Mrs. Elizabeth Dumm Koontz Speaks Hem Thursday ** Top lack Woman in US Government To Raleigh \ - Si C. BLACK PANTHERS EVICTED-Winston-Salem: V. par- aft m- ■■■>•<■': f r theft of meat from a truck last v fag bullet; roof vests, about 50 heavil; irn ed pol center: - J last ]y evicted the local Black Panthei Part. from its January 21 morning. Police escort Julius Cornel! fr Y ' - 1 ■ Winston-Salem Black Panther Leader Is E v icted A s “l n des irah 1e Te aa n t WINSTON-SALEM - 1.-;rrv Little : .Juli> Cornell were trres'- Tues : ‘M-.-. ,;oh e ■■■■. county sheriff authors ti* - . ■ PI • P - Little and Cornell v e:< charged with stealing meat and with being accessories to a felony in the case whicl v.p penec a week ago. Cornell v. as also charged receiving Jail Two Blacks After Kidnap Attempts Fail BENNETTSVII LE. S. C. - Two B ack -r.'-n, one of ” <*rr. w ounded during a shootout, hav *• bet-'i taken to t’ e state prise:, here after a:: apparent after; r>t * tc- kidnap men :>ers oft: ree families was foiled Saturday rug’ • v-’en a tor me i state leg islator exchanged gunfi: *• w ith Rev, Hamarss Gives Last Sermon Here BY. W. A "PETE” WII.DEI R«t . Tec mi set C . : s for thirty eight years •: e pav tor at Manly Street United Christian Church, ended is pastorate there last Sunday morning v.ith a stirring me sage. He theme, "Hold Fast To Dreams” was suggested as he read from Langston Hughes. Scrlpturally, he used some of the most dramatic scenes from the Holy Word. He used Joseph, Belihazzar, etc.very effective ly, Familiar hymns by both this senior and the young people's choirs included, "I Gave My jLife For Theft,*' "Good Night Here And Good Morning Up There," "My Hope Is In The Lord," "Precious Lord," and "Have faith In God.*' Mrs. Alyce Jones and M s, Adarine Kurtz collaborates on "Precious Lord.’ Mrs. Hat tie Vance and Mrs. M. Reid (Pet PASTOR GIVES. P 2) SEEKS SPEAKER OF U. S. HOUSE POST - Washingtcx. Rep. John Conyers, Jr., D-Miciu, shown in bis office at the Capitol Janu&rv 38. has announced that he will challenge Feu. Carl Albert, D-Okla., for Speaker because Albert M s not taker: a stand or a bid by House liberals to strip Mississippi congees:— men of their seniority. Albert had been unopposed, (DPI*. stolen goods after a stolen type writer was discovered during A week ago, police were call ed to Investigated a report •• 1 at a truckload of stolen meat :-d Grover Benner 23. oi Ch ar lotte and Charles Leonard Scales, 22. ol BHmettsville Mr e been charged with kidnaping robhety, burglary a:id assault and battery wit! intent to kill after engaging in a shootout with form ; state Represents - five- James F. l ee. Scales wounded in the throat and chest was arrested after he collapsed outsjdf- ihe house - urday night while Bennett gave himself u; Sunday nif‘-t through '• ! s attorney ■ Police C': rei Manon Driggers gave no for the plot but he did say that, "Scales wa? against the establishment..’ He also said both of the men were carrying Hack militant litera ture at t* e tin of t 1 <■ The two men had abducted Mrs lee, wife of Rep. Ice, he)' son, Mr. and M? Wayne Chavis and three of their four children tic-fore the shooting occurred at Lee’s home. The', forced their *a } into t! - Lee’s home holding Mrs. Frances Lindsay, trie wife of state Senator Johr Lindsay, at gun point . Mrs. Lindsay was snot in the throat, arc and leg by one of the men after Lee broke loose and got hold of a gun. Mrs. Lindsay vas listed i. critical ly condition. The following account oi the incident was given b; Line sat, a Mall boro County Democrat; Scales, unemploved, wen? to <*?*■ aML Wo. e 2) thers from a party o: 'he northeasi 'c " ■ • .'vh.