16 TKE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1971 News And Views BY J. B. HARREN NEW HOSPITAL ISOLATION The New NASH COUNTY HOS PITAL, six stories high, shaped much like a 4-leaf clover, was formally dedicated Sunday, A pril 25, with more than a thous and citizens of the area attend ing and viewing the modern health facility which will sup plant the now antiquated Park View Hospital which we must not forget for the wonderful service it and the faithful staff have given this five-county area for many years. Many thanks to them. A speaker said, during the dedicatory service, the three million -dollar hospital (re plete with INDIVIDUALLY-OC CUPIED ONE PATIENT ROOM quote: “COMPLIES WITH EV ERY' LAW”. That was interest ingly amusing when we think how just a few years ago, hardly anyone wished to occupy a room ALONE, always thinking of an emergency when a roommate could summon aid. But, now that integration and federal regulations have come into being, EVERYONE is to be stalled off ALONE to avoid interracial rooming. That’s a slap at what we pretend to call “brotherhood” and ‘'good St. Andrews Church News BY MISS SHELIA ALSTON HENDERSON - The Saint An drews United Church of Christ held its regular Sunday Sell' >ol services on May 2 at 10 a.m. with the supt., Mr. Fred Min ;;•••• tding. fiL u - ■ of thi' ' 'ssoii was “God’s Call To Ethical Living.” Tlie background sculpture was MISS ALSTO n taken L-un the Book of un is. The lesson scripture was taken from Amos also. The memory selection was “Seek good, and not evil, that you may live; and so the Lord, the God of hosts, will be with you.” Amos 5:14. The pastor, Rev. W. J. Wil son, and the senior choir rend ered service at 3 p.m. at the Jesus House of Prayer. You are cordially invited to join us in our services beginning with Sunday scnooi at iu a.m. ana worship services at 11 each Sun day. The United Citizens of Vance County held their regular meet ing at New Bethel Baptist Church at 5 p.m. Rev. Britt and his chorus of Rosier \MK Church rendered devotions. The candidates for Mayor and Alderman gave their remarks. Mayor, Mr. James E. Harris and Louis D. Horner. Aider man: Ward I: Charles P. Rose and James P. Green. Ward II: J. A. Neldham. Ward III: George Vaughan and Jerri M. White. Ward IV: Thomas Hunt. The next meeting will be held at Saint Andrews United Church of Christ at 5 p.m. Y'ou are cordially invited to join us in our Mother’s Day services at 7 p.m. There will be a prize for the youngest mother, the oldest and the mo ther with the most children. RamkatteNews BY MRS. LUCILLI ALSTON RHAMKATTE - Sunday School opened at St. John AMI: Church at 9:45 a.m. Rev. E, E. Worthy was our 11 o’clock speaker. He spoke from St. Luke 18:30 on the subject ‘'Don’t Pass Me By; Stop I Want To Talk With You.” After the serv ice we wore served the Lord’s Supper. All were most spirit ually uplifted. Rev. Wot thy came to us for the evening service which opened at 7;30. He spoke from Acts 1:5 on the subject “How the Spirit W orks With Man.” ANNOUNCEMINTS A one-day conference will be held at Kittrell College, Kit - troll on Max 25. Pl ayer .meeting will be held at Watts Chapel Baptist Church on May 5 at 7;30 p.m. The women of Watts Chapel Church will observe Woman’s Day Max 24 at 11 a.m, and 7 p. m. services. Our sick include Mr. Rob ert Burt, in Wake Memorial Hospital; Mrs. Pearl Tucker, Mrs. Lillie Mae Moore, Mrs. Sadie Hopkins and Mr. William Tucker. Let us pray for the sick and visit them often. A THOUGHT “God is still on the throne and will take care of His own.” ChopalHiil BY MRS. CARRIDENE STUBBS CHAPEL HILL- Mrs. Carri dene Stubbs is happy to announce the return of her son Mr. Henry C. Parks, from Vietnam, We pray that other mothers are experiencing the same happy news with their son. Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dublin, Sr., and son, Mr. Hen ry Parks, and Mrs. Carridene Stubbs had a safe trip to Home stead) Fla. and back. While in Fla., we visited Mrs. Mary Hagins in Leesburg, Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Weaver and fam ily in Eustis, and Mrs. Frankie Mae Thompson, Mrs. Evelyn Thompson and Mrs. Lula Lloyd in Florida City and Homestead, Florida. neighborliness* (?) spelled with small letters. Things like this, and “private academies,” are doing more to tear this nation apart than most anything else. Then we have the audacity to talk about commun ism infiltrating the youths of all racosl No wonder they sconf at their elders of whatever race who promote such actions. It seems the more Americans learn in science and skills, the farther apart we get as citizens of a common nation. Blacks and Whites who refuse to associate with and learn about each other are fast pro moting disunity and the eventual downfall of our country. Just now many are belittleing the friendship gesture our table tennis (ping pong) team receiv ed from Red China. We had bettor reciprocate to all peop les or nations wishing to fel lowship with us. That goes double-fold for the Indians and Negroes in our midst. Whites must remember that although they possess most of the world’s wealth, some seventy per cent of the inhabitants of the world are of dark skin color. Lot's live and work together in friendship! Louisburg News BY MRS. W\ NT.LI.A MOORE LOUISBURG - The young people of the Tiinberlake Grove Baptist Church in Louisburg will render a program on the second Sunday night in Max. They are asking the public to attend. There will be a Mother’s Day program at the Old Lib erty Baptist Church on the sec ond Sunday in May at 12 noon. On the program will be many fine groups. Y'ou are kindly invited to attend. Th ■ Clifton Sisters of Louis burg will render a musical pro gram in Clayton on the 4th Sunday night in May. On the program will be the Sampson Harmoneers of Louisburg and the Oxford Harmoneers of Ox ford. Zebu lon News BY MRS. OMEN'D A MANGUM ZLBULON - ‘ There is no se cret what God can do, what he has done for others ho can do for you.” The revival began at the St. John Holy Church April 2C-30. Rev. Leamon Dudley de livered sermons on the fol lowing subjects: Monday, from Daniel 5:27: Is the Lord Satis fied With Me?; Tuesday, Heb. 11:24-25, a Firm Decision hi A peerless Time; Wednesday from St. Luke 9:59-62, Too Busy Too Follow Christ; Thursday, U Kings 20:1, Is Y'our House In Order For God? and Friday night, Luke 2:43-45, Be Sure You Have Christ. Bible Church School began on May 2 at the St. John Holy Church at 10 a.m. with the supt., Bro. Donnie Roberts, in charge. Sister Stella Horton is secretary. There was one class taught by Sister Zannie B. Carpenter. The lesson xvas wonderfully discussed. At 11 morning worship, with the pastor, Rev. Jesse Jones, began. The opening hymn was “Blessed Assurance,” render ed by the senior choir. Sister Naomi Horton was at the piano. Sister Carpenter led us in pray er. The responsive reading was by the pastor from Isaiah 53. A testimonial period followed. The choir chose for a spiritual “Deep.” The pastor came forth with the message from the Book of Deuteronomy 3:11 on the sub ject “The Danger of Forget ting God.” Wo give thanks to the Lord for the three souls who joined the congregation. \ POEM ABOUT REALITY Being real is love, love one another. Love should be everlasting - but Sometimes it isn’t. Some people hate each other, Some people kill. Wait