DEAR SALLY BY SALLY SHAW DEAR SALLY: We are con cerned about our 16-year-old „ daughter, she is a very pretty Kiri, very neat in appearance, ami very popular. But what drives us almost mad is hei 'constant pitch for compli ments. she is always asking us, ‘■How u I look ?” “Do you like n:v hail this way ” “Do you think my figure is all right, or am I too thin?” And so on ami on ad infinitum. My hus- L band thinks she is too much Mfewressed •vith her own good aMSBBk •’ uldt.'t add ’ :i. ’ < ••• tiic ; . iks. 'Ah .1 d . ■ on s.i'. \ |^B FnsAS Hr tour .laughter would not lie f pit chi; so your compliments 7 if • h v 1 . not starved for i>- assm anc<•„ I’n sure that if you tried c- inpliinenting her be j, ,ic bt in” asked, it would stop !;<•! fishir.a . . .and she would !■■ niiir! happier, too. be cause unsolieit'-d praise means ever so m.ucl. more. Dt \R SAL I Y: I’m a widow of X I i hav< b. en dating regu larly with a \< ry attractive bachelor of >2 foi th • past two years, lb- keep-, claiming that in- lov. s : . , dates no other worn.' m h, s never even hime<! In . .tin. ct of mati i mon\ --v hIH. is nerv.'-v. rack ing to sa'. the least. Do You think 1 havths righttoaskhim franklv where, if anywhere, ' e’rc it!. led*. IN THL DARK IN THE D/ DEAR IN Till DARK: Indeed you do. Maybe such a question will prove all he needs to spur him into positive action. If on Your Weekly Horoscope May 6 through May 12, 1971 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Spontaneity is key word for week ahead, Ari. And very often, the true test of honesty is spontaneity. You will experience an overflow of emotion before fifth day. Rejoice, and allow impulse to lead you. Last two days of week may find you worn to a nub. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Desire to confess old sins will be strong on first day of week, Taurus Just be careful to whom you do your confessing Tensions and stress will rob you of your strength if you're not careful. Hit the sack early every night this week, baby. And pass up that extra goody. Whatever it may he. Your energies will be needed next week GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Though your sign is that of The Twins, Gem, still there are more than two sides to your nature. In fact, you have many facets And in the week ahead, you should shine and sparkle like the jewel you really are All in ail a other ritzy week CANCER (May 21-June 20): New person op pears on the scene. Friendship will be offered Smile a lot but don't gush Message clears as week progresses. LEO (July 23 August 22): Active social week for Leo As usual And if you are on average Leo, you or s anything but average You are almost always physically and emotionally superior to those about you Good week to put original ideas into action. S get of* of that fancy fanny of yours and yet in . > gear. VIRGO (August 23 September 22): First read • hat Olga has to say to Taurus A good deal of the advice goes for you too, Virg In addition, you should strive not to appear prissy to new individual or scene. This attitude could put cold water on pas able friendship which may flower. On last day of week, go play in the clover. LIBRA (September 23-Ocfober 22)- Gentle, in tuitive l ibra is scheduled for a yummy week Long awaited message should come through. Money matters improve and energy should zoom. Pisces individual may enter picture, and end up playing key role SCORPIO (October 23 November 21): Fearless Scorp, you will forge ahead in coming week and attain longed for goal. With a little help from your friends Especially one who is a Tourus-on-the-cusp ' of Gem. You, Scorp, are usually intensely interested in the occult. That is, when you ore not thinking about sex Which is most of the time. Week ends on note of “C" for