FROM RALEIGH’S OFFICIAL POLICE FILES THE CRIME BEAT (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) "SAMMY CUT ME” Miss Janice De n ice Whi taker, 520, K. Hargett Street, cal • law at 4:52 a.m. Sat .: ’.ay. . e informed Of ficers H. D. Goodwin and R. H. Phiili! that she, Charles Melvin Spruill and Sammy Lee Wil er< at 201 e. Har geti Street, "sitting around talkuuSpruill stated, "Sam n;y cm ■ Spruill, vho suf fer- i ■ four-inch laceration on the . i , t c: eek, told the officers that - didn’t know if he would sig . in as.snalt wit! a deadly e.ipor. wa: rant against Wil lian s. 13, 511 Montague Lane or 220 S. Last Street, * * * ROB PEI ■ BY LORCF William Otis Bass, 22, 17- 04 Sundial Place, told Officer M. Biss- tt< at 2:13 Saturday, that four colored males jump ed and robhed him in the 1800 fiio-'k of Easter Boulevard (A ■ol i Heights). He said he was tunable to give descriptions of the me. who rohled im of S' 111’. He suffered a bruised rig t for<>: cad. POINTS PISTOL, CURSES Walter Hudsoi Bridges, 42, e:T>4 Jup-it-u court, told a cop Hammarlund FM/AM Portable £1 WEATHER SENTRY I RADIO I | 3 BAND/17 TRANSISTOR | 24-hoort Wislher-Sentry for' £ «... U.S. weather reports inslantty it th« :•> fi ttifi »l * switsh. £: : Tour WHih.r.SfUtf, r.dia n i '~e ——. jAC Adaptor m AAr Included §|*JQ § 1 SOUTNBMSHKM I 43 s fpnmrm & 7 J 04HBsfe*fa*fh SL & HKTROM& PtoMfltt-SSII is •X , ' 1,11 «Mn’rsiiUerip *tenlkAswSSKd Si Uvcr MX ears l n Electronics tm. Hum «»11*. & rnuxs-mHuil I WIGS j & CONTINUES l S OPEN TUESDAY HO A.M. to t P.M. $ W«d. 10 A.M. to 6 P.M., Thur. S A.M. I» 6 P.M., « rrideyIOAM.t»?MW.,S»MOA.M.t*tP.M„ « $ Mendey 10 A.M. !e 4 P.Wi. % J | 5Z A |wigs7“| | free EREE i WTSTHT s Vy E II $ I 5 DURING OUR l j> GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING J J I £ | 1 /£|Trans- |^^p^2£L2| OTHER LOCATIONS; 1 I* Ilf WiiHaMlipV*'.- = y . OwH**i: WelterCs Vlllay* s at Utuu a.m. last Tuesday, that someone had taken his pocket knife from his locker at the Capital Coca-Cola BottlingCo„ 2200 S. Wilmington St. and he was approached by Marvin Col lins, Jr., 23, Route 1, Lil lington, whom Bridges saidtoici him, as he pointed a pistol at the complainant, ‘‘lf you say another d... word about that knife, I’ll blow your brains out.” Mr. Bridges signed a warrant and Mr. Wiggins was "hauled off” to Wake County Jail, charge witt assault with a dead ly weapon. * * * STRUCK IN FACE Bishop Clinton Martin, Jr., 1428 Carnage Drive, reported to officers R. C. Gay and J. Hedrick at 1:36 p.m. Saturday, that his wife, Mrs. Mary Ann Martin, was the mother of two children, fathered by Meivin Ockletree, 200 block of Sea weli Avenue, and the children were living with Ockletree. Martin said he went to get the children to stay with their moth er. A quarrel ensued as Mrs. Martin and Ockletree started to "fuss.” Martin said he then stepped into the fray and was struck on the left cheek by Ock- letree. He said he would sign an assault and battery warrant. Martin suffered a cut on the left cheek bone. * * * HUBBY ASSAULTS WIFE Mrs. Mary Alice Wooten, 112 Bart Street, told an officer at 10:25 p.m. Saturday: "Me and my v husband were talking and suddenly he became mad and began beating me. Before I could do anything, he had me down, coking me. I got up and ran out of the house. "Mrs. Wooten gave the cop a full description of her husband, Robert Lee Wooten, 53. She suffered bruises about the body. * * * UNWELCOME VISITOR Willie Price, Route 3, Box 288, Chapel Hill, told two of ficers at 9:40 p.m. Saturday, that he went to visit a girl on Carver Street, and she came out to his car. He also stated the girl’s father, known only to him as "Good Carl,” 55, saw them, went and got his shotgun from his house. Price said he then started backing up the street when ‘‘Good Carl” returned with the weapon. He said the father the got into ms own car and blocked the street so that Price could not leave. He said "Good Carl” came to his car, opened the door and struck Price with the butt of the gun. Mr. Price, however, refused to sign and as sault warrant against the father. He suffered lacerations on the left side of his chin, * * * BREAK BOTTLE OVER