SCORES FIRST TOUCHDOWN-San Francisco: Dallas Cowboy back Duane Thomas (33) dances around San Francisco 49ers Sine from S 3 yards out io the Cowboys’ Ist touchdown an 3rd quarter of their National Foot- Fa I Conference title game at kezar Stadium. 49ers defenders are Bill Belk (E-72; and linebacker Skip Vanderbundt (525. Dallas won, 17-10. i '1 WEST QUARTERBACK DUMPER - Oakland, Calif.: West quarterback Dan Ikstorini of Santa Clara is dumped by University of Cincinnati tackle Boc Bel] of the East m 2nd quarter action of East-West Shrine classic 11 Oakland’s Coliseum. Pastonni was nailed for a 17-vard loss on the play. (UPJb Howard Captures Tourney, V INS-TON - «A1 EM -Howard Vniversdi . ! inno'i the W instoti- Salen Sta’e Ran:s, 84-83 Sat urclfc in thecUampitmsldff game to \fr the Holiday Festival Tournament wl icl was played Are Friday and Saturday nights oil the Winston-Salem State Campus. Iti rtie consolation game, Fisk edged past Nort! Carolina Cen tral. 66-62 to take third place honors. {CLEAMnCt! ! MEN'S SHOES I < r m \ ■ i Reduced S / „ , I j “SET' '/$M z: \ !► j t • ! iort-.ltieni* • K. T. # RohW • Dexter 4 ► r- t r- Tl irii-| 1 2 ! i SPECIAL | I l DOWNTOWN ONLY i i i § I < I Group of Men s Sebag:o Casuals | J If . SKOO I < * | I nines to $lB <£jfr Per Pair i 4 ' | ? • TRO wWofthHiHs »44C Danish St. 1 Oswrrtwii Shopping Center Cffmettw i f Serving Eastern Carolina Since 1918 H-'tvard defeased North Caro lin: Central, 53-30 in the firs; round contest while t-e Bans easily advanced to the finals in v z 11 oyij.rif Fisk, 127-84 inaction Friday night. Freddie Lews sparked the vietbry over NCC in the con solation contest. He scored a total of 22 points including six free *hrows and a field goal going down the stretch. B'ober- Moore c ipped in wit! 12 mark ers for Fisk. Tt'ilHani glade was the toj scorer lot the Eagles with 17 points in a losing cause while Redden Leggett added If points and Alien Reddish IS forSCCT. T!te pair of wins for five Bi sons :rf Howard lifted their re cord to 7-2 for the season. The Bams are now 7-2 for the cam paign while the Eagles suffered their fifth loss of the year a gainst only one decision. «r » » The Arizona Farm Bureau Federation announced that DDT has been credited wit! saving 20 million lives by killing mos quitos and fleas wt ic! carry maiaria and bubonic plague. A numher of ptysio'ogists have conducted extensive research on the toxic effects erf DDT on humans and have found the hu man system: excretes it before it nuilds up to dangerous levels. Charlie Scott Leads Virginia Squires by earl mason Charlie Sects returned to CjC stomping g x ---• tan 4 s : ere lav TTsursdav nig-- i lea 2f e V:r g’Laik v 2. 12"*"*" - Over if* Car 'it,a Coofars it- 3: ABa game plat ed at ihe Do.-. Arena. And ©ld stomping gr unis r vas for Scott wT: is beer fr e leading ~cc:er for Te Easter: CivisKjr. .earne >e..: g"• - ginia yjfetet. All Scot’ fid - as score 2 E an 11 s ■ assists. z: .■ several - ' JfcDij *?'.<€• ST'pr*'' - c 1 his all-around tin tefcrelea' - Jtif the game ;♦ le iS *Cai seven miaotes remaining :r cerates*. The rain, s'.et assf siscv fall iag osSstfle ecu!: r.o? --m ?‘e fired pp Squire team t*k barf Plated arm: !eater t v e Xe® Y:rk Nets in New Tori tt.e slg " be fore. The 5'.-.vires • utr.ted off * a 3f-2" >a: after re first quarter ar.. " • • - mission. However, *' e Cougars, play - teg ■»it• •• t '*4 service? of B f * erg a and . ave X4 - w ma: k ! * tied tacit tc --<• rv; the margir tr tv-.o pci'-t at v.f.44 nsoiainicg :r t-e Tird per nxS. But se rt rest few rr inwes. p EARL MASON’S —1 {SPORTS £1 ! V/OEO ¥ SCOTT IS LEADING CANTU -.TE FOB BOOKIE HONORS Charlie Seem 4lowed the spar se rr ~ at him Arena oast Thursday \igts why tie is one of the leading candidates for ire •’''Bookie of the Year’’ honor in the American Basketball As soc ration. Scot, was it. 4 own to lean fe Virginia F rxrres aga mst *■ e Carolina Cougars in a regal*- v • --:j>7 game against tt e Carolina Cougars. After being introduce? v the spectators _ just prior to tap-off time. Scon responsed to the horn<*&•*» treatment ly leafing t'e Sgmr ; -v. 127-13* --letor;.. He has taker. tvei a- :ea>. f . • Squires despite being a rookie. Wt e: a member of V 4 Virgin:a r:ar 1: e hall off the dele: si.e board, the; im.