confidence. SAGITTARIUS (November 22-Decernber 2 1): That which is most unorthodox will appeal to you in week ahead You won't give a fig for convention. Conservative member of family may try to tame you. An impossible task. When you settle down, it will be on your own terms. CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): Listen in days ahead, Cap. Keep your ear tuned to the way close associate turns a phrase Absorb rhythms. Try to be brave enough to stick to your convictions You have untapped oil. Others know your worth. Do you? AQUARIUS (January 2 0-February 18). In spite of the spring weather, week ahead will be more-or less blah for Aquari. Sorry about that, love, but old Olga must call the shots as she sees them. How kever, by last day of week, romance may peak ' around the comer. One sentence in message to Cap applies to Aquari, also. Hunt for it. Can you guess which one? PISCES (February 19-March 20): Tra-la, tra-10. Bays ahead are full of unexpected nice things for Olga's little fishes. You've had your bad days late |» ( Pisces my pet, but now you can look forward to mm*k of fun and games. the other hand it h• - ’ln .pi • - site effect, at i. .u-t u i’ll kn. v f. >r sure wlier- von st .. ..i d can then govern >.ni s> .i .< - cordingly. DEAR SI 1V; I’m ■ on; ~ man who is in a b.u.h *.nd awkard predicatin'!:* '.can-, of my fiancee’s fallu-r ; tile past several has put the bite on me loi . mm - her of little cash loans - - here and - 10 the; • —a ;d the total lias now ; eaeheii s ej. with no sign or hint ol : epay ment. l‘m sure that ii his wile and daughtei kn. v, about the 1 ■ ould be hoirified. H< nil guy Otherwise, but ait In M 1.1 realize his finances are em <■- what limited, still this dial on my own finances to me. I would.:: t t ec iate vour .•vie, ,v ■_ TOR. Hi ! Dr ar ovi R-romr i - I’rot.ably you’ll ha to chalk up tin . you’re ~lr> ad; h.itid 1 i to hi:. . a lov - . | -it doi:’ ! add ' mo:. t- it. If he attempts to put the bit* on you a, ain, t. II bin ■ u*; • orry, but it’s impos-n .■ .. . : .tthe S7O he ’■■ already ■ on for lias put too lii .. ■!••..I i; our budget. DEAR SALLY: I kv.e been going with, a v. ' voting man for almos 1 . .uni had been planning to give him a blazer for his birthdu . My parents, h- ■> . -r, , this would not be in good taste, that unless a girl is married to a man she must not give him any items of clothing. What do you sa , on this subject. SIS. ! i : Times have .ha i, t. d.e, it’s en • i pt.i'nle for a girl '!■ ■ : • oine with a man ...s .in as ou have to gift hin s.rtorially. Tit® Veterans Corner • it’s NOT K: It*.'low tre it: e ms-.ers by the y. i - ... i: m iuisti at ion to ny cun > ut ques :i. f i.u. i.i- in. r servicemen ■ ili.■ . ! other in to: . , c:. eb-raws benefits i .' any VA office , i : . a 1 si-: vice orgaiii ■•. pi ■ .native. . chased .. home under •! : ,"d I;.-.'.. now been !'' | 'o: lty isgo u ■b. . . ifiiiin-d to make way l.ighv a'., Can I • lie il.ilit' re sin. to pci chase another Don ' a . M * \ a may i estore tot ,i yet-.rail’s ell 11* . ioii.sly used for .u t.home which has b* ■ mdemnation or ott. ise by the United States, ate .it.-, ov any local govern ing for public use. Hoi '...fore there can be 'v Shop AtP At Th# Following tsfjjjfoj|jfi 1 ,» '-p-k ■wk mm ik % \ 505 newcomb rd. M > Irl m M 4 isos poole rd. jiji i< l ‘m | Til JSmw 3924 western blvd. U, V W m 1 ill l B %w; 2712 HILLSBOROUGH ST. ■*W 1 7 BHHBT MtJl Ik ! 1K I ■ » 1H 11 Mr u f mm B WfKM 800 N - PERSON ST - 1 ■ frji l 9 m V L Mmm **** f?ax forks road .A IrAiMWwMfr habgett st. jZjßfr 4031 OLD WAKE FOREST RD. 111 1 ill f(4 w. Irnn. TM Ua® To IM Qo.otlrl.. H fti MRBBB 4 ” ilßßffgfiß. " L o nom low To Dooion o | Ry BM H I Spring Fresh Produce Buys! ■ Shop A&P For Spring Time Salad Top or »olt.m "Supo.