a minute: Stop! God doesn’t like what you’re doing But He gave you the brain to think— Think love.' Low your enemies' Reality is love Be real, HMibms BY I B. RUSSELL Mrs. Mattie Clem nts of Orange St. was delighted be yond expression for her trip to Y'oungsville, N. C. where site visited a special friend by the name of Mrs, Joolla Har ris. Associated ,vith her were Mr. Earlie Carroll, Mrs. Di anna Branch and family. They attended church services Sun day morning and were thrilled by the music and singing of the congregation. Other guests from Henderson included Mrs. Viola Hicks, and Mrs. Mary Holmes both of Orange St. Mrs. Joella Harris prepared a dinner in her home consist ing of chicken, potato salad, tomatoes, biscuits, spare ribs, cabbage, corn oread, ham, beans, cornpudding and cup cakes, devil foods and ice cream were used for desert. The dinner was delicious and every one of us enjoyed it to the very highest. No . raffle deaths were re ported in Vance County during the past week end. The State Highway Patrol listed one in our neighboring County of Franklin, which is in tin Pa trol . disiric' IV along with Warren and Vance. Thank God and the Highway* Patrol for their outlook and idservanv. The last enemy which is death, crept in during th- ; U week and took -ome of cm L st friends and neighbors. Am them are th • follow; at: Mis. F. Y'ou i.; Davis of 692 Vd.tn.s Street, who died in M ria Par ham Hospital where she had been a patient for so : >■ tie She was a mem he of the Holy Temple Church and s-rved in many capacities of the Church. James Carnall Wimbm-h, died last Sun-lax oh h: in Mat Parham Hospital folio i shooting incident His n, • • ,1 was conducted last Mon . the Miclk l Cl •■ k iia.di- Church. According. t<> II - bn sun Police, Jam <• s I'd ■ • Hunt 25 of 830 Yam - mm is cu rrentlx- beim: b- nd it 1.■ mt bail in connection with Hie death. The tragic drovnin. last Thursday in Kerr Lake ctf Miss Borl Snood and hv be; friend, Richard C. Miles xvas a.Ur ok to the Community of Towns ville as much so the ; of Berl and Richard. Mis , Be: 1 (Bug) Eli/.ttie’h ot' mien the Henderson High School and was in the Sophomov Class. Richard C. Miles, Jr., also , native of T0w...5.i110 had graduated from Henderson It ■ .sfitute last year and vas em ployed by the Ranchers explor at ion development Corporation formerly Tunston Mines. Fun eral services were held at the Mt. Calvary Holiness Church and the Woodswor'h Baptist Church with their respect i\ pastors officia.inr, Revs. Ty ler Young and A Brown. Clinton News BY MRS. 11. M. JOHNSON CLIN TON - Mrs. Charitx Ja cobs of College Street was hos tess to the Woman’s Guild Club of First Baptist Church last Sunday, April 25. The president, Mrs. Jodie Moore, presided Members present were Mcs dames Janess Felton, Naomi Price, Emma Wils Pick, Mary Tat< Arletha Graham, Bettie 'Ta tum, Annie Caldwell, Juanita L/.zell, Misses Mildred Bea man and Nancy Boykin, Mrs. Ruth Freeman, Mrs. Cleo Als ton, Mrs. Josie Moore, Mrs. Charity Jacobs and yours truly. Miss Nancy Boykin of MeKoy Street is a patient at Duke Hospital. Her many friends are wishing for a speedy recovery. Waverly Faison, son oi Mr. and Mrs. James M. Faison of 521 MeKoy St. hoi e was (diet ed vice-president of the student Government Association at North Carolina Central Univer sity in Durham. He is a grad uate of Sampson High school. Mrs. Selena Bern; Brooks of Hartford, Conn, flew down and spent several days with her mo ther, Mrs. Ella K. Ben f MeKoy St. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Boykii and son, Ricky and Mr. Cur tis B. Moore motored here from Newark, N. J. to pick up their parents, Rev. arid Mrs. James A. Moore. The Moores xvill • wit in New ,1 rse; and Nov Y • n-k for a few weeks. Mrs. I-loi.se Smith, Mrs. Naomi Price and Miss Mildred Beaman motored to Duke Hos pital in Durham last Saturday to v isit Miss Nancy Boy kin, who is a patient in the hospital. Mr. Gilbert Chest butt is a patient at the Veterans Hospi tal in Fayetteville. His many friends are praying that his st.r xv ill be a short one. OBITUARY' The funeral of Mr. Harold Boykin was hold Wednesday, A pril 28 at 4:30 p.m. from the Lisbon Street Baptist Church with the pastor, Rev. H. R. Cog dell, officiating, assisted by Rev. J. L. White and Rev. J. I . Ezzell. He is survived by a wife, Mrs. Mildred Boykin, a son, Harold, Jr., two dang,liters, Jen nifei LaMyru and Tamm I.a- Trishia, all of the home; a mo ther, Mrs. Lucille Boykin, three sisters, Mrs. Rena White, Clinton; Mrs. M aim. a l et W il liams, Philadelphia, I-’a,: Mrs. Virginia Coleman of Cincin nati, Ohio; two brothers, Mr. Charles Rich and Mr, James Rich, both of Clinton; ow uncle Mr. Jodie Boykin, one aunt, Mrs. Blossom Boykin, Clinton and a dutiful mothor-in-la\ , Mrs. Addie S. Kirby. Among those in towm to at tend the funeral were Mr. Na/- ro Ray of Washington, L. C., Mrs. Alice Wilson, Washington. D. C., Mr. George Whiti , Nev. Y'ork, Mr. P< rex 1... Kirby and daughter, Hope of Nev. Ark, N, J., Mrs. Bertha Kirby and son of Philadelphia, Pa., Mr. Les ter Clark of New Y'ork, Sgt. Moultrie and Mrs. Moultrie of Fayetteville, Miss Salim Ann Boykin of Virginia, Mr. James E. Boykin of New Jersey and Mr. and Mrs. Willie N. Cox of Kinston. Clayton BY MRS. CORNELIA S. MOORE CLAYTON - The Woman’s Day program was held Sunday at II a.m, at the Johnston Pinoy Grove Baptist Church, Route 1 In Clayton. Th.- Senior Woman’s Choti was in charge of the music with Mr. Earl Manning as organist. They sang so beautifully, “Faith Os Our Mothers.” Invocation xv as given bv Mrs. Wilma Smith. The r< sponsive reading was led b Mrs. Willi. M. My Lattlb. Tht hymn “Mother's Prayers H.ivt- i allowed Me,” was ther. sung. The scripture xvas read from Pr- ■ i-rl-s 31:10-3:. Prayer was off-.-’, -d i •- Mrs. Viola Sand rs. A lr mn “Thou My Everlasting l-Vrtl n,” followed. Announcements were made M.s, Bernice Penny, follow ed i - i.. organ prelude. “All the x\ a My Savioi Leads Me,” Recognitions and welcomes to the visitors were made by Mr.--. Mildred Hunter. Recugni -1 i>;>. oi mothers: Mrs. Willie McC'Ltmb. A rift was preset a - oldest u other by Mrs. L- sj.. Hunter. G. -m -ral offerings were lilt - i • Mi-*. C'ui'aWilli.tmsonand Mat b Tom! iuson, of meditation andsil ■ , p: ax or for the sick and shut-in followed. The guest • s ; .ot - Mrs. Alois Chai n's - S 3 : “ l »< d’s \ir.az ii Gi •<• .’’ ; 1 . -1 et i -t. of the spt .k --er as i i,.. by Mrs. Cvntbia Sunders. The gijost sp.-aker, Ms,- . Y vonne Mitchell is. i grad u.Te < 4 Mi tv University iu (he ■ Id <-f Christi .a ,m.l Mission ary l ducat ion and Social Stud ios.” She works as a junior ,sn; ervisor of th*- Johnston Mis sionary Union, a menib r of the First Missi ona r x Baptist Cliurcii of Selma and teaches at th • Pine Level Elementary School, Pine Level. She spoke from ‘he theme, “Who Is Going To Take the Weight?” It was v. i inspiring message. Thi invitational hymn was “Just As I Am.” A special of fering xvas lifted by Mrs. Bessie Tomlinson and Mrs. Luna W il liamson. Remarks and benedict ion fol lowed, made by the Rev. Luther Coppedgp, pastor. Dinner was served in the dining room. Franklinton FRANKI INTON - The First Baptist Church had its worship serv ices on the 4th Sunday in April at 11;00 a.m. The pastor presided over the services. Scripture was read by Rev. Hayes. Prayer