HEAD Miss Jo Ann Broom, 19, 718 S. Dawson Street, reported to Officer F. D. McLamb at 7 : 06 p.m. Saturday, that she and Oma Hunt, 30, 529 Cannon Avenue, had been together since ap proximately 11 a.m. that day. She stated that about 6 p.m., they had an argument and Hunt Hormones Grow Hair Back WATCH YOUR HAIR GROW Sr_j3§ W® Have Proved It NOW You Can Prove If For Yourself WiM'' LE CONTE' HAIR GROW BACK TREATMENT Guaranteed Hair Leokt Alive Feels Alive And Will Grow mm I SAc THIS COUPON IS WORTH 50c 50c I To Get You Acquainted: Take This t’mip, n. To Any I Beautv Supply or Store Selling LE CONTE’ HORMONE , | HAIR'GROW BACK TREATMENT. Dealer: This Coupon Is Worth 50c When the Beam | I Purchases a Jar of LE CONTE HORMONE HAIR , GROW BACK TREATMENT at Regular Price $2.50. I 1 Customers: Name I Address I City Phone j Distributed by J. W. WEAVER & CO SNIPE’S BEAUT Y SUPPLY ItnwV' 1700 E Street Phone 828-5425 Phone 274-9375 Raleigh, N. C. 27601 Gmnsboro X. C. Back To School Clothes And Shoes For The Young Man Who Wants The Latest Styles AtThe Lowest Prices In Town Law Away Now And Save Money Entire New Stock of Shirts, Pants, Knits, Coats and Everything That’s New DANIELS 213 S. WILMINGTON ST—RALEIGH USE ASX CHARGE CARDS OPEN FRIDAY’TIL 9 P. M. picked up .) 7-Up lotilo and broke it over he: l ead, then hit her on a finger. "Dot! subjects had been drinki: . according to Mel *s r< ■ port. The incident m-cur red at Hunt's house. STABBED WITH SC: EW DRIVER Willie Lee Short, 2 •. F not: 1 220 E. Cabarrus Street, inform ed two cop.- at 4;32 a... . Sat urday, that he and ' is girl friend, Miss Mat - . Frances Mc- Kay , 38, 315 E. Martin St: > 01, were- arguing in ’ is 10. n. an he slapped .r. According to Short, tl'.e wo;nan t pick . up a screwdriver off the d ser and stal lod him in > ■ Chest. He was taken to Wake- Memorial Hospital for mer.t of a two-inc puncture wound in the chest. A '.vat - rant, clanging, assault • :: deadly weapon was signed am the woman was ar : t steel. ATTACK COP, ."TEALS HAT Officar Anthony Dunba• re ported at 2:41 a. ... Saturda as follow; "At the abo e time and location ’2Ol s. East St.,'. I attempted to at rest a color ed male, approximately 2. yrs. of age, for disoi ieriy conduct. The subject refused to eo;m peacefully , and 1 was forced to sulxiue ! im. W hile attempting to subdue him. I was jumped upon by three colored males, ages approximately 20, who pulled rnt off t! e subject and slammed me aginst the wall. All of those involved then ran sout] on Fast Street. I gave chase on foot, but was unable to catch any cf those involved. I have no names of those in volved, but can recognize at least one of those who took part. During the struggle, nn hat was knocked from my head and was taken by one of the crowd.” Officer Dunbar’s shirt was also torn during the melee. * * * BEATS OFFICE R- J All HE Officer Ralph Douglas Clay borne, 28, reported at 1:38 a. m. Saturday the following in formation: "While on rountine patrol, this unit was answer ing a call at 100 N. Fisher ■’ Gregory Qua In Peebles, 1. -’ 1 Everette Avenue (Ob ■ .liii was arrested for dls " rl conduct. This subject resisting arrest and ak this officer about thf •' 1 and face.” The officer ■1 ‘ hi rises on the left side of t ! "'p. and $5 in damage was to is tie pin. Peebles - Lnally subdued and placed Lake County Jail, charged - ieriy conduct, assault officer and damage to I > ' • His bond was set at * * * At EEL BY "IKE” Miss Emma Louise Thorpe, .. . ; W. 1 enior street, told nfrtceis at 6:19 a.m. Sat . . that she was in bed, a : an, known only to her ‘Tke’’, attacked her. She t • man lives upstairs at ■use. She said although: :■ h e: men were witnesses attack, it was “Ike” who M-.rt her. She said after the v.ifk, with hands and fists, a. T the subjects fled out of tl : side, via a side door on : side. Miss Thorpe said t: . a ad been playing cards. < x’nibited minor bruises. * * * F 71 E DOES "TRICKS” . :rev. Eli Adams, 45, Route 1. l ex 1 \pex. reported to Of fi M. Bissette at 2:43 a.m, s . ,:,r , that lie was standing h If • is car in the 300 block o' v. South Street when sortie o: 1 '-w a lottle. The bottle hr ;.i.