-rediatelv lot', for Scott to give the ball to v ir so K e car. lean tt • fast 1:• .it. . And lead tie last break T did. Time a: d tirr.e again, Scot: tool: the toll down the floor and found tt open man for the east- basket. The Squires got - ore than 37 field goals ao eittier lav’Jt s or -lose range s’ o*s. Scott finished the e.enirg • it 1 26 ;* rirts seven assists. This not tad for a : rg 1 • s k sit ce r issed r or- Tran nine mii-utes in the gvn e. oc-c; *i ■ s, Scot, v • " plats bert? forward and guard, eirt t the .: tt .<e re!»u;>Ss. Sgoming t tetter tan 2‘ 4.p*--; rare ave rage 0 dase arid his tear leading * e Easter: 1 . f •• - aba, From is one dl toe leading candidates ft: ‘■}-, f v e Yea: *’ h onor ir. t his league. HOW WILL THE PCLLSTET.f DETEFKrc THI XATIOXAL CHAMPION Xov that thf bov 1 games are : • : is going to bs inter esting to see- who vIJ3 he ai'<• .'.l. football c : ■ ; ion feu this season. Wit! ft t-jp r ; t-c j gcrug 0-n. to defeat Nev Year's lav, it vfl' appear that * . ■ bebrasla would be declared national ehamr ion. Some coaches who have oj>p >sed • e]« 1 arid ** ink that a pi a? - off slsould be set up t determine t- - lotal champior. stead exf Setting the menibe: sos t 1 epr<-ss select the fear:. This ideal seen,? to Save gone down • 4 -ar an? the decisis© as to •who will be the national champion lies r the ‘ands of the news media. The question going through, some ooac-ies n.inds is what criteria does the news man use tc, de*ermine the national champ. For - example, Arizona State went undefeated during the seascc and concluded the yeas with a victory over Xortl Carolina ir. the Peach Bowl 'out will any member of the balloting group cast a t ote for Arizona State" This remains to toe seen.. So records are not good enoug 1 in the eyes ctf the group' wbo has the ballot in their lands. Os course, there is 'ways going to be some sguak front the mern’ers of ttve team that is not declared winner, but all we are talking about is wltat standards are the ■ using tc determine the clampian. During the telecast o' one of the bt-wi games Nev. Year's Day, one of the sportscasters went out cm the limb to say that Ancona State should be national champion. Arizona who? This is more than Wash the ouestion thal came to the minds of many iew ers. Why. Because they tad never seen tt<e tiatr e Arizona State in the weekly polls. Then all oi a sudden, they are in the * lint -light over night for tie national championship. The basketball teams do not have this problem heca&si the teams get a chance to compete against eact in the plavotf£s to determine the national champion. So the polls really mean nothing in the basket hail world. But until the day whet: the NCAA officials cat. get together with the news media in some n; ore jus- liable way to determine a national champion in football, the polls v. 12. mean absolutely notiiing to the collegiate teams in the sport of football. COPELAND HITS THE CANVAS -BERLIN: Everett Copeland of New York hits the canvas in front of Jose Manuel Ur tain, former Euro pean heavyweight boxing champion, in the fourth round January 2. Urtain of Spain won the boot when the referee and judges disqualified Cope iano for faking a knockout in the fourth round. (UP2). Xeil lotaisora Jed a rally for t e Bqpiires iltd netted 13 s*ra:g*.t prints and despite :i te:* g P- - es McKinnet Night,” could --r m-’ister up x sern.tss scoring -'Teat after I•is r d spell. Car lisa was a’hle tc cat the r i -fm *0 1 1 -points after three yua inters cf jlsy at 5-S--4. The s - sc: ;-? :i quick pouts rang -e f?r-- f •.. r nr.tnates of 1 ' e-- i * sta.vra ans f and them - - • • - ' lea ding K P -84 vjt * - i-g: t . 