by Dec. Joe Wilder. The pastor thanks everyone for their cards and phone calls during his short illness. The text was taken from Gal. 6-19. The subject was “Becoming a Spiritual Dropout.” Mother’s Day Services will be held at the First Baptist Church Franklinton on Sunday morning Max 11, 1971. Our Prayers go out to the sick and shut in. The l-Tanklinton United Church of Christ held its Youth Day Services Sunday Max 2, 1971. The day got on the wa at 1:45 wttliMr.Muh ael Wilder acting as Supt. Worship service was at 11:00 a.m. with Miss Shirley Yar borough, Presiding, Thi- con vocation was by Wilbert W illi ams, Scripture xvas read by Miss Teresa Mannin. The an nouncements and Recognition of visitors was by Miss Regina Jones. The introduction of speakei xvas by Miss Bettie Alston who is a student at Kittrell College. The guest speaker was the Rev. George Robinson who is 18 yrs of age and is a student at Kittrell College. His subject was “The armor of God.” A solo was • Uei ed by Mx. Charlie Mc- Knight of Kittrell, N. C. It "■■as entitled ‘-He” The Remarks were given by tin Pastor ol the Church who is Rev. 1,. F, Young. Actin'-, as deacons were Mr. Max Jones Jr., is 1 al Webb, Wilbur W il- ; Liams, Jane Glove, and Mi chael Wilder. A Mother’s Dux Program xi ill tie held at the United Church of Christ, sunda; May 11,1971 at 5;00 p.m., Franklinton, N.C. N. A. C. W. PLANS SF.MMF- R ACTIVITILS The I-Tankl inton Bra.-iCh of the National Association oi College Women met at the Wum-nton Bapt Ist Church Max 2 in War rent on, North Carolina. The Devotional period was led by Mrs. A. B. Branch. Afiet devotion, the president Mrs. Peggie Kear ney opened the business ses sion. The Secretary ’s report read by Mrs. Sadie Suitt was adopt ed. The correspondence con sisted of two “thank you” notes. One from Mr. Roger W’allei for a flower and the other from the Reverend I- noch Kearney for a Book of Poems. The remainder of the Busi ness session was spent in mak ing plans for the summer and next session. The Warrenton Group as sumed responsibility for our Summer Camper. The -Asso ciation planned for a cook-out to be given at the home of Mrs. M. H. Davis, Saturday June 2, 1971, in Wise, North Carolina. It was suggested that we check carefully each Institution that we support financially, to learn the oik’s that are most in need and support those with an in creased amount. At the close of the business session, the hostesses from Warrenton served coffee and cinnamon rolls. Garner GARNER - May - , services Ww.,. a i, at the Wake k. Church. Dr. C. i , a Sided, \xith " , 1- at the organ. !• j■, Sang the proc-ssio:- i; “God of- j >• in.g prayer was iff. r- ■ ; Brib ’ . !1\ mil, •-:e. j , ; Sheppard; Mission Junior Ushers; Li.r, ; Julius Avery; Our i\ Reading xvas by M j v . W hite “Our Fix i->. n- : lection, “It Is Well Soul.” Sc: ljtunv- ! read from the 7th Cl, .pi Daniel. . ors.-s 1 tht u I- , ’ Brilev, followed with - : by Rev. Frnest Coifh spouse “Glory B To 7 ’ ther”; b-ilu t . x- it*. “Then shall ■■ - ■ - ■ Blessing-a ■, ■! the Youth i - ;-artn •■■et church by Bio. GaiAett lev- Offertory Pray <>r—l r. >.- ■) ■ Hi - v Roger SI;• -t-i-.i: . of offeratory period. 1 ' ; , “All things con -4 lection by Junn-. - ; .; •' Not To Teiuptati ■ meats and root>gr i ! :■ - foi s. Pro. Mel : left ion: “He ■ , J. > >.u\a* * hi. Dr. Brib-' deli' el fill S- m.i Hi;- >.-xt , - en from the 7th <4 I '.i..n 1, vei - used as a -Hl'ji ct; ■ ;Tj;- 1"■ i Must Rule.” !' !• “How God Speaks i-. 1,1 ; o and guides them, • Hi to come in .1 dro.- o”. Special Rc.