-hitM" Ouola, Hoov, Groin f.d Thrltty O-J Doliciou., D.litotouoo DolifhH 1 . AAr Boneless Round Steak si .08 a&p Health salad » 39c | 1 uiiidiUGo ■” ud Boneless Round Roast» 98c a&p Fruit cocktail =•• 35c I c ._, . - Sliced Beef Liver -45 c A&p Orange Parfait V 39c Mrawperries & Pure Pork Sausage -a 35c SiS Boioana « 39c I ED E E * ! Frozen A & P Meet & Seo Food Volues j «j. m rKKK i teen Meat Pies 4 e 69c 75c 111 om Your New Raleigh A&P At I FrOZ 6 " Crab % 45c Tip RoaSt' -‘f I Inrkc Drl I Wrapped Flounder Fillets 69c ''SupOf-Wfht" Quoliry M*«*y Qraln-fo^ I a n”i_;.c”u "* I Headle « Dresstd Whiting ■ 4 ?!f \ f *.. '-4' * \nn Page Thrifty Ann Page Tomato MAYONNAISE 5 «- 55t KETCHUP 3 89C Borden’s mm, Ann Page Layer ICE MILK 39* CAKE MIX 3 95* Lackers Larel Paper Ann Page 13-Ox. Size mmml < hoose From AH Flavors Grand Low Price—Fruit Flavors YUKON CLUB"™*"" 5 89< MP DRINKS ?.« SI.OO Ot.r Finest A&P Our Own Deal Pack APPLESAUCE 6as 95* TEA BAGS m—« 994 Ann I‘a ire Thrifty Bny Thu Cage PORI & BEAMS 6«»894 sIMILAC ».■«. 24 “ »■«» $7 ” A&P CHARCOAL BRIQUETS —«■ 594 " $1.15 .any restoration oi entitlement, t he GI loan on the property must have been paid In full, or the VA must otherwise have been re lieved of liability under the guaranty. Q--1 have a rather laigeuiv idend accumulation on deposit with the VA insurance service. May I withdraw it? A—Yes. You mav withdraw all, or any part of the accumu lated dividends. Q —Several years ago, my “old law” pension termi nated t>ecause my annual in come exceeded $1,600. I under stand that the income limitation for a single veteran has been increased to $1,900. Can I be reinstated under the “old law” since my income is now with in this limit? A--Y’es. A change in the law which became effective on Jan, 1, 1971, increased the income limit to $1,900, Any veteran whose pension was terminated after July 1, 1960, because of excessive income may now re qualify under the new income limit, provided he has not e~ lected to receive “new law” pension. *# * * Asking the question is much easier than finding the right answer. NCSA Has Engaged 2 For Seminars WINSTON-SALEM - Janos Starker, cellist, and Josef Gin gold, violinist, will present monthly repertory seminars at the North Carolina School of the Arts next year, according to an announcement made last w’eek Robert W'ard, President of the School. Both Starker and Gin gold hold the title of Distin guished Professor of Music at Indiana University, Blooming ton Indiana. In making the announcement, Ward said, “NicholasHar sayni, the newly appointed Dean of the School of Music has of course made recommendations in the area of repertory seminars for the coming school year. When he advised us that Messrs. Starker and Gingold, his colleagues of long standing, might be interested in an affil iation with our school, I of course encouraged the invi tation since they are two of the world’s most outstanding teacher-performers. Their presence as they present their repertory seminars to our stu dents will be a stimulation of Immense value.” “LOMEPA OF THE WEEK” - Mrs. Delores H. Clements, left, president of the Lomepa Club, Pledge Club of lota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc., which is a national organization for Business and Professional Women was selected Lomepa of the Week bv her fellow club members. The members of the Lomepa Club will become charter members of the Raleigh Grad uate Chapter of lota Phi Lambda Sorority, inc. in the near future. Mrs. Clements is secretary to the Associate Dean of Students for Men’s Af fairs at Shaw University. Pictured with Mrs. Clements is Miss Maggie Mooring, student, Shaw University, right. THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY, MAY J»7t 15

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