4 T.a:r ;-.g :■ t- e cosiest. less t•is -v mi voter later, Coar Al Barc.hl pulled most of • IS starters including Charlie Sctott a?id turned ' e game over * -• *_ Tr-fkE T*> . -’*• *>: -■ a? Scon Vl:grmaal s' rad fr-e *er platers o fig-ares inrluiingGe ;ge Carter wit 2; Johnson - Sthls, 3«a* **» 33, Mike Bar •ett 13 • ■f ' ;ig Moe 11. Larv Miller, whc. was a •earn-ate < y (i f, o; over at NoiT carc-1 ina, led the scoring for the Cougars • rth - - jcir.ts lan %. :13ifccd. ex- X, C. F'i’e came :f--e --•:c 4 arm. thrilled tie spectators with t: i s '■2 s' a€* *Ti di asl - £ rc> : u d,d 8 f2a '• arm: fine es the sight wit 1 19 markers. THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N C. SATURDAY JANUARY « U> DALLAS’ BACK SURROUNDED BY FORTY-NIXERS-San Fr«nctT-o: C L>xton Welch (425. Dillas’ imk is surrounded my Set Fran.:s -o ers is he loses u half yur: in first qu-irter of iheir N .-.ond - y v • ,|i Con ference tiile At (L* is 49ers Roosevelt T.tvlor (25). A: lovo-r (Ri is dim Sniadedi (SS). At is linebacker Frank N'urdev. (UPI). Dignitaries And Friends Gather To Pay Tribute On Bones MeKinney Day BY EABL MASC'X yew Year's Eve is scsuall the time *e: jedple try to turn hack the • of time :;• ■ * vents of 4 year a:■->-*- *- go down in 5 istory. ArdXer Year's Eve was r: d:ffe • er.t ris time. Toe management oftkeCaro lina C'-’ag*rs paid tribote t t• 4:r coac’ Horace ‘-Bones*' McKwirw". '' v -a ring ‘ Bor o s V.';. Day*' '.as? TT rsda... T-e dav opened wrt 1 a .xscheon Kir.r lA'illsam Boom, m t- .4 g . k X r. . I ignUar ies, fans and friends gathered for the lincr.-ao de sjite rads, sleet ans snow cri t• 4 mAside and slowered Mc- Ktorjey wife' mac* w rds f Praise and gifts. Bot of course in herween these were roan is of laag’ ter andenj* ynceJ# ft: *3l :.- attends ice. ? ].. T^'E'Lj S-f - ! A-F 4 l - S 11* - net chairman and toast-master for is event and did a sjfler.-iif -- • of t-ese choires. Also a-- pearing on ve pnagra- were Gcvernco- Boh Sctct. Ma- •-: F- - h; Jones, represent stiver from city rovent for the ci ties cd Greensboro, and Char - ■ 'nip .7r>* -, lumber' It ■G o ’ - .. arve: , t .in Br era fw ?. B-arrlt 7 c Fell mi Car! Scheer. After He . Lam her! delivered ENJOY COKE IN THE QUART SIZE BOTTLE Coke, m ftettied muter ttw wittontyof The CaoCota Cm ijm) Iw? "tub capital COCA-COLA Wmrunm CO ”***■ **'■■'*' •"* 4r **** **• ■*■•*■*l ***** oft.— «w «w> » «m, jm^.l the evocation ar.d a steak lunch was served, Hensley opened the program by making brief re marks 3}v>« McKinney. His talk > i • ugh • laug 1 s frcir. tt e ci owd but he alls' fooni tiire to make sort e cc-m.plim.entary remarks. D:. Carver, representing -• e Dnrtam Hig' Sci.-.<l team of JF37- r ; of w*.ic- Bones was a mem r«er, br-oght back ix.e --r ries of the ■ ig l sc aol &-. $ 4 :m' • :« team mates •ad spent MeKmrnimy. Broadway,sob str-:*:-? io: Jerry Steele stocike : ’k aif oft e former j layers ■of McKlTDcy. Speak mg ® behalf of Wake Fo -'t Umn-ersity w 1 e. e Bones st j net out as an as- is; arm coach s- r late; de eloped great teams as •e ad mentor. Bra.otiey said, ■j 0 o: * v’lm w . f ar,ytoi mere de Sicafttd to t tal confusion th an JV>Tj€*s 2V. " ■ s - I’t-'J. I LTiL' * 1 offK'ials. rc*.2sU‘\ put * v f* r : x*c‘ ««■ * , ‘C- fsrr «s*eri v :s Jirr.o c•. - 4 • • speak. Bones l is ciibc’ ed. H4*s a'iv-a-.4 be-r chasing offiraJs W- en it -as trrr c- for htr to c.oac? . All ; ©i. 4■ 4 v r.eeded »asa w: ist3e,' * Belm concluded. To snake bis cor: 4 -rue. P—.jo tossed i " * l.- # 2t&- ■ vt*r v- B' 'ies sou.erir and then reached ir. his pocket and pulled ”jt a pair of red soclis. for which Boot- 4 was note-: hr wearing f-.rr r •is ro:i*rui- c - - -is ar*d flipped ihe- over toß, disc . if* r r-* ■ • C • ns'-', -.ra* *z-4 McKfcaey »:v • 1 - ed Cwtze;.- tv-a; i. MmorJ :-s T'." Lirsdi* ■ F« . -:*: ■ * Falesg ..rad also u."‘. -a c.ti *' ’ *" C ' #V- - 6 C tcigh. McKinney was also ram - ed an - onoree ckize- f Greensboro an: Charlotte. Vc..v t _ f * y . y. ... , eSNS Oa i *? I - ftnr > 4- » STtfi - *' - ’ k. sft ' g2V even the scon* *• * ? —■•~.e abtiT'e intf-i s wa- T .T-rr - ... - •• ~ teams McKir.rey plavt-f oo • * P’rfaT-fkLg-b I, ■*! . . T J 'i r : c-- t* j* k, i 'A-cTker ix-l --fe<-t record for- x morx '■if c* c':d collect 3,2 *»' std. -T: f . 15

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