-co; litio to Bro. Quinui' W - troops, lb is Sc- > N: Troop 143 of W.J H. -: Grove Church who - v place in the Scout- x - at the State Fail G- Raleigh May Ist,'ln' . We are always glad to have our visitii frit ping with us. OBITUARY MR. DFBRO! jon: Mr. Drbro Jo - . of Routt 1, On : , - the Aspinwall Veterans Hos pital in Pittsbm 1 1 , funeralized at C!i. : , ■ Homo with Rev. . ofliciatiir.. Litc-i'i -,n the Homewood Cei erans section in ! it Pa., with n ililai » W ilia Jo:, S of Cl a ru-phew, M 1 . i - : of New York Cit Mrs. Lucy Gi ieigh. RoseboroNrw BY CARLA TAT ' 1 ROSE BORO - Mis-. ; : Walker was. tin- gue-: . - ■ . for Dr. Art! graduate Field - class it the Uni Carolina in Chapel Hh Tuesday, April 2 , Miss Walk.-r, . !m ing in social 01, memboi of the 197: . class at UN! School - Work. The lectui i v. is cmvent fie’d plaCi-i 'x M Co-ord.imitin; Coune ior Citizens i Lmi.e . area disca i ;:.t It ganizatioaal stntcim various serviC"* ofu- < ; Council ! - : i ■ the Durhaui .0 iu'.- ny.. . dition, Miss Walm ro?e •if the ( ni.ei! ' '••• ning and tht itiiph the CommiriU: W.-- ! Conference On Agin -, was held In Durh.o MISS FI..AIN ' WA 1 K Miss Walker, till !..,i ... Mrs. OiL ss : V\ kin*, and tli- l.e Mr. -p. . Walker, is - --. a lot- i, Petr, Ur. ! - Roseboro. She receiv. i !.-> l !■., :m arts degrei in sox iu- Ug Fayetteville* State r mv* u • 1300. The sold- T ehrn: :U- : ■ : the music forth-- m'-i no- 1 x - ices held at st. U - - ■ Zion Church. Rev. Singletary scripture and alsodoliv- re-it! message. His siitij-MU ■ - Is My Neighbor ”* His 1 - -.'-7 • j taken from St. I uke 10:2 5. He said that the main ior-, in a church xvlH p is.* i y •■'-11 - on-.- in need of h U- .... ! .• • U wo expect t- em- r : • Kingdom, v. ■ must ho!;- e. . ’ - 10-vman. Robinson’* Cha;-iU obs-ei v ed Motl-or’s Day. Tit ■ ; >■ . for the hour war Mi >. Id.- 'lax. . Her speech was eerie, d Model Mother.” Tin p- i a made a few remarks on M< -. Hairr’s spei-ch. l>oth' . '"<* ’ ‘ijoyubte, i alvrnach ' " Mm 's Lay, - . samuol Cle s> • »Ptmv- les -1 eu iiij in. -ssßge, •'? “MoMw>i s wun -- 2:26 and st. as a xi r\ ! . Sai. no] Cl. - friends from •a- n i lie- stat o Universitv • th- chuiclx. ' ■■■ .a t - held 'Jr. Eddie '■: xxu at Si. Thomas " : c : ch with the Rev. ■ • x . tary officiating. He leaves to mourn his death, ■n< s , w illie Brown of Roso - ■• - sisters, Mrs. Ann All-erta Boykin • ; oseboro Mi s. Josephine . y, t y t) two ■‘ > : • I • eoy Robinson 1 1 iorida; one Parker, two i! CP *, a. John Msher and Dim' rn'oiiPi ol^ • - 1! ’’ ’ * 0 11am e i< >2 the r Mrs. Iron. Cul , N, 7 .. and ■ ■ “Id world lie v u someone would moot ‘ ‘ ' -son':.-ihim good alxnrt ain’t Me ixe a lot more 1 o'] that’s in us all ■ J 1 11 ! 'O nict 1 to prae : ; !l “ !! i' i; '• "■ - 1 ' •>{ thinkiu,, WiSbon -Sazile Creek News : ■ ■ :. with Mrs. Je w . iib i.: :.s superintend < ill T!i (• IT :• V iS l Y'Lid l)V m : ‘ ' - ii'-ii' : ]i;u s and a • ni I 1 s; Rupt isi « x : Ill (}■ votioil, tho • wj * W oiiv ii's I)a; and were Thorp**. • • . : tin • Jes : beautiful. ' • " 1 ii ; « 1 ft I-sson was tliical I iv tl. -)OK 05 Amos. \t ]; mSmch assembled •-t sin i> so 1 vice i ' Rrckv. Ith tt •: - . JPt •• ill to ‘or ship i r ’ Vi s. Dais" Harrolson was .1 "iv Mrs. Golia !-. ; s(• :■-* ■; ; 1 , Mrs. Xov ■'* . I J ;1 a } I*l. \ • rs. arv •L- .Mrs. Deltlia > • i !.0 il(.>l th- Usher Board Christ in e Thorpe d .he '.(Ut.h dApaiiniunt for ; 1 ‘ lit a? ion. Our j. Ti, y .vjvft p • ' i i•' announce : W -: s!’.llt-in A ' . H'V ' n •■” <):■ in i'. ; li( r .t' \T r Day a groat isi iu Holly -• u. ■■• ■. ’( •■■ ■ 1. ! uqua. • in.i, y ,-v Pi'ovidont in Fi:- ; • . ii.-ni Fir.U Ixip-tist • ' :.-••!> to il,.i i; all for theii me Mippi it i a our program. .. '.-t .