6 THE CAROLINIAN RALLIGII fi. C„ SATURDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1070 Dr. Wendell P. Russell Is per firginiiStitiPrexy 1 )■! TERSBUHC, Va. - Hie BBoa i of visitors of Virginia ■State ( 'liege lias elected Dr. ■We.i'i 1 Phillips Russell as Kept ••-ident of Virginia State Col- Ulegi i-ectdi Elgin M. Lowe an- Bnoun 'oil last week. I The '.lection tn the Board ■tool- .’lac•• at a special meet ling held Sunday, Sept. 27. I 1 . R-,,sst'ii, a native of Mid- Idle- 'y, ' a. and the son Sm . # ,is currently serv- B: . . .invc’" of public affairs |f( i 'wm of the Col- TWO MINUTES ft k*rn rn BIBLE (f\ . *V COtNHIU* ». *TA* Ml*. J { t IIIUK »ltll iOCIITV \/l ; Chicago, iuinois »063 S r M p ’VI- \KNESS AND GOD’S i£’o\\ p ■ W(;iour Lord was on earth Sle- healed great numbers of pg rk diseased people. The lx 9- •r; at Pentecost also Hu'-.ilt - name of Jesus, f§j.'t His : - (urn fror:. hear on 1,. . tleii repent ■u:r:- '\cts 3:10-21). H .1. tii - - who were healeo, ■ , fin,ill; succumbed to ■ .■hv.sk d Infirmity or disease ■ gain died after all. This Hl-.a? i .:':n's,. the Lor-.l Jesus was ■-ejecti- ■' a- King both in His ■ncaruatior. aim in His resur ■ ii' ’., > on.. 8;22. 23, declares i. ~s ec- it in our gU. ■ \\c that the whole Bri at ion groaneth and tra- S iilet’ it. pair, together until Hf.ov \ :id not onl\ they, but ■nn solves a so, which have the iWir:: uit . f the s| is it, even Old's- '.VI S gi. in Within our- M * or the adop- Ht , - -e redemption of ■'ll:: . §1 B .. us in “this pie «es. • ,iw them closer Hi .-aver and faith. H s at. '.( sue: H - * was given to me a Hl' 1 ' i.esh... lest I should g|e ■ j bed itxjve measure. For H : -t> <• mg i besought the Lord » ** 4 * j * n * » • yt * • » ■s:# * » tig » * * « I tBH ?*.“» BhOST.3 prayer meeting BlU'.s:’AY-Evangelist Martha tMk Ink, 1204 S. Bloodwortli St., jjHill be i,ostess at prayei to he held at her home jHn Tliutsday, Oct, 8, at Bp.m. Hrhe gi.-nei.il public Is invited to -Httend. Evangelist Link is well in tl-.is area as a spir |Hnai leader and healer. The tjgieettngs will tx:- b.eld eacli night thereafter. /' by Cartwright ECHO ’ W, CANYON I *.~l Mfr B ©tuAs.c«r?f\vfsi&T3T » 3? :f r * : #\jf\'ja.4* HHk *BW**D*«*«WW**^**l e * rj,,, **B | W***** lM * ,l, **** , ®'* , * ,! * ,! ®’ k * , ’ l *‘* ,l "®'®"" ,W, * , " , "* , " ,,a * , **® , **® , ' , ®I" Rf "Th« stock markst will not affacf church giving! ... th« stock markof wii! not affoet*,.!" DR. WENDELL P. RUSSELL iege, a position he held until 1969. At this time, he left the university and became as sociated with the American Can Company, the position he held when elected president of VSC. In addition, he has worked with numerous institutes and projects related to the educa tion and improvement of the dis advantaged, including the Neighborhood Youth Corps, Up ward Bound, where he served as a consultant, and the Institute thrice, that it might depart from me. And He said unto me; My grace is efficient for thee, for my strength is made per tect iii weakness" (II Cor. 12;- 7-9). The apostle's response tothis is beautiful: "Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Chri«t may rest upon m t .. 1 take pleasure -in infirmities., for when I am weak, then am I strong" (II Cor. 12:9, 10). "For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory’ (II Cor. 4;- 16, 17). Two Profs. Outstanding Educators DENMARK, S. C.-Dr. Malki at S. Guram, Academic Dean and Mr. Bernard Cummings, Acting Chairman of the Social Sciences Division have been selected to appear in the 1970 edition of Outstanding Educa tors Os America. Nominated earlier this year, they have been chosen for the awards pub bulication on the basis of their civic and professional achieve ments, The Outstanding Educators of America is an annual program designed to recognize and honor those men and women who have distinguished themselves hi exceptional service, a chievements and leadership in education. Each, year over 5,000 of our country’s foremost ed ucators are featured in this na tional volume. Nominations for Outstanding Educators of America are made by the presidents, deans, su perintendents and other heads of schools and colleges. , . individuals who have first-hand knowledge of their endeavors and accomplishments. The educators Included in this biographical history receive a Hgh honor. They are chosen for national recognition on thP oasis of local standards of excellence. * * * More than 6,900 minority youths have become apprentices through the Labor Department’s Apprenticeship Outreach Pro gram, for Teachers of Disad- i t Youth. He has also served . 1 board of Richmond .\r< . - munitv Council, th* I : Association for Child Special Study Commissi"-:: Recreation and Leisure h. Activities for the City of mond, the Committee for t. operation In Higher Educv " and the Advisory Pear 1 •: Virginia State Comir is«i.-''. ' • Title 11, Higher Education A<". Dr, Russel! servo" • • U. S. Arm" Air C t . s World War 11, recev i:.g a ■■ charge in 1946 after a " ■ period of honorable vr u The newly-elected pu ai" is a member of Phi Pelt, K • pa and Omega Psi Phi fi d'.