church Sunday, July 26. This was the culmination of tie build ing expansion at the church. Mr. Charles R. Johnson, a summer school student at North Carolina A&T State University has returned to school after spending several days here with his paretns, Mr. and Mrs. H, M. Johnson. Miss Erma Joyner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Usher Joy ner of Turkey, N. C,, accompan ied her brother-in-lav. and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Scon, of Philadelphia, Pa. to Puerto Rico to visit their sister and family, Mrs. Helen Baton. WOMEN’S GUILD CLUB MEETS The Women's Guild Club held its July meeting at the home of Mrs. Addie Johnson on Wil liam Street. The president, Mrs. Josie Moore, presided over the busi ness session. Many plans were made for the future. Members present were Mes darnes Gladys Pugh, ! ydiaGay, Freida Faison, Josie Moore, Rosa Kenlaw Annie Caldwell, Everlina Rich also Misses Nan cy Boykin and Mildred Bea man and yours truly . New mem bers joining were Mrs. Mary Tate and Mrs. Emma Wilson. Ice cream, pound cake, nuts and mints were served. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Carr are vacationing in Detroit, Michigan. Mr. James A, Ezzell Sr., is visiting his uncle, Mr. Ralph Ballard in Philadelphia, Penna., and his children in Washington, D. C. this week. We are sure he will get a little rest along with much pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low ery and son of Chesapeake, Va., spent last weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ezzell, Sr. Sgt. Willie Simmons, Mrs. Simmons and daughter, Debra, motored dQwr. from Was! ing ton, D. C, last weekend and paid a visit to Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ezzell, Sr. VACATIONING Mrs. Billie Avery Lee and children are back at t! eir home in Philadelphia Penna., after spending three weeks here with Mrs. Emma Mimms. Mrs. Mimms also had her son, James, Jr., of Philadel phia, and Mr. Oscar London and family of New York as her guests. They reported an en joyable stay in North Carolina. Chapel Hill News CHAP EI HILL - Sunday School opened at 9:45 a.m. with the supt., Mr, Monroe Gillspsie, in charge. Morning worship set ’, ice began at 11 a.m. with the Richard Alien c! oir in charge of the music with Mrs. Lewis, organist. The pastor. Rev. Epps delivered a very encouraging message to his congregation from Psalm "1:17. Subject "The Bright Side Os I Ife.” The Tiny Tot choir sang. "I Know He Loves Me.” The altar boys were Daryl Fou shee and Wayne Matthews. The ushers were Mr. Joseph Bar bee, Mr. Louis Hargrove and Mr. Johnnie Barbee. Announce ments were made at this time by Miss Arminta Foushee. The annual Church School picnic will be held Aug. 23 in Salem, Va. Don’t forget youth retreat for Christian Educa tion at Kittrell College Aug. 3- i. The adult classes will l>e held Aug. 10-15. Revival services are already in progress at Second Baptist Church, with the Rev. W. T. Bigelow of Durham as guest speaker. Obryant Chapel Church School observed a Mock Con ference with all the ci urh.es eporting. The Goldenaires of Haw Riv er just observed their 15th 'anniversary with many groups appearing on program. Rev. Sister Dora Atwater emcee the program. Obryant Chapel Church School will leave Saturday at 7 a.m. for their annual Sunday School picnic that w ill be Held at Tweetsie Railroad. The Family Health Clinic Is held each Monday at 6:30 p.m. at the Mut 1-purpose Center. On Saturday Aug. Bth at 7 P.m. at the home of the Cooper P our there will be a birthday along with the honoring of mother, Lucinda Cooper. Those celebrating birthdays are Master Dontate Tuck, Mrs. Beatrice Edward and Miss Louise Tuck. THOUGHT Keep us together O God; for there are deep valleys below us, there are high mountains above u.s. If your strong hand will ! old us through perservance we will make it but it will take all of us! Together we stand: di-. i-led we fall! Lincolnvitle AME Church News BY DONALD HOOKER ASBURY-Sunday School o pened at 9;40 a.m. by singing, ‘ I Am Thine O’ Lord,” after w!iich nraver was led bv Bro. James White. The second se lection was, "I Must Tell Jesus.’’ The subject of the les son was, "The Problem of Sin, ” take from Genesis, Luke and Homans. The banner class was class No. 1, taught by Mr. James White, and banner at tondence class was No. 2. tauerht. by Mi. Charles Rogers. Morning worship services o pened at 11:15 by our pastor, Rev. Ervin. The opening hymn was, •‘When I Survey The Wondrous Cross,” afterwhich prayer was led by Bro. Clancy Cain. The second hymn was "Jesus Savior Pilot Me.” Scripture was tak en from James 5:8. The sub ject of the sermon was, "Get Anything You Want Through Prayer.” VNN OUNC EM ENTS The Lincolnville AME Church will observe its homecoming on August 30th. Board meet ing will I* held Tuesday at 7;30. The conference will be held on the It! Sunday in August. Junior choi: practice will be held Saturday at 6 o’clock. Miss Faye Hooker present ed an offering taken up during Bible School week. SICK Our sick are Mr. Grover Perry in the Wake Memorial Hospital and Sister Mary White. A THOUGHT "One should hate the bad ac tions of another, but not the person, himself, and sin is mis sing tiie mark in life; every time you sin, you lose.” Roseboro News BY MRS. LILLIE CULBRETH ROSEBORO - First Baptist’s Sunday School opened at 9:45 a.m. with the assistant supt., Mrs. Mary W. Tabron, in charge. We had. a wonderful lesson. Morning services began at 11 a.m. The music was render ed by the senior choir, under the direction of Mrs. Dorothy Johnson. The pastor, Rev. S. W. Williams, took his text from Acts i:8 and used lor his subject, "Witness For Christ.” His message was an inspiration to everyone. He stated to the congregation tnat being witnesses for Christ we must face many obstacles while showing people the waytoGod's unchanging love. At the afternoon service at 3 p.m., the Union Star Free wili Baptist Church from Clin ton, with their pastor, Rev. Lefldeai, and congregation ren dered services. His text was taken from John 3;16, arid he used for his subject, "The Love Os God,”. He delivered a very wonderful message. Our sick and shut-ins are Mrs. Mallie Melvin, Mr. Lewis Warren and Mrs. Ella Williams. MALABYS CROSS ROAD CHURCH HOLDS QUEEN CONTEST - The Queen Contest at Malabys Cross Road Baptist Church was held Sunday, July 19th at 3 p.m. This contest was sponsored by Mrs. Ruth Whitfield, who is a group captain of the church. Mr. Herman Dunn was master of ceremony. The program consisted of melodious, spiritual music of the church groups, the Spiritual choir, the senior choir, the Gospel Traveler Singers. A solo by Rev. George A. Jones, Jr. and the crowing of the queen of Malabys Cross Road. Nine contestants. The contestants competed for the title of "Mrs. Malabys Cross Road” were Mrs. Nannie H. Perry, Mrs, Cora P. Tyler, Mrs. Mary W. Peebles, Mrs. Mozell D. McCoy, Mrs. Alberta Jones, Mrs. Bernice H, Faison, Mrs. Ida B. Perry, Mrs. Jar.nie H. Row and Mrs. Ruby A. Mial. Each person worked diligently to be crowned queen of the contest. The contestants contribution ranged from $40.00 to SBOO. Little Miss Pasty Foster was the crown beartM for the Queen. From the number of ladies Mrs. Pattie J. Hill of Goal Hope Baptist Church, in the absence of Mrs. Ora Webbs of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, crowned Mrs. Cora P. i yler Queen of Malabys Cross Road. She reported the largest sum of money whic! was around SBOO, 'lire total sum of $1,500.00 was raised at this program. This program was held fort! >• benefit of the Church’s Building Fund. This was an enjoyable even ing for approximately 150 or more friends and members of the church. CLASS HOLDS 40TH RKI NT ON ~ Pictured here are members of the Class of 1930 who wen m : n ! list week when the Lincoln University National Alumni Association honor- them at the Annual Convention. From left to right are Albert 1 anion . . Marshall Reason, Marinda Ferguson, Arthur Shoopshire, Altha Harri University President Walter C. Daniel, Leanetta Simms, Finis Simms Wi 1 urn Wynn, Richard Kelley and Miss Ruth Allen (not pictured). TariieH Family Reunion Held In i\ew \ ork State BY J. B. BARREN • WHIT AKERS-Mr. and Mrs. L. Lackv of 341 Highland Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. entertained more than 80 relatives at a family reunion at theii home Saturday, July 11. Five gen erations were present. Ti ,--< were descendants of the hue Ellis and Sarah Byrd of Whi takers, North Carolina. James C, Bryant 'a nop:. , ) and wife Eleanor and their Mark from Oakland. California were guests of honor. Other AME lion leaders To Open Meet SALISBURY - The 1970 meet ing of the Connection.>l Council, AME Zion Churc’ . is sc! edulo ' to get underway at solidei Me morial Churc! at 11 a.n .1 ms day and continue until Satui day. The meeting brines t-■ cit; the policy-makers of de nomination, whin! ineludi- the bishops, general office: s a:.-: administrative bonds. Bishop W. A. Stewart, w! o rr.