-Pni-ins are ..I 1 , lie. J ; . id l - Mrs. K'-sk- Stuart, ; . - liOir.as. it ee.pi to see Mr. W JuoPsms lK>lne able toat o Us wife in ;■ Mrs. Mary Jack- T!-1 i'r iy.- i Band of t'nqnay- X xv.i- hold at tho home of '■'i . .i! .‘Ms. Raymond Roy al u h*u.ida*'> at p.m. M:. Fl.>r. an Manning rind family v -we guests of her mo ■ in r, -,media Hood, on Miiida; iiib'iiii'on. It was an on ■jc abb- l.Tix-ruooi;. A I'HGUGH'I' :.i■ ■ i.i■ xvitliout God moans dyiar without hope. ' t SmKkfield BY MRS. ANNIE EI.I IOTT SMITH FIELD - The First Baptist Church MissionaryCir cb -axe a ■ onderful pageant !1: iod “Jacobi's 1 add?r” with Mrs. - b-o . .i:.t and and Mrs. 1 i! • i !: Jones in charge of the ~O'i r ram. bhi Hon i makers Club spon - r i k conference” at tin : ib, of ti. Y'aliey Church re cently. Mr*. Annie Ukinson, Mrs. Vimie Elliott attended a special meeting at the ’ Holiday Inn in Dunn as guests of Mr. and Mrs, Shellle Orcutt. ' Woman’s Day program was held at Wilson Mills Baptist Church with the guest speaker Mrs. Clara Bellentine, Mrs. Marie Campbell rendered a so lo. We are very sorrv to learn of 'ho death of Mr. William Las x'- , 1 1 ith. r of Mrs. Tessie :li e. lb- was funeralized last Monday. 'dm sick and shut-ins are Mrs. LIK Mr. Wade Vinson, ’’T's. ; ~t Vinson, Mr.W, Ilar i- • :ia ' Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Morris 'I uni in son, Frances - Iphia Surrett. U x. Cleo P. Bryant visited - • iu Ni." Jorsev, who is ill. ik Grove Church will its 1 In r Board’s anni '• ill- first Sundax in Ju ly. Won an’s Day was held at Grove Sunday with Mrs. Mitchell as the guest speaker. istrict Bap ' f*’ UMier’s Union xvas held at ’ ■' OVI last Sunday at 2:30 t a t i v e s i: on; l” churches. Mr. Scofield Gardner is the i * sident. An open forum xvas Presented by Mo. John W. Mitchener. The Triple s High School Pv s- nted its spring con ’ st Thui sday night, l-ii- smithfield Junior High 1 i. its la st PT A meet ■ng of th. ya-ar. A series of " action, were played by the Eg inneis and junior bands! Smithfield BY MRS. LILI.IE M. LEE SMn Hi li LD - A dlink of v.ah'r isn’t much, but it can save a life, if one loving v, ’ or, ‘ is quickly said, it can -Hi; strife, ‘•Will you listen er? He is calling i , ; r you, He has a job and Ob, there’s work wo must do. Are yo i one of the few that never iVl> tim to attend a church , I ut are al !.’ - c on a corner, or standing ! f, “’ Va; side trying to find out what was said and what was done. Don’t you kno ■ God sim- U) ly. Ev ery church in the county and schools are very busy trying their very best to get many things done; in fact everybody is moving at a jet age speed and we all wonder how much more can we endure. We are hopif. and praying that all the members of First Baptist Church and our many friends will com tl us tothe A.M.E. Zion Church on the third Sun da'. afternoon it 3 o’clock to heir, dedicate their new edi- Certainly, we want you to call on us anytime because ".on were a bridge in deep v iter for us when we had no whore to go, may God bless ecifl; oi you always. The annual Woman’s Day pro iam of Johnston Piney Grow Baptist Church was held at Lis < >£• clock; guest speaker for the occasion was Mrs. Yvonne t itehell oi Clayton. A Woman’s Day Program was ‘■••ld ,t ‘he : re.-m ill Baptist Church on Noun 1 Street Sun da nitemoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Emma Hamilton as uest speaker. Everyone re ported most enjoyable time, i lmy alse have a big financial driv.;, although everybody is domg his slum, for their churct sur< hav< > real big financial drive. May God ’ ie.