- l i ties, the National Educate sociation, the National C ence of Academic Deans Focus Club of Richmor. Born in June of 1926, t! e 44- year old educator is rr,. Shell of Spartansburg, and is the father of tl ref c i 1 dren, 18-year old Vernon 13-year old Shelley and fa 1 year old Wendell Phillip? i " sell, Jr. The\ will eskh . the president’s reside . r • VSC campus. MEDITATION A SERMONFTTE BY COLIN DOUGL A; "The I ord stood b;. 11 strengthened me tint thr 1 me that message might be b ' proclaimed. ’’ Tim II 4(17. It is wonderful to know tn.v there is something v.orft vi--!-.- for each one of us to do < \ • :; day, and, if we begin each d.v. with prayer, we shall r.i,-t it a 'ccessfully and happily, \> -e look to God for our inspiration, we prepare ourselves to go for ward, strengthened hi fait at receptive to new ideas. If we are beginning something new today, God will give t.v the courage, wisdom, and power we need to accomplish it and if we need a fresh viewpoint and renewed faith to go on with what we have already started, we can surely gain them tin up' our communion with the Fr. 1 •••. in prayer. There are pets who hesitate to try to fulfill their aspirations because do not feel adequate t • mands of achievement, been they feel there is far too m - ' to learn, far too mud c. petition to meet. Any accomplishment take;- effort of course. But when ■ < realize that we have the inn: power of God to draw upon n that accomplishment is a ;n.--tor of day-by-day effort, then ' fulfillment of our aspii itio becomes possible. We fee !" yal to this day’s learning, this nr.' application. As day follows d: our confidence grows within v but we must keep tn mind, !--- that this springs from God, an ; that we can draw from His source only through posit!-. < prayer and positive application of His principles of good. a? we pray, we are revitull. - ed in faith, courage, and in spiration--and as we pro - ‘ ward with out minds 0p..": * inspiration and our vision lifted, we shall lx: suer" -' and victorious—joyous’v ■. ■ umphant! "With good courage, w the Lord is my Helper.’' H--1. G. Elsey New Head Os ARC WASHINGTON, D. C.-Tt. was a changing of ihe guard at American Red Crossheadqua: - tens last weekasGeneral Ja; • F. Collins retired and Georg* M, Elsey took his place as v • • organization's president. General Collins, who reach - ed the mandatory retiremem age of 65 this month has beet president of the Red (Boss since APt'll 1, 1964, shortlj af ter his retirement from the Army. At that time, the f ui - star General was Commander in Chief, United States An Pacific. . \ Elsey, former Red Cross vice president and White House aide, has had an active career which includes service with the Federal government, experi ence as a business executive, and volunteer work with nun r-i - ous civic, welfare andpiofes sional organizations. The change in president stoo., place this afternoon at a recep tion honoring General Collins for his years of service to the Red Cross and the nation. During his term as the org anization’s chief execut iv e, General Collins guided the Red Cross through some of its most trying and difficult years, his associates pointed out. To serve members of the U. S. armed forces In Vietnam, he built the American Red Cross staff in Southeast Asia from a mere handful in 1964 to more than 350 workers a few years later. A nvestment in You / /lure UTLKU l llTt v.v.v.v;£;v>;.;. Music Jpprem t | • • •« ■« • * •• • • man, but as I write this i think back and in music % ••••••• ariy m life, it took only the simplest child? me. then g:j: trained and taught to appreciate more im n-rough life I ; 'igj ’ >wledge of. . . and appreciation for music b itured \ «• «i •• • • •• • t •• • • v md help from others, I have also grown • t a better * rr*y lord. f and love for God increases with each tb ig:: • • «*• c and worship, I would recommend to ar> t :|g: •• • • • • • • • «s • •*•*•*• V *•*•*•* 'Ur M id s appointed agency in this world for spreading the knowledge C fy Xv: ' H- demand for man to respond to thof love by loving his neu! 1 ' . 9 i the love of God, no government or society or way of ! ift - v (jit : ihe freedoms which we hold so dear will inevitably perish. Them ffP'Jf; '• paint of view, one should support the Church for the sake of m ■ .j his family Beyond that, however, every person should uphold :j: ; x ? Church because it tells the truth about man s life, death and gig ,-ne will set him free to live as a child of God. Cole men Adv v/V V # # 666660 •’** • * [ MESSAGE APPEARS EACH V M AKE > ’ G S i\< REA SINGLY A CHURCH-MINDED AREA. ’ RED FOR % <>NSIDERATION BY THE GENEROSITY OF V if ENDI- € YU I VCS AND BUSINESS FIRMS. | CAME SON • ■ N COMPANY J . 1 •,t > i«- - ' mot IEDSON BELK—?.QB SHOP PHILLIPS ROOFING CO. '•'it W -si Davie Street, iii U is;s3-352n SEARS ROEBUCK & COMPANY and Employees C. C sVIANGUM, Contractor 3016 Hillsboro St. Phont 833-1831—833-4309 BALEIGH PAINT & WALLPAPER CO 408 Downtown Blvd, Alton Strickland —Don Green &MBUHN PONTIAC. INC. 3623 Hillsboro St. TE 832-3907 FBIDEN. INC. 403 Glenwood Ave.—Raleigh, N th McLAUSIN PARKING COMPANY BILL McLAURIN .CROSS POULTRY COMPANY and Employees h BOTTLING CO. N. >*tli Carolina -'hi.ANCLE CHEVROLET . "i VY-TOWN” :.i Ni.rui Hlvd.--.834 6441 BBAhOI BANKING 4 TRUST CO. i < enieiit t.orations In Raleigh 'i h.iv Crii-nds at Krancb Banking . id Crust Company” THE Bi T COMPANY Wholesale Gracers