-sides over the sth Episcopal District, will 'preside over the sessions and serve as the President of the Board of Bishops for six months. He succeeds Bishop S. G. Spottswood. Bishor • . S. Anderson is the secretary. The work of the church, as it has been administrated for the past six months will be review ed and implemented. Reports Robert Grant Heads Me ham’s Naff Alumni NASHVILLE, Term. - Rob ert C. Grant has been named Executive Secretary of the Me harry Medical College Alumni Association, according to Dr. Ralph H. Hines, vice president of the college. The Alumni Office plans to expand and diversify it's opera tions to meet the growing de mands of the school and the a lumni association, Grant said. Plans are to develop a com prehensive filing system which could supply in depth informa nephews present with their families were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Phillips and son Jo seph, Jr. of New Rochelle, N. V.; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horn ;, Uncansivilie, Conn.; Coy Horner, New London, Conn.; M•. • i Mrs. Lin wood Byrd, M uoi Island, N, Y, >. ieo 1 present were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lomery and son Mot > is of \*ew Rochelle and Mt s. C-i rol D. Bone-. Mt. Vernon, Mr. and Mr.-. L< Milton, ami son, Ivon, of o , tenoral officers will begin at 2 p.m. of ti e first day and foiiiu.ue until they have all been heard. report on the merger ofthe i participating communions COCU will be made. The .. ■ Me: lut’- been discussed as •o the denomination’s joining t proposed 2 5,000,000 - mem - i : organization. It is believed t! at the Council will at least a jri'O to stud;, the Plan of Union th.it h.is been distributed to :.! , ■ vho nave participated in the consultation. \ welcome program, presid ed , - i !>-. Rev. H. L. Ander son, iiusi -pastor, was slated to bo held Wednesday night. The serving of the Holy Sacrement of the Lord’s Supper will he the main feature of the opening session Thursday. tion on all alumni and alumni related materials, he added. Grant was employed by the Detroit Urban League until A pril, after his discharge from the United States Air Force last year. An aircraft control and warning technician while in the service, he worked with 7)-2) automatic and semi-auto mated neeted radar system in Alaska and with 412-1. auto matic. radar-system in West Germany. Jr. and daughters, Joyce, Shari, Otis and Gerald, all of New Rochelle. Mrs. Charles (Rethella) Morton and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McDuffey and their three sons; Mr. and Mrs. William McDuffey and their three daughters, all of Bronx, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilkerson and their son Hugh and daughters, Joan, Deborah, and Brenda, granddaughter, Shelly and grandfather Wilker son, all ol Mt. Vernon; Mrs. Mary Wallace, and Miss Almeta Byrd of Elizabeth, N, J.; Mrs. l ittle Mae Cooper of New Lon don, Conn.; grand-nieces; Mrs. Doris B. Giles and son, Frank, Jr., from Washington, D. C., Mrs. Funice Alston and daugh ter, Laurie, granddaughter, Twanya, also daughter, Mrs. Sharon Conn and husband, Wil liam and their son, Billy, Jr. a not I er son Saunders; and Rich ard and his wife, JoAnn and their son Rickey all of Mt. Ver non; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Patter son and daughter Loraine from Scotch Plains, N. J. Mrs. Lucil le Scott, Rahraway, N. J. Cous ins were; Mrs. Carolyn Taylor arid daughter, Jaunita, New Ro chelle; Mrs. Wildon Broughton, New Rochelle; Mrs. Marguite Whitfield and son, Sammie and daughter, Janice, also from New RochellF; Miss Mildred Taylor and Miss Deborah Taylor, Mt. Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. Odell Taylor, Wilbert Taylor, Mrs. Sallie Davis, Mrs. Bessie Webb, and Mrs. Bettye Ford of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greene of Westbury, L. 1., N, Y. and their five children. Also present was a sister, Mrs. Sudie A, Phillips of New Rochelle. Mrs. Lumelia Hill, a sister of New York City, who is 100 years old, was not present neither a sister, Mrs. Mittie A. Bryant of Oakland, California. Best wishes were sent from a cousin, Mrs. Nettie Faulkner, who cele brated her 103 birthday October 1960. She lives in Baltimore, ( Md., and traveling has become a chore for her. There were many more nieces, nephews, great nieces and nephews who could not be present. The oldest person at this gathering was a cousin whowas 90 March 29, A complete home cooked dinner was served and everyone had a lovely time.

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