EXPLAINS STUDENT EMERGENCY LOAN FUNDS - Lawrence Allen, Director of Financial Aid at Shaw University issists Miss Alma J. Coles, 3rd year business major from Che : , r. tt. in completing her Stu dent Emergency Loan application. In its \pr I. '.on, The CAROLINIAN Emitted the following contributors and nr n ni the Loan fund: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Sigma Gamma Rho and the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. Professor Tapped By Association ATLANTA, # Ga. - Dr. Gloria Scott, director of institutional research at North Carolina A&T State University has been elect ed Board of Directors of the Southern Education Foundation. There have been three distin quished women associated with the Foundation through the years since its founding in 1867. f FRYERS jHI in piiiiiiJ 1C E MILKI W FRESH PICNICS I | Silver Label K I ) 0 < I COFFEE I Si POTftl OES | BE * M i | Miss Anna Jeanes of phia established tb Fund in 1907, and the constituent funds J Foundation. Miss Virginia Randolpi. the first Jeanes supervisor of rur.il Niu.ro schools in Hemic Ca . ty, Virginia--and a fun !.•..-■■ ; • - lished in her memi also a constitutent fund of t ■ Foundation. Another dir an guished woman, Mrs t>. k n D, Roosevelt, s- r board of directors foi * pe, iod during the 1940’5. D:. Scott be comes the first won ,-n - ,ce Mrs. Roosevelt < Board. The Southerr in. ... ndatlon, Incorporated has its main purpose to assist N"i roes in the Soutli, tnrough ■ iu eat ion, to become full and . iitlclpating members of the so;, of which they are a : . Joining Dr. Scott as new utbers of the Board whose ns expire in 1974 were; it. Gordon Foster, Dr. Tobe Johnson, and Anton Rice, Jr. Others Members of the Board include David F, Freeman, president of the directors, Dr. George Gardner, Dr. Frederick U Patterson, Dr. Homer P. Rainey, Samuel W. Allen, Dr. Cleveland L. Dennard, Harold leming, and Dr. Samuel M. Nalsit. Dr. Benjamin E; Mays served on the Board with Dr. MapSe Trinity Bread 'W&*/’ ./ST" Bread, a malnatay during Bibllcnl time? a? wi n : ' un\-\y har aiway# had religious significance Hnm«mnri< t i -.mu ha? i myatical reverence about it and Maple Trl; , , ,ae shape has special menning Three round portions of dough, symbol;/.!:.. r ) ; form the base of this loaf Atop thus, twisted i, : . ; t . • ‘Vips of dough fashion a cross A surprise ingn\lii ~t y-up gives the bread an unusual but not too ?w Today's enriched flour gives ali your tv o r k t m portent nutrients the essential B vtth.r.u.s :a. in and riboflavin, and the mineral, iron MAPLE TRINITY niU VI) l loaf 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 cups enriched 2 teHspouns flour* j ng 2 packages dry yeast . 3/4 cup maple syrup 1/2 cup milk 1 11 "htu -1/2 cup water beaten 1/2 cup oil I tablespoon «,der Stir together 2 cups flour ann yeast. He , * va ter, oil and salt over low beat Add liquid ingredients to fi ur-yeas- a . A i ... smooth, about 2 minutes on medium sp«ed ,-r t -Uv - mixer or 300 strokes by hand. Blend in egg and d . , ;U p flour and beat 1 minute on medium speed oi > ;l . v hand. Stir in more flour to make a moderate u;v n . ; '., rn ( ,nto lightly floured surface and knead un 10 minutes. Shape into ball and pla. 1.. . bowl, turning to grease all sides Cover ant > w . n pV.ee (80 to 85°) until doubled, about • Divide in fourths; cover and let rest into balls. Place on greased baking ■ n ;.,i cricv design. Flatten each to 1 inch high Cut rev ,■ ..v ....carters with palms of hand shape each into , ' .c ; • al together in pairs; press ends to seal. bin. ... on cloverleaf, curving ends in semicircles v , -s. Cover and let rise in warm place urn . n,n utes. Combine egg white and water: drub n : ;, t - in preheated 350° oven 40 to 50 minutes ,r unt:l • v.cces sary, cover loosely with foil to preun* x, i - rm l Rc move from baking sheet immediate! > John F. Brya and : t F> ; '•■■? \vl:e : ~. i oil this vear. The e>i\-uti • < .f:\cnrs ln cllldi ■; . , , J, ,is . \_ , ,vil.i lii, di rectoi: . i'n • .. \v, McMil lan, prosiMi: . late; ami Mrs. Virgiri I- .. k, Washing ton Repri'V'ni :Uvv, 15:. .Scott »> . ••« a:> a merr.l-'; .f :(■ fioard of Directors c uta of L an educational onsultiiit firm. She is the wife of Dr. Will Scott - ■ the 1 epart rrent of Sorinicic . • Lucky fan ios that have several mothers to honor on Mother's Day M >m, two Grandmas, ma . <■ even great- Grandmas u - find taking them all . '< r the day an expensive prc c.ition. Yet ev< dl the ' mothers ,e family to be honored - heated to them. An easy. < xoi i mv< and yet charming yay to please the wli it- iher’s , Day Four > •:’•••. .a pretty spring dr i* gives the guests tin-u a. . .*• ■•v together and hi.: •-s ■ . invite a iongc. •: t a.i.i.vcs and friends. A While iv- -. .'.I- -ort of party ’ >u i ecr. called a 'teak but t. . r.< coffee and lightly c:-\c,leverages are often “-t r J :u* name is I so mew hi • rmsieadmg So "Four O’CU r. become popular jr. rnny areas. An added rid- :■ ~f the 1 ;ur O'clock 1‘ son a four to six time sihed'iit .- sen -w’ous ly and avs dun r linger on and on. What to servo? a sandwich assortment i.r-ii. i./ig: thin cu cumber slice -■ w: th dill on buttered while bread; minced chicken; cream cheese and date nut i:re:m, .ver pate pin wheel .< b —■ -,; d (Vive triangles C;-m v .u- brownies, cookies, t:ny ' its ind minn ture Danish / ill please the sweets eater along with chocolate mime. To drink - erve freshly brewed ter. r-.rd c fiee, both hot and - ; ,f he day is warm Forth- who prefer a more sprightly pj kup have a chilled aperitif handy such as the Korop nr. fimorite, Cam pan A i.r„ fl rt'v t-shing, garnet colored Campari and soda loi;s j. the gia-s and , • i str.dir.ft iwho knows?! ;»• ! o! v ;du)t- a low proof aUerrokoe ti the other beverages. Provide am* book for each Mother you n honoring and ask ear h gue'- lust to write » small 'lt. .. hi in each. These make i< •v - sentimen- p>. Mother’s Day. gg|| ■M.y affoi tion me first for n b own oounuA, and then, gerieraliy, for ali man kind -Thneia.v Jefferson. J hope u i find n y country in ‘-ho right: however, I will stand L her. right or wrong. Stephen Decatur. *** ■'■Jr-. . ■( % ATTEND THEOLOGICAL ALUMNI DAY AT SHAW UNIVERSITY - Shaw University Theological Alumni pose for photographer in front of the University Church on Shaw’s campus following the Theological Alum til Convocation April 28. From left, front row, are officers of the organization: Dr. Paul 1-, Johnson, Martin Street Baptist Church, Raleigh and chairman of the Divinity School’s Board of Trustees; Dr. O. L. Sherrill, Executive Secretary, N. C. General State Baptist Convention; Rev. T. A. Watkins, vice president-elect and pastor, University Park Baptist Church, Char lotte; Rev. O. B. J. Burson, pastor, Concord Baptist Church, New York City and convocation speaker; Rev. J. Z. Alexander, Dean of Shaw’s School of Divinity; Rev. J. C. Harris, president-elect, Shaw Theological Alumni Association, Statesville; Rev. E. FT Turner, outgoingpresidentand a mem-- her of the Executive Committee of Shaw’s Divinity School. % A 1,1 WINN-DIXIE’S ANNUAL V r irmN D,x,c p *oducts days/ Li 11 W 11 W* I \ AT WINN-DIXIE WE TAKE THIS ; 11 % % \ TIME EACH YEAR TO SALUTE Wm M and promote products from l/v ii THE SOUTH AND ESPECIALLY A 1 / Mi K n THE PEOPLE WHO PRODUCE \ MAKE THE SOUTH GROW GREAT ER AND OFFER YOU MONEY o" !* ty STOs>^ r (o SAVING BARGAINS AT THE SAME %' g tS r Dealers TIME ON OUR PRICES GOOD THRU SAT.. MAY 8 DIXIE PRODUCTS I THRIFTY MAID PURf CANF SUGAR Limit one at this price, please, with $5.00 or more food order thr]fty"maid _ ORANGE JUICE SAVE 3* ' Limit 3 cans at this price, - 14 oz flH please, with $5.00 or CUIS more food order J W*D iSiiTy7s” C 1 Sirloin STEAKS T-Bone or Porterhouse B -YOUR CHOICE-POUND ft MORTON FROZEN MEATDINNERS ASSORTED FLAVORS #jfj $ J| ) "Fes! Easy Nleal” I t^OMMnMMMMMn^nWMMMV-4——.—- uWWMWWMnMHHMPMMWWMmMMWNiMMIMMMHH the CAROUHIJIN RALEIGH. N C., SATURDAY, MAY 8, iS7i 17