THE ' GOSPEL WORLD BY JAMES THOMAS V f- .ipit ;1 Ci' f ive Will celsbratt it.- 2-Ut. -.alversary Sunday nig: t it the Raleigh Safe ty chit) at 7:30. Guests on the program wilt be as follows: Ptg Ji'-hn Landis and The Golden Ectioes of ■ -ankiinton; the Clif ton Sisters "f Lonisburg; the Vane; la- ily .-f Virgillna, \'a.: ■ Hit -■ ' ; i■ : s : -f ■ smitkfield; Ihe Clouds C. iktlh THOMAS of Harmony of ZebuLiii; the Holla 1 Chapel Male Chorus of Apex; ti e Silver Erl ot s of Gai - ner; - e Daugh- | tens of Zion and I the A King Adult ! choir of Holly Sprint s; Sister Jessie Peacock, the I ivirn Travelers, and Sis ter Baby Hut! Leonard, all of Halei; . t- ■ ! will bo giver. Tin Gospel Community Club will meet Tuosda ight d - at -. e-nt,er 1, T s There •.«. c . hie Gospel pr ,u ■ t: . John ston C r-ntl a 1 ctc.U'T 17. at e e!o<. ■ v '.v ■ the Gold- True L.ig l i : ; -<’lma; and theßr.>oU•: ••.li-Marsfrom Brooklyn, N, Y. J. P. V ill:a;: -•- ■ Vs “The greatest sot ■ 1 it! • or the year.’ featu: im» ■ • i abulous Lumzy Sisters of Columbia, Mis.-, and Lie ! amic Mis sionary -J;.': lie .re... Os Asbury Park. X. j. pins the Oxford r YOU ARE I INVITED I | Ver on Smith H. P. D3le Bud Cates TODAY sms | Ed Gill Sid Moore Ear! Ferguson TO OUR 1971 £ W. G. Williford Char lie May Otis Covert Albert Coates •: I DODGE SHOWING! 1 'JQMI Mfe, m>' fH| 1 I nm ( m W r jH ; # § iH i & James Bartholomew Ronnie Price Herbert Mason Cotton Soerrer >• & » , v! $ Wh : le you're here be sure to look ovei our fine selection of % p late model used cars. | I New Car Sales 828-7461—716 Downtown ■ Klvd.. Raleigh—Parts 878-7185 $ IServics 828-7484 Office 828-2815 Used Car Sales 828-2921 £ Harmoneeres, .'.long with J. F. Williamson Sundav at .. . it thg Franklinton Christian Col lege in Franklinton, and at 7;30 at the Old Folks Rest Home tn Creedmoor. The First Baptist Church of Middlesex is hating a rally which, is alre,->d\ m progie-ss with a different . pact evening at 7:30. The Evening Five -.'.i1l sing at the Church of God of Prophec-. in Hollv Springs Sundav i hi a: 7:30. The Gospelaires w ill > e on the anniversary of the Ira ■ ling Sons at the Hort- > 1': • ' ■ d Gym in Pitts' or-, sa io * at 7. Until next week, ei .• is on: thong i foi toda - “T! 1 ■ i will certalnli always tl e wa; ton a but always lb giv--s w it ~a most requirt mi ac< --p -.’ !iat He sends, !« it bitter or sv. i -., for G'Hi knows b,s' .-da! makes ife complete.” PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. H. \' Rmise have a- th.eir house guest, Mrs. Rouse’s siste:. Mrs. F'hel Kirkpatrick of X v. Y<>rk Cit\. Mrs. Reuse is • or;- ill at t. is time. Hurr; aid get well Marie. prove me; tr; my reins and my heart. For th.y !o\ in kimim > • - foie mine eyes; and I hr.- walk ed in thv truth. *f» ' \ J \ ' *” V. L ____ » git! id II! 1 M'lloOl OIULWI/Ks STI DKNT COfNCII. -Recently, the W. H. I' i ii, ■i■ Kl l -i :i■ ! 1 1;t rv School organized a student council, composed of students ;■ ; g' ! l four through six. Officers elected are as follows: President, 0 oner Callaway; vice president, Sharon Morning; secretary, Sharon Lav is: assistant secretary. Patricia Alston; and treasurer, Shelly Tay lo . < :i. : representatives include: Ronald Jones, William Blalcok, LaVern Jeffries. Antoinette Hicks, Wiley Davis, Cheryl Dobbin, Stanley Moore, S - :; y,i lamer Sharon Thomlison and Victor Cooper. Mrs. R. D. Goldston i s advisor. Chapel Hill News BY MRS. SUSIE WEAVER CHAPE I HI LI - St. Paul AME Church School began at 9:45 a.m. You are always in vited. Morning worship began att 11 a.m. with Mr. Lewis Taylor at the organ. The pre lude to worship, “O God Our Health In Ages Past.” The sen ior choir was in charge of the music. The pastor, Rev. J. F. Fpps delivered a very inspir ing message from the Book of' St. John 6:33, using as his sub iect, “The Bread'Of God Is Life Unto The World.” The choir sang, “He Is The Lilly Os The Valley, The Bright And Morning Star.” Prayer for the sick and shut-ins were offered. The acknowledgement of visi tors were by Miss Armenta Foushee. Flowers were given by Mrs. Grace Franklin. The altar boys were Daryl Foushee and Alford Gains. On Sunday at 8 p.m, the Mis sionary Society will observe its Missionary night. The White Rock Holy Church, pastor, and members will be in charge of the candlelight night in white. Revival services are already in progress at the O’Bryant Chapel AM ' Zion Church. The pastor is Rev. V. R, Horton. Everyone is invited to attend. The panel of American Wo men had a very fine workshop at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Cansher on Estes Drive. There will be a selling Sat urday, Oct. 10th at the Masonic Hall, Rosemary St. beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 10th, after midnight, the bus will leave from C. H. Funeral Home for a trip to Tweetsie Railroad, those wishing to go please contact Mt-s. Grace Franklin and mem bers of the Weaver Gospel Sing ers. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Sanders and family have returned home after visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders are from New York. Those celebrating birthdays are Mr. Haywood Link, Mr. Morris Mason, Jr., Mr. Isaac Jones, Miss Marie Gattis. The Family Health Clinic is held each Monday at 6; the Multi-Purpose Center, School Lane, THOUGHT Stand still and see the sal at ion of the Lord, through your feet, may be slipping through the mountain; may be high, the valley deep and the l iver wide, God grace is suf- Loieri! if we can onlv believe. PI-EASE PUT BEFORE THE THOUGHT Our shut-ins are Rev. J. p. Dunhart, Mr. Ward L. Burnett, and Mrs. Bessie Cordell. Homecoming will he obser ved Sundav Oct. 11th at the New Hope Baptist Church, Chatham. The guest speaker will be the H p v. A. D. I rons of Newark N, J. Holly Springs m MISS JULIA T. MERRITT HOLI Y SPRINGS - Sundav School was held at our Com munity churches at their ap pointed hour, with their supts. in charge. The 11 o’clock worship serv - ices were held at the First Baptist Church, where the Rev. H. V, Miles is pastor. Rev. Miles text was taken from St. John 4;10 and used for his theme, “The Gifts Os Christ.” The senior choir rendered the music. Hdly Communion was served. Morning service was also held at Douglas Chapel with the Rev. F. L. Rush bring the mes sage. On October 4, the 11-o’clock worship services were held at the United Church of Christ, where the Rev. J. H. Jones delivered the morning message. Rev. Jones text was taken from Daniel 6:10. His subject was “Prayer Is the Answer.” The senior choir furnished the mu sic. We re-assembled at 8 p.m., when the October birthmonth Club sponsoring a musical pro gram, with Mrs. Cora Lassiter, presiding. Participating on the program were: the All Girls Chorus, The Young Adult Gos pel Chorus, The Community- Male Chorus and the YWA. Mrs. Georgia Betts was the narrator. The YWA of the First Baptist Church met in the church basement. Mrs. Yvonne Burt was hostess. Our reporter, Miss Betty Merritt, along with Miss Loret ta Kimble and Mr. Jackie Rog ers are v acationing in Brooklyn, N. Y. We wish, them a safe return. The Southern Wake Com munity Council Buying Club met at the Hut Monday night. Let us keep in mind our sick and shut-in. Hospitalized are: M r. John Leslie, and Mrs. Flos sie Booker. We are glad that Mrs. Nettie Betts lias returned home from the hospital. A THOUGHT “Let me see self in Thy world and others see Thy world in me.” Drive Safely 1940 5" 1970 30c 01940 12c 2** ifehMß / Hite . 1970 29 / ... -# .i' p 4/ismo 1940 sc M 1970.25= W E: mm* J) I #* m . 1 IBHHt / Mi 1 % # 1940:50 for 10* Mg i *w m f/aiwi I w j f - .•■ *■ ■ „ ( I Meanwhile, the price oft electricity for the average home has gesrm dmvn since 1940, Tow spend more, mainly because you us© more. €mi • ; ■ oiim ;!' v,-et iff !ighf.Compony Ex-Prof. Receives An Award GREENSBORO - Dr. Joseph S. Himes, who joined the facul ty of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1969 after 23 years as professor of sociology at Durham's North Carolina Ce n t r a 1 University, Friday was named by the North Carolina Family l ife Council as the recipient of the 1970 Sperry \wftrd The a»ard, named for the late Dr. Irwin V, Sperry, tuners persons who have been Influen tial in the development of fan.i- Iv life education. Dr. Himes, who has held two Fulbrieht Professorships (to Helsinki University in Finland and to India's Madras Universi Get that barefoot feeling. Mountain Dew; Hare's a taste that'll just HnocW you»*o1 > Bottlers ol Selma under the authority ot Pepsi Cola, me. stew Vork City THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N C„ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1870 ty), is the author of two books, “The Study of Sociology: An Introduction/’ and “Soclal> Planning in America: A Dy. namle Interpretation.” He has contributed to many other books and has published more than 50 articles in pro fessional Journals, Earlier this month, he presented a paper be fore the Seventh World Con fess oi. Sociology held in Bul garia. Hts professfonal mem berships and affiliations em tmace most of the leading so ciological and family relations as sodas urns of the national and w orld sc- 1 o. Dr. Himes, who has been almost totally Mind since an ac cident in high school chemistry laboratory when he was 15, is vice chairman of the North Carolina Blind Advisory Com mittee, Using a protable typewriter, Dr. Himes continued his secon dary education in Cleveland, O hio's, East High School, from which he graduated with a 95.5 average in 1927, He received the B. A. degree Magna Cum Laude from Oberlin College in 1931, after having been 9- lected to Phi Beta Kappa in 1930. * * * I have not sat with vain per sons, neither will I go in with dissemblers. 9