Knight Writes "Towards in Organized Raleigh" IV: TH ■ GOAL bV BIT i K SIGHT To understand “The Goal," you don’t five to he young or old iut jus* a progressive thinker. What you •■•ill read for the next ft-v. minutes will not !«' an original proposal by Bill Knig'.i hut thoughts acquir ed v! ile attending the Con giess of \I: ican People. I hope that *. interpretation will displ-ir progressive thinking. If we art going to take ad vantage of .nar.y t ears of strug gle of us, we must start developing plans to assist our total comr unit \. Trie program 'o - tivis tret Goal must consist of .' “inca! I iberation; 2) Economic Autonomy; 3) Crea tive •, a:..1 the Arts; 4; Religious Systen . 5) :■ duration; 6) His toi; , 71 »*a ti::.:i Justice; 8) Black Technology 9) Com t. unicat ions and Systems An alysis ’• soci.ii Crgar.iaation; U) C omn u ity Organisaticm. Let’s think about the eleven w- as ’' at prog: am must E on.; .;?<• : acl ievo that goal, r.acl of tr.ese areas are corr.- plitr.enta: *• of tdo other. Poli tician T Iberation is what we have Vhm : so !.1 lie i n involved” with. Religious > stems have played an important part in the de velopment of community lead ers. Mo-.: black leaders have < Wo worOv IHsrorer a N«rM nf Value % Anyone can do .-. " ■ ' mmm ' 7 BISISN KIT ■ f&Mm pMnmyHHKk, It'* mmM niKtirtifi'irr^ytiiUßtiH'iwwiimrawiiiiKiiH'iniißiiiioiititiimam ll u 11 ■ ri tin . 1 rrn' * Ready to cuddle Ik baby oous * m PILLOWS 1 ake her along . . . %mmm oou n toti bed 2 59 399 / f Snuggled or pret I 2* wearing, dress or 'mi j radl« that con wawgirriwumi—m ««> innn i' •• . uca'ior. P;. >->ot . ..' ' grassroots 1* • ■ . - • >•.« the most err i : ■ • that of relating '■ • urgf: Blacks, ic sc' ■'■■'■: ..: students seed to 1 work in the vote; ; ■ ;st. it; project ar.d a v • veloping the project's geals .<:. 1 objectives. Econorr;ic !i • sh.oi.H begin t •. public:.'m.g T.: ; kbt.s • ness. . : phasm , ■. . <■' ed on tie pure' a-- ■' < ..ill items, dry cleaning, t * .. ind records fv '*::. Pl:.;k nesses. Wo but • • - all items than large c ■ .-. !':oa. this we Seoul i e> p.-.: ; t. w.n'-i joint develops . : : t poration to rr.nn fan:; iu used extensr.el; ! black pie. In our i eligious - .-•••:■ . U. - men in the currr s' w r . mistei as they ; -ssive ta make -r-aLn by using church’s funds •using and com -. : ice areas for the y • '■ unity .Cu rches •Lire, in conjunc < • .inunity organiza . x :;rc’ should serve - ti.e group to com iv i ;t; issues. .-. . . i be changed ac is c.f the com • • Blacks reside > s' a pi ilosopl.ical , Ml •! going to ilize Tech fc ti e training - port a self-deter :.: unity. Medicine ouin bo the field . ••cte-*; tea cne r s •- -■ king four year people who • ■ no .istory is im . History doesn’t rely ho we were . . it can be - u -irument to warn of "epression and ird total libera ti .I' enoug! to say stcu'. tut we should r istory as the His ic • . People. This i th.e question about i . i Americans. By place of birth we are American but by point of historic origin we are an African People. Law and justice must con sist primarily of negotiation of conflicts within the Black Community. We must work to wards the mechanisms that lead to “legal” oppression. Thus, it is important that Black law yers are recognized in 11 e same light as political activists and collaborate as much as possible to survive the raps of oppres sion on our God-given free doms. Within the same scope the Black Lawyer and the poli tical activist must work closely in the design of political activi ty that will legally benefit the communitv as a whole. I’m not saying that all the tactics used will be legal but the outcome of an act should benefit the com munity legally. Black Technology is the end rhetoric and a move to develop ing skill is necessary for na tionalism or nation building. To the youth, it should be noted that our senior citizens have forced into the realization that to take land and not be able to develop it would be a waste. Thus, we must deal with the factor of being able to produce and the key to production is Technology. Communications and Systems Analysis is important because of the effects that the white press plays upon emotionalism in order to sell their papers. This emotionalism takes place in various forms. We are most aware of the racism displayed in the white press. It i« ’m pUl tiUll luai wc i fcxalti lO people in proper terms of our positions without evaluation of our motivation by a news man unrelated to the issue at hand. 