‘ -a;.' from the s cff' f■ Tu*? Vr raJ rs vav reported o i ‘ >u]. ti: ng. T o s': f-ti iff d^puties of ?•«. wore bullet proof vests car: led tear T • CAPOIIXIAX talked to sa3 d, • Tbe •pc-* 1 1 r discov - en< if: •. \: •:.*• ion had !*een :• ■ : ' • k:;;s Senior High -v - • -out* ago. Id- Mob Leaves South, But Form Remains AT! 1T .-- 1 mob as a co' n '. ■ • • : * of censor - ■ ;y - ' • .m-sed from V • ' ■ - -f during the r ! ■ ■ ui more subtle f - : ot.i'.ior. suppression re- i.-im . 1 strong, the > ?:• u . •• e: - .al Council said I or freedom of exj :■■* - m • •• e region, the gent;, said that, although, es ■ ;S-(- vow ;t,\s p :s f. Capel Speaks In Fayetteville T AYI7 7 ; VII ' ; - The Hon ors • ,’e ; Cape . Major pro - • of- Vines, t ; t: trpnd as ! <- address ed the t» ird - uitra 1 banquet r? ■ •: r VOi M * Heigh: s ‘ : T' e!; m r fommunity'sbai t h 80 percent and efforts eim V? *•••• ' ' *’ at our black cvm.rum,->es serve as sieve ti r r.;;1 . r ’ r one- flows, and . of the $32 ":llron dollars in annual income in black com munities, ove 90 per cent of it leaves »! t- area, t.ureover, none of the funds are contrilwt ed to.*arc the development of the community and there are r;o hopes lot future growth,’’ he continued. A member of the North Caro lina Board of Conservation and Development, Cape! told the gat’ e: ini' too Utile effort is ■'St f CA»EI. p z> ■ffice at 1616 East 23rd of rent. determined this by t 1 e serial b-nrt the rest of the items Inttie house, as far as w< fc env Mst., ali the other itc-ms are tv, » School Beni ai ns Closed N.V’A BERN - City tc ools ere remained closed U edn*-s --day for the third straight day, following racial figfcts whirl . We mere}? publish the facts vac find them reported by the arresting officers To keep out of The C rime Beat Columns/ merely means not heinr reui tered by 3 police officer in renortlne hts iindinus while on dn*y So sim pl\ keop off the “Blotter’* and von won’t he Jn The Crime Beat straight razor used James O. Smith, 21. 745 Graritland Dr. (ApolloHeig! ts), told Officer F. D. McLamt at 8:41 p.rn. Thursday, that he stopped Ms car for a stop sign at the corner of Bragg and East Streets, w> en an unidentifiable subject came up and asked him out of the car. Sir it 1 said he t* en got out and the subject cut him and ran. Sixteen stitches were required to close the wounds on ! is uppe: motrh a;id c* eek. Investigative :;otes re vealed. “The complainant ap pea’-ed not to be teiling the complete truti ’ He said Ms a*ta"ker was about 21, s.x feet, tw'o inches tall and welg! ted a ! "' -To pour. is. !;> <1 <2 <{2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <.2 <2 <2 President Urges No Vote RCA May Nix Bonds Director Os Itireaii To City *M: s. I-.I; 7. '-ty I) :. ::
  • . will be the feature?! speaker here Ti.. n rsda\ , January 21* at 12 noon 'is the East Raleigh Branch of the Youagj Women’s Chris tian Association (YWCA), 554 E. Hargett Street, holds its forty ;s«-f \fßv kocvtz p. ») Form White House Small Bus. Group WASHINGTON, D. C.-A new White House? Small Business Economic Council, comprised of the ’pads of five representa tive organizations, has been create'.’ folluwingthe suggestion of National Business League president Berkeley G. Burrell to advise President Richard Nixon on matters oi concern t'. small business. The five advisors to t) e White House include: Wilson Johnson, president of the National Fed' eration of Busi ness; Joseph F. McPhee, presi dent of the Small Business As sociation of New England, Carl A, Beck, chairman of the board of the National Small Business Association; S. Dee C!a:k, president of the National As sociation of Small Business In vestment Companies, and Berkeley G. Burrell president of the National Business Lea fs* • •> Ht:r ho:'-I p n prove to be different. Remem ber, the merchandise continues to grow at the locations of participating businesses each week. {B*e SWEEPSTAKE*. P. 8) North Carolina's Leading Weekly RALEIGH N~C.. SATURDAY JANUARY 23 W. . . /'> MRS. ELIZABETH D. KOCXTZ kCA Head Opposes Increases (Editor's Note; Edward Car son, newly -elected president of the Raleigh Cit. t-ns Associa tion, gave to The CAROLINIAN on Monday of ’Mr week, his position, jpposing tie passage of a “Proposed School Bondand Sales Ta . Increase.’’ The en tire RCA met at the YMC or. Wednesday night, Jan. 2'? at 8 p.rn. Jt was anticipated that t•. Association would endorse M:. Carson’s stand for a "no vote" on Tuesday, Jan. 26. His state ments follow); JANUARY 26TH ELECTION On Jan, 26, 1971, the voters of this count (Wake) will lie going to the polls to vote on a "Pro posed School Bond and Sales (S «- »( A PR* XY 2} Southeast NAACPSets Conhmme BY J. B. BARREN C H ATT A NOOGA, Term. - The 3 r »tl. Annual Convention of the Southeastern NAACP (Region Five) Conte: ence will convene here in th< Read House Motor Inn, Feb. 25-27, according to tie announcement from the Sous east Regional Office of Mrs. Ruby Hurley, veteranXA ACP worker, 970 Hunter St. South West, Atlanta, Ga., 30314. Mrs. Hurley has called on all NA AC P hranc! es, Y outh Councils and College Chapters to send representatives to this very important area meeting which embraces, theCaroliaas, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. Theme of the 1971 winter re gional will he "The Challenges at the Beginning of the New De cade," with the accent on Hous ing - Urban and Rural, Educa tion, Desegregation and em ployment. Also Private Schools and Curricula. Emphasis will be placed on strengthening of the life-line of NAACP through Increased Tre WAACP SETS, P 2} Feb. 4 Bite Os Hearing A preliminary hear ing has s*?en set for Thursday, Feb. 4, at 2 p.rn. in Wake District Court for Mrs. Lucy Harris Becoat, 55- year-o’ld rt'si dent of 3052 -A Woods Place, the New Year’s Day slaying o. ■) umes Palmer I well known businessman of Raleigh and owner of the A erne Ca b Company and Acme Auto service. M: h. liecoat ? :-s •'•en ori a ?5,D00 brand issue since Saturday, Jar:. 2. at 3:45 p.n., following a "bearing," -w-ich, as vet, l-as r> r A tx- made clea to the nows media be cause of the • oliday weekend and Ue fact vat it was just, the day after the murder. No preliminary tearing, to this newspapers Knowledge, ’ a•• o ever been eld Li Raleigh on Saturday. She was released af ter local bondsman M. F Wil *S?* HtAKINO SFT P ■ A’S GIVEN TWG CONSECUTIVE LIFE SENTENCES- Orange burg, S. C.: Malachi Zimmerman leaves the Orangeburg County Courthouse in handcuffs Tuesday, January 19, after being sentenced to two consecutive life sentences for the murders c*f O. S. Burns, an Orangeburg bank president and bis wife. The 23-year -old Zimmerman pleaded guilty to the Augur* 9th murders. He is Ranked by detectives. (UPI). ~SINGLE COPY lie %- % ; - /' (0^ SAYS (.■ 1.?.'; YHAS f‘X PERI- F.NCED TRAGEDY ton; Clarence Mic ■ ell, c r iof lobbyist foj t’.- NAACP, test;- f]f?& !Ti t t j r- co 1 ” • has r r 3 ff* d v « - «i t v w j f great fn,stratio:- f rjivtsive tur reoil and internatlo*ial en/t a:- rassment because of parlia r, entry ix.llution." vre appearing before an informal bearing on Senate reform, raid the Senate should amend the filibuster rule to permit a ma jority to close off debate and bring ar. issue tc a vote, rather than the present two thirds. (UPI). What You’ll Be Voting For Tuesday Wake County voters will be? faced v l" two issues wherchev go to the polls on Tuesday, Jar:. 26, to cast ballots. A $10,000,- (S<-e VOTING FOB P 21