f l'il - g* fjA ~y \ _ t X~„. Jt -Ar* SI KHAN’S MOTHI R “SHOCKED”-Hollywood: The mother of condemned assassin Sirhan Sirhan is support; I by her son, Munir, as she tells newsmen that she is “shocked” at a re port Arab guerillas had demanded her son’s release in exchange for the freedom of 184 hostages being held aborad hijacked jets in Jordan. Mrs. Mary Sirhan was near tears as she said “I’m conc-rned with every life of a human being.” (TUI). ia Afsf Je f'\em inders BY MRS. RUTH M. BETHEA 844 E. Lenoir St. PHONE 832-6389 The Labor Da\ holiday seem ingly passed on without s< i ious conflicts of any kind in most of the sections of our country. Tuesday morn * ing as one could observe, chil dren m a i died t back to school. Again we ap peal to the par ents to talk lie fore their fami lies in aeoopo; ative manner s<> that child]. . .ill that none other * at >.! in for the laws pid .> s*»r t) •> betterment of nr v orld and they, too, will , ‘V. . to follow the laws of ti > L tuv n or city. The Raleigh Imhp dent Birthdays’ 1- if t •tu.m - sar>- will be ol a ■ : eav, Sept. 13, at Ci ace ( : a| * 1, coi - ner Hill and l-av-ntoa Sts., with Miss Mary Bro- ■ . | r- .--id. at, in charge of a level\ pi > : am. as sisted b\ Miss ! t Mae Coa bie. Miss Blanche fi ; - fW.i h ington, r. c an Mr. ; lat Cress also <■{ Via' are visiting with Mr; ( Mr. John Foifi of Newport News, Ya. was ' ■■ a >st »of Ins sisters, M i a i;! • Lowe of Nev !■ : w., Mrs, " Effie Yotim . r I ■ si St •■ et and Mi. and Mi s. Hubert Ha - lis. Appropiiiat. funeral -ervices were held Satire).;;., Septem ber 5, at 2 i>.n fi■ i Mi. Vil - liam R. Edn 3r, it SUMMER’S-END SMI 100% HUMAN HAIR # .guw WIGLETS - $ 3 JUST ARRIVED! £ AM AFROS 5 SYNTHETIC-PLUS £ W #% Qff WIGS 1.1" /g^lrans VVa NAiAfiodo imkwths OTHER LOCATIONS: Ourhiir,: W#ltoa*s Yiticye Crwn»bw»- Wpfftßn4atw» Saint Paul AME conducted oy the pastor, Rev. Charles N. Bourne. Mr. Edmondson was a pleasant Christian gentleman, who will be missed in his home, in his church, and on the streets of Raleigh. Former pastors attending his funeral and taking a part in the services were Rev. *C. R. Scott Rev. L. S. Penn and Rev. G. \\. Larkin. A beautiful tribute was giv en bv Mrs. Addie G. Stroud. We r an say of Mr. Edmond son: “Servant, well done, enter into the joys of Thy Lord.” We hope that vacationeers .’.ho selected our city enjoyed their stay and will come again. \\ e also hope those who said • TYPES OF AUDIKNC J-.-S QUESTION: If an audience is not friendly, what attitudes may it have? Mrs. G. C. B. ANSWER: Attitudes vary witti each audience, each occasion, In relation to each speake: arid’- his purpose. However, they may classified generally as favor-* * able, apathetic, and hostile. If the speaker’s audience !«' favorably Inclined toward him ■ and already interested in hear- -: ing what he has to say, thf* speaker's only problem is to’ justify and maintain interest. HA does not need to establish, rap- ' port for he already has it; hfe ■ needs only to reinforce it. With the hostile audience, no. amount of exposition or argu ment will each listeners until' >. you have dispelled the host!- • 1 ity. Hence, the speaker musfc-jv (a) use skill In opening up thtvy minds of the listeners, and (bj>« the rest will depend upon thC*i character of the speaker. The apathetic audience is 1 not hostile nor enthusiastic. * Hence, the speaker must a-'-: rouse by vivid description of the - benefit they will receive from, let us say, registering to vote, or taking polio shots. READERS: Foi my free pamphlet on discussion, send two stamps and a long, self addressed envelope to M. H. Boulware, Florida A&M Uni versity, Box 31 0- \, Tallahas see, Florida -32307. 7