'Our system of communication must be one that is trans oceanic in scope. Our concerns must be one of relationship be tween African people and black organizations. Social Organization must be revamped to address itself to the needs of Black people. Oiir present form of social order is patterned so closely after the white society that we often overlook potentials in our com munity. Thus social clubs di rected to the needs of our peo ple generally seek the educa tional opportunities. This di rection is a must if we are going to wage the continuance of our struggle. Finally, Community Organi zation is necessary to form a united front for the betterment of our community. It isn s t the question any longer of what the white community is going to do for us but yvhat we are going to do for ourselves. One person cannot do it alone. It is going to take all of us working to gether. PERSONALS visit in Maryland Visiting in Maryland over the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Davis, Jr. ofß-22 Wash intgon Terrace, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Davis of K-7 Washing ton Terrace and Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dunn, of Raleigh, Rt. 5, who along with their children motored to Columbia, Md. to be the house guests of Mr. and Mrs, Mallie C. Goodson and son. Mrs. Ooodson is the sister of Mr. Lonnie and Grant Davis and Mrs, James Dunn. * * * UR., MRS. JONES NEW PARENTS Dr. and Mrs, Joseph Jones, Jr. announce the birth of a baby girl, Josetta Idelle. Jo setta arrived at Duke Hospital in Durham, Nov. 13, weighing 6 lbs., 6 ounces. Dr, Jones is vice president for academic affairs at Saint Augustine's College and Mrs, Jones is an associate profes sor in the Department of Busi ness at the college. Southern Beil Seeking Rate Increase Here Soutnei n Ben Telephone Company last Friday in Raleigh filed an application with the North Carolina Utilities Com mission for increased rates. “Greatly inereased-and still increasing -costs of providing telephone service are the rea son for the application,” point ed out John J. Ryan, Vice Presi dent and General Manager. Ryan stated that this is the first application for a general, statewide incrase since 1954, some 16 years ago. The Vice President said the company has been able to off set many high costs by innova tions, efficiencies and eco nomies, by research and techn ological improvements. “We have held the line against a general rate Increase as long as we possibly could. But inflation, particularly with Its extremely rapid surge in recent years, has caught up with us,” he said. Ryan cited several elements of greatly increased costs, in cluding larger and larger ex penditures for buildings and other facilities to keep service good and expand it, higher in vestment costs for capital funds, substantial increases n wage levels, rents, supplies and other expenses. As an example of increased costs, he pointed out that the company Invested SBIO in facili- ties for the average main tele phone gained in 1954 and that this cost is up to $2400 for the final nine months of 1970. To continue keeping pace with North Carolina’s growth and its needs for good and expand ing telephone service, Southern Bell plans to spend s]9s mil lion. an all-time high, for facili t ' ; FAMOUS GOLDEX SOFA SLEEPER SALE I THREE STYLES ALL IJV FOUR SIZES > 4JJ. COVERS SCOTCHGARD 1 * SEALY $79.50 QUALITY POSTUREPEOIC M4TTRESS | j ft\ ALL STYLES AMI SIZES $ I EXAMPLE I J S OfEEV SIZE EARLY AMERICAS STYLE WITH 8 QUEEN SIZE SEALY POSTUREPEOIC MATTRESS S CHOKE OF PRISTS or SOLID SCOTCHGARD COVERS 84” LONG - 60”x75” M.4TTRESS | LIST PRICE: *367.30 \ I SALE PRICE: * 259.00 I X 1 SEE SOUTHERN & SEE SEALY | s % S FREE DELIVERY - FREE PARKING \ % % OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS $ ! SOUTHERN FURNITURE I % Since 1905 S Ll- , Jj* £mJrn Jr ,-*//* SHOP EVERY WIGHT 'TIL 9 Hudson %£jy?lk 900 NEW PARKING SPACES JUST OPENED IN DOWNTOWN RALEIGH P" —"■'"""T "TT f"f— [fj ! j 1 |j[* I tfe) rr* J J& I i i I W| I ill y | 1! i ft It 1 It E* %j plii f;i4 T; i| FT] | ! if ||j | jiji jjtJLS ivmimipii uflUßjiifLjjg vk —-* / st.__ _ j 3 NEW PARKING f 5 FACILITIES! // //|LJ| j§ Jo®& • Supervised parking // ft ; gg i W • Lighted / / /( j j \ huosoi^seir • Convenient to Hudson-Belk / / // T FAYETTEVILLE ST. ' • 900 new spaces ~~~/ f '/ ® Over 13,000 total spaces / / / ft* « Continuous attendants | //—/ / I ~// / 4/ / 7/ "4 A N d ;v, A- First Federal Parking Coyrt House Parking 100th Block Parking NOW DOWNTOWN RALEIGH OFFERS YOU OVER 13,000 PARKING SPACES ties in the state In !97Q-’7l, Ryan revealed. The proposed rates involved 523.1 million of additional an nual gross revenue and will re sult In about $10.4 million after taxes. The amount of Increase for individual customers will vary according to the type of service involved. THE CAROLINIAN TALiviOH N. C , SATURDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1970 ❖ -J* ❖ ❖ In its first six months of air line service the first model of the new generation of wide bodied jet transport, aircraft carried one million passengers on 5,000 flights. The first jet transport, introduced into ser vice in 1958, required one year and 15,000 flights to log one million passengers. Hudson SHOP'TIL 9 Wswii! be open every night until 9 o'clock from now un til Christmas for your shopping convenience So come early and stay late at "Your Happy Shopping ’'tore"! r-Mph HI CAPITALKOOM D!N!SiG! Enjoy family dining every day and evening in the Capital Room on fourth fioor, and take advantage of our two rughtiy specials! L_ rpij [f^sga^ij CHARGE IT! Another fine service provided by "Your Happy Shopping Store," is this conve- f plan of buying. With a ’ card, you can buy now, pay later at any Seik store. fpߧp^ GIFT CERTIFICATES What do you give the person who has everything? A gift certificate from Hudson Belk. Spend exactly the amount you planned on, and let them pick their own gift. 5