8 THE CAROLINIAN RALEIOK. N. C.. SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1971 *« &&s'' i isj®£r WsttA*As- fepfe- >» ®ffiifigs9j»;s 4£h&^i&swse£Fj l f< ■■?,» ETHIOPIAN SEEKS POST AS SECRETARY GENERAL OF UN-Paris-Ethiopian Communi cations Minister Endelkatchew Makonnen de clared himself a candidate for the post of Secretary General of the United Nations. Ma konnen based his decision on Secretary Gen eral Thant’s statement that he will retire be cause of ill health, (UPI), Churfh Training Covenes At St. Augustine's College The First Church of God was host so a leadership training conference held at. St. Au gustine’s College from July 10 through IC. This Fifteenth An nual In-Service Training Insti tute was a training project spon sored by the Board of Christian Education of the National Asso ciation of the Church of God al filiated with Church of God Headquarters at Anderson, In diana. The In-Service Training Insti tute is administered by the Exe cutive Committee of the Board of Christian Education and others. Among these persons are Mrs. Mary Robinson, act ing director from Canton, Ohio and Dr. Marcus H. Morgan, dean, pastor of the Emerald Avenue Church of God, Chicago, Illinois. This In-Service Training Insti tute is filling a definite need for ministers and lay leaders to re ceive additional training and to become better acquainted with current trends and practices in religious education. Annually this Institute con venes for one week during the month of Juh in a different geo graphic location every three ■ years. Main staff menders and students came from out of state to participate with local leaders and students in ibis conference. Sessions convene daily and ex tra curricular activities in due tours, assemblies and other social activities, with the week activities culminating in the closing exercises to be held on Friday, July 16, at 7:30 p.m. at the First Church of God, 12-. 10 East Edenton Street, Rev. Mrs. N'ancv r o rd, pastor 7W MINUTES a jww m Bi&L£ f , BY CWNIUDi R. BVAM TOSS. FM. / I RSRSAK BIBU BOOTY k A CMICAOO, llUNOtt ISO*!»« f S/L THF WORK Oh THE LORD There is much work to bo done in the service of God, hut all ate not eligible to work for Him. Before He can use us we must learn that we need Him. This is why Eph. 2:8-10 declares that salvation is “Not Os Works” but “Unto Good Works.•» Salva tion was wrought by Christ a lone, at Calvary, and we must accept it as the gift of His love. Rom, 6:23 says: “The gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.'* Eph. 2:8 says; “It is the gift ofGod.” and we should all accept this gift by faith an say with St. Paul: “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift” (n Cor 9:15). God wants us to work for Him, not to gain His favor, but out of gratitude. Thus only after we have accepted salvation as His gift to us can He use us in His service—and their He will give us plenty to do, lit. 3:8 says that “Thosewho have believed should be care ful to maintain good works” Church Chuckles by cartwkk;ht Rev.TWeedl £,£>.£». L—Jr/.. ta»i'w«lohT "{ S«W him I W*B his replacement. I meant ♦» My VACATION replacement!" SPEAKS AT WOMEN’S MEET- Dr. Margaret Shannon, Execu tive Director of Church Women United, will be one of the speak ers at the quadrennial meeting of the Woman’s Home and For eign Missionary Society, AME Zion Church, which will lie held at Shaw Memorial AME Zion Church, 453 Porter Street, Buf faloe, N. V. August 1-5. She is among the many church women of the nation that will address the more than 1100 delegates, missionary workers and other interested persons, coming from throughout the nation, Ba hamas, South America, Carib bean, Africa and England. ** * * Fayetteville - Fayette ville State University’s 1071-72 academic year will commence August 22 when freshmen and new students arrive on campus for test big 1,500-st udent s for the regular terms. and I Cor. 15:58 says that they should be “stedfast, unmove ablc, Always Abounding hi the work of the Lord,'’ But God would also have His people to be “Fruitful in every good work” (Col. .:10)andsoHe bids us “every man” to “test his own work” (Gal. 6:4) fore warning us that one day He will “try every man’s work, of what sort it is,*’ whether “gold, silver and precious stones” or “wood, hay and stubble’’ (ICor. 3:12,13). In that day God’s work ers will either “receive a re ward'’ or “Suffer loss'* (Vers. 14,15). How Important, then, to obey the exhortation: “Study to show thyself approved unto God, A workman that ;ot to be ashamed, right i\ ui.'iuwg me Word of truth” (Ti Tim. 2:15), Thank God, He is more than will ing to hfelp us in this, for “God is able to make all grace a bound toward you; that ve, always haveing all sufficiency m all things, may abound in ev ery good work” CTI Cor. 9 : 8). Mrs. Willa Rice Seeks Women’s AME Head BUFFALO, N. Y. - Mrs. Wil la Rice of Pittsburgh, Pa. will be a popular candidate for the office of general president of the AME Zion Women’s Home and Foreign Missionary Society when the Quadrennial Con vention meets at Shaw Temple Church, Buffalo, July 31-Aug. 6. Mrs. Rice, who liases her bid for office on the merits of her work at all levels in the church over a period of 35 years, has been endorsed by all con ferences of her Episcopal Area, under the leadership of Bishop and Mrs. W. A. Hilliard, presid ing officers of the Tenth Epis copal District. The “Rice for President Boo sters,” which involves volun teers from many conferences, 'is spearheaded by representa tives of the Ohio, Allegheny, California, South West Rocky Mountain, Oregon-Washington and Colorado Conferences, People of all races and de nominations filled the vestry of Wesley Center Church in Pitts burgh, recently, to formally launch and endorse the candi date with a “Rice-for-Presl dent” Banquet. The occasion was proposed by the Rev. George Kendal, her pastor, and co-sponsored by the church and the Allegheny Con ference. For the past 20 years, Mrs. Rice has served as the effi cient president of the Pittsburgh District.AME Zion Missionary Department; for eight years she has been a member of the Na tional AME Zion Board of Foreign Missions and served as a missionary supervisor with the late Bishop W. C. Brown for a period of six years. A product of the University of Pittsburgh's School of Journa- . lism, Mrs. Rice v is editor of Religious News for the New Pittsburgh Courier, national and local. Get Acquainted Fellowship Hour For The Gaylords The St. Paul A.M.E. Church’s parsonage lawn provided a beau tiful setting for a get acquabit ed fellowship hour which was given Sunday, July 4_th from 6- 7 in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Na thaniel Gaylord and family. The hostess for the occasion was the Women of Action of St. Paul. Hospitality, amicability, and fellowship existed throughout the evening. The weather was comfortable, and as a result there were laughter and gaiety everywhere. The table displayed a color scheme of green and yellow. Surrounding the beautiful and most attractive floral center piece were refreshments which consisted of fruit punch, indivi dual party squares, peanuts and mints. Rev. and Mrs. Gaylord were certainly extended a very cordial welcome to our To add a note of flavui to uie occasion, music was presented at Intervals by the Men’s Chorus of St. Paul A. M. E. Church. MEDITATION A SERMONET'I t RV COLIN DOUGLAS “Goa gave us not a spirit of fearfulness, but of power and love and discipline..,l am per suaded that He is able to guard that which I have committed un to Him.” Timothy II 1:7,12. When we are constantly in fear of change, and struggle a gainst it, we are standing in the way of our own success. We need continually to broaden the hori zons of our lives and to enrich our knowledge of God and of ourselves. Experiences that challenge our capacities help us to grow. It is the one who reaches out to meet life who becomes a ware of the greatness of the re sources he has within him. When you '.rave to meet change of some kind, remember that in meeting it vou will be gaining. Remember, too, that God has created every person capable of meeting the demands upon him and, because of this, no demand can bo made upon you that is beyond your ability to handle in such away as to profit spiritu ally. Do not fear change or strug gle against it. Worry and fret fulness are never the solutions to any problem. Meet life with the knowledge that it has some thing of value for you. Meet each experience with the knowl edge that you are growing spirit ually. Meet each problem with the knowledge, that it is bless - ing you in some way- -blessing you with increased knowledge, increased strength, increased faith In the love, wisdom and power of God. Place yourself and all your affairs lovingly in the care and keeping of your Father, and keep your faith centered In Him. Know that His wisdom is greater than human love, that His power Is mightier than the might of man. Go forward with |oy and faith in the experiences that make up your life. Know that you live in God, and God lives in you. “1 behold the Lord always before my face.” Acts 2:25, An investment in Your Future Jk rit ioi i l ii iRt R i . NEEDED-TIME FOR MEDITATION 1 v.v.'.v Wv?» A...* >S'!>Vi iV.V.V, wMi! *%■*•%*•% •VoV*®** §§§•s Every working Mother and housewife will admit that there is never enough |H! §§•ss: time time for being the mother and wife she'd like to be, time for mending, lill 4 s:sss time for planning well balanced meals. Certainly never enough time to meditate on God and His laws —to think on day by day happenings and consider !|j3p s§:ss whether or how they affect God's plan for her life. |||| One way for her to assure herself this time of needed wM: S*:*:* joviv! Wfti meditation is to make it her habit to visit the church of her •ss£• %*«*#° (| *•***! *> S ***®**#®» •sssl choice each Sunday. The quiet atmosphere of love and peace :§|§| ®and prayer will restore a feeling of oneness with God and His plan, and give her strength for the work Be still and know that lam God” Psalms 46:10 Up "He restoreth my sour Psalms 2 3:3 sss THIS INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE APPEARS EACH WEEK TO HELP MAKE THIS INCREASINGLY A CHURCH-MINDED AREA. IT IS OFFERED FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION BY THE GENEROSITY OF PUBLIC-SPIRITED INDI VIDUALS AND BUSINESS FIRMS. RALEIGH PAINT & WALLPAPEK CO. 408 Dow ntovin Blvrt. Alion Strickland— Don Green AMBUHN PONTIAC. INC. 3623 Hillsboro St. TE 8.32-3907 FRIDEN. INC. 403 Glenwnod Ave.— Raleigh. N. C. McLAURIN PARKING COMPANY HIM, MrI.AI'RIN SEARS ROEBUCK & COMPANY and Employees C. C. MANGUM, Contractor 3016 Hillsboro St. Phones 833-18.31—832-4309 CAMERON BROWN COMPANY Charles P. 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