- s us to pay our share. First Baptist folk day was i an; . i! scheduled last bti'iday -•‘••guiai' churciiservice ai tin usual hour followed by 1 i Con : miion. At 3 p.m. l.ht j.istei mid choir members 'a men ma do tliair wa to t!;e St. John A.M.E. C hurv.h foi S"i ices, tin pas tor delivered a great message oim icy, Robert Atkinson JHv#;';.; List Wednesday visiting mp Tena Terry. Mrs. Callle LoMB ton is spending sometime her daughter, Mrs. Christine 1 McClarin. Birthdays were re- 1 cently celebrated by the fol- ! lowing: ‘ Little Miss Priscilla McNeill, .. ! Mesdames Y'elma Wall, AUeen Solomon, with Mrs. Solomon’s niunx friends helping her cele brates were Mr. and Mrs. Char les Jones of N. Y. , Mr. and Mr s. Thel Watson of Forf * Bragg. We hope all of you many more happy birthdays and may God bless each of you. Will you pray for the many “,ck, here’s a few: Mrs. Lily Raynor and daughter, Mes dames Bessie Layton. Phaille Newkirk, Eliza San ders, Susie Exum, Lula Tom linson, Viola Tonkins. We are in sympathy with the family rs Mrs. Viola Hall. May God give you strength. THOUGHT: The gift of God cannot be bought. TwoFSU Coeds Gel Awards FAYETTEVILLE - Mrs.X Frances Eaglin Farmer and Mrs. Sue Caviness Maloney copped top honors at Fayette ville State University’s 14th Annual Honors and Awards Day held in the J. W. Seabrook Auditorium Friday, April 30. Mrs. Farmer, a graduating senior from Fayetteville, claimed the ‘‘George H. Wil liams Memorial Award” for excellence in scholarship in the Senior Class. In addition, she received the “J. W. Sea brook Award” given annually to the top ranking graduating student, “The June Cotton Bojtte Memorial Award” for excellence in courses in edu cation and “Who’s Who Among Students in American Univers ities and Colleges for 1970- 71.” Other top awards were garn ered by Brendg G. Waison (junior), Mrs. Mary F. Miller (sophomore), and Geraldine Owens (freshman). They re ceived the J. W. Seabrook , Award” ($100) for other top f ranking stuients. , Winners of sorority and fra ternity stipends ($100) were Shirlev Evans (Zeta Phi Beta Sorority), Wandafa Boone (Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority), David Kingsberry (Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity), and James Gainey, (Phi Beta Sigma Fra ternity). . Departmental awards were won by Dolly Green and and Dorothy Hardy (Business Education), Brenda Gayle Wat son (Communicative Arts), Jasper Tan ler (History), and Bernadette Lloyd (Biology). James Nesby and FI ease Un derwood received “The Mal colm X Award”. Chapel Hit CHAPEL HILL - Sunday, May 9, at 11:00 .m. The Annual Women’s Day Celebration will lx* observed at St. Paul A.M.E. Church, Chapel H 11. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Verdelle Johnston of Durham. * Mrs. Johnston is the daughter Jf Rev. J. B. Jennings of Charleston, S. C. and ths wife of the Rev. D. A. Johnston. The speaker is the mother of two daughters, Doris, a senior at North Carolina Cen tral University, and Loretta a senior at Howard Univer sity. Mrs. Johnston received her education at South Carolina State College, where she re ceived the B.S. in elementary education. She also studied at Atlahta University in the Spe cial Education Dept., and re ceived the M. S. degree at North Carolina Central Uni versity. For six weeks, Mrs. John ston studied the problems and methods of teaching the men tal retarded child at the Uni versity of Reading England. She is employed as a special education teacher in the Dur ham City Schools, and Is an active member at St. Joseph’s A A.M.E. Church, and President ® of the Western North Carolina Conference Branch Mission ary Society of the A. M„ E. Church. An outstanding feature aS the Program will be the reoognt lion of the “Outstanding Mo ther and the Outstanding Wo men of the year”.