- car, glanced off and s ! - in in the face. Adams, w; suffered deep lacerations e left side of his face and cl :.i stated lie did not know who t! a the bottle. * * * N BTW O FOR FIGHTING officers W. E. Atkinson and p, B. Pendergrass arr estea y. - Willie Mae Austin, 28, 3 on Bledsoe Avenue, and Perry ; . jo, ker same add: ess, for fi . at 12:14 a.m. Friday. ■ 1 parties told conflicting stories about what happened. , .tch said the other pointed ti g U n at the other. A war r ,t' was drawn for engaging ir an affray with a deadly v. a:.'on. Both parties admitted so thmo ti e otl e: with the shot and their hands and fists. 1 incident occurred at 101 U Maik St. * * * SI M lEI \T KNIFEPOINT I'oimld Jerome Singletary, 2 , 003 1 2 New Bern Avenue, reported to two cops at 2:49 a.m. Saturday, that "he and his 1 friend (Charles Melburn Si 1 nill), had fought before when ! . seen talking to another i: l is boyfriend, "Single ta: said : e was leaving 220 S. 1 . t street and an unknown sub ject was also leaving at this :ime. "At this time,” Single tan continued.” "They boy friend became angry arid slap IJP going... going... almost gone 1 |H| 111 ' Th THEENTtRESUMMER STOCK ' l 11/ "A price I ped me.” Then drew his knife on him. The complainant was advised to sign an assault with a deadly weapon warrant against Spruill. * ♦ * USES KITCHEN KNIFE Reuben Roosevelt Pete, 32. 584 E. Lenoir Street, told Of ficer \\, B. Harrington at 12:24 a.m. on Sunday of last week, that he and the man who cut him had "had some words” during the early par* of the day, but he thought that everything was all right until that r.tgi t when the argument started again. Pete said that's when the man went home (7 Nasi Terrace), got a kitchen knife, came back and cut him. Pete who exhibited cuts on both arms, was admitted to Wake Memorial Hospital. He said the man’s last name Is Flemming, and listed his age at 27. The incident occurred at the intersection of Boundary and Holmes Streets. ♦ * * STABBED BY WIFE Herbert Bowie, 23, 1341 Branch Street (Walnut Ter race), informed two officers at 2:38 p.m, last Sunday, that his wife, Mrs. Linda Sue Bowie, 17, same address, cut ! im, but said lie would not sign a war rant, because it was his fault and he wanted no action taken. He was taken to Wake Me morial Hospital for treatment "Enjoy Comfortable Living" Martin Porres Apartments 1512 Carnage Drive —ONE PAYMENT PAYS ALL— ® HEAT AN Hi AIR CONDITIONING » WATER AND ELECTRICITY » CARPETING » RANGE AND REFRIGERATOR » PAVED PARKING © DRAPERIES ©FM RADIO AND ALL CHANNEL TV RECEPTION • DISPOSER » FTBNITi RE CALL 828-5786 Jchn w - Win,ers & Co an m wim w ar « w w so? e. martin st. THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH N C., WEE7K ENDING SAT . AUGUST 1 1970 of the stab> wout.d ana several cuts on his back. * * * WE APOLOGIZE 111 last week’s Crime Beat, an item was head PARTIN "FINGERED’' in connection with the theft of a radiator and generator w! ich were removed from an automobile, owned by William Owen Snellings, 925 E. ..ane Street, in the police of fense report, there is a place for a person to list any sus pects when a crime lias been committed. In this slot last week was the name Stanley Pai - tin, 19, 1008 E. Jones Street. However, Mr. Partin came into the office of Tie CAROI INI AN • # j Top Priority : : Anything more important ; • swsk than your family’s future? • Put first things first with • n&m common sense life * • W* insurance. Call me today | Tr rs ‘ arv E. Fox j • M Metropot.itan Like • l JUSm. mu. Insurance Co I : 219 Oberlin Road * I Phone 828-5717 • • L __J Metropolitan Life : os v * \ : on Monday to report that lie was not cl arged with an crime that iie did not stt al Snellings’ auto equip: c,i. We apologize to M l. Part in f< ■ 1 is. * » * THREATENED WITH fCMEh Reedie Earl Johns'n. 716 Cumberland Street told Offic r G. W, Black at 7;12 p.m. on Sunday of last week, that a colored male stopped im in the 50: block of Rock , .• r\ Road and secused him of tty ing to force his sister inb> is Car. then drew a ki: 0:1 Johnson, who S3id • "s tit he scene” tokeeptl